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Naming The Granddaughter

Jun 13, 2006, 8:05pm
oh and I totally agree with her for your two choices....accccckkkkk hahahaha


Naming The Granddaughter

Jun 13, 2006, 8:13pm
geezuz *mutes Baro LMAO



Jun 14, 2006, 3:50pm
I don't know if it is just me but when I empty cache, or crash causing
reload, or in this last case an aw update, I no longer return to my home
world, instead I end up at the gate then have to teleport in to my world.



Jun 14, 2006, 6:57pm
doesnt seem to be everytime....have noticed it 3 times so far...I empty
cache pretty much daily because of object making....just did it and was
fine....the last update we got today loaded then I entered....stayed looking
for Taurius a few seconds (which was running) then was bumped to gate....I
teleported to Taurius right away and it all loaded again. Also noticed it
when I changed video settings....it closed then came back bumping me to gate
as not finding Taurius....LOL who knows....will tough it out....

all it seems to be doing all the time is reloading everything after each
bounce....slow for us notepadders...LOL



Jun 15, 2006, 3:36am
I didn't know anything like that existed....where do I get something simple
enough to run, without having to do all that bouncing.....and I mean real
simple....truespace wings3d and all those just frustrated me LOL



Jun 15, 2006, 3:26pm
OMG lookit that!....LMAO thanks so much....I think even I can handle
this....WOW.... : ) ....and so much less to translate what I don't
understand into french for my partner than truespace LOL

Thanks a million


Eclipse Evolution (Build 269)

Jun 21, 2006, 4:05pm
does your bot have a doorbell or some sound that announces world
entry?....and can that sound be changed to another if we desire?

Can your bot allow unlimited chat between all users in a world regardless of
distance....global chat but not just to the bot owner, for visitors as well?
Like a chat relay for those out of range?


Eclipse Evolution (Build 269)

Jun 21, 2006, 8:03pm
ok thanks was wondering....honesty I rarely would take any of your programs
as you are a bit too tech for me LOL....easy for you is murder for me. Just
the way you word things scares me

I sure miss my xelagot....had that alarm that I could hear way out in the
backyard LOL....and she was soooo easy.

your work, although probably fantastic, is way beyond my understanding with
my hmmm slightly above normal intelligence LOL....I did read your pages,
scratched my head, and decided to ask here in 'normal' english LOL


Eclipse Evolution (Build 269)

Jun 21, 2006, 8:34pm
way things are with me....if I cannot figure things out in 20 minutes, I
chuck the program....

LMAO vr is not for stress....and we all know 20 minutes is enough if is
worth learning....


Eclipse Evolution (Build 269)

Jun 21, 2006, 9:39pm
actually no....LMAO

I will admit that learning object making on notepad took me maybe 25
minutes....but it really seemed worth the 5 minutes 'overtime without pay'


The new Gate

Jun 18, 2006, 7:57pm
but those round big boxy ugly tree things gotta go....not only do they block
the view....the are hideous and crude....not exactly the kind of 'objects'
modern 3d can do....

I love trees....those are an offense to nature LOL


Double ghost???

Jun 19, 2006, 4:40am
ahhh but are you sure...are you really really sure
*plays twilight zone music



Jun 20, 2006, 9:18pm
I tried making a zone, in order that the whole world would be one zone. I
was hoping, badly, that it would enable people to chat no matter how far
they are from each other.

It did not work. Although it is a huge 'zone' you still go out of range as
usual if you go too far.

Why is it so hard for them to give us 'global type chat'....for typing not

For so many years we have been hoping this option would be available to us
world owners, as it should rightfully be. Why should I have to write
telegrams or use a bot in order to talk to my partner, because she may be a
little bit too far north...ON OUR WORLD!...

People come in together, and due to tricks, traps etc, they do tend to get
separated, why should they not be able to still talk, if, as an owner, I
could allow global typing......its only a p-40 and half is out of range from
gz, that is not cool.

