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Moving back to main server

Apr 21, 2002, 10:33am
that problem hasn't got anything to do with the server. all rotation and
movement is computed by the browser independently of the server, the server
only gets change reports from the browser so it can send your updated
location to any other browsers/bots in the area. I'd recommend you align
yourself perfectly with the North (do a teleport to yourlocationN
yourlocationS 0) and select your road object. if the outlines aren't
perfectly straight, then the problem is in your road, that's not perfectly


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Ban Cyclone Cit#340396

Apr 18, 2002, 11:52am
just another example of what some stupid people think is fun... and it
brings up the golden rule that you should NOT trust any program with your
PPW, if it seems dodgy, be carefull, only give out your PPW when you're sure
that the author of the bot is honest and does not steal passwords. These
script kiddies really piss me off, since they give bot programmers a bad
reputation and makes it harder for people to trust us! and about ejection
that's old news, the ejection system in AW isn't good enough.


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Ban Cyclone Cit#340396

Apr 19, 2002, 10:44am
Agent1 the knight of pettyness strikes again ;-))


New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 27, 2002, 10:33am
rollover stuff: eek! bad!
bad spelling (what the heck is "Fourm"?): eek! bad!
it was an OK site, but I'm sure you could do better...


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A1CTtourist5 Videos

May 7, 2002, 3:01pm
he's a cit, and what he wanted was to see all the posts in all the groups in
one big mess (he hasn't understood the concept of news).


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May 3, 2002, 5:13pm
don't worry about the NetBroadCaster deal, I don't think it'll do much to VR
TV stations in AW LOL ;-)) they just want a bit of money and some free
(well, in reality it's damn expensive advertising since they're buying the
whole company!) advertising and try to achieve that by buying a company that
runs one of the most popular entertainment sites (or so they say...) around.
Silly if you ask me, but oh well, if they feel like going bust quicker, then
let them!


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Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 5, 2002, 9:22am
Look, before you continue posting, learn how to post correctly! this is NOT
related to the sdk and community groups, only the bots group. And this is an
issue you should contact Brant himself about, we don't really care about
your rants about bots. And obviously you aren't very familiar with how AW
works it seems, neither about some general things about bots and software in
general (don't expect a beta to work like a release). Please don't crosspost
if it isn't REALLY necessary, and if you REALLY want to post a rant, do so
in general.discussion.


[View Quote]

So were will we go from here?

May 6, 2002, 3:11pm
http://aladdinsys.com is their site... probably doesn't mean a lot, except
that the AWC are going crazy and are buying and merging with everything,
some of the reason seems to be that Nasdaq are gonna kick them if they don't
improve pretty quick


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Flawed Logic?

May 7, 2002, 3:01pm
They're not the leader in this business, there are much more powerfull and
better stuff out there...


[View Quote]

I got a question

May 14, 2002, 7:55pm
"carlbanks" <Virtualcarlbanks at hotmail.com> wrote in news:3ce16fcf$1
at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Will Roland offer is Terrain Bot when 3.3 comes out?

I think it's something integrated into the browser? maybe not, haven't
heard any detailed info about this since Tech Talks stopped nearly half a
year ago :-(( I'm planning to write a bot for terrains based on heightmaps,
my prefered method of defining landscapes.


Password theft

May 16, 2002, 3:18pm
"anduin" <anduin at NOSPAM.centercom.com.au> wrote in
news:3ce30fc0 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Actually, you can. I've done it with my sisters account, works well.
> She has AW in a seperate folder on the network, got her ini file,
> copied those 2 lines, and logged in as she had remembered password.
> I did this as a test, warned her to stop remembering her password, so
> obviously this 3.2 feature doesn't do much work.

uh, you said on the network, it wouldn't happen to be on the same
HD/machine, would it?


Password theft

May 17, 2002, 3:47pm
My solution is simple: I gradually start running all services like mail,
news, etc myself and if I should happen to forget my password, it takes my
10 seconds to change it, without having dangereous password retrieval
questions that others might answer correctly :-))


Password theft

May 17, 2002, 3:51pm
"anduin" <anduin at NOSPAM.centercom.com.au> wrote in
news:3ce43f36 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Hey,
> Well, I have 2 other PC's connected to this one. But I also have
> Windows XP and had two installations of ActiveWorlds 3.2 with seperate
> cache's, contacts, aworld.ini and everything. Windows XP allows you to
> do such if you know how without making both programs screw up ;)
> That may explain though, why the aworld.ini file worked?
> I guess it just doesn't work on seperate computers and hard drives eh?
> Good enough :)

2 installations? not hard, you just can't run both (unless you know some
neat tricks, and I don't mean using a HEX editor) at the same time. I
have 3 installations of AW (2.2, 3.1 and 3.2, soon 3.3 hopefully)
configured for entering AW, and I have installations configured for other
unis floating around too. And yes, if they're on the same HD it'll work,
but not if you move it to another HD.


