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Virtual Money

Oct 9, 1998, 11:36am
There should be a virtual bank set-up giving out virtual loans - people
who cannot make their monthly repayments have their buildings
repossessed! If the person cannot pay after a week then their building
is demolished.
In this siuation you will find who you friends are, if they decide to
lend you their money or not...
Of course begging may be made illegal so that the person in debt will
also go to virtual jail and possibly have their registration revoked!!
Now that's virtual reality.


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Virtual Money

Oct 10, 1998, 12:29pm

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Virtual Money

Oct 10, 1998, 12:36pm
Yep. -but it sure would be a laugh if you were the bank manager. There
also could be scope for corruption and incompentency - like the recent
demise of certain hedge-funds: just imagine it one of the banks had made
a very bad bet and lost nearly all of peoples savings: the virtual state
would be crippled and mass civilian protest would break out! Gatekeepers
and peacekeepers would have beat up civilians deny tourist immigration -
anarchy would break as people would loot AW Buildings - the whole AW
would be on the brink of collapse - and then it would collapse. That
brings me to my next point virtual Armageddon.


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Virtual Death

Oct 8, 1998, 1:56pm
Spending too much time idle should result in a person's avatar
collapsing and dying and being diconnected. A good way to deal with
unresponsive idlers.


Virtual Insanity

Oct 9, 1998, 11:29am
Instead of people dying if they are idling too much, then instead you
should have their avatar go insane - eg start saying random phrases and
making jerky funny movements(how would u tell?).. this way people can
tell if someone is idling and know to not to start up a rather one-sided


Virtual Virus

Oct 10, 1998, 12:45pm
I was just thinking to add even more reality to activeworlds, why isn't
a program introduced that would release a certain amount virtual virus
into the population? It could float in the virtual atmosphere in random
areas of town so that when someone passed through they got infected.
Symtoms such as the avatar turning slightly pale and having nervous
twitches could alert other people to this infection. A new branch of
peacekeepers could be created to deal with outbreaks of disease and put
the infected person into quarantine. Of course, to add a bit of spice to
the affair, there should be a 1 in a thousand chance of the virus being
lethal - which would mean that the particular avatar would have to be
put down ie be disconnected indefintely.

The only way for the destroyed avatar to be allowed back in, if if the
Virtual Hospital develops a cure which would eradicate the virus ;-)


Virtual Virus

Oct 12, 1998, 1:34pm
[View Quote] 'Sick joke'? You're just too funny. Maybe there should be special PK's
to monitor the quality of the jokes - dressed in clowns gear they would
go around throwing buckets of glitter at funny jokers and buckets of
you-know-what at not so funny jokers.
I fear you wouldn't be called Gary Glitter ... but then again you should
be glad.

Nas 'Spirit of Sick Jokes Past', apparently.

Virtual Virus

Oct 13, 1998, 11:18am
Finally you understand! The way forward is super-realism anf if AW
doesn't go with this flow it will be left behind inhabitted by narrow
minded folk like yourself.
And who said people would be 'RANDOMLY' banished? The offending folk
would be selected according to a list and their risk of infection: not
that anyone would abuse the system to get rid of annoying
'PROGRESS-SHMOGRESS' supporters...


[View Quote] > Why the h**l would ANYONE want to be RANDOMLY banished from the AW universe by
> special PKs (placed in the virtual hospital), just to satisfy your sadistic
> quest for reality.
> ScottyDM

Virtual Virus

Oct 14, 1998, 8:32am
Move to Calcutta and throw away the soap? Your derogatory remarks about
south asia show you to be a narrow minded bigot and perhaps even a
Whether mine is worst idea ever is debatable, -but not with the likes of


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Virtual Virus

Oct 15, 1998, 10:57am
This was a lesson in being less serious - it seems only Rune captured
the idea. The virtual virus post was of course, a jest but by the
reaction of certain people it seems that there is a serious problem to
The fact most of you came at me daggers-drawn because i suggested a
change in the way AW works suggest that maybe some people are stuck in
their ways and that AW may one day stagnate under the influence of these
Rune said something about gangs in the early days of the AW being fun -
and he does has a point, the concept of total order isn't that appealing
in the long-run - people get bored.
Maybe the old-fogeys who run AW may want things to be solid never
changing and well-ordered - but to younger people who will eventally
take over it 'sucks'. A little chaos once in a while is entertaining and
entertainment, really, is AW's business.

So the lesson we learned today is: change is good.

Nas 'tested you' apparently.

