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sweets // User Search
sweets // User SearchASLAug 30, 2005, 8:41pm
No, not Age Sex Location. My American Sign Language school, a visual aid
program allowing two people to practice fingerspelling together and basic words to enable 'talking' to the hearing impaired, is now copied and running on the PG world Alliance. The original being on an X world, I hope now being available on a PG world, it can be enjoyed by all ages. sweets ASLAug 31, 2005, 4:57pm
Have had many questions and comments since posting about the ASL school.
Does my heart good to know people are interested. I have been interested in sign language since very young when I read a book about Hellen Keller. I tried when young to learn but lost interest due to not having a 'reason' to use it or learn it. Many years ago I decided to drive Canada and Usa, meeting 19 people from AW, living in my van and sleeping in their driveways . Not having travelled before, those 48,000km that I did in those 4 months was amazing and eye opening. USA has so much to see. I only met and stayed with people that I had known here for at least 2 years (remember please that meeting people through internet can be very dangerous, and although I did it, I do NOT recommend it to any others). One family I stayed with was a deaf family. I knew then what it felt like to be an outcast. I could not understand or make myself understood, as they all spoke sign language. One day my friend came to me in a panic, hands flashng so fast, and I c ould not understand. Still in a panic she had to race around to find pencil and paper to write to me what was wrong. The baby was bleeding and she need a ride to the hospital. I realized then how important this language was, she should never have had to feel such panic and fear that no one would understand her. We went to the hospital and the baby was fine btw. I left there determined to learn. What a beautiful and important language. When home I started surfing for sites that could maybe help me. I found the dictionary site with the small videos to show how each word was done. Each morning I would wake, do the alphabet letters from A to Z, by memory but checking if I could not remember the letter. After the Alphabet, I would go to the dictionary site, do one letter per day (approx 20 words). I would watch the videos for each word of that letter once through then start again trying to remember what I had seen in the video, only checking if I c ould not remember (whch was many). I did a letter per day, 26 days, then started at A again to repeat....then again.....for 3 months. The next trip there I realized I had a problem. Although I could understand simple words, and spell my thoughts to others, I could not 'read' them. In practicing my alphabet I had become too used to seeing the back of my own hand. Wrong angle to 'see' what the other was saying. I felt just as dumb after all that learning. Feeling a bit depressed about it, I came up with the ASL room as an aid. Dictionary words with videos on the walls and fingerspelling table for learning the alphabet. At first just for one person, to be able to see the letters from the proper angle. Then I thought maybe to do it to practice with another. HAH bot scripts. I am not a bot person (smiles at Andras and Alex) and it was one of the hardest things I have made. Ran into trouble with the script, it worked except for one key. Contacted bot people but they also could not figure out the problem. A good friend here finally figured it out, and with a simple code change in the bot programming, my dream finally came true. Now 2 people could practice together seeing what the other was doing. I have travelled many times since then, still meeting and staying with AW people. Now when I visit my deaf friends I can communicate. OK not bilingual, maybe on the level of a small child, but enough to communicate. Yes AW can educate us, inspire us, make us better people. I just wanted to share my dream and hope others may enjoy the feeling of 'talking' with their bodies and hands as I have. sweets [View Quote] ASLAug 31, 2005, 5:26pm
AHHH you learned in school. Now if THAT was taught in the regular schools as
a second language (or third in some Provinces, or States) we would all benefit : )) You are welcome to 'refresh' on Alliance anytime. sweets [View Quote] ASLFeb 18, 2006, 11:05pm
thanks so much for those kind words of encouragement, Legion
I do know there are many different way of signing, including the Australians that use 2 hands to do the alphabet. ASL is based on french language originally. So yes many things are 'backwards' as there is a difference in french and english for sentence structure. (blue jeans = les jeans bleu LOL) What I tried to do is give people a base, maybe a 'common' base if possible of the most widely used. I live in a french province, so my sign language when I used it in California had a bit of an 'accent'....but I was understood, even with the limited amount I knew back then. I knew the alphabet, and that is a big start to communication. Hopefully it will encourage people to learn the sign language of their own area. With the body motions, hand movements, facial expressions and almost a dance with words, it has to be one of the most beautiful languages I have ever seen. sweets **who knows, they may be using the sign in California that I made up in desperation for the word Jello because I could not remember how to do the letter J.... ASLFeb 22, 2006, 2:56pm
