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tyrell - alpha prime // User Search
tyrell - alpha prime // User SearchStill...Feb 21, 1999, 5:54pm
You may wish to consider grouping the worlds using a 'theme' approach
and not 'which is the better' (which would be different for most) Worlds... There shouldn't be a penalty placed on Worlds based on the skill of the Builder but on what they are attempting to 'say' with their world... Everyone... even the Master World Builders... were at one time fumbling with default objects, making 4 walls and a tree AND were dam proud of it when it was done... The Monopoly Board Game has classes of properties BUT it has ALL classes... Sure there should be some thot' for those Worlds that are outstanding. The Worlds that are 'a work in progress' shouldn't be dismissed out-a hand tho'... Not that you seemed to be going in that direction... Just wanted to get my 2 cents in before you started to make any decisions... :-) [View Quote] > hhhhmmmm, that is also something to consider. Maybe the prices should > be more realistic. What do you think? > [View Quote] Nothing, Inc. needs your help :)Aug 11, 1999, 7:49pm
Error 32... After repeated attempt to complete the download I give up...
I got about 1/2 way thru' the transfer and couldn't complete it... Says something about 'can't connect to Zoom'... (I'm running Spinner in the background and I have a CableModem so it's 'not' my end that's the problem...) Any chance of using an ISP that doesn't 'always' have transfer problems... I will try again later tho'... looks like a good feature to have installed... [View Quote] > Please . . . We're testing NEW Web Based Install . . . > > We'd very much appriciate it, if you would take the time to go to : > > > or for a DIRECT LINK > > > We need to test this on various configurations, such as Web Browser, OS, etc > . . . > > Please send all errors found to : gizmo98 at > > Install will tell you what to do if it finds an error, but if you encounter > one before you even get Install to work, send OS, Web Browser, and a brief > description of your problem > > -Thanks in advance from everyone at Nothing, Inc. > > P.S. Andon13 is going on vacation for 2 weeks starting tomorrow (8-11-99), > so E-Mails regarding Ultra BOT won't be replied to for about 2 weeks. -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. Nothing, Inc. needs your help :)Aug 11, 1999, 7:49pm
Error 32... After repeated attempt to complete the download I give up...
I got about 1/2 way thru' the transfer and couldn't complete it... Says something about 'can't connect to Zoom'... (I'm running Spinner in the background and I have a CableModem so it's 'not' my end that's the problem...) Any chance of using an ISP that doesn't 'always' have transfer problems... I will try again later tho'... looks like a good feature to have installed... [View Quote] > Please . . . We're testing NEW Web Based Install . . . > > We'd very much appriciate it, if you would take the time to go to : > > > or for a DIRECT LINK > > > We need to test this on various configurations, such as Web Browser, OS, etc > . . . > > Please send all errors found to : gizmo98 at > > Install will tell you what to do if it finds an error, but if you encounter > one before you even get Install to work, send OS, Web Browser, and a brief > description of your problem > > -Thanks in advance from everyone at Nothing, Inc. > > P.S. Andon13 is going on vacation for 2 weeks starting tomorrow (8-11-99), > so E-Mails regarding Ultra BOT won't be replied to for about 2 weeks. -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. our slim populationJun 21, 1998, 5:09pm
Hmmm... Instead of waiting for COF to express an interest... Just do it...
