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kah // User Search
kah // User SearchOuter WorldsJul 9, 2002, 9:38pm
"pc hamster" <pchamster at> wrote in
news:3d2a7fec at > Hi everyone: > > This would be like asking SHOUTcast to resume listing Live365 stations > and vice-versa. Sorry Ananas, but it ain't gonna happen.... Well, there's a difference, because SHOUTCast is a free product and Live365 (I think) is a commercial product, meaning that it'll just be like giving the Live365 people money while increasing your own maintenace costs that you DON'T get payed back by selling your product. Now, with a universe cooperation, there could be money in it for all the cooperating universes because people would get cits and worlds in several of them, increasing the community and registrations in all of them. KAH TestJul 9, 2002, 9:42pm
Testing your new anti-flame suit? I'll grab the opportunity to test my new
ultraflamer ;-)) *flames Elyk* BAD! Always posts tests to general.discussion ;-)) KAH Yup, it works :-)) Sabatical :)Jul 9, 2002, 9:44pm
Have fun, you've truly deserved it! :-)) *waits to see AlphaBit's
wonderfull buildings* KAH AWC Financial InformationJul 12, 2002, 1:23pm
"linn" <ironhead at> wrote in
news:3d2ce99b at > it isn't what IS hard for some of to undestand is why YOU think > everyone didn't need the info there ARE others online goob or is Please calm down guys, now it's YOU that are prosecuting Goober King, we don't want that, do we? So if you wanna argue with him at least do it over email or in AW :-)) KAH Xelagot 3.307 with Euro symbol fixAug 19, 2002, 12:34pm
"ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in
news:3d603704$1 at > why is this a question mark now? its supposed to be the euro sign > there.. Obviously the Euro sign isn't in the charset, so it shows as a "?". KAH cysAug 23, 2002, 5:45pm
Hi, could you please fix your From: header? Because you use illegal
characters in your email address it parses wrong and your newsreader has cut stuff off it. Don't have any stuff like paranthesises in it, stick to alphanumeric characters and dots. judging from the bit available you'd use something like this: izzy at remove.this.NOSPAM.[your domain] KAH Do you need Flash Text effects for your web site?Aug 18, 2002, 2:19pm
"wizard myrddin" <i wrote in news:3d5faa84$1 at
> Ok offer withdrawn, I'm against spamming and I am offended that a free > offer with no connections is regarded as such. Lol, don't mind Eep too much :-)) Talk to Goober King about being listed on the UTN Utilities page, I'm sure some mayors would be interested in your offer :-)) KAH Do you need Flash Text effects for your web site?Aug 19, 2002, 12:37pm
Jeez, Eep & maki, calm down a bit! Now you're filling the NG with stuff
just as bad as SPAM. KAH AW RespositoryAug 23, 2002, 5:41pm
"chiklit" <bluemoon8963 at> wrote in
news:3d668dbb at > Well you're in luck. I've managed to find almost all AW versions going > back to AW 1.0 build 130. All of which are now avaliable on the site. Are you sure it's cool with the dev team that you're giving out the 3.4 beta? lol KAH terrainAug 23, 2002, 3:54pm
"linn" <ironhead at> wrote in news:3d661274$1
at > if anyone knows how to set the terrain lower than GZ please let me know? > thanks - read readme.txt for usage. [This post is mostly for others that may have the problem since it seems to have been resolved.] KAH terrainAug 23, 2002, 4:24pm
"linn" <ironhead at> wrote in
news:3d667bff at > thanks I wanted to add terrain to an existing world without > covering ppl s builds we set it at -0.30 seems to be working so far > ..... ty for the info -0.10 is usually enough to avoid overlapping ground cover. KAH Bad News! :-(Aug 24, 2002, 11:05am
"ambivalent" <kersting at> wrote in
news:3d677326$1 at > ok. i'm a little bit lost here. this guy is getting medical > treatment for a diabetic foot problem. so why is everyone > congratulating him for this? Because he used to make *very* strange posts. KAH Bad News! :-(Aug 24, 2002, 11:05am
"dion" <Dion at> wrote in
news:3d66db88$1 at > I just got this e-mail. I hope he turns out ok. :-\ Hope he gets well soon :-)) KAH Bad News! :-(Aug 25, 2002, 8:26pm
"ambivalent" <kersting at> wrote in news:3d67a2a4$1