I made the build to help me to learn sign language and be able to practice
on my own or with a friend when not with my deaf friends. As for the name of the School, it is a little play on words.....Academy of Sign Language spells ASL .....and yes highschool is spelled wrong also to read Hi-School, also a play on words (school to teach you to say 'hi') sweets Halloween 2 weeks away...Oct 17, 2005, 1:06pm
You may wish to check out my world Taurius. The Ancestral Lands include
Disaster Road, Graveyard, full showing of the movie Night of the Living Dead, and a haunted castle. Although not made for Halloween as is a year long build, it maybe found quite interesting by some. Also a trip to Heaven ending at a Wiccan build with the rules, Sacred Mountain and a full scale representative model of Stonehenge. The true meaning of Halloween in the hearts of Wiccans. Also year long builds, not seasonal, they may be appreciated by people during this season Although these builds are basically PG rated, Taurius is an X rated please only adults Be Ye Well Come sweets Hallowmas is the most solemn festival of the witches' year. On November Eve we honour dead souls, bid farewell to the moon and welcome the sun to rule once more in her place. Those of Celtic tradition call the holiday Samhain and with it mark the beginning of winter...the dark of the year. On such a night it is easy to sense the unseen forces abroad, and only proper to pay them homage. But solemnity is never part of a witches' world for long, and joy returns as soon as the sacred rites are completed. Blessed Be TestNov 12, 2005, 3:25am
This MUST be the only time you have had nothing to say.....I am shocked!
sweets TestNov 12, 2005, 6:23pm
go ahead...tell the truth, you usually have nothing to say even when you
have something to say *grins sweets World Server ProblemNov 26, 2005, 12:32am
I recently had the same thing happen to me. I got the run convert notice,
and not knowing what that meant I went and updated my world server. Alas that wiped out the world but did not solve the convert. I finally found the file Convert in the main aw file folder so clicked on that. A black Bios screen appears momentarily then disappeared. When I tried to connect the world server I still got the same notice. I clicked on the world to open it and that seemed to work and I was able to connect. The world was empty, gone, only the street piece left. Not having a recent prop dump (one week old LOL) I reinstalled using the World Server Backup File (which I had copied to desktop before updating the server). The world server must be closed down in order to replace or copy this file or it will corrupt the files *(thank you m0e). Close the server, replace the files from the World Server Backup into the main server file overwriting them, restart the server, and all was back as it was before this disaster. Seems to work better than prop dumps as it was up to date automatically. sweets Citizenship & World Specials! [HTML]Dec 3, 2005, 7:47pm
Really nice specials have to say and nice to see they 'award' the older
cits...decent real decent Not to sound picky but would have been nice a special for the older worlds that are not increasing size but have old cit numbers attached to them.... Our world is p40 and 5 yrs old or so....our 2 cits as old or older than that.....we find p40 large enough and wouldnot want to have to pay renewal later for a larger world or lose the new builds when the size goes back to p40. Due to our cits being attached to the world price, there is no deal there for any of us old world owners. LOL would have been nice to renew the world for half the price *winks sweets [View Quote] How long do you spend on AW?Dec 9, 2005, 3:26am
You have spent a total of 74.2% your life in Active Worlds since you
registered You have spent a total of 8.1% your ENTIRE life in Active Worlds as a citizen guess that does not count the years as tourist or other accounts used or etc etc etc that am too old to remember to calculate in....heh AND I COULD NOT THINK OF A BETTER WAY TO SPEND MY TIME! I LOVE ACTIVE WORLDS! *winks sweets [View Quote] A little bit too far (AWGate Woes)Jan 1, 2006, 5:47pm
funny....I grew up in a city of over 2 million people...all ages. Hearing
swear words was just a fact of life. And as children we KNEW what we could or couldn't say to the "older generation" Cultural differences you say?....Culturally when I hear the word Hell or Damn I think of cities...educated....people of the world in heavy discussions.... When I hear Heck, Darn (or dagnabbit) all I can think of is Lil Abner....what you americans call people. I know am wrong, as using the 'proper' words is supposed to be a sign of education, but being intelligent and educated is a state of mind, isn't it? I am very educated LOL and believe me I use any swear word I can at the appropriate time if it will give me the 'shock' value I need to slam a deal into place. Hell, yes.... sweets A little bit too far (AWGate Woes)Jan 1, 2006, 9:02pm
Guess you never attended a Board Meeting *chuckles....or....Inventory
Day.... Yes it is very interesting all the cultures...what makes AW so damned addicting *winks sweets Latest avatar makeover: Lori from AW Standard AvatarsJan 2, 2006, 3:57pm
Racy?...risqué?....I don't think so....maybe for a G room but not even then.
