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eep² // User Search
eep² // User SearchMore objects per sector!May 8, 1998, 11:01am
Wait until 2.0 comes out. And it's not "sector" but "cell". "Highered" should be "raised" or "increased".
[View Quote] > I AM SOOOOOOO SICK OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR!!!! > > I know that there is a limit for space reasons, but can that limit be > HIGHERED? More objects per sector!May 10, 1998, 1:10pm
What the fuck you laughing about, pinky? And what the hell does what I look like have to do with this thread? Fuck off.
[View Quote] > I always wonder what you actually look like eep =) . .anyone ever seen his picture ? hahahahahahaha More objects per sector!May 12, 1998, 9:17pm
You wanna start something too, fanboy?
[View Quote] > ooooooohhhhhhhhhh touchy hahahahahaahah > Eep² <eep at> wrote in article <3555C35B.F002ADFD at>... > look like have to do with this thread? Fuck off. More objects per sector!May 13, 1998, 11:34am
<flick> Away, knave, before you relatively cease to exist.
[View Quote] > its all RELATIVE didnt you know that hahhaha More objects per sector!May 14, 1998, 8:55am
Yep, I sure am relative. You're learning.
[View Quote] > existance is all relative eep everything is relative who knows maybe > your even relative hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm now theres a possibility MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 8, 1998, 12:45pm
Wait until 2.0.
[View Quote] > Would be great if we could hold the mouse button down and drag around a > group of > objects to select those objects for movement or deletion. MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 8, 1998, 7:11pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit You're right. But I think Tia is talking about selecting multiple objects with the mouse, not moving multiple objects with the mouse. Although 2.0 won't allow selecting multiple objects by dragging the mouse, it does allow selecting multiple objects by clicking and holding down a key. It would be nice to be able to move objects with the mouse, as well, though, but AW would need to have what most RWX viewers (RWXMod, RWXLook, RWView, etc) have: 3D mouse movement. [View Quote] > You still can't drag them with the mouse though... only with the Object > Properties toolbar or the arrow keys. --------------A31B39D80858E2076B9FFC17 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <HTML> You're right. But I think Tia is talking about <I>selecting</I> multiple objects with the mouse, not <I>moving</I> multiple objects with the mouse. Although 2.0 won't allow <I>selecting</I> multiple objects by <I>dragging</I> the mouse, it does allow selecting multiple objects by <I>clicking</I> and holding down a key. <P>It <I>would</I> be nice to be able to <I>move</I> objects with the mouse, as well, though, but AW would need to have what most RWX viewers (RWXMod, RWXLook, RWView, etc) have: 3D mouse movement. [View Quote] --------------A31B39D80858E2076B9FFC17-- MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 10, 1998, 1:09pm
One way is use left-right mouse movement for x-axis selection, up-down mouse movement for y-axis selection, and a key (shift, alt, or ctrl) + up/down mouse movement for z-axis selection.
[View Quote] > I think it would be damn hard to implement a three dimensional mouse select, unless you were going to do it with a point to point selection . . that way you could select a 3d area. . still damn sifficult to even think about doing tho =) MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 10, 1998, 4:18pm
Again, wait for 2.0, which allows selection of ALL objects in a cell (holding Ctrl while selecting), and selecting/deselecting objects in succession by holding Shift while selecting. You can't copy multiple objects but you can delete/move them.
[View Quote] > yes, i was referring to "selecting" objects ..for instance, if a cell contained numerous objects, and one could drag the mouse around those objects in a circular fashion, then all those objects > within that "circle" would then be selected and highlighted, ready for the next operation, whether it be movement, to delete, or whatever :) MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 10, 1998, 7:10pm
Right, but until it's actually implemented, it ain't there yet.
[View Quote] > BUT , Rolland has stated that copying multiple objects will be enabled as > soon as current problems are worked out and as soon as means for worlds to > protect thier world from the potential abuse of that function :-) MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 10, 1998, 9:38pm
MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 11, 1998, 4:33am
Shut up, please. You're being lame.
[View Quote] > Don't gotta zippo , you said it , you tell us :-()==~~~~ > > well.... > .... > > .... > I'm waiting .... > ..... > .... MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 11, 1998, 8:32pm
MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 11, 1998, 10:10pm
Um...yea. "Not difficult to add to the program"...this is COF, remember? They haven't even figured out how to have lists refresh without resetting. Care to clarify what you're babbling about?