Create 2 or 3 different Logos... Put them before the populous... give us a choice of tee-shirt colour... (I don't do black)... and see if it floats... I know I'd buy (at least) one shirt (assuming you'r not financing your home with the revenue :-) ) and there would likely be quite a few others who'd buy one too... Then COF may jump on the bandwagon as they did with VRT... [View Quote] > Great idea. Hey, I can get them a bit of a discount to help out. :·) > > > TechnoZeus > [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. our slim populationJun 22, 1998, 5:10am
Hmmm... I did say 'jump on' and not 'buy outright'... :-)
It's a constant source of amazement why COF doesn't get behind something like this... I can see not 'having the time/resources' to do it themselves... (we do keep them pretty busy with all the code changes we want)... BUT when someone goes to the trouble of 'doing it for them' (in the case of VRT) and altho' they have included it on the Browser... (for which I'm thankful) , they just leave it hanging there... Their not using it themselves (when they post notices etc or a mention on their Web Site) takes away from it's importance... Am I the only one who can see the benefit of using VRT... It would create in those who 'have' to use it a sense of community... No matter what we think of an issue... it still happens in the COF Universe at xx:xx VRT... It's belongs to those in Alpha (and other worlds)... Same thing would happen if someone went to the trouble of offering to create a Logo (or more) and providing a way for Citizens to buy the shirts... How can this possibly 'not' benefit COF... Ya... I guess you do have a point... let's hope they 'would' get behind the t-shirt thing (assuming someone bothers to create then) and offers some (free to them) backing... Sooo... my 'wish' would be for COF to start using/standing behind/supporting in an ACTIVE way the 'free advertizing' (and utils) that the Citizens provide to the community... (if it doesn't float they'v lost nothing... if it takes off they benefit... isn't this obvious to anyone else???) [View Quote] > They did? hmm I know we have a VRT clock in the browser, but COF don't > use VRT when they announce stuff, there's no link on COF's web page, > there's no paragraph or two (that I remember seeing) describing what VRT > is and where it came from in the help... > [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. Realism Sermon #2Jun 25, 1998, 5:37pm
I agree with you here... It was far better when the name would remove itself
from view after a minute or so... What we have now is a mess where names of people who haven't said anything for 15-20 minutes still clog up the screen... The ability to turn off the text spoken has helped locate the person speaking but places like GZ where everyone stands around (for whatever reason) all the names just blend into one big mess... (so I say)... [View Quote] > Unfortunately, often times the motto "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" is > ignored by programmers. Over a year and a half ago, I thought it was great > when your name only appeared while speaking and then disappeared a few > moments after the conclusion of the text. The name would then appear only > after speaking again. > > zer0 <marvin at> wrote in article <35919F91.577B at>... -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. New Involitary AnimationsJun 29, 1998, 11:11am
> Not exactly sure how a flying avatar should land coming in at an angle to
the ground... > running I guess! Hmmm... I say we should come in for a landing head first... bounce a few times, flop over on our backs and lay still for a good minute... Get up, shake 'our' head and resume the standing posture... I can think of any number of people I'd wish this on... :-) [View Quote] > Here's another involuntary animation that makes lots of sense. I > described this one long ago also. > > When an avatar leaves the ground it looks exactly like it does standing > on the ground. When it flys through the air it looks like it is walking > (with the only exception being the bird). > > I think it is time to implement "Superman" involuntary animations. I > don't have a problem with an avatar remaining in the normal standing > position when it is traveling up or down, but as soon as there is motion > in any other direction we should see something quite different. When > going forwards the avatar should lay prone on it's stomach and spread > it's arms out to the side or point them forward. when turning while > moving the avatar should be on it's side in the direction turned (left > side turning to the left). Not exactly sure how a flying avatar should > land coming in at an angle to the ground... running I guess! :) > > Later > > zer0 -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. Mirrors.Jul 21, 1998, 11:31pm