Its a cute av and you are having fun learning it and rearranging it. That is what counts. The only ones with a bad comment are maybe ones that have never been to a beach area. The only ones with comments like 'too much skin' seem to like to consider what a woman wears as too much or too less. The parts that SHOULD be covered are covered and if they aren't, there is a huge market for uncovered avs as well. Too many prudes, too many sexist pigs, too many hmmm children with nothing good to say. Maybe you did a good job but some cannot see past the pixel skin to the work you tried to do Good Job....and please continue your efforts on this line, AW needs to be brought up to date. I personally am tired of the clothing up to the neck with the hint of bullestic cone shapped breasts 'Madonna' style (they will put your eye out LOL). It has been many many years since commercials for bras had to show the bra OVER the shirt. This is no longer 1950. sweets Latest avatar makeover: Lori from AW Standard AvatarsJan 4, 2006, 9:00pm
oh give me a break....the ruler measure of skirt hems went out long long
ago....its 2006 now....Happy New Year everyone : ) sweets PS: Imagine, we can even wear bikinis on the beach now....don't die of shock with this bit of G rated news... Latest avatar makeover: Lori from AW Standard AvatarsJan 5, 2006, 3:06am
Maybe we should wear large sheets over our heads to the ground, woth holes
cut for the eyes, like some women have to in some countries. Maybe we should cover our elbows and necks as the hassidic jews do because our flesh is corrupt to see. Maybe we should stay home because men cannot control themselves if they see a bit of flesh. Get real....yes I do believe in protecting children...but from what in this case...a bit of human female skin? legitimate skin?....Skin that as Canadians and Americans we have been showing for the last 20 years? In my father's time, men had to cover their chests completely when swimming in public places, women had to be fully covered, neck to knee. G Rated In my time, men could bare their chests in public and even donned the horrible Speedo. Women wore one piece suits showing upper thigh and some upper chest. But we had to wear a 'cover' to walk on the street half a block to the beach. G rated This Generation has bikini, thong, short skirts, pants, shorts, with minimum of skin covered....we rake leaves in bikinis, visit friends in short shorts and halter tops (yes and their children)....G rated.... Times have changed....but the G rating still covers nipples and crotch. The G rating is still protecting children in public places, but times have changed so much that is time for you to reevaluate that G rating and get into modern times. sweets [View Quote] *CRITICAL UPDATE FOR MS WINDOWS*Jan 6, 2006, 5:27am
a few days ago, while surfing (and avoiding sex sites LOL) I clicked on one
of the search addy's. Immediately on the page opening my computer went haywire. I was not loading a picture or any form of file. I just opened the address. BAM notices started flying.....a download flashed by.....alarms went off.... I had a trojan (or 2 as it turned out) Norton advised me that I was infected. They also advised me that they could not fix the file as access was denied. Safemode did not help when I tried scans. It found nothing. Windows malicious software removal tool found nothing also. The wallpaper I usually have disappeared to be replaced by a blue screen with a large notice sayng YOU ARE INFECTED. When I went to control panel to get rid of it using Display, I noticed that all the choices of wallpapers were blued out, no access, the 'infected' wallpaper had to stay. Immediately following a notice from windows appeared, saying I was infected, click here for updated antispyware. I was advised not to click even though that message looked real. A friend happened to recognize the symptom of the wallpaper and yelled DON'T CLICK ANYTHING. I was lucky, who knows what else I would have gotten when I tried to X out programs a banner would appear, saying I was infected, click