[View Quote] > Actually, it should be possible to make a polyhedron based select where each > object you select in this way would add to the points on the outer edge of a > polyhedra or a poligonal vertical prism in which all objects enclosed by the > defined area would be added to the selected group. Not that difficult to > use, and probably not difficult to add to the program either... although I'm > sure it won't be in 2.0 since it might be a bit difficult to thoroughly > test, and it would definately take up too much time to get put into the > works right now. (IMO) MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 11, 1998, 10:11pm
Productivity is relative.
[View Quote] > Please stop. You are both capable of much more productive input. MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 12, 1998, 3:58am
Ah but WHAT would you like more relatively? Even "more" is relative. It's all a matter of perspective, see.
[View Quote] > Exactly my point. Relatively more would be nice. :·) MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 12, 1998, 3:59am
Oh, from about the first word to the, oh, let's see...last. Yea, that should cover it. Wow...dig it.
[View Quote] > Thought it "was" clear. What part are you having trouble understanding? > > TechnoZeus > [View Quote] MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 12, 1998, 6:52am
You're just not getting the idea of "relativity", Tech. Allow me to further explain: what's "bickering" to you, may be "discussion" to me. What's a "higher goal" to you, may seem like "wanting to slap you around with a bit of trout" to me. What's "productive" to you, may seem like "don't make me smack you, fanboy" to me. Get it yet or shall I beat it into your brain some more?
[View Quote] > More productive than the childish bickering that led me to post a message > asking you to stop doing it... or pick a higher goal if you feel up to it. > :·) > > TechnoZeus > [View Quote] MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 12, 1998, 6:58am
Just a bit. Now explain what crack you're smoking and why you want polyhedral (is that even a word?) multiple object selection. Start typing in plain English, bub. Stop overfilling what you're trying to say with redundant nonsense and just type the POINT.
[View Quote] > "to make a polyhedron based select" is a prepositional phrase which taken in > the context of my earlier post states that what is likely to be possible is > the addition of a feature to ActiveWorlds that would allow a polyhedral > space to be selected. > > "each object you select in this way" indicates the sum of objects which are > individually chosen to be included in the definition of the polyhedral > space. > > "would add to the points" indicates the modification of the polyhedral space > to include the selected points in 3D space as a consequence of polyhedral > selection of objects. > > "on the outer edge of a polyhedra" indicates a location potentially on the > outer boundries of the polyhedral space. > > "or a poligonal vertical prism" mentioned to highlight the fact that the > polyhedral space could alternatively be defined by the definition of a > polygon parallel to the ground plane by including all objects within that > polygon at any altitude. > > "in which all objects enclosed by the defined area would be added to the > selected group." indicates that once such a polyhedron is defined, all > objects whose point of origin are within the defined polyhedron would be > selected as a group. > > "Not that difficult to use," basically means that just about anyone could > successfully select a group of objects in this mannor without having to be > able to see all of the objects they wish to select. > > "and probably not difficult to add to the program either..." Means that > the math and logic involved are not very complex and much of the needed > coding is already in the program. > > Hope that clears it up a bit. MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 12, 1998, 9:18pm
Years of finely-tuned practice. :)
[View Quote] > you always been a jerk off or did you have to work at it eep? MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 12, 1998, 9:21pm
Gee, that's spiffy, but "polyhedron" wasn't the word he was using; "polyhedral" was. :) Might want to read more carefully next time, champ. And who's claiming to be an authority, eh? I'm simply trying to understant what the hell he's babbling about. And I took geometry in 10th grade actually, but failed it. As I've stated before, I've never gotten past algebra 2.
[View Quote] > "Polyhedron" is a perfectly valid word describing an entire family of 3d shapes. Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it wrong. Same thing with programming. Writing "hello world" in pascal does not make you an authority on complex > client-server relationships. > Hey, maybe you'll come accross the world "polyhedron" when you take geometry in 10th grade next year! > [View Quote] MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 12, 1998, 9:22pm
moronic stuff;
Understanding is relative. Wrong is relative. Got the message Dth? :)) [View Quote] > program stuff; > > var > x: integer; > > begin > for x:=1 to 100 do > writeln ('Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it > wrong.'); > readln; > end. > > Got the message Eep? :)) MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 13, 1998, 12:21am
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Gee Wilikers! I made one (1) spelling mistake! <gasp> Sue me, sport. And, to all your babble: "it's all Greek to me". :) Oh yea..."polyhedron" = "many something—probably 'sides'". REAL EXPLANATORY THERE, SUPERFLY. Start typing in ENGLISH. [View Quote] > That's the first thing you've said in weeks that makes any sense at all!! "polyhedral" is an > adjective describing a shape to have "polyhedron"-like properties. I used "polyhedron" > because its the more commonly used variant. And polyhedron is simply a generic term > for almost any faceted 3d shape. "poly", meaning "many", and "hedron" meaning > something in greek. Probably "sides" but I'm not sure ;-) The gist is, that a square, a > rhomboid, and even rwx's faceted interpretation of a parabaloid are all polyhedra! > As to "trying to understant"... get a dictionary, champ! --------------B3A1D52C633E0056A4E7CEE3 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit <HTML> Gee Wilikers! I made one (1) spelling mistake! <gasp> Sue me, sport. And, to all your babble: "it's all Greek to me". :) <P>Oh yea..."polyhedron" = "many something—probably 'sides'". REAL EXPLANATORY THERE, SUPERFLY. <P>Start typing in ENGLISH. [View Quote] --------------B3A1D52C633E0056A4E7CEE3-- MULTIPLE SELECTINGMay 16, 1998, 2:38am
Right, and had TechZeus done this originally, and not babbled on and on about something that still doesn't make sense to me, this thread might not be happening. Wow.
