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ishmael // User Search
ishmael // User SearchAvatar viewerJan 15, 1999, 4:06am
heh. felt like replying. it should be a tab. if you have ever played
Unreal, the skin selection shows the character walking while being rotated. this is what I think it should be. in addition to the aforementioned suggestions. [View Quote] > hehe, and I thought of the same idea just some hours ago! > Great minds think alike.. hehe.. Anyway, yep, it's a great idea, > but you two were first, so one of you get the credits (c: > > -Joakim, CyberTwins > > (Fredrik and Joakim Stai is my brother, not me) me and my stupidity. went to wrong board thingy GOOD suggestionsJan 15, 1999, 3:56am
--Possibly an icon in the toolbar (win95/98)?
--Ability to block avatar vision through objects>choice made by each user, those who have enough RAM, fast enough processor can see it if they want (or not see it :) ) --possible joystick/joypad use --color options for text/backgrounds --key for view centering instead of just button --action "function" e.g. "Ishmael laughs" instead of "Ishmael: laughs" --maybe a tab for avatar so you can just pick what one you wan t out of a central list instead of a different one for each world. if the limits are necessary, or the owner wants limits, gray the unused ones out Once again, these are just suggestions but I hope you can get all, or even just one of them into one of the later versions me and my stupidity. went to wrong board thingy GOOD suggestionsJan 15, 1999, 4:38pm
I mean a key to go RIGHT to the centered view. e.g., hit insert and the view
centers itself [View Quote] [View Quote] me and my stupidity. went to wrong board thingy GOOD suggestionsJan 16, 1999, 2:12am
something tells me you misunderstood, but maybe I'm misnderstanding YOU. I
mean key=keyboard button=mouse-clicked icon on toolbar thing just a clarification if the message below was sarcastic [View Quote] > I thought you meant for the look up/down keys/buttons.. Not just a button > for centering again, but also a key! > That would be REALLY usefull, gret idea, Ish! > > -Joakim, CyberTwins me and my stupidity. went to wrong board thingy GOOD suggestionsJan 17, 1999, 6:12pm
all right. I'm gonna say this as carefully and clearly as possible. I hope
you cna understand it. ok. you hit PgUp. now, instead of hitting PgDn however many times you hit PgUp, you hit another key and it goes right to the center. there is a button on the toolbar for this but not a key on your keyboard. does that make it clear? :) [View Quote] > Well, it was pretty late so I may have got it down all wrong, but what I > ment to say, was that do you mean an own key (on the keyboard) to center > your view after looking up or down with Page Up or Page Down? > > -CyberTwins I want joystick support! with programmable buttons, etc.! (nt)Jan 20, 1999, 7:11pm
[View Quote]
> Joystick support?
> Yeah right... > > Why not steering-wheel support or Playstation-compatibility? > [View Quote] I want joystick support! with programmable buttons, etc.! (nt)Jan 21, 1999, 7:14pm
sorry got carried away :)
[View Quote] > Geez.... could you reply in the BODY of the msg pls!? > > -- > > [ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] > [ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] > [ fluxen at dean2 at ] > > The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. > -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum > [View Quote] good idea I think although it would involve yet another tab list mostJan 30, 1999, 4:36pm
a way to give people permission to build on your property, a list you
add them to. like you anda friend are building in the same place so you let eachother build on top of each other by adding each other to a list that allows them to build where you have. they can be removed at any time of course. just a suggestion as always :) good idea I think although it would involve yet another tab list mostJan 30, 1999, 7:14pm
ok. how do you do it/use it then? (ok I'm stupid. you got me)
[View Quote] > You have privillege passwords for that. > > Rolu > [View Quote] good idea I think although it would involve yet another tab list mostJan 30, 1999, 7:17pm
oh yeah, and what about tourists? I have a friend who's *trying* to get
citizenship but hasn't yet and we keep running intoboundary problems with our collaborative house. he can't build on mine and I can't build on his I am running beta btw [View Quote] > You have privillege passwords for that. > > Rolu > [View Quote] How about a BUILD NOTES button???Feb 6, 1999, 3:45am
I believe the point was to make it accessable WITHOUT using outlook or
anything, except the AW Browser [View Quote] > Why do you open Outlook express just to read Roland's release notes? > Just open the web page version to read it. > [View Quote] some things old some things new nothing borrowed or blue though...Feb 6, 1999, 3:43am
the "brake" (numpad 5) should be usable when numlock IS on...although I
suppose that would mean you would have to flip back and forth if you wanted to type 5's but numlock is already on and I myself don't type 5's too often... oh well I'm probably just dumb in the way of programming. please don't murder me for my moronicity (yes, I DO know that isn't a real word) and the help should mention that you should use the numpad w/o numlock when trying to move objects (while building) just a small distance, although it JUST says use shift which is very frustrating, I found out. w/o numlock it is easier so that should PROBABLY be in the help file. maybe I'm just stupid again (I have a fear of being told how wrong I am so don't). I STILL think there should be a ceneter view key.....and joystick support.....but those would be harder to change I should think. I mostly just wrote this to be noticed but i really believe in these things I said Hmm...I'm SURE this'd be useful...Feb 23, 1999, 8:45pm ICQ-like aural notification of an arrival of a member of your
contact list. or, to put it simply, a sound when someone on your contact list gets on, there's a sound. |