Kids will be kids! (Community)

Kids will be kids! // Community

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Aug 15, 2001, 8:51pm
to a child or underage looking for a world to visit going to a Gorean world
where most world owners ask age and screen for non adults is not acceptable
to the gorean community...(if someone is in the world to screen visitors)
BUT there are many Gorean worlds that do not have Gor in the name .
ex=Delphius and Ko-ro-ba. I would like to see all gor worlds named Gor
-something at least. I think for the most part the Gorean community tries to
keep kids out of their worlds. BUT what about the cys ..awards for those
worlds would require visits to them to see in order to vote. That means no
underage should be allowed to vote for Gor worlds. Sorry kids :) I am with
Casay on the fact , easy solution is to close them as red worlds.
BUT in all the Gor worlds i have visited ,NEVER has there been a time I
heard anything offending. I go to awGZ for that :)
for those offended by terms Gor people etc.. the real world is as harsh as
roleplaying so don't cry to loudly.
I am not Gor nor ever will be ..Gor is for adults ..adults worlds rated x if
unattended should be closed IMO. :)

jfk2 builder

Aug 15, 2001, 11:28pm
I posted this earlier in in there other off topic flames
area... BUt it still applies to this as well.
Newsgroups: OffTopic.flames
Subject: Re: Great Glops of Gor!
From: JFK2 <jfk2 at>

I must be nuts... I'm FAT, I'm GAY, I'm DISSABLED, I'm A GUY...
But I also love the GOReans as well.
But I see the GOReans as i see an RPG game.
RPG = Role Playing Game.

And you mention enslaving women...
OK... If you check back in your AMERICAN history...
Women WHITE OR BLACK couldn't VOTE until what year? Couldn't do a
MAN'S job until when? Didn't get close to a man's wages [still don't in
many cases] until when? So until all these AMERICAN women gained all of
their WOMEN RIGHTS IN GOOD OLD USA... Basically we Americans enslaved
the women to being SEX partners for the sole reason to have kids &
taking care of the kids. THE MAN would be the bread winner.

BUT you are talking about GOReans here... And to me... It's not
different that an re-enactment of American good old days. RPG = Role
Playing Games... BUT this time many of the GOReans will allow for both
parties to AGREE to enter into this arrangment. Something that was not
available way back in American dark past... So to me that makes the
GOReans much more civilized than most other peoples out there... YES...
Some GOReans do the extreme part of GORean beliefs... I don't even go
for that. But the others i do. And i have someone that knows i do...

"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at> wrote in
news:3b7ae456$1 at

> my reply for pretty much this entire thread is as follows..
> love it or leave it
> people who practice Gor have CHOSEN the beliefs of a minority and
> because it is a minority they will always be picked on, there will
> always be a "group" who's "purpose in life" is to "stop you" or at
> least that's what your concieted enough to tell yourself..
> A person who regulars the Gor worlds and practices has just a right
> as any other to be a citizen, and just the same amount of right to
> deal with your conflicts. If you are being harassed what right is it
> of yours to create a network to deal with these people and yet even
> DEMAND assistance from AWC. You may be harassed as a minority group,
> and yell for fairness then take your demands higher priority then
> other citizens, we all pay the same amount of money and deal with the
> same things.. either choose to live with it like the rest of has or
> move on.. but in the meantime.. as a fairwarning.. anyone who is just
> going to sit and complain about how *they* get it more then anyone
> else might as well not adress a comment to me because you will be
> filtered untill you realize that there are thousands of current
> citizens and your not a dime more important then the rest of us..
> (*you* being used as a generalization towards the goreans who feel
> "discriminated" against and attempt to take immediate action, on
> their own terms.)
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sw chris

Aug 16, 2001, 1:53am
I thought Utopia was something this society was supposed to eventually
evolve into. LOL. Now THATS a fairy tale. :)

SW Chris

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sw chris

Aug 16, 2001, 1:55am
I don't think it's a question of not understanding. This is your quote that
I found offensive:

"But then
again blacks are still slaves to their masters in Africa and they like it

You make it sound as if all blacks are still slaves to their masters in
Africa. Not just a few in Africa.

SW Chris

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chucks party

Aug 16, 2001, 3:09am
That's right Chris, there are lots and they have been asked if they like living
that way and they tell people they do, I guess it beats trying to find food in
the desert, LOL I saw an entire show about it on PBS I think it was. If you are
a slave you are taken care of and your family is too and you are provided with
food, clothing ect. But the fact still remains, they are still slaves to their
masters that own them. They must still do all the hard labor that their masters
don't want to do. It is what it is Chris and if anything it is the white people
that have stopped the slavery and oppression of other people, and it is their
own people that perpetuate it.

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chucks party

Aug 16, 2001, 4:29am
oh and just one more thing, how this all relates to the GOR thing. The reason
why the majority of people find it offensive is because of the slavery and
master part of this so called role playing, it is not just role playing. Some
people take this life style very seriously. For them it is not a game, it is not
role playing it is an accepted way of life for them. That is why people find it
offensive. Same reason why we find slavery anywhere it may be, offensive. I
certainly don't support it, but it is deffinitely a way of life for many people
on this Earth.

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Aug 16, 2001, 12:18pm
after Plato, Utopia is the perfect place above. You are below, chained in a
cave, and life is actually just a movie being played in front of your eyes.
all things down here are mere copies, unperfect copies of what's above. the
only ways to go to Utopia is to do math or be a philosopher. That's what
Utopia really is, Plato and his students invented it. Not GOR.


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Aug 16, 2001, 3:10pm
(I'm not replying to this post really, the entire thread)
You people just don't get it do you? Gor is a part of Activeworlds just as much as paintball and bingo are. Those of you who
persecute goreans simply because of the slavery aspect, IT'S NOT REAL. Theres plenty of slavery in the real world to be dealt with
and despised without resorting to finding people offensive because of sexual practice. In fact, it's probably not the "slavery"
that's got most people offended, but the sexual nature of it. Go critiscize another way of life, one that's harmful to others
outside it's bounds and leave these nice (for the most part, as with any society they have bad eggs) people (yes, they ARE people)
alone. Perhaps the Columbian cartels or the Israelis and Palestinians?

(I'm gonna catch it for this post, I know it)

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Aug 16, 2001, 3:16pm
What's up with the dozen same replies? lol.


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Aug 16, 2001, 3:17pm
UGH. That was ALL user error. Sorry people. Outlook just didn't pop up the uploading message thing nor did it remove the post from
my screen, so I'm like "WTF" and clicked it again a couple times.
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Aug 16, 2001, 3:40pm
- Syntax -

[View Quote] *snip* *cut* *dice*

sw chris

Aug 16, 2001, 5:04pm
I bet it'd make a great conversation piece to actually find out how many
African Americans and black people in general are goreans.

SW Chris

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moff piett

Aug 16, 2001, 5:44pm
You guys might as well ask why people vandalise things.. commit crimes.. or
use aol. People in general just do stupid things, that's what jack boots
are for. Next time some kid comes into a gor world to cause trouble, just
take the boots to him.

I'm not into gor and I'm also not into pop music, but you don't see me going
into music stores and acting like an idiot.

And if some of you have problems with slavery, leave these poor willing roll
players alone and go bug our big corporate "slave masters".

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