Neverwinter Nights Toolset

May 21, 2002, 3:43pm
"baro" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in
news:3ce9aab5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Oh christ, it's on file planet. File planet should be taken out to
> the country, given a shovel to dig a grave, then shot in the back of
> the head into the grave. Unfortunatly it's a file download system
> (well file waiting around to download if you can manage to login and
> such) and not a person so that won't be happening any time soon.
> Let me know if the beta toolkit is put somewhere where you don't have
> to pay or set up some sort of spam account to use.

You don't have to pay, they've got "public" servers too, that you can use
freely, scroll down on the download page... Even though I agree, Fileplanet
is an annoying thing, and it's very easy to miss that they have free
servers as well when they highlight their paid services like they do...


Neverwinter Nights Toolset

May 21, 2002, 6:20pm
"baro" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in
news:3cea94fd at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> The public servers are useless. I've never seen a wait time less than
> 30 min. Any other download site you click, and download. No weird
> waiting in line

I guess there may be more people on there during US peak times, didn't have
to wait long here. What I don't get is why do people upload their files to
it when to get decent download servers, their users have to pay...


Read this.

May 21, 2002, 3:47pm
"dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in
news:3cea768b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> sweet :-D
> I hate to sound happy about something that seems so horrible but it
> looks good to me, I don't think AWCom could keep it up for much longer
> and if this X3D place can do a better job, it'd be great :-) Hopefully
> they lower the prices, too :-P hehe.

Won't make any difference, they only bought some stock, you don't suddently
own a company even though you bought stock in it!


Read this.

May 22, 2002, 3:46pm
"dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in news:3ceab204$1
at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> if you buy more than 50% you own most of the company :-P

Well too bad they didn't buy that much!


Read this.

May 26, 2002, 9:24am
"filmkr" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in
news:3CEEAE1C.4D61CB24 at privacy.com:

> Bad a math Carl? Your comment is factually wrong.
> It says that JP and Rick sold approx. 25% of their own personal shares
> of AW stock.
> Their shares were only approx. 50% of AW shares, therefore 25% of that
> is far less than AW selling half as you wrongly commented.
> It also falls in line with the intended merger that was reported.
> Simply put... They cashed out cheap for a few measly dollars when they
> found a buyer willing to take some of the paper. After taxes they get
> far less and even at sale it was only $90,000.00 each. That is hardly
> a reason to even open up a company.

X3D own about 14% now, and as they own more than 10% they want to have a
shareholder meeting to throw two AWC board of director members now... see
http://awnews.com/html/ for more info about this.

PS. the AWC are getting kicked off Nasdaq Smallcap in 3 days

some cits can't even enter some Worlds that are public and aren't full.

May 22, 2002, 3:48pm
"karten" <Karten at indy.rr.com> wrote in
news:3ceb49cd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

You don't need another cit, you just log on as the same cit again, does the
same job, no need to close AW.


Calling all PHP'ers...

May 26, 2002, 9:27am
"echomencer" <ghostrider at spiralmatrix.com> wrote in
news:3cee9426 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> well like I said it was just an Idea and free. plus YABB stands for
> Yet another Bulletin Board and BBS is Bulletin Board System ;)

Using a forum for this kind of site is silly, a forum's a forum, not a file


Calling all PHP'ers...

May 26, 2002, 9:29am
"alterlinks" <nospam at alterlinks.fr> wrote in
news:Xns9219E0ECE41CAlterlinks at

> PS, PHP versions <= 4.1.0 appear to have a vulnerability in the
>upload code

Actually it's before 4.1.2, 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 have it too. (now 4.2.1 is out,
with completely rewritten upload code and everyone should upgrade to that


Browser Tracking....

May 26, 2002, 9:56am
"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in news:3cf0cb1c$1
at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> http://www.activeworlds.com/help/aw33/world_ejections.html
> shows a box to display the value w/ 3 radio buttons to display what is in
> the box
> also "For computer ID ejections, the value shows the computer ID in
> hexadecimal" so it shows it

Big deal, it's a serial number, who cares if anyone sees it?


Browser Tracking....