here, popping down from top of monitor and covering the X for my open windows. I almost hit that but missed when I saw it appear. Well done fake windows messages continued to appear, SpySheriff had been installed. Nasty. Ad-Aware took care of the missing wallpaper, but it could not take care of the banner or the fake windows messages. It said that it could not delete the trojans as they were running. Safemode they were not found at all. On restart it would all start up again. It has taken me 2 days and much help from people here at AW to clean this whole mess up, and the last 24 hours has been good. Thanks people : ) If you see anything with the name SpySheriff....or your wallpaper goes screwey....get ready for a fight. I loaded 3 programs recommended by scan for trojan. Surprise though although they find them, they want your money in order to remove them. Uninstalled. This one is a bitch as it gets in without you doing anything wrong. Into a fully protected computer, past antivirus, past firewalls. Only a pay program can remove it. Or screwing with your registry (heh yeah good for some).... anyway that's the story....SpySheriff....evil sweets *CRITICAL UPDATE FOR MS WINDOWS*Jan 6, 2006, 6:42am
I went to microsoft yesterday and no updates available....saw your notice so
went back today and there it was....not exactly sure what it is or what it does but after this week am definately not taking chances....its done thanks : ) sweets [View Quote] TrojansJan 9, 2006, 5:37pm
I recently told you all about a Trojan SpySheriff I recently had to fight.
Looking at the scan logs I was quite surprised today to see the results. Yes the Trojans were found and destroyed, along with other miscellaneous. Most were located in my Documents, System or registry. The regular shit LOL.... But I was surprised to see the following mention on the quarantine list: Worlds\cache\art\\sounds\egyptian.mid,Cracking Tool,991936588,Deleted,d12da306e8b1f31caaebe2eb0bb45a84,DEN 01/21/2005,0502168000,00-00-00-00-00-00,Donald Gardner,C:\Active Worlds\cache\art\\sounds\egyptian.mid,Cracking Tool,991936588,Deleted,d12da306e8b1f31caaebe2eb0bb45a84,DEN 01/26/2005,0502667856,00-00-00-00-00-00,Donald Gardner,C:\Active Worlds\cache\art\\sounds\egyptian.mid,Cracking Tool,991936588,Deleted,d12da306e8b1f31caaebe2eb0bb45a84,DEN 02/01/2005,0503278049,00-00-00-00-00-00,Donald Gardner,C:\Active Worlds\cache\art\\sounds\egyptian.mid,Cracking Tool,991936588,Deleted,d12da306e8b1f31caaebe2eb0bb45a84,DEN 02/02/2005,0503372375,00-00-00-00-00-00,Donald Gardner,C:\Active Worlds\cache\art\\sounds\egyptian.mid,Cracking Tool,991936588,Deleted,d12da306e8b1f31caaebe2eb0bb45a84,DEN 02/09/2005,0504068684,00-00-00-00-00-00,Donald Gardner,C:\Active Worlds\cache\art\\sounds\egyptian.mid,Cracking Tool,991936588,Deleted,d12da306e8b1f31caaebe2eb0bb45a84,DEN 02/15/2005,0504670148,00-00-00-00-00-00,Donald Gardner,C:\Active Worlds\cache\art\\sounds\egyptian.mid,Cracking Tool,991936588,Deleted,d12da306e8b1f31caaebe2eb0bb45a84,DEN 03/04/2005,0506343648,00-00-00-00-00-00,Donald Gardner,C:\Active Worlds\cache\art\\sounds\egyptian.mid,Cracking Tool,991936588,Ignored,d12da306e8b1f31caaebe2eb0bb45a84,DEN 04/20/2005,0511074978,00-00-00-00-00-00,Donald Gardner,C:\Active Worlds\cache\art\\sounds\egyptian.mid,Cracking Tool,991936588,Deleted,d12da306e8b1f31caaebe2eb0bb45a84,DEN 05/22/2005,0514219230,00-00-00-00-00-00,Donald Gardner,C:\Active Worlds\cache\art\\sounds\egyptian.mid,Cracking Tool,991936588,Deleted,d12da306e8b1f31caaebe2eb0bb45a84,DEN 07/12/2005,0519370873,00-00-00-00-00-00,Donald Gardner,C:\Active Worlds\cache\art\\sounds\egyptian.mid,Cracking Tool,991936588,Ignored,d12da306e8b1f31caaebe2eb0bb45a84,DEN no other aw files were mentoned, nor any other music files, personal files etc. After a few other virus mentions these lines do show again as further entries (approx 20 of the 40 'threats' were AW)....always the same egyptian.mid in the cache. Anyone care to explain why AW seems to be compromised? Why this one file shows up over and over in my quarantine listing or deletion listing? Donald Gardner is the signature of the Trojan SpySheriff, a nasty one. These listings started happening after infection, why this one aw file? thanks sweets TrojansJan 10, 2006, 12:11am