Please give us the option for distance chat as world owners....10m, 20m, 30,
etc....and GLOBAL....




Jun 20, 2006, 11:38pm
I am talking privately owned worlds as an option.

Tourists do not have Telegrams

I should not HAVE to use a bot or telegrams on my own land...p-40...or have
to keep 'visitors' in the chat/whisper box by following them around to keep
in range. Nor should they have to keep within such short range of each other
when visiting a 'world' in order to explore and talk.

Not like we all have a zillion visitors running around a p-40 or p50....or
even p100 for that matter. They get too far apart and they cannot chat, they
cannot chat is like an empty world....no chat no people.

Would be nice if anyone entering at gz and says hi, will maybe get a
response from someone way on the other side of the world,,,,,chat begins,
exploration starts, discoveries are made....

Instead they come in....see 4 people on world list, cannot find
anyone....and leave....and say...."damn AW is boring"

Logic says....Why the ** not?



Jun 21, 2006, 3:04am
Privacy, that is what whispers and teleys are for....global whispering would
be easier too as a matter of fact LOL....and there is ability to restrict
chat to certain zones already, like inside a house for example....just not
BIG zones, meaning the whole world......

Lost my partner just after I wrote that LOL as we were trying the new
movers....which just kind of proved my own point heh.....It has pissed us
off for years and we sure were hoping that the 'global' feature would
somehow cover this distance limit in regular chat.


unmoving movers

Jun 21, 2006, 4:23pm
After more years than I can count, I finally sat down for a
rest....SAT....you know, bent knees, butt on chair....I became a seated
unmoving mover. And history was made, my knees bent, I sat!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you, AW


Xelagot for AW 4.1?

Jun 21, 2006, 8:36pm
His silence this time has been very strange for him. Either one way or the
other I thought we might have heard from him by now.

I really hope he is ok....bots or not, he has been a part of AW for a damned
long time

Hope you are well Alex



Jun 22, 2006, 2:35pm
I cannot seem to zoom out anymore for view. Front view is a few feet from my
face, back view is a few feet behind my head....and locked rear view is the
top of my head from maybe a foot away.

I used to be able to use the page up and down for front view and rear to
zoom back to see all my av and area around me. No zoom like this makes
racing hard also as have no view of anyone around me.

This seems to be very recent, anyone else?



Jun 22, 2006, 3:24pm
the keys work fine....it zooms out...but only a foot or two away....not like
it used to go yards away for front view or rear...

and the locked overhead view was not the back of my head before, it showed a
large area around me viewed from many yards up and slightly behind....

something went wrong I think



Jun 22, 2006, 3:26pm
far as I can remember it worked fine up to a day or so ago....



Jun 22, 2006, 4:02pm
ahh thanks....I looked at my other 3.6 and see it was distance=179....and I
guess until yesterday it was 179.....now it reads distance=10...whoa LMAO

Did the last update change it? I have never had to adjust that in ini

thanks again : )



Jun 23, 2006, 3:15am
Ok here is a wierd one for you. I clicked on Options....Citizen....to see
how many days I have. I pushed Cancel and was fine. Then I went back to see
the date of emmigration and instead of pushing Cancel this time I pushed OK.

Without leaving my world the bots and people disappeared from my view and
whisper box. It said 'looking for Taurius' ...then Done....I was there but
still no bots or people. Telegramming one of the people, he said I was not

I tried Login....went "looking for" again, but returned same as before.

I had to close AW and reopen in order to reappear in my world...

My friend tried it to see if it was just me. He opened
Options...Citizen...and when he pushed OK, the same thing happened to him.
He had to close AW and return to be seen and heard again.

This is new.



Jun 23, 2006, 2:00pm
well so far (other than aw doing their testing) I have found the connection
in 4.1 to bed excellent. Worlds are running well, probably better than when
they were in 3.6. Disconnections are fewer, people actually see the name of
world on list which did not always happen before.

