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Cy Nominations for Corrections are up!

Mar 27, 2004, 11:04pm
why not? LMAO I did....since am a loner am sure will have one vote....but
what the hay felt like I needed a pat on the back (thank you sweets for
nominating me, you are welcome sweets for my nominating me....*curtseys)

Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 14, 2004, 3:14am
when I change the limit to Mega using the xelagot, I noticed when I checked
by aw browser (still have 3.4) that it had switched from Huge to Normal and
the building inspector still was screaming.. I changed it back to Huge and
tried again through the bot and it again changed to Normal.. Is this Normal?
LOL .....do I trust the Xela at Mega or AW at Normal?...

Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 14, 2004, 8:02pm
ok zeofax must tell you I read it and read it and still is chinese to
me.....3.5 latest browser 531 in a world server 64 (world server 57
LOL sorry folks but although I have run bots and world for many years I do
not even recognize any of these numbers or have any idea what anyone is
talking about (ok flame me for being dumb is ok LOL)
Do I leave it on the AW browser as Huge? or do I change it to Mega using the
bot then leave the aw browser at Normal when it is switched.....sorry but
that is all I need to know without a batch of numbers.....

Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 15, 2004, 2:00am
not exactly sure about that blond comment, I am a very dark brunette. Was
also a Maths/Science major in College. I worked many years on a cord
switchboard for a large hospital and then was head of Telex and
TeleCommunications for a large insurance company for 10 years. Yes even back
with Ticker Tape. I dialed to connect to other computers in other cities by
dialing a rotary dial before internet was born. I saw the birth of the fax
and photocopier and not only ran them but was in charge of the department.
Then the birth of the PC, computers entered our lives full force. BUT we
were never expected to fix or even understand how these things were
programmed, made, we were operators. So yes although I have intelligence and
knowledge not all of us are tech. But we are not completely stupid. When my
tv breaks I take it to the shop. When the computer breaks I take it to the
shop. I kind of expect AW to work properly, if not aw should take it to the
shop LOL not expect us to try fixing it. You have marvelous bots and they
work well. Many years we have used them and found them both functional and
fun. But when I look at a script, I am completely lost. Sorry I am not
blond, but an old fashioned girl. LOL expect when flip a switch everthinng
will run the way it is supposed to. I think Bot makers are fantastic, yes,
but if I asked you maybe about the dental work of a dog, which is my
profession, could you do as well? *grins
Anyway I really do thank you for your help and until I hear anything from aw
(or by lurking) will leave it at Huge...But please remember not all of us
are blond (and shame on you for such prejudism anyway), it just is not our
field of expertise : )

Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 15, 2004, 2:03am
ok one question....heh why are my letters going to 3 places when I am
writing to bots
oh man
*flips blond hair and smiles at Alex
believe me I feel dumb now but what am I doing wrong here LOL so I can stop
doing it??

Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 15, 2004, 7:05pm
now that I understood...thanks Alex....was confused because world server
says at top build 57 and yet when look in the 'about' there it says build 13
(and that was loaded 3 months ago)....I have 3.4 browser and my partner 3.5
but see aw as build 498 (not sure what hers is) but by the bot says sdk
build 37 and on bot browser says on entry is Activeworlds. build 51,
Universe build 51.....none of these numbers seemed to match anything anyone
was saying.....LOL can kind of see why I got confused. Thanks much for the
help and the explanation. Makes a bit more sense now *groans
PS: did I ever tell you I hate computers?? LMAO.....PEACE : )

Re: Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 15, 2004, 9:34pm
thanks again Alex and will take care of it. Since 2-point-something I have
always waited until all the bitching was finished and they no longer had the
'skip' button leaving us no choice. Beta has always meant 'not quite ready
and only do if your computer can take it' LOL To stop this confusion why
don't they just call it 'better' instead of beta and get rid of that skip
button. Then we can all be Beta/better : )
I was really sure that I had the most recent version of the world server as
have loaded it from AW and retaken control of server only 2 months ago after
being away on vacation. Seems we cannot keep up anymore with the changes.
Since I am caretaker I have never taken a beta version of worldserver as
long as my aw browser was not on that version (my partner is rarely on and
leaves all caretaking to me which I can royally mess up hehe). Now it seems
everything is completely out of date only 2 months later LMAO....think I
should just give up VR and take up some silly sport like knitting.
We are dying here due to the small cell spaces (and must say am disappointed
with such small increase)....they gave us tilt and rotate but the cells
cannot handle all the codes we would like to use. We have gone as far as we
can with the cell space available and do not see much room for 'improvement'
in our imagination or ideas here. Paying for the world, maybe I expect too
much, but why can't our cells be unlimited....let us build to our hearts
content if our computers can handle it. Its disappointing and frustrating
when we cannot do what we know we could if we had more space. And for this
reason alone was I willing to even try to understand AW tech LOL
thanks again and will update asap