Ha... I remember that room... I thot' my Penguin body (Avatar) was rather dashing at the time... Ya... It's been mentioned before that a mirror was in Worlds Chat long before Alpha... Would be nice if we could have this feature in Alpha too... [View Quote] <P>If you go to WC (Worlds Chat Gold) as a registered user and teleport <BR>into the "Glee" pod... go through the Door into the hallway and look for <BR>the room named "Glee". As you enter the room you will see your avatar in <BR>a large mirror. Fairly realistic. If you go into the mirror there is a <BR>sound of crashing glass and you land in a maze. If you turn around and <BR>face the mirror again you do not see you avatar, but you can see anyone <BR>that is on the other side viewing their reflection (one way mirror <BR>too!). <P>This is not new stuff... very old stuff... it was even there before the <BR>release of WC. It is at least as old as AW itself! <P>Later! <P>zer0</BLOCKQUOTE> <P>-- <BR>Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" <BR>"No matter where you go...there you are." <BR><A HREF=""></A> <BR>ICQ UN - 272905 <BR>All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. <BR> </HTML> Security HoleAug 10, 1998, 3:35am
Hmmm... I was actually agreeing with what you were saying until you got to
the Maxtor HD comment... I'v installed more HDs then I can remember on systems at work and for private individuals...(over 10 years). A good number have been Maxtor HD... I'v currently got a 3.8 GIG on this system I'm using right now...(it's been spinning 24 hours a day since it was installed 1 1/2 yrs ago) (and have installed the very same unit on 5 other systems in the last 2 years alone...)... NOT ONE Maxtor has failed before it has been upgraded/replaced/lost track of... I'd say that's a pretty good case for continuing using them... (of course Maxtor HDs fail... as do all HDs... but to single out one company as junk isn't too constructive...) It's too bad you included a 'personal' preference with some good guidelines... Lowers the value of the comments that are valid. (especially if someone owns a Maxtor and has never had any problems with it/them...) [View Quote] > I built systems for a small company that got lots of local contracts. > Usually those systems were superior to the systems sold at retail > outlets and they never cost as much! There are a few basic things to > consider when you buy any system(s), even if you are not going to build > your system(s) yourself. > If there is a name on the case you paid too much. > If there is a name on the case it may not be as good a system as one > without a name on the case. > If there is anything at all proprietary about the system (non-standard > connectors, special case and motherboard, etc.) you made a mistake. > If there is anything other than the standard acceptable sub-systems > embedded on the motherboard (vidio, soundcards, NIC...) you made a > mistake. > If there is anything other than standard BIOS/CMOS (any company Logo... > etc) you made a big mistake! > If there is any custom splash screen when the O.S. starts up (95/98/NT) > you might have made a mistake, or might be lucky and only need to wipe > the drive to dump the OEM version of the O.S. and install a clean retail > build. > If you open it up and it has a Maxtor Hard Drive YOU MADE A MISTAKE!!! > Outside of these few parameters, you did fine. :) > > zer0 > -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. Security HoleAug 12, 1998, 3:12am
Hmmm... would it be politically correct to mention I'v never had problems
with Maxtor - while using the AW Hi-Rez CD case as a coaster for my tea... (the CD proper is obviously in my Drive...) [View Quote] [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. Re: Building Restiction Box neededSep 23, 1998, 12:38am
I'm surprised that no one has suggested lowering the 'view point' by 1/2 or even
2/3s... It's a given that a 'babies' view of the world is it's much larger then it is for a grownup... AND if there were no 'grownup Avatars' to contradict this viewpoint then infact one's world would be expanded (would it not)... Has anyone played around with lowering the level at which we see... (I know it was done by COF (Worlds?) at least once)... Obviously a smaller Avatar would be needed too or we'd be doing 'The Land of the Giants'. (which is another idea... two or three complete sets/sizes of avatars... (I read a book once where a complete Universe was housed in a box... think of the possibilities (how small could an Avatar be and still 'work' as they do now...)). Now wee Susie can actually have her very own anatomically correct (Avatar) doll...). Then start reworking the objects to 1/2 size. altho' most building blocks could(?) remain the same... only the personal items and 'living things' would have to be redone... (chairs, beer mugs, toilets, trees, bushes etc) Of course it could be just as interesting 'lifting' the viewpoint to one where only one building would fill the whole world... BUT with custom objects what a building it could be... Anyway... As I'v still not been able to find the time to work on my world I thot' I'd throw these ideas into the hat... There may actually be something that would prohibit doing this... (aside from COF's predetermined default (it has to be 'something')) but it may be interesting to play around with (assuming one has this option as a world owner... if not maybe it could be on the Wish List... instead of buying a larger world one could opt for smaller Avatars...) [View Quote] [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. Re: Building Restiction Box neededSep 24, 1998, 3:10am