[View Quote] > I think a good thing to remember is that many more people read these > newsgroups than post here.. people of varying ages, experiences, and > educational backgrounds. Sometimes, all it takes to get someone to > understand a concept is to include a plain language explanation of a > term such as you have done , grover (i. e. polyherdon - a generic term > for almost any faceted 3d shape) Hotkey for menu show ....web !May 12, 1998, 2:04am
Um, why? Just use a REAL web browser instead of this integrated IE shit.
[View Quote] > Yes, it would be nice to be able to show or hide the web window at the press > of a key. It would also be nice to be able to detach it from the AW browser > and Alt-Tab between them so that you could maximize your web view and still > get a good size 3D display. Any ideas on getting all three settings on a > hot key (or set of hot keys)? Hotkey for menu show ....web !May 12, 1998, 3:58am
Simple: have AW be more intelligent and allow the use of other web browsers to come up. Wee. KISS (keep it simple, stupid).
[View Quote] > Why is because some people "assume" that you have show web turned on, and > include world policy notes, or other important info on a web page that they > expect to be opened by a create url command which will only work if you have > show web turned on. Hotkey for menu show ....web !May 12, 1998, 6:59am
Der, gee, George, you tell me. <blink> Ahyuk. <twonk>
[View Quote] > cause the issue of what to do once it's open. In other words, do you retain > a handle to that browser window so that AW can continue to change the > displayed page, or do you simply open yet another window each time a web > page is asked for, and run Windows out of resources? Re: event soundMay 13, 1998, 11:33am
Very good; you pay attention. You get a star. *
[View Quote] > thought you said productivity was relative? Open API and Protocol. (Bots, etc.)May 14, 1998, 9:00am
Supposedly, there have been bots in AW before (1+ years ago), but I've never seen any. An AW API has been rumored by Protagonist, but who knows if or when it actually will be developed. Hamfon is working on a bot program that uses TCP/IP (and whatever else--ask him for more info) and it should be released "soon". He said he was going beta with it a few days ago and asked for my email address but I haven't received anything yet.
[View Quote] > I would be personnaly very interested to begin to build (wrap) kind of > real application with active > world as the user computer interface. (such as electronic commerce > applications). > I would also very much like like to explore populating active world with > articficial agents. > (agents that goes beyond robot builder, and that are able to really > interact with the environnement). > > For this it would be usefull to have access to an API and a protocol. > > We could for instance imagine to have a richer action part of the > rendereware object, or something similar. > For instance, when I would click on an object, I would trigger a query > in a database. > > We could also imagine that the protocole would allow us to get some > information about the environment such as who are > the avatars next to me, but also allow some registration to some > trigerring events. For instance, tell me when a new message > was posted on the chatboard. This could very usefull to implement > chaterbots in active world. (I believ that Blaxxun has began to do > something in this direction). > > I would be interested to have your ideas in that subject. > > Roland (and other people of COF), could would please let me (and the > people of this group) know what you > think about opening the system and allowing to connect to other > application and write bots. > Is it: > * not considered as enough important. (not the priority now) > * too risky. (the bots in IRC are for instance a nuisance). > * to time consuming to develop. > * to complicate (at a technical level, at a business level) > * etc. > > Do you think to do something in this direction. (what, when, etc.) ? Open API and Protocol. (Bots, etc.)May 15, 1998, 8:53am
Um, this has what to do with a wishlist? Most people here already know about RoboBuilder. This should be in worldbuilders, if any newsgroup.
[View Quote] > RoboBuilder > > RoboBuilder is a program written in Visual Basic that takes control of your Active Worlds Browser. > > It is used to automate some of the building actions. > > PS: > I have nothing to do with RobotBuilder, but just reference the resource. |