Re: Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 16, 2004, 3:01am
loaded everything and now my numbers seem to match your numbers. Everything
is running great and thanks again. But I did notice something a little
strange. My clouds are now drifting from east to west, instead of like they
were from west to east. Fixing that but sure seemed a little strange LOL

Re: Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 17, 2004, 12:21am
and they wonder why I get confused HAH....I feel much better now FOFLMAO

Re: Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 17, 2004, 12:27am
I was going to ask for an urgently needed bot script that could probably get
me some humanitarian award or even the Peace Prize....but I guess I will
just settle for a pat on the back and some M+M's

Whats your total online time?

Apr 20, 2004, 9:38am
650 days 38 minutes 28 seconds and still counting *grins


Apr 20, 2004, 11:11am
someone posted recently a url of a clock that moves with the cursor. Really
would appreciate knowing that addy again as seem to have lost it


Apr 20, 2004, 9:32pm
thank you thank you Leo that is exactly the one I was looking
thanks again

total hours online

Apr 24, 2004, 4:52pm
heh LNH did I ever tell you I was insomniac? LOL rather than lie in bed and
cry, I build. Thank you AW for keeping me sane (sic)

Lower AW's rating back to PG

May 11, 2004, 7:47pm
heh and naked female you were haha (darn camera was not working)

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 6, 2004, 4:45pm
long long ago I saw the birth of internet. I was then in telecommunications.
The PC became available to presidents, vicepresidents, assistants etc,
predominantly male at that time. The Internet was a 'business tool'.
Due to the male access to the Internet, and the demand (something so new and
available) of pornography, the market of internet porn was born and grew in
proportion to the males working 'overtime' LOL. Female access at that time
was more in typing pools or secretarial so the porn industry was aimed
mostly at men. And there was and still is a huge market out there. We cannot
deny that or even change that until men no longer want to look (yeah right).
The market expanded in time as women became interested and less shy about
At no time was the internet made for children. Over the years it became an
information and teaching tool, supervised by trained professionals in school
Then children started creeping onto their parents at home PC, finding things
adult, because the market was only adult then. The world panicked LOL
I have never believed that internet is for children, in porn, or them even
being online without supervision. Television now with 100 channels also
carries porn, adult movies, and it is solely up to the parent to filter
their machines. Filter the tv, filter the computer. Neither is a babysitter
for children. You cannot blame the cable company for letting it into your
home when it is properly marked as being adult content.
If you ask, about 90 percent of those arguing for more children's rights,
trying to make adults talk like children, in case children are around, will
tell you that they would never let their children chat anyway...or go on
internet unsupervised. LOL
Aw now has a neat little filter built right in. Unfortunately at the Gate I
have heard gatekeepers telling how to change the ratings (due to Alpha being
pg13 they have to now it seems) which in fact give all minors the ability to
change without parental knowlege to X rating. Do they ask the age before
saying how to change it? no.....But Aw built a little filter at the ratings
option. It includes a password to block changing the rating. So in this case
should a world even have to ask age on entry, or demand proof, when the
world is not only marked on world listing tab as R or X but is also usually
marked on entry by Immigration Officer that is Adult.
The Internet is an Adult tool, lent to children maybe with proper
supervision and explanations. It is not and should never be considered a
children's domaine. A child's playground or babysitter. Keep your kids off
the Internet. Keep them safe