Ya, I'v done 'the bird' a few times but I'd be more interested in basically doubling
(increasing) ones World by reducing ones 'view point' and then building with this view point in mind... example... we'r now 5 1/2 feet (?) above ground level... (and for those (you know who you are) that wish to correct me with the exact height... this is just an example... I don't really care how 'tall' we are etc)... and lets say a room is 10x10x20... If we switched our view point to 3 feet that same room 'could' be split into 2 room/two floors, could it not... If one could pack twice as much into the same space then one is infact doubling ones World without increasing it via upgrade... If there's no problem with Renderware displaying smaller objects etc then why not go right down to 1 foot/1 inch... Assuming this view point one could build a 'house' the size of a table in Alpha Prime (just an example) and a whole township on a 10x10 lot... Just a thot'... It obviously hinges on just how small the objects could be in the Alpha Universe... Maybe someone from COF could comment on whether this is worth checking out... (and to assist those very busy folks at COF) [ ] Yes it is possible... go for it [ ] We have no idea... check it out yourself [ ] No it won't work for reasons that are much too technical for mere Citizens to comprehend (error message 475) [ ] Yes, it is possible but we'r not gonna let you'al do it... just because... [View Quote] > In one world, I experimented by shrinking everything by 1/4. Worked pretty well, except > that now 1 click=2m... made building a PITA for tight things ;-) But if you want to get a > childs-eye-view, try wearing birde :-) > > grover > [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. Re: Building Restiction Box neededSep 25, 1998, 12:13am
Not necessarily... It's assumed one would overcome this problem with custom objects... Instead of
a wall 20x8 you could make one 40x16... you could create 'floors' that would lay down in 2 or 3 pieces instead of the multi objects we now use... There's any number of ways to overcome the building limit... [View Quote] > If, due to size, one is able to "fit" more objects into any given area > wouldn't the data limit for the cell also fill sooner? > > Just because a 10x10 floor.rwx is now a 5x5 floor.rwx does not now mean > that the data space it occupies is also halved. > [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. Re: Building Restiction Box neededSep 25, 1998, 12:36am
One could also get around this by creating 'moving sidewalks'... At the threshold of any walk (or
road for that matter) you could place 'warps' that would take one to the next 'intersection'. It's assuming if one starts down the walk to the front door of a house that one (likely) wishes to go thru' the door... The warp (moving sidewalk) could push one thru' the door and you'd end up inside the house... (by holding 'shift' you'd 'miss' the next-in-line walk panel and stop before the door if you infact didn't wish to enter the house...). I don't see the fact that you move faster (relative to your surrounding) a problem that couldn't be overcome... An example of this in use is at: The down side of this Site is the frame rate of the area... If one hasn't already caches the area, you tend to over-run the cache and come to a grinding stop until the cache catches up (then you have to manually move forward til you bump the next panel)... BUT if one has this area cached already (as I obviously do... it's mine) then just a quick bump and I get taken to the next intersection. I can just sit back and lite up my pipe while I move along the 'AutoPed'... Now for the 'wish'... It would be nice if we had a command (much like the way we now play/turn off ..wav and .mid files). You'd place a command in a road piece (or anywhere one wished) with the start and end coords'... You then move in a straight line (facing the direction of travel) till you get there... at which point the command is repeated (or not)... With some fine tuning one could travel quite a ways along some of the road (walk) systems we now have in Alpha Prime... (by placing this command at the average limit of ones caching one would slow down (stop) til the cache has caught up, then when the piece with the closet command appears one would resume their 'walk' along the road... Where there's a will there's a way... :-) [View Quote] > Yes, but for most experienced builders, it's not too difficult to stay under 1000 bytes, so > keeping it under 4000 for 4x the area shouldn't be a problem. What might be more difficult is > navigating skinnier walkways. The walking/running speed will stay the same, which would make it > seem like you're running twice as fast. But on the plus side, you could now make objects up to > "20m" in size without any problems :-) > > grover > [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. Re: Building Restiction Box neededSep 26, 1998, 4:27am
> PS: I noticed you are using relative coordinates. Cool, I didn't know it was possible.
