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E N Z O!! YOU GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 22, 2001, 2:39pm
uhm... I wasn't talking about AW being free, I was talking about his
heartbreaker story about him not having enough money for food, etc, etc...


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E N Z O!! YOU GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 31, 2001, 11:29am
oh well, give us someone better... oops, that isn't possible... solution for
you: leave AW. Goober King is really the best leader we have in the AW
community, he's very nice and he has leader qualities... Don't worry, I
don't expect you to agree. oh, and you started this stupid thread anyway,
and you did it because our good friend E N Z O got you just where he wants
you with his sad story about people using all their food money on AW...


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E N Z O!! YOU GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 31, 2001, 4:59pm
if the community needs a leader I find you most suiting (but off course, it
may not work out for you, not saying anything else)...


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E N Z O!! YOU GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 2, 2001, 10:31am
oh, what's IS the matter with you? to me you seem like a complete weirdo,
and very rebellish... you never smirk? darn, why can't someone smirk when on
a friendly visit? don't you think PMs smirk when they're not representing
their country? darn, you need some happyness in your life...


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Disappointment... [last long one, I promise!]

Aug 1, 2001, 5:43pm
we can't know if he wrote it... no, just joking ;-)) but letters (yes,
letters, e-mail is just electronic letters) are a very outdated way of
sake! it is VERY, VERY, VEEEEEERY indirect, yes, go tell him that, and be
sure to translate the beeps into your favorite cuss words!!


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Disappointment... [last long one, I promise!]

Aug 2, 2001, 12:27pm
actually you could well be, because he replied to my post (wich had your
post quoted...)


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AW Products Are Screwed...

Aug 1, 2001, 5:36pm
hehe, guess so... I've seen that some cits are named creditfraud and have a
4 digit number after them... are those actual frauds that have been
discovered or something? and have there REALLY been THAT many frauds?????


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AW Products Are Screwed...

Aug 3, 2001, 10:09am
and I don't think you understood what he meant... he said that HE had paid
for HIS world LEGALLY, and that YOU made it expire and REFUNDED him, and if
I get it right, used the NAME for something else. That really is bad
customer treatement!


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AW Products Are Screwed...

Aug 11, 2001, 6:37pm
have I said that? nope...


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Weather Bot

Aug 2, 2001, 12:30pm
it does... lots of bots for sale, LOL... and the no one cares about the AWC,
because they don't care about us... mutual disregard...


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E N Z O's & JP's Perseverance!!!!!

Aug 2, 2001, 8:12pm
you stupid twit! they did a bit of work many years ago, but now they're rich
and don't care about anything else than getting richer... E N Z O told that
hearthbraking story so that stupid gnomes like you would feel sorry for him
& JP. it's a well known tactic, but maybe you didn't know that. and you
can't know if it's true anyway, and it's a very weird way of talking to the
community, a man in E N Z O's position should understand that he should have
done something a little more direct... E N Z O doesn't want to look into
your eyes, you see, not even your virtual eyes as he would have had to if he
had said this in AW... and I think his love for AW has been weakened by his
love for money...


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Re: Please Read

Aug 2, 2001, 8:14pm
what post??????


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Aug 28, 2001, 10:04am
Stuff-X is a good company, they offer quality services...


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Aug 28, 2001, 8:00pm
I must say that they certainly don't act as if they're better than everyone
else! Builderz is very nice and polite, and his company provides high
quality services, even though I've got nothing to do with Stuff-X I must say
that you are being plain rude and wrong now!


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Aug 28, 2001, 8:06pm
? I didn't critisize you...


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Re: "Open Your eyes People..." (was Re: Please Read)

Aug 3, 2001, 10:20am
AWC, let me just tell you one thing... VectorScape Limited went bust this
May... compulsory liquidation theire entry in the company house DB says...
they spent more money than they made... sad, ain't it? and now I realize it
could have *partially* (I know you're gonna tell me that they didn't go bust
just because off you, even though I didn't say it, I just know you won't
read that part) your fault... bad crap...


Re: "Open Your eyes People..." (was Re: Please Read)

Aug 3, 2001, 10:22am
ah, NOW you're censoring...


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final test

Aug 4, 2001, 11:09am
this isn't chat. no point in replying like that.


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Everyone BEWARE

Aug 13, 2001, 10:50am
One prize per IP/citnum/whatever wouldn't be fun anymore. And if he sells
ppl worlds, you can't really tell him to stop, can you? even though HE
didn't pay for it, it has a VALUE. So it's not unfair as you say. but if he
DOESN'T host it or something like that, you can't call it unfair, you call
it fraud.

[View Quote] KAH

awgz customs aid problem.

Aug 14, 2001, 11:26am
except if he was at another place in AW when the bot logged in and then
tported to GZ (since customs aide can't see you, it doesn't kick you if
you're out of range)


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awgz customs aid problem.

Aug 14, 2001, 8:26pm
then maybe the customs aide gets confused, is about to eject a bot, and you
enter and the session# is changed JUST as it's issueing the eject command
and it get's it all wrong... well, you can avoid it by not going within 20
coords of AWGZ.


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Aug 14, 2001, 11:21am
why didn't we stick with a horse and wagon instead of starting to use cars?
give new bots a chance, even though it does what Preston does now, it might
do it better, differently and possibly more at a later time...


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Aug 15, 2001, 9:18pm
well, what about getting an account somewhere else so we can download it?


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Kids will be kids!

Aug 15, 2001, 9:34am
not that I'm a Gor fan or anything, but that sounds a bit like fascism and
nazism, to deport ppl for their beliefs...


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Kids will be kids!

Aug 15, 2001, 6:55pm
counter earth? if you mean like in Utopia, it's more than 3000 years old


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Kids will be kids!

Aug 16, 2001, 12:18pm
after Plato, Utopia is the perfect place above. You are below, chained in a
cave, and life is actually just a movie being played in front of your eyes.
all things down here are mere copies, unperfect copies of what's above. the
only ways to go to Utopia is to do math or be a philosopher. That's what
Utopia really is, Plato and his students invented it. Not GOR.


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New AW Ear website

Aug 17, 2001, 10:11am
LOL! if you actually checked, those links point to the MS site!


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New AW Ear website

Aug 17, 2001, 2:25pm
why? and they truly haven't got it... if you don't trust links, then go
directly to the MS Agent site: http://www.microsoft.com/msagent/ and click
on the downloads link. then download the core components and the genie
character (if you wanna use AW Ear).


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New AW Ear website

Aug 17, 2001, 6:49pm
considering that Windows Update is operated by Microsoft... aw explorer
trusts them VERY well (that site makes you download all kinds of dodgy


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Cy Interview by ABNtv :)

Aug 17, 2001, 2:23pm
the image seemed to freeze earlier... but vs.jpg showed the entire


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