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Seprating words in a ListBox (Sdk)
Seprating words in a ListBox // SdktrekkerxApr 9, 2001, 6:56pm
Dose anyone know how to get words from a List box, and then have the bot
search for ppl saying words in it then haveing the bot eject them for saying it? The list box is a list of eject words, and i cant get the bot to pick out certan words then find them in the listbox, If anyone can please tell me. ~ TrekkerX m a k a v e l iApr 9, 2001, 8:01pm
Brant is the only one I have seen pull that off, in his Paintball Bot. It
is a very complicating scheme to do. m a k a v e l iApr 9, 2001, 8:25pm
Add a Timer to the form and label it "timCheck" then:
Private Sub sdk_EventChat() timCheck.Interval = 1000 timCheck.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub timCheck_Timer() Message = LCase(sdk.AwChatMessage) If lstWord.ListCount = 0 Or lstWord.ListIndex = lstWord.ListCount - 1 Then timCheck.Enabled = False Exit Sub End If If X = "" Then X = 0 lstWord.ListIndex = X Else X = (X + 1) lstWord.ListIndex = X End If Word = lstWord.Text If InStr(Message, Word) <> 0 Then sdk.AwEjectDuration = (5 * 60) sdk.AwEjectSession = sdk.AwChatSession If sdk.AwWorldEject Then MsgBox "Unable to ejection session " & sdk.AwChatSession Else MsgBox "Session " & sdk.AwChatSession & " ejected" End If End If End Sub Add a Module named anything and add this to the Module: Global X as Integer Global Message j b e l lApr 9, 2001, 9:23pm
i did when i knew vb.. lol.. haven't used it for over four years.. *sigh*
-- -- J B E L L G O I N G P L A T I N U M [View Quote] mrgrimmApr 9, 2001, 9:54pm
This method wont work. It allows for other events to be processed while
checking the words in the ListBox. Instead, try something like this: lstWords = ListBox containing words/phrases to check for Public Function ContainsWord(ByRef lstBox As ListBox, ByVal strMessage As String) As String Dim i As Integer ' Loop thru the list items For i = 0 To lstBox.ListCount ' Check if the message contains the value in the list item If InStr(1, strMessage, LCase(lstBox.List(i)), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then ' Return the found value ContainsWord = lstBox.List(i) Exit Function End If Next i ContainsWord = "" End Function Private Sub AwSdkOcx_EventChat() ' Check the message If ContainsWord(lstWords, AwSdkOcx.AwChatMessage) <> "" Then ' The message contained one of the words ' Eject the session AwSdkOcx.AwEjectDuration = 5 * 60 If AwSdkOcx.AwWorldEject Then MsgBox "Unable to ejection session " & AwSdkOcx.AwChatSession Else MsgBox "Session " & AwSdkOcx.AwChatSession & " ejected" End If End If End Sub [View Quote] grimbleApr 9, 2001, 10:08pm
There are a number of key problems with this code. The two major ones are listed below: Firstly, its bizarre! What's with the timer?? Ever heard of a loop? That timer is running asynchronously along side the retrieval of the AW events, so its going to be totally arbitrary which messages are going to be checked. The code is basically going to check for the next word in the list (after the current one), in the last chat message received, every second. Chat messages will often be missed completely and ONLY be scanned for all the words if no-one says anything else while it goes through the loop. Secondly, (apart from the fact that it's not an answer to what TrekkerX wants because of the previous point), ListIndex is only used to position the selection. Its a UI thing and not something for setting the current record so that you can use the Text property. This isn't a difficult task ... The code you really want goes something like this ... which isn't how I would actually do it - see point later in post - but its comparative to your example (again, in VB with your control names for continuity): Private Sub sdk_EventChat() Dim messageChat As String Dim indexEjectWord As Long messageChat = LCase(sdk.AwChatMessage) For indexEjectWord = 0 To lstWord.ListCount - 1 If InStr(messageChat, LCase(lstWord.List(indexEjectWord))) Then '<do eject handling code here> End If Next indexEjectWord End Sub This is still going to fall foul of words within words (there's a place in the UK called Scunthorpe!!) so additional logic needs to go in there to check for whole words including handling the start/end of the chat message and punctuation - so you can't just check for " " & lstWord.List(indexBadWord) & " " either. Personally, I am a believer in user interface components being JUST for user interface purposes ... displaying/entering information and interactivity. My view is that the prime copy of the data belongs in the guts of the application, not in a visual control. So actually, I would have a ReDim'd array of Strings or a Collection holding the words, and that store is then used to populate the listbox on startup. Just my upbringing I guess ... different people do things in different ways. BTW, a small piece of advice. See the Dim statements? Use them ... Variants suck! You should never find code like this ANYWHERE in an application ... large or small ... it just doesn't make any sense. If X = "" Then X = 0 If you MUST use variants (which is extremely lazy and unnecessarily adds to the underlying processing), use the IsEmpty(varName) to do this check. Grims. [View Quote] grimbleApr 9, 2001, 10:12pm
'<do eject handling code here> should read '<do eject handling code here> Exit For Sorry .... Grims [View Quote] grimbleApr 9, 2001, 10:16pm
GRRRR .... it took me so long to type my post that you beat me to it !!
Just for the reader ... (accidental omissions I'm sure - MrGrimm is better that this) For i = 0 To lstBox.ListCount -1 and If ContainsWord(lstWords, LCase(AwSdkOcx.AwChatMessage)) <> "" Then Grims :o) [View Quote] m a k a v e l iApr 9, 2001, 11:17pm
Well, was thinking it wasn't the easiest or best way to do it. It was a on
the spot thing, I am not as experienced as you two so I used the way I know of doing it. |