Ya, doing it this way one doesn't smack one's head (or get stuck) in any objects overhead... (can't remember who clued me into this but it sure solved my problem when COF coded 'gravity' way back when...) I'l have a look at what your done... > > > Hi Tyrell; > > I too have thought about "People Movers" in AW, partly inspired by David > Niven's first "Ring World" book and the teleport disks at the street > intersections on the Puppeteer's home planet. After careful > consideration I rejected the idea of having a system of hidden bump > warps, even though they definitely have their place in things like rides > and surprises. For a system that the user is in full control of, I > choose a system of floating signs above the users head with activate > warps. I have implemented such a system using a basic spacing of 50m. > You can see it at: > > > If you keep going straight until you can go no further, then turn to the > right and continue. You can go quite a long way. I have not build the > road all the way around the property yet (slightly over 3/4) and the > signs only go about 5/8 of the way around. BTW, if you enter the tunnel > after the last sign and do a bit of exploring, you might find a secret > passage way that leads to a teleport back to my gateway. ;^o > > Have fun and tell me what you think of my idea. > > ScottyDM > > PS: I noticed you are using relative coordinates. Cool, I didn't know it > was possible. > > -- > Scott D. Miller > General Manager & Principal Consultant > Arête, Ltd. > > Please use the return e-mail address of: scottydm at -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. the rest of 3DOct 9, 1998, 3:11pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit You can create chandeliers (after a fashion) with the objects we already have... Go to: and walk forward into the Learning Centre... Quite a few chandeliers hanging around... (warning - very dense area...) [View Quote] > Oh yes, then I could turn a street light into that chandelier I've been > wishing for!!! > [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. --------------BB1166F9A335866C71D643D4 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> You can create chandeliers (after a fashion) with the objects we already have... Go to: <P><A HREF=""></A> <P>and walk forward into the Learning Centre... Quite a few chandeliers hanging around... <P><B>(warning - very dense area...)</B> [View Quote] <P>-- <BR>Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" <BR>"No matter where you go...there you are." <BR><A HREF=""></A> <BR>ICQ UN - 272905 <BR>All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. <BR> </HTML> --------------BB1166F9A335866C71D643D4-- This newsgroupNov 23, 1998, 4:11pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit [Children's Software Screen Shot] SuperKids Software Review of Reader Rabbit's Toddler. You'r in luck bone-head... They even make software for such as yourself... Ha... [View Quote] > Can't stand coding. HTML, RWX, and some minor Javascripting is the extent of my programming...and even that's a pain. I like WYSIWYG. I want a TRUE visual programming language. > [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. --------------EFEB42E542439B1C196BE8D9 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="------------DA310CCA4F75176BEFA927B3" --------------DA310CCA4F75176BEFA927B3 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <img SRC="cid:part1.3659A545.FEB1503A at" ALT="Children's Software Screen Shot" HSPACE=10 BORDER=1 height=227 width=300> <p> <a href="">SuperKids Software Review of Reader Rabbit's Toddler.</a> <p>You'r in luck bone-head... They even make software for such as yourself... Ha... [View Quote] <p>-- <br>Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" <br>"No matter where you go...there you are." <br><A HREF=""></A> <br>ICQ UN - 272905 <br>All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. <br> </html> --------------DA310CCA4F75176BEFA927B3 Content-Type: image/jpeg Content-ID: <part1.3659A545.FEB1503A at> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\nsmailB8.jpeg" /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAA0JCgsKCA0LCgsODg0PEyAVExISEyccHhcgLikx MC4pLSwzOko+MzZGNywtQFdBRkxOUlNSMj5aYVpQYEpRUk//2wBDAQ4ODhMREyYVFSZPNS01 T09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0//wAAR CADjASwDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAGwAAAQUBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgABAwUGBAf/xABHEAABAwMC AwUGAwUDCQkAAAABAAIDBBEhBTESQVEGEyJhcRQygZGhwbHR8CMzQlLhBxXxFjQ1Q3KCkpOy JFNUYmNzwtLi/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMAAQQFBv/EAC4RAAICAQQBAwIEBwEA AAAAAAABAhEDBBIhMUEFIlETcTIzQoEUYZGhsdHwI//aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A2NNE1jbgALov 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N+bH7ok/wsB3vn0XRCeJpvyLbfEpJLPr1WeX3M/6f++SKpAAx5/igpsyH0P4FJJIX4SjnqDm 6iGCkktGPpGSf5z/AG/yEMFSsy34pJLdofzP2NE/wgnYoDukkulIyyAO6ZySSUxbInHKZJJJ fYo//9k= --------------DA310CCA4F75176BEFA927B3-- --------------EFEB42E542439B1C196BE8D9-- oh, here's another wish...Nov 23, 1998, 9:38am