I think 4.1 was a huge improvement....and giving AW a chance to fix the bugs
which I think they are so far doing an excellent job, we can and should
expect a few shutdowns (which they have been pretty kind to let us know
pretty much before they happen). I have no complaints there.

But in 3.6 when I pushed ok in Cit options I was not disconnected...this IS
new to 4,1 ....but like Baro says, I can live without doing the OK
LOL...Just telling others - dont do the ok LMAO



Jun 23, 2006, 10:58pm
I saw that the first day only...when I tried to connect to the 4.1 for my
worlds. Never since

I removed 3.6 completely from program and startup....put startup to 4.1 on
restart....and have had not one garbage since....and not that many
disconnections considering the work aw has been doing.

even though the 3.6 was closed down and in C drive, for some reason it
seemed to be interferring with the 4.1installed in My Documents....removal
completely of 3.6 seems to have fixed all that garbage.....

or maybe I was just lucky. Only thing other than the occasional AW shutdowns
to break my connection in the last few weeks, was a crow landing on the
transformer top of pole across the street yesterday morning...electrocuting
herself, blowing the transformer, and the whole neighbourhood's
electricity....She is still lying dead on the ground by that pole....should
I blame her for all the ills of the world? LMAO it sure was not AW's



Jun 23, 2006, 7:06pm
not sure if was Lady Nighthawk responded about global sound for someone
coming into the world....and cant find that thread either in my mail...

I have had bump global at entry since the beginning of 4.1and the loss of my
xelagots....but for some reason although 'activate' works great for global
for both view and sound, I have not heard once the bump sounds I have put
around as 'alarms' to me, also global

bump noise mortal.wav global

Is something wrong with the way I am wording it, as you seemed to have made
it sound like yours worked fine with bumps?



Jun 23, 2006, 10:45pm
I have 2 at gz...one the entry....one in air for when a friend comes
in.....neither works even in range...

when I bump them I can hear it...they cannot....when they bump it they hear
it and I cant....

am right beside them

also tried a create name with an invisible sign to trigger it that way with
the bump, in cause was too close to ground....no luck....but even the one 10
ft up when he came in he heard the wav, I did not few feet away. Yet when I
bump onto it it is heard only by me.



Jun 23, 2006, 10:49pm
activate noise .wav global works fine....create noise .wav global works
great (but not usually for entry as object not loaded) and I am right beside
these bump panels....had friends testing them so know the objects are loaded
and they do hear the wavs....just not globally when others bump...



Jun 24, 2006, 12:05am
that is not exactly what my world is about...they enter in a cage...always
have and always will....that cage is rigged for sound....it does not work

forget it...not bothering to change my whole world to fit one global
command. Just saying...bump with global for some reason does not work.


is it a hole...or a cigarette

Jun 23, 2006, 8:42pm
ok this is friggen ridiculous:

sweets: there is a hole in my cigarette....been puffing air LOL

sweets please don't use abusive language. It is direspectful to your fellow

"KittyPride": lol

"yzzy": gal as undinele pavirtau ir jau busiu vandeny visasdaa

Aubergine: <<<<Went for over kill with the trees

sweets: what???

sweets: sweets please don't use abusive language. It is direspectful to your
fellow citizens.

"RavenHamlet": gal...

Aubergine: sticky tape cuz

sweets: what the hell is that about?

Aubergine: who said that?

sweets: it came to me as a console message for saying there is a hole in my

"yzzy": aj nu gal jau ajnam von is cia...bo nusbodo

Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awgate

Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awgate

is it a hole...or a cigarette

Jun 23, 2006, 9:43pm
no actually after discussion with the GK it turns out it is 'a hole' that
did it....seems a hole is now bad by the wordbot....tell that to the terrain
box LMAO....a hole in space....a hole in one....geeeezzuz....


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