ok just seemed strange of all the midi files in that file it
kept attaching to that one. That cache is in my backup browser that I have not used for months, using another browser on another drive. I deleted the cache. I did not have the tool before this January to find or remove the troubles. All of those were found in one scan in one day....all as seperate instances on the list. It is only marked as Date, not explaining what those dates are, but the scan was only run once, January 6, 2006 (44 found), then again January 7, 2006 (none were found) seems strange to a non tech that that many 'instances' of threats (approx 20) found in one day, could all be attached to one AW midi file....and no other music audio data files.... gotta love puters heh sweets TrojansJan 11, 2006, 5:31pm
Yup....that is what they used to say about jpg....didn't they
Seems we cannot predict anymore what a virus will do. Not like these hackers actually have to follow any rules of conduct. They just get more and more slick....we are doomed sweets "Sneak peak" at AW 4.1 (different universe)Jan 12, 2006, 2:33pm
Well I went to see this amazing 4.1 and must say (get ready flamers) that I
am totally disappointed. Hopefully they plan better for what we will get but somehow I doubt it. Everyone compares it to SL, but I don't even see that comparison. Yes we can adjust the avatars looks, but extremely limited. They all have the same bodies, just the hair or clothes change, and that in itself is also limited (clothing choices for males even worse than AW regular avs), ugly hair, ugly shoes, very small choices of chothing, so we all walk around looking basically the same, in different colours The avatar females are all short, the avatar males are all other choices. They all have 'great bodies' of 18 year olds. So I stood with my grey hair and my 48 year old 5'9" height jammed into tiny young body LOL .....I dont even want to discuss the ugly shoes they had (no bare feet permitted) The choice of skin colour you can have dark or white....and no shading in between. I was superwhite, othrs super brown....2 races of people only LMAO....female hair could be short, or ponytail only This cannot at all compare with the abilities they have there to rearrange the avs sizes, colours, nail polish, etc with Second Life. Comparing, Stagecoach (and AW) is pretty crude. The only comparison I could see what both systems have horrible lag, worse than any over-built world here, including my own heh The avatar eyes do not even blink....which takes me back about 10 years. After being their for awhile, the avs started changing. Males changed to females, females changed to males. We switched them back to our choices (which had to be redone step by step as the av choices are not saved anywhere for easy access, only to have this happen over and over for about an hour before we all gave up and quit. We could not retain our VR bodies. Either there was a huge glitch in the system as this affected the 5 people that I could see, someone had hacked the process, or the owner whoever it was was playing with our minds.....whichever the choice, although funny at first became annoying very fast. I did not like being forced to be male LMAo On closing it down, I received an error message from Windows. yeah ok that happens....but not often.... So although it is amusing and entertaining, I can see people getting bored with the new features very fast. Hopefully AW will improve this, but I dont feel it is even close to what we have been waiting for all this time sorry sweets "Sneak peak" at AW 4.1 (different universe)Jan 12, 2006, 6:58pm
I never once slammed the system, except stating exactly what happened on