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hmmm... You'v not done much of a search if you can't find Win-based capture utils that do the things you'd like... I use these utils: Hyperionics with Frames and can either 'multi-snap' (or auto-multi-snap) images using HyperSnap (which are saved with consecutive file names) OR using HyperCam make AVIs of my walking around in Alpha... Just takes a search engine to find like utils... [View Quote] > I agree there should be a good snapshot feature in AW. But not only in AW > have i been wishing for that. Many cool games should have that feature too. > Most games don't have it, unfortunately. > I am personally very often busy with making screenshots and editing them. > And most screen-capturers are really crap. Besides; most capturers are for > Dos (prompt) and don't work (good) with Windows-apps. > > Even more than in good-looking games like Unreal, I think one comes across > scenes in Active Worlds that are really worth snapping. And working with > prt-scrn, alt-tab and ctrl-v really irritates me.... > [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. --------------CA7ABB0A786C73C8CC27BD9B Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> Hmmm... You'v not done much of a search if you can't find Win-based capture utils that do the things you'd like... I use these utils: <p> <a href="">Hyperionics with Frames</a> <p>and can either 'multi-snap' (or auto-multi-snap) images using HyperSnap (which are saved with consecutive file names) OR using HyperCam make AVIs of my walking around in Alpha... <p>Just takes a search engine to find like utils... [View Quote] <p>-- <br>Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" <br>"No matter where you go...there you are." <br><A HREF=""></A> <br>ICQ UN - 272905 <br>All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. <br> </html> --------------CA7ABB0A786C73C8CC27BD9B-- Is there a way to stop a looping soundDec 16, 1998, 5:08am
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit While you'r waiting for COF to reply in the News Group... you can try this... I'v talked Robocop into setting a 'test site' up at the Official Teleport Terminal: You can check the 'test' out by turning around (once you'r there - Duh) (facing south), walking up the stairs and a wee bit further you'l come to an elevator (to your right) to the Observation Platform. Go up to the 'platform' and you'l find 3 'pole2m02.rwx's' in front of you... If you click on either of the outside poles the tune(s) will play... Click on the middle pole and it will stop... (you can also toggle the tunes without using the 'silence.mid' if you so desire (or at least 'I' can using RA... maybe with the default Midi Player(s) you can just close them etc)). You can do this (50 times??? :-) ) till you get real sick of both tunes but it works every time... There is *** 2 *** trade offs doing it this way however (isn't there always)... The tunes don't actually play thru' the Alpha Browser... They play thru' Netscape (or the silly IE add-on) which means that the tunes must DL first (cache - they have to within Alpha Browser aswell but that usually happens in the background and are ready to 'play' when clicked/bumped... doing it outside Alpha means they don't DL until clicked... (obviosuly after the 1st time they'l play again without a wait (assuming your cache is big enuf') as you'v already got it/them)) then, for me, RA pops up (I have RA handle all music on my system... if you'r still using the Netscape Midi player (or whatever IE uses) then it will (likely) pop-up instead... If you can live with a pop-up playing the tune for you then this will do what you'r wanting (until such time as someone comes up with something else/better) And the 2nd trade off is, if you 'right-click' on the poles, you'l see that the command is: activate URL;create animate me stone 9 1 0 9 or activate URL;create animate me stone 9 1 0 9 As you'l be using a URL you must have the '.mid' somewhere that will 'activate'... Finding the 'tunes' likely isn't a problem... The 'silence.mid' can be found here: Just download '', unZIP it, RENAME IT TO LOWER CASE, and FTP it to you'r Server... (or you can use the address in the example... I'v put it in my DIR for my own use quite awhile ago...) Anyway... if you just have to do what you'v explained in your post then this is 'ONE' way... (not necessarily the