at > exactly He's still a(n ex-) community member though, and he was a big contributor to the NG, so we wish him a good recovery. That's how we AW folks are. We know that having his diabetes problem cured won't cure his psychological problem, but are we only allowed to wish "sane" people well? KAH Survey about 3D ChatsAug 25, 2002, 8:28pm
"yanst" <ayansta at> wrote in
news:3d692227$1 at > Hi, my name is Marc Schneider, I'm 25 years old, study social work and > right now I write my thesis about virtual reality- communication in > the internet. Therefore I need your help. I developed some questions > for a statistical survey in different chatrooms. To be representative > I need at least 100 answers. The last weeks experience has shown that > it is quite difficult to reach that number. Please send the answers to > this e-mail: Couldn't you have made a HTML version of this questionaire? Would've been easier to fill out (if you want one, I can create one for you freely) :-)). KAH Survey about 3D ChatsAug 26, 2002, 2:04pm
"sw chris" <chrisw10 at> wrote in
news:3d696b89$1 at > And have everyone jump down his throat for doing so? :D I meant a HTML form on a webpage... You know, the <form> tag :-)). KAH Survey about 3D ChatsAug 26, 2002, 2:05pm
"eep" <eepNOSPAM at> wrote in news:3D6A0697.FCFE5E93 at
> Um, I think he means on a website...with forms and all that. Don't > POST in HTML. Yup, that's what I meant lol. KAH Survey about 3D ChatsAug 27, 2002, 3:07pm
"sw chris" <chrisw10 at> wrote in news:3d6a6b0d$1
at > I told you.... ;) Ain't my fault that he misunderstood :-D KAH aw storyAug 30, 2002, 4:55pm
"ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in
news:3d6ea6bd$1 at > People who like or even tolerate any violence need to go to hell, > literally. Look, if you can't cope with this you'd better leave AW and the NGs, ok? Actually, you should go live in a cave in the middle of some mountains, because you obviously can't cope with society. Do you know what the turning point that has led to the evolution of the Homo Sapiens species was? Violence. If the prehistoric humans were freaks like you, we wouldn't be here, so shut up or put up. KAH aw storyAug 31, 2002, 3:17pm
"ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in
news:3d701b47 at > YOU need to shut up and leave people alone with your hate. Learn to > respect. Ugh, are you telling ME to learn to respect? Look, if you don't stop this stuff, I'm going to have to dust of my Flame-o-Matic flamethrower here... KAH Alphaworld Object Gallery!Aug 31, 2002, 3:25pm
"wizard myrddin" <admin at> wrote in
news:3d70f0cd$1 at > All can be seen in awmegaoy and the many good yards around aw...Can't > see why anyone would settle for a jpg when can see the real thing. Perhaps because then you have to move your posterior over to one of these yards? It's really annoying, I usually settle for the dir listings of OPs. KAH A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16Sep 11, 2002, 3:57pm
"ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in
news:3d7f37bc at > As long as we have full control over the worlds and object path. > Insannty even tried to tell us that making propdumps would damage his > server. It's not our prob that he has crappy servers....LOLZ He was just lying, it can't hurt his server. KAH A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16Sep 19, 2002, 3:59pm
"host" <nospam at> wrote in news:3D8979EA.C894697A at
> In case you could not read Goob, I signed the post... There are more > people involved in Heartfall than Myself and I only posted in this cit > name because I have let other cits expire. Keeping several alive as it > is for our customers gratis use. But I figured that a few of you would > feel need to flame useless remarks. Yeah, right :-)) You mean all those other nice people living inside your brain? Will you say hi to them for me? Or do you think it's akward to say "hi split identity #1, hi split identyty #2" and so on? KAH A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16Sep 30, 2002, 5:02pm
"sw chris" <chrisw10 at> wrote in