Virtual Virus

Oct 15, 1998, 3:38pm
You miss the point completely. Just because disease and death exist in
the real world doesn't mean you have to hide from it in a virtual world.
And you call me sheltered? It's your view which is sheltered and maybe
when you grow a bit more older you'll find that out.
Besides, in a virtual world death and disease would be funny - since in
this virtual world we suffer no physical loss or pain. Gangs vandalising
property would be fun too as the property is not real and thus there is
no real cost. I find your argument fails to address anything except of
the of the common good of the few who you represent.
Chaos would inject vigour into AW - Order causes a lack of variation
which inevitabley results in a slow degenerative process.
Order also restricts freedom - something which contradicts the concept
of the medium though which it passes.
You finish with lame attack on Quake players(not that I played it) which
obviously shows at which level you're mind was operating at when you
wrote your reply.
The main point is that the real world and the virtual world are
different so the effect of a factor on one will not necessarily be the
same effect on the other. Maybe if you thought a bit before you replied,
you would have come to the same conclusion - then again, maybe not..


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Virtual Virus

Oct 16, 1998, 3:49pm
Here we go with sanctimonious cack...

Just because you have been through some serious shit in your life
doesn't mean that everyone should be hidden away from it. Using that
crap about people you knew who have died from the 'real world' is very
under-hand way off stopping an argument which you can't win. Using real
life tragedies to influence a virtual world is nothing less then
emotional blackmail. If you are really as screwed up as you say in your
real life then maybe you should get counseling - AW is not a
psychiatrist's couch!

You live in some real shit-hole by all accounts but not everyone does,
so stop forcing it down our throats! And what the hell is the reference
to 'dead baby jokes' about??? I have never heard or told such a joke,
and quite frankly, it disturbs me that you do.

You say 'learn to read moron',: but I think the bitter shit you come out
with is too depressing to read in detail - you need help.

You end up by saying that i wasn't to make the real world and AW the
same: this is case where you should have 'learn to read moron'. I said
it is the fact that these to worlds are different that death and disease
will not be regarded the same. And I don't care about that crap about
people dying and suffering in the real world - the fact that AW is
virtual disarms their effects.

One word of advice - it's not very tasteful to use real life accounts,
especially your own family, of people dying and suffering to win an
argument about something which is, in fact, quite trivial.

Get help - it sounds like you need it.


Virtual Virus

Oct 18, 1998, 6:01pm
When did I call you a sheltered dipshit? I would have remembered if I
was that persceptive.
I couldn't read the rest of your 'moral authority' lecture - I didn't
have any weeping violins about...
I NEVER said that real life death was funny - I said that virtual death
and disease would be, I told you to read before you reply but the steam
coming out of your ears probably blurred your sight.
I need help , you say? I'm not the one that's so screwed up
psychologically that he can't handle a bit of 'make-believe' ill and
death. I suppose you're the kind of geezer who says that TV violence
invokes folk to leav etheir comfy sofas and go out kill a few
If you are stupid enough you believe that kind of armchair psychology
then you are very gullible.
I am not qualified to say what is tasteful? whereas you are?? If you
ruled the world then we all would live in nice pink wendy houses smiling
and lauging like ignorant children whilst some country in the despot
what carrying out ethnic cleansing just around the block. You endlessly
use the word 'real' when you're views are so unreal. If you weren't so
shell-shocked from so-called 'gang-violence' then maybe you could see
that being Mary Whitehouse is not the end-all of everything.
Again you err by quoting me saying that death and violence is funny -
and you say I take words out of context?!? You admitted that you playing
Quake and that's not real is it? AW is not real is it? So what is the
difference you demented fraggle?

Nas 'hasn't killed anyone yet - but one more Jerry Springer episode..'
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Virtual Virus

Oct 19, 1998, 6:21pm
You show your true colours! Just insult me why don't you? I knew you
would break in the end - resorting to grammar and correcting phrases -
I'm delighted!

Thank you,


Virtual Virus

Oct 20, 1998, 10:31am
This thing has got out hand - so I will apologise. Sorry about the bad
typo and taking stuff out of context. I have no real conviction in
anything I say : it was just a gimmick to lighten up a boring
I am not an idiot and I doubt you are any more intelligent then me but
you have your right to say what you feel.
This was bit of a joke really which went too far - oh well, that's that

Nas 'humbles himself', apparently.

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Here's my wish

Oct 16, 1998, 2:43pm
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Isn't he the one that always starts off by saying how bad someone's
spelling is?


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