best, but it will work...) [View Quote] > Rolu - reread my first post - it says "without interposing a > silence.wav". When you interpose the silence wav there is no way to > reactivate the original wav on a continuous basis. > > I repeat - I want a solution that will result in,.... > Click On... sound plays on looping > Click Off... sound ceases > Click On Again... it plays again looping > Click Off Again... it ceases off > etc. etc. etc. 50 times on again, off again, etc etc > > Can anyone from COF tell me if there is a correct command to do this? > > On Tue, 15 Dec 1998 12:12:06 +0100, "Rolu" <Rolu99 at> [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. --------------D70BEC99FA29AC380B7925C0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> While you'r waiting for COF to reply in the News Group... you can try this... <p>I'v talked Robocop into setting a 'test site' up at the Official Teleport Terminal: <p><A HREF=""></A> <p>You can check the 'test' out by turning around (once you'r there - Duh) (facing south), walking up the stairs and a wee bit further you'l come to an elevator (to your right) to the Observation Platform. Go up to the 'platform' and you'l find 3 'pole2m02.rwx's' in front of you... <p>If you click on either of the outside poles the tune(s) will play... Click on the middle pole and it will stop... (you can also toggle the tunes without using the 'silence.mid' if you so desire (or at least 'I' can using RA... maybe with the default Midi Player(s) you can just close them etc)). You can do this (50 times??? :-) ) till you get real sick of both tunes but it works every time... <p>There is *** 2 *** trade offs doing it this way however (isn't there always)... The tunes don't actually play thru' the Alpha Browser... They play thru' Netscape (or the silly IE add-on) which means that the tunes must DL first (cache - they have to within Alpha Browser aswell but that usually happens in the background and are ready to 'play' when clicked/bumped... doing it outside Alpha means they don't DL until clicked... (obviosuly after the 1st time they'l play again without a wait (assuming your cache is big enuf') as you'v already got it/them)) then, for me, RA pops up (I have RA handle all music on my system... if you'r still using the Netscape Midi player (or whatever IE uses) then it will (likely) pop-up instead... <p>If you can live with a pop-up playing the tune for you then this will do what you'r wanting (until such time as someone comes up with something else/better) <p>And the 2nd trade off is, if you 'right-click' on the poles, you'l see that the command is: <p>activate URL;create animate me stone 9 1 0 9 <p>or <p>activate URL;create animate me stone 9 1 0 9 <p>As you'l be using a URL you must have the '.mid' somewhere that will 'activate'... Finding the 'tunes' likely isn't a problem... The 'silence.mid' can be found here: <p><A HREF=""></A> <p>Just download '', unZIP it, <b><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>RENAME IT TO LOWER CASE</font></font></b>, and FTP it to you'r Server... (or you can use the address in the example... I'v put it in my DIR for my own use quite awhile ago...) <p>Anyway... if you just have to do what you'v explained in your post then this is 'ONE' way... (not necessarily the best, but it will work...) [View Quote] <p>-- <br>Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" <br>"No matter where you go...there you are." <br><A HREF=""></A> <br>ICQ UN - 272905 <br>All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. <br> </html> --------------D70BEC99FA29AC380B7925C0-- Is there a way to stop a looping soundDec 19, 1998, 8:33pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ya... it wasn't pretty... but our choices are rather limited to... NONE... :-) It seems to me that all that's need is a line or two of code stating that 'silence.mid' would tune the tune off for good and a 2nd file 'stfu.mid' (meaning shut the 'file' up... (what were you thinking it meant... :-) )) to turn a tune off BUT with the option of being restarted again... Problem solved... [View Quote] > Thanks Tyrell for the only workable solution! > > The other catch is that the person must have there web browser open at > the time of when they click the activate button. It definately works > but not real practical for visiting tourists and a lot of explaination > signs around the place. The person is more likely to give up than > bother with it. > > I've left the things they way I originally had them - that is made > some buttons holding the same position that disappear when clicked > with each activating alternating sound*.wav / silence.wav. Obviously > with building limits they get to do the "turn on / turn off" 2 or 3 > times and then permanent