that first visit. If this was a preview, it was disappointing. I am basically slamming anyone that compares the improvement to what is offered at Second Life. It is a small improvement over what we have, nothing more, nothing mind boggling as we all dreamed of. Maybe it will get better and I do see potential....right now it has many big bugs to work out. The ability to keep our av bodies on and not have them removed 15 times in 15 minutes and turned to another sex (one young boy was almost in tears because he could not figure it out and had become a girl, javascript error or something, and nobody around able to help), intense lag not helped by the fact that gz minimum visibility is set at 70 and not 30 or 40 allowed as option, and the fact that most there either froze or crashed. In my case I only received a freeze, and an error report in shutting it down....not bad for a pentium4, eh? LOL (not counting their server going down leaving us all in void for a bit) THAT was my experience with the new 4.1....demonstration or whatever you want to call it. Don't take me wrong, I am loyal to AW and always was. I always enjoyed checking out 'new systems' as they came and went, comparing, and yet I always remain at AW. My computers have gotten better and better over the years to keep up with the welcome improvements. I have a 2,000$ AW machine....LOL I do not surf. I do have a cit at SL but I may only visit there for an hour or so maybe once a week, if that. It is amazing what is possible with the avs, but, not many computers, even a good one like mine, can take the strain.....I still spend about 60 hours a week at AW, my home. So I am not slamming the system. I have ALWAYS seen the potential in AW. I am slamming those that have the nerve to say it is the best, or amazing, or is good, but it could be better.....and will get better, hopefully not better than the average computer can manage without crashing. You can all say how wonderful it is but I just could not agree. I do not want people to have their hopes up too high because they have seen the mind boggling abilities of av changes in is not the same....and maybe for that I am computer would not be able to handle AW anymore ANYWAY....who said it is for kids?.....they sell corsets to kids? usually? heh sweets "Sneak peak" at AW 4.1 (different universe)Jan 12, 2006, 7:11pm
LMAO well I am 5'9 at the doctor, makes me stand straight.....and can do
down to about 5'7 in slouch mode when with short people....but that av was not more than 5'5 LMAO and man did that feel soooo wrong.... sweets ps: cannot wear high heels even in VR "Sneak peak" at AW 4.1 (different universe)Jan 12, 2006, 8:28pm
to me....same difference....13-19 are kids....gambling is not exactly...for
kids....or, as you call them, teens.... and why if made for teens do they offer grey hair? LOL And do you really think a company like Wells Fargo only wants business from teens? ...nope,...they want your parents business not yours....adults with the bucks....dont fool yourself,,,,you are only the bait. I expect the bodies to age in time as kids lead their parents into the big business machine....believe it the 'kids' will just be another little annoyance in another of many chatrooms.....tolerated in the hopes they can get your dollars when you finally grow up and get a job. sweets "Sneak peak" at AW 4.1 (different universe)Jan 13, 2006, 1:33am
I sure hope so Rossy....because you really did not look very comfortable
yesterday in that girl's body *winks..... sweets "Sneak peak" at AW 4.1 (different universe)Jan 14, 2006, 4:01am
read my lips heh
> So I am not slamming the system. I have ALWAYS seen the potential in AW. I > am slamming those that have the nerve to say it is the best, or amazing, or > is good, but it could be better.....and will get better, > hopefully not better than the average computer can manage without crashing. "Sneak peak" at AW 4.1 (different universe)Jan 21, 2006, 6:25pm
They lost me long ago....and I started this thread LMAO
sweets A WARNING TO ALL...Jan 12, 2006, 3:19pm
well, called us women hookers last night in Stagecoach....I don't
know you, but if that is indication of your personality maybe you should be banned.... respectfully sweets LMAO |