May 27, 2002, 4:36pm
"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in
news:3cf0d199 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> anyone who doesnt want anyone to be able to see part of their hardware
> info?

Geez, it's probably the HD serial, the CPU serial or something like that!
It tells you absolutely NOTHING about your system, it's just a number used
internally by the manufacturer to identify a single object from other
identical objects. It probably won't even be possible to find out the
manufacturer of the hardware component based on the serial, they can't do
anything with the info, it isn't even interesting to know!!!


Browser Tracking....

May 27, 2002, 4:39pm
"83058" <xavarella at unforgettable.com> wrote in
news:3cf0e04a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> He is absolutely not overreacting. 3.3 will become, as Strike
> accurately put it, spyware. All of this information will be available
> to the volunteers in AW, as well as AW employees and world owners.
> I'm more concerned about this information being accessible by the PK's
> and GK's for reasons that I don't care to go into right now.

Now you're being silly! It's not spyware, it doesn't record any info about
your system, it just takes a number it finds and uses it to identify a
machine (a lot of apps, games, etc use this as well, without being
spyware). See JerMe's post for the *REAL* meaning of spyware. Second, it
won't be available to people with eject, but only people with caretaker.
What's the big deal about knowing your HD/CPU/whatever serial-number
anyway? It's a MILLION times more interesting to know your IP to someone
evil, and that has been around for years, but nobody complains about it!


Backdrops and textures

May 30, 2002, 2:29pm
"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in
news:3CF59FC8.4050904 at acsu.buffalo.edu:

> Yes, seeing everyone leave can certainly discourage people, but if you
> stop now, it'll be that much worse for the people who are still here.
> As far as I'm concerned, AW and its community have reached the brink,
> and there are only two options left for those of us who remain here:
> contribute or die (leave). If you're not going to contribute or
> participate, why bother sticking around?

It sure is sad to see people leaving all the time :-(( I've seen way too
many of my friends leaving lately, but I will stay to the last day
myself, and continue my contribution to the community (I've not
contributed a lot to the general community lately, this is because I'm
busy with my duties to the norwegian AW community, not that anyone would
care :-)) ). I hope that the summer will bring more life to the
community, because things are starting to get depressing now :-((


The end of an era

May 31, 2002, 2:32pm
I agree, Roland will be sorely missed by us all! I hope he'll have as much
success with his future projects as he has with AW! Bye Roland, I hope
you'll drop by AW sometimes :-))


AW 3.3 is here!

May 31, 2002, 3:59pm
Finally 3.3 is out! Got out just 5 mins ago :-))


<no subject>

Jun 1, 2002, 9:48am
"allen iverson" <Allenv12 at hotmail.com> wrote in news:3cf82de9$1
at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Has Anyone else experienced AW 3.3 Crashing Alot or is it just me?
> Allen Iverson

Nope, 3.3 hasn't crashed even once for me :-)) DX8 mode gives me 4x
(sometimes more!) improvement in performance too! Only person I know about
that has had bigtime trouble with 3.3 is Roland at the leaving party last
night ;-))


Server Space

Jun 2, 2002, 1:54pm
"glitter bug" <seanderson at iprimus.com.au> wrote in
news:3cf9a6e7 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> I have now had my morning coffee and breakfast and I still feel
> p****ed off with AW. Can I be honest yet or do I still have to be
> politically correct like the rest of the sheep?

Start with yourself, freak. If you want the community to be helpfull,
then BE helpfull! If everyone is like you and say "I won't be helpfull
before everyone else is", then nobody will be helpfull! Just because you
didn't get 500 replies with a solution to your problem with SEQs, doesn't
mean the community isn't helpfull, and that thing about old computers was
actually an attempt at being helpfull, giving you a possible explanation
(you never mentioned your system specs before, so don't complain) for the
problem. You obviously don't care about the reason for the problem, which
is that the SEQ engine has been changed, and it is stated in the 3.3 help
that there could be some trouble, so if you'd RTFMed, you'd had to
probably reason already. Anyway, this is the community NG, not the
support NG, if you want support with AW, send a mail to
support at activeworlds.com, don't expect the community to have an answer
for you! Stop being so selfish!


trueSpace 4 Tutorials

Jun 5, 2002, 2:21pm
"johnny b" <uniquect at optonline.net> wrote in news:3cfd7ff6$1
at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> never noticed that the server automatically cross posted all the replies
> too........ oh well, guess the world wont come to an end :O) flame on
> ppl !

Actually, the server doesn't, your client does :-)) With crossposts,
remember to edit the newsgroup list!


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