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 6, 2004, 8:45pm
LOL well behaved...and from experience....My friend's daughter, a well
behaved and usually obedient girl, was permitted to use ICQ for chatting
with rl school friends. No other form of chat due to creeps in the world.
And her parents kept a close eye on her.
Well wasn't it surprising one day to find in her mail, letters from a man,
asking for nude pictures. And she had responded. She was 13.
Should the mother have respected her privacy and not checked mail? which
they so demand their privacy. And should that mother not have banned that
child from any form of internet connection until she was 17 (which was
recently) and only because she is now working and out of school and
considered Adult although still in their home. Of course not....Can you ever
fully trust a teenager to behave and do exactly what is right? Is it worth
the risk that they may not? Of course not. Teens have a whole different way
of thinking when puberty hits and is hard enough keeping track of their real
lives with also keeping track of their peer pressure vr lives as well. All
parents try, some succeed, some fail. Fact is there are perverts out there
and they do find your children if those children do happen to give too much
info (even warned not too). Some are too protected and have no idea the
danger they are in.....They do NOT belong on internet....sorry but by
experience with friend's children (very good people) and the teen way of
thinking, you are fooling yourselves if you think they do not ever ever do
anything against your wishes....reality, friend

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 6, 2004, 8:56pm
also...in scientic study of the human brain, in its development which they
have used teens for these studies, the last part of the human brain to
actually develop and reach full strength is the part that controls though
processing leading to decision making. This takes place in the average brain
at approximates 19 yrs old. After that age the human brain is fully formed
and functional and no other growth takes place.....Decison making thought
process....and you want them on computers? ....You think without a properly
formed brain for decisions that they can make a proper decision as to right
and wrong? sometimes yes, mostly no, that is what parents are for, to guide
and control until the brainis formed....sorry if not as romatic idea as
children are little people, but in reality they are blank computers being
programmed up to 19 yrs old....sorry folks ....
Scientifically is a bad idea *grins

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 6, 2004, 9:12pm
omg you just described me and about 500 percent of aw people LMAO

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 6, 2004, 9:47pm
well our laws have change that they get licenced at 17 but hve probation for
driving, some places up to 2 years you arenot able to drive solo....and the
highest amount of deaths on the road is youth....says something....do not
get me started on whether they should vote, drive or kill in the
army....same as internet....not old enough LOL
Alcohol....as a person that has had problems with alcohol I am not sure if
anyone is really old enough for that....and no not at 17 18 or 19....again
quote road accidents and the proportion of youth deaths. The brain is
forming, alchol stops growth ....you do not give it to a child because they
are growing? well the brain, complex as it is takes a bit longer to complete
growing. you do not interfere with that by alcohol or drugs.
Guns? not sure what laws are on that, but in Canada they are very severe to
age, permits, and identy. Some countries may be different I do not
know....sorry but science has proven the formation of the brain and its
abilities....and these laws are now being changed to conform to these
studies....and age is rising for ability to do adult things. Yes there are
dumb adults but their brains unfortunately are fully formed.
Not against kids never was....but they are have their place as we all do....
and it is not for alcohol, guns, driving, war, internet (yes internet),
traveling alone, talking to strangers (whatever happened to that rule
anyway?). Get real, they are trying to grow up too fast without the
capability to handle it all.

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 7, 2004, 3:46am
well when you grow up you will realize that in the real world....2 cents is
worth just that....2 cents....and at todays standards is close to
just my 4 cents *winks

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 7, 2004, 3:37pm
sorry but yes banning is unfortunate but necessary. As I said I have nothing
against kids but in fact I have seen young girls giving pics, email addys
etc out loud at the Gate. Yes they are warned, but how many do not say it
out loud, how many are conned into giving a pic or addy because they seem
to 'trust' this friend. How many give away little clues like the name of the
store down the street, not realizing the danger or even seeing the risk.
Fact is there are perverts out there, people wanting to hurt the children.
What I was saying is ...is it worth the risk ....The bad guys now all have
good equipment, good tracers, excellent programs. Its like sending your kid
to the park at night alone. Would you?
Also can kids be trusted. LOL no...recently at the gate I over heard a
conversation between a well know 15 yr old citizen and a 14 yr old tourist
newbie. Well seems the tourist was having trouble finding a pic, kept
hitting ratings blocks although was not a 'adult' thing he was looking for.
Well the 15 yr old cit passed this other a certain program that could crack
the ratings password. The words of the 14 year old were 'wow it works, if my
parents knew I had this I would be dead.'....I came out of lurk and went at
the 15 yr old cit. Told him off for going against a parent's will by passing
an illegal program. He ended up getting very angry with me, said he was just
trying to help and I had no right to tell him what to do. Yeah ok not GK but
was concerned. The 14 yr old said he was not sure he should use it that I
may be right. This was all out loud at the Gate, which at the time was
unsupervised (no GK on duty).
problem is there are dangers. and kids are now smarter than us LOL. so yes I
say unplug that computer and keep them safe. It is unfortunate because it
could be a great learning tool if used right, but right now is comparable to
a park at night (no matter the timezone) or sending your kid out to play
baseball on a 6 lane highway in rush hour....
Sure we want the world to protect our kids. But it starts at home.