silence when they run out of buttons. > > If any wants they can visit my works at: > > AW 500.0S 400.0W 0.1a 90 > > Arguably the best building work in AW :) T'gram if you know better or > equal so I can add it to my "best of the best" t'port station. > > Regards, and thanks all that contributed to this sting... > > Just In -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. --------------EC64943BA1FA73D6FDDB7746 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> Ya... it wasn't pretty... but our choices are rather limited to... NONE... :-) <p>It seems to me that all that's need is a line or two of code stating that '<b>silence.mid</b>' would tune the tune off for good and a 2nd file '<b>stfu.mid</b>' (meaning <b><i>shut the 'file' up</i></b>... (what were you thinking it meant... :-) )) to turn a tune off BUT with the option of being restarted again... Problem solved... [View Quote] <p>-- <br>Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" <br>"No matter where you go...there you are." <br><A HREF=""></A> <br>ICQ UN - 272905 <br>All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. <br> </html> --------------EC64943BA1FA73D6FDDB7746-- Wishlist FAQ?Dec 19, 1998, 8:40pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Ha... Mental note... Never attempt to drink tea while reading a reply from this person... (or maybe just put some clothes on...)... [View Quote] > Um, you have to actually KNOW what you're talking about. If you state one thing, yet don't back it up, you look like a fool. > [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. --------------6DC571D6107FBB2B4712DD1A Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> Ha... <p>Mental note... Never attempt to drink tea while reading a reply from this person... (or maybe just put some clothes on...)... [View Quote] <p>-- <br>Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" <br>"No matter where you go...there you are." <br><A HREF=""></A> <br>ICQ UN - 272905 <br>All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. <br> </html> --------------6DC571D6107FBB2B4712DD1A-- *Yes* File-transfering is here! (Soon)Jan 2, 1999, 1:29am
One must keep in mind that when runs a 'Speak-n-Spell' system NOTHING is going to work properly...
Instead of bEep whining all the time about the failings of COF he might look into upgrading his antiquated computer. There's a limit to 'lowest common denominator'. [View Quote] > Eep this is a very rare occassion... but I do agree AW needs far more better hardware support mainly renderware SUX!! the only thing I like aobut renderware is you can make objects in a text format and not buy any clunky and expensive 3d modellers that add a billion vertexes and slow aw down. > [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. avatars creationFeb 7, 1999, 2:28am
You silly bunt... Don't you know that COF is waiting for 3 more annoying messages from you, then a post to the NEWS Group claiming responsibility before this is offered... Geez...
[View Quote] [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. =?Windows-1252?Q?Anyone_every_wonder_what_the_sum_of_=22Eep=B2=22_actua?=Feb 14, 1999, 4:11pm
Actually... The main reason 'I' reply to any of bEep's posts is to let those
new to Alpha/the NEWS Group know that the majority of us aren't complete idiots or arrogant fools... Those able to hold their own or who have been in News Groups before may know what's going on (know how to deal with a flame - ignore it basically)... I'd hazard a guess tho' that a goodly number of new Citizens to Alpha never go near News Groups... (I still don't other then the Alpha ones and two Utils groups...). They may not know that comments made by one (or more) members in the group DO NOT a consensus make... A comment or 2 from members who know just how much weight to place on 'the fools' comments clears things up for them... I feel it's my civic duty... I take it very seriously... As to his laughing... I'm sure he does... His type find all kinds of 'off' things funny... Doesn't make him any less an idiot or a fool... Doesn't make it any less obviously to the rest of us... [View Quote] [View Quote] -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. Hmm...I'm SURE this'd be useful...Feb 24, 1999, 11:49pm
IF this is so then a way to turn it off aswell, if one doesn't wish to make
his/her presents know to those on the contact list... [View Quote] > ICQ-like aural notification of an arrival of a member of your > contact list. or, to put it simply, a sound when someone on your contact > list gets on, there's a sound. -- Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" "No matter where you go...there you are." ICQ UN - 272905 All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. |