news:3d98944d at > Argument done. Finished. Over With. Please! > > This is one reason why I like bulletin boards. It's much easier to > lock topics on those. :( > > Chris > Usenet is overrated. This isn't USENET :-)) Nobody likes censorship, so it's just as well. And if this had been a HTML BB, there is little chance of any difference, because the admin (Flagg) CAN get rid of this thread easily, but he's not doing it and would not have done it on a BB either. I think it's positive that everyone gets a chance to out their opinions without having their debate stopped. InSanITy is just making a fool of himself and loosing even more customers and esteem, let him do that and laugh of him. KAH A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16Oct 5, 2002, 7:43pm
"ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in news:3d9f40b3
at > hypocrite. Says the Überhypocrite... KAH Answering Telegrams About Commands, Processor Size, etcSep 13, 2002, 3:25pm
"yanst" <ayansta at> wrote in
news:3d815eaf at > Two things I want to make very clear. > > 1) I intend upon answering questions here in this public forum on > anything that I'm asked about via telegram or email in regards to AW. > That's why I posted my reply here. > > 2) From now on, I will always speak out when I see or experience > anything in AW I feel goes against the good of the community. > > Exclusion is wrong. > Injustice is wrong. > Oppression is wrong. > > It happens here in many forms. Make no mistake, good will prevail. : Gee, stop being such a newbie and learn how the computer world works. New pieces of software need new hardware because they use new technology that has different hardware requirements than previous software. So, if you want to use the new stuff, get the stuff it needs. Or don't use the new stuff, use the old stuff, it's your choice. Hardware requirements are NOT a form of exclusion or oppression, that's just BS. For heaven's sake, don't answer your emails and telegrams in a public newgroup, it's none of our business and we don't care about it, so answer it PRIVATELY (that's the whole point of telegrams and email)! If you continue by these specs of what's "agaist the good of the community", then you'll most likely become a troll, so please don't. KAH 2 Days left till A!!CT World closesSep 21, 2002, 10:15pm
"d a n" <awdan at> wrote in news:3d8b4ecc at
> A!!CT has exactly the same thing. > > Map etc, > > OP etc, > > The host will be sorted asap :) Doesn't matter when it's closed though lol. KAH Cy Opening 7vrt Sept14 scrollbackSep 18, 2002, 5:28pm
"anduin" <anduin at> wrote in
news:e5baoukkg6ia79ooj52cdjqvt66njd4blg at > I personally think it's very badly run and the CY Awards are not valid > for this year. What's wrong with the webpage and setting up drop down > menus for each nomination of each area, and when selected your AW > Browser teleports to the location. I dunno, I'm not gonna bother this > year myself. I only voted for stuff I knew about, which is unfair to the other nominees that I didn't know about. This was because it would've taken WAY too much time for me to first run through the entire teleport center which wasn't complete and did not have much quality on the nominations (raw and uncut, many duplicate nominations and completely incorrect nominations, an example is 9 9 9's nomination for the Linux server Roland & Co wrote ages ago...). Also, they don't even seem to have gotten my reply to their information request telegram, because when I asked the on-site people about it they told me to mail Mountain Myst about it... KAH Cy 2002 Final PostSep 18, 2002, 5:43pm
Ok, so everything went down the bog? I don't think anyone really wanted
that to happen, just a bit of a better organisation of the nominations (clearing all the mess up and giving us only the ones that would be valid for an award and that weren't erroneous in some way). Some people went a bit nuts asking you to cancel, but I think they're just being silly, just something like resetting the votes and giving us a final list of nominees with their correct info. As I understood it, this was what you were doing now, so why are you cancelling? I suggest you take a revote on that and annulate your vote to cancel the event. KAH NAC builds. Do you have a favourite?Sep 18, 2002, 5:43pm
"d a n" <awdan at> wrote in news:3d88b4d0 at
> Lots around gz... Check out AWGZ... The entire GZ area is already preserved :-)) KAH |