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 7, 2004, 5:03pm
that is so true xelag. Although the cellular formation of the brain is
complete around 19 (again approximate) we never stop learning. One of the
good things about being human : )

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 10, 2004, 12:24am
no that is because of video games....the need for ritalin...and don't get me
started on them LOL

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 10, 2004, 12:37am
btw my chair has no arms.....but this was not psychology....it was
connecting periodically the brains of teens to computers....testing and
watching cellular growth....comparing notes...taking cell samples....years
of years of study that gives us this new brain information......same
subjects were used from 12 yrs old to the age of 20....this is not
psychology, this is fact of scientific cell formation.....they know how much
we grow as a fetus ....and now they know how much we grow up to 20 yrs old
and which parts of the brain develop at which age, according to computer
data and electrodes....LOL should watch the medical and science channels on
tv instead of being on internet *grins...


Apr 1, 2005, 3:03pm
Last night I turned Taurius private.....I added the question mark to my name
so no one can seem me online or where I am (although I never move much)....I
blocked telegrams, files, join requests.....and so I woke this morning
totally prepared for April Fool's day. Each year I seem to be hit with
jokes, some not so nice, and some cause great emotional harm before I
realize what is up. This year was to be different.
I awoke this morning and checked the bot log to see if my partner had come
online. And then I saw it "
All citizens registered prior to 3/31/2005 will find that a little "o" will
be added to their cit name.... SMILE E N Z O LOVES U!!! The Management

Oh and yes I felt my blood pressure rise. THEY WOULD NOT DARE PUT THAT UGLY
o ON ALL OUR NAMES,,,,,It took a few minutes, and a big cup of coffee, to
realize that I had been had again. Although prepared, the brain takes a bit
to kick in in the morning.
This did make me laugh....but a warning to all, please....be careful with
your jokes, be careful what you do or say, not all cultures have this Ap;ril
Fools Day, and not all people get it right away....and yes, people do get
hurt. Be kind, be fun, try not to be hurtful with jokes that may fly wrong.
Thanks AW for the smile, and the reminder that although no matter how well
we are prepared, how much we have covered all the bases, AW can still make
us feel like fools LMAO
Happy Aril 1st

AW TV Stations

May 12, 2005, 2:01pm
you all keep saying 'tv station' 'tv station' but correct me if I am wrong,
since it is a long long time since I watched, TV but didn't TV have 'moving
Sorry people but all of your 'TV stations' are a farce. Simple pictures
flashed one after another telling a story is NOT television, especially with
the new feature of media streaming which could make a 'TV station' worth
maybe looking at.
[View Quote]

AW TV Stations

May 12, 2005, 4:58pm
I am right, you are right....it is pictures...but they flow in constant
motion which is called cinema or television....get real....that is not
Television....that is a photo album....

all that aside, you being picky that is, you DO know what I mean. This is a
cheap, very cheap and useless, imitation.

[View Quote]

AW TV Stations

May 12, 2005, 5:34pm
LMAO Strike I did deal with it....was pretty excited that someone maybe was
doing tv....I dealt with it by putting my disappointment back in the drawer,
closing the webs, and marking it down as another AW failure.
with Cams, streaming media, and a bit of time and imagination, I figured
someone by now could have figured out something better than choppy pictures,
no sound, no movement, bad quality pictures, etc etc....
I dealt with it, will no longer bother to look at any so called TV at AW
till someone has a brain to figure it out, properly.
If these were done by a 7 year old, then I congratulate you all....but if
these were done by people claiming 'experience, smarts, computer ability,
and skill" then I say *you failed, miserably*
[View Quote]

AW TV Stations

May 12, 2005, 5:52pm
Elyk............two words....first one begins with F....second is You
have a nice day

[View Quote]

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