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good news for nonsense posters

Jun 23, 2001, 11:52am
because of all the crap in this NG, I opened an NG on my server.
news://kahnews.cjb.net/default.crap is open for anyone to post anything. so
please post all your crap THERE and not HERE.


good news for nonsense posters

Jun 24, 2001, 8:33pm
sorry, they aren't :-(( Feels weird being ignored after ordering the same
thing twice (with two different methods, just to check)...)


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Re: Nav2001 AntiVirus Issue...

Jun 26, 2001, 8:35pm
I certainly agree!


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Re: Nav2001 AntiVirus Issue...

Jun 26, 2001, 8:54pm
that anti butt itching stuff DOESN'T belong in general.discussion...


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Re: Nav2001 AntiVirus Issue...

Jun 27, 2001, 3:09pm
hmmm...maybe Facter could just close this NG so we won't have these issues,
and you won't say that we dictate, cuzz it's quite clear what goes in the
Community NG...


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Re: unknown transmission (related to Tony M's diary)

Jun 27, 2001, 4:29pm
lol, guess for a second


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stirs stick at bot NG

Jun 29, 2001, 10:10pm
hmmm... what's up with the bots NG? I posted there yesterday, but did anyone
read my post? am I the only one to read it or something?? SOMETHING must be
going on in the bot world!


Expireyed cit renewal?

Jun 30, 2001, 6:52pm
if you have all the delicate info, I'd guess so... and I think that it's
possible to park cits, contact billing at activeworlds.com


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Expireyed cit renewal?

Jul 3, 2001, 11:35am
the AWCI stopped using Anacom... and anyway the Anacom site should be down
because of a CC # DB breach...


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Expireyed cit renewal?

Jul 4, 2001, 11:56am
read AWNews.com...


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Total time online

Jul 3, 2001, 11:36am
no, that's the count since Desember 1st 2000


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Total time online

Jul 3, 2001, 11:39am
about 35 days


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Total time online

Jul 4, 2001, 11:55am
do you have a brain? or just something that looks like it? this was a new
feature in the 3.1 UniServer, thus the UniServer v.3.1 had to be written


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To all the HTML people...

Jul 14, 2001, 8:34pm
ok... want me to send another (yes, I've allready sent one before) abuse
report on you?


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To all the HTML people...

Jul 14, 2001, 8:38pm
MAN, ARE YOU REALLY SO Fing STUPID??????? just because to oyu, it doesn't
SEEM to take longer, it does for OTHERS (ever heard that word before??). a
12kb post may take as long as a 1kb post to download for you, but NOT for
OTHERS, and it STILL will COUNT for the OTHERS that have to PAY for


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To all the HTML people...

Jul 15, 2001, 4:20pm
You obviously don't actually know HTML... ever seen the <br> tag? that's for
line breaks, budy! when you enter this:
"<p>HTML is better than plain text</p><p>plain text looks like crap</p>" in
your code, you'll see something like this on your page:
HTML is better than plain text

plain text looks like crap

but if you enter "<p>HTML is better than plain text<br>plain text looks like
crap</p>" you'll get this:
HTML is better than plain text
plain text looks like crap


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All you people posting in HTML with Outlook...

Jul 15, 2001, 4:09pm
man, you're NAIVE! do you actually think it will help??? it's made by
Microsoft, it won't help!


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All you people posting in HTML with Outlook...

Jul 15, 2001, 8:00pm
as an ActiveX developer (I program ActiveX controls) and as a VB programmer
I know some about this:
the article says it's called a view control, to view HTML content in
e-mails. but it's rather general purpose for viewing HTML content in stuff
that's very much like e-mail, like NG posts. so, MS use it for both, and you
can get nasty stuff very easily...


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World Hosting

Jul 15, 2001, 7:39pm
home.no.net/tavido/ (not ready yet, phone company don't seem to care about
their customers...)


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World Hosting

Jul 16, 2001, 8:21pm
you're not InSaniTy in disguise are you? repeating peace all the time and
using "*S*" is suspicious ;-)) well, anyway, why the heck do they give a
free month to AW Bingo winners...


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Complicated browser eh?

Jul 16, 2001, 6:44pm
just so you know it: people in AW don't come exclusively from the US...

PS. but you have a good point ;-))
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Complicated browser eh?

Jul 16, 2001, 8:17pm
ooops, looks like I added "the" in front of US in my mind... BTW, Agent, I
usually do, but everyone forgets sometimes ;-))


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Jul 19, 2001, 5:37pm
truly your reader... messages many years back are still available... from
your message header I couldn't really see what newsreader you are using
(alltough I saw a value that looked like it), so I have got no idea of how
it works... check your preferences to adjust it...

PS. there was an encroaching prob with xsign.rwx I think, that's why Facter
took it down (at least he sayd so)

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if you are tired of AW mony grubing ass

Jul 19, 2001, 5:39pm
there IS allready something like this available... I don't know where you
can get the sourcecode, but it's out there somewhere...


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Improvement Poll

Jul 20, 2001, 4:46pm
geez, M a r c u s never stops babbling about his opinion... I'd suggest you
let him alone, so he doesn't continue with another 50 posts containing the
same thing, just rewritten...


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Improvement Poll

Jul 21, 2001, 9:01am
it's an okay concept, but I like the pay for a year method ten thousnd times
better... and Chicago 3D offers world rental anyway, so you DO have the
option of it...


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Improvement Poll

Jul 21, 2001, 11:52am


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Improvement Poll

Jul 21, 2001, 1:04pm
don't ask me...


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Re: (was Re: I'm back, but wrong person !!! :-)

Jul 19, 2001, 5:33pm
me too, including you ;-)) you know darn well why we don't like HTML....


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Re: 8.3 [was: objects with "#" in them unrecognized?]

Jul 20, 2001, 4:51pm
still... having file names like "My Name Is Dorothy.doc" looks bad, but
"mynameis.doc" allready looks better...


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