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AW TV Stations

May 12, 2005, 8:22pm
pictures....yes pictures.....
then call it a comic strip....on a television....that is what it is....comic
strips....not continuous motion....
end of discussion....end of thread....take my so called complaints and do
something with it....if you can....
subject closed

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AW TV Stations

May 12, 2005, 8:32pm
yeah I do expect the best....and know it could be better...much
better....even an amateur like me can see this.
this 'method' is over 6 years old...animated strips, flash player material.
this is not 'new' or even interesting.
you may take it as complaints, but maybe you should take it as constructive
critisism. Which critisism can cause new ideas to form. Maybe this time a
good idea. Anyone out there get a twinge of an idea? I hope so
I wish you all luck with your TV's (grunts) and hope in the future someone
can see the logic of my complaints and ideas and give us what we do expect
in AW....something exciting, new and groundbreaking

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AW TV Stations

May 13, 2005, 1:30pm
*(non-legitimate comments on subject matter - insert standard response for
flamers that have no reason to flame other than to hear their own flaming.)*

Kathryn.....two words.....first begins with an F....second is You
have a nice day

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AW TV Stations

May 13, 2005, 1:49pm
yeah and you word things so much more diplomatically, Strike. Basic 3 words
that totally stuck to the subject matter at hand 'deal with it". You see
rather than slam me, Strike gave advice. Could learn maybe a bit about truth
and diplomacy from Strike LMAO

you see I can take advice, disagreement, debates, even insults....but what I
cannot stand is someone butting in to a conversation just to tell me I am
not nice, or sweet, that I shouldn't disagree, that I should not post unless
I am in total agreement with the 'community'....I am Canadian not Communist
and we are known for our big mouths and saying what we feel....sorry if that
offends anyone but I am not changing my ways for any 'community' Vr or
I had something to say. I said it. And from words of a wise man 'DEAL WITH

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AW TV Stations

May 13, 2005, 1:52pm
my name has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
*(repeat standard)

Gnu32.....two words.....first begins with an F....second is You
have a nice day

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PeaceKeepers: A Modest Proposal (rant)

May 9, 2005, 3:49pm
oooh do I remember and still mourn deeply the death of Yellow. I agree 100%
with what you said, Facter. There was real magic then.
Some called us bad, some called us fun, some became friends for life.
The decline of AW started yes with the price hike, but it also died when
they stopped tourist access (and made worlds pay for the 'honour'). It says
a lot about the system when Yellowstone National Park no longer allows
tourists. Kind of hmmm undiplomatic? LOL
I raise my wine glass to the old times, the magic of AW and the good time we
all had. I hope that some of that magic can come back, and maybe it can it
people would relax a bit and not have so many rules heh
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<no subject>

Jul 31, 2005, 9:10pm

<no subject>

Jul 31, 2005, 10:14pm

<no subject>

Aug 1, 2005, 1:11am
for a week have been trying to send a message but the letters kept coming
back. Got tired of rewording and today I seem to have been able to connect
after a few months being deleted. Was not even sure the message went, and
rather than get flamed for possibly apologizing for an empty letter or two I
let it ride....and oh boy did it ride....I had said watch I will probably be
flamed again without even saying a word....but no, you guys are great
LOL....thanks for the silence.....gave me a good laugh

<no subject>

Aug 1, 2005, 4:34am
and I do not smell *glares at Strike Rapier

<no subject>

Jul 31, 2005, 9:11pm

<no subject>

Jul 31, 2005, 10:14pm

<no subject>

Aug 1, 2005, 1:05am

Is everybody OK???

Aug 7, 2005, 5:21pm
I got so bored I cut my hair off....omg what a shock this morning....am glad
they are back and hope they do not do that again or will be bald LOL

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you like ?

Aug 11, 2005, 2:46am
Do you mean to say you changed the textures in those avatars? I dont think
you actually made them, did you?....There is a difference.

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Objects makers in AW

Aug 18, 2005, 4:24am
So many bad modellers out there, running programs and not understanding the
basics of notepad. So many free objects that are flawed....but remember,
they are free.

What people seem to forget is that flawed or not they DO belong to the
artist. If there is a name of the maker on the notepad, free or not, that
object should never be adjusted, arranged, redone or in any way touched.

Free is free. If it is flawed then do not use it, or contact the artist for
permission to fix it. If that is not possible then scrap the object. Is that
so hard to understand. It did not cost anything.

We have a moral obligation to the artist that most seem to forget in this
society. Do you have the right to say that Picasso should have put noses
where they belong? Do you get a Picasso and rearrange the pigments to suit
you better? Maybe a bad example but I am sure you know what I mean.

Use the freebies or dont. If they are named on the notepad as done by
someone else they are NOT yours to play with. Make your own. If you do not
have imagination enough to think of new objects, give up modelling.

PS....many years ago when we loaded the chorses to our world, there was a
notepad that came with the set....stating who they were made by and that
they could not be adjusted or changed in anyway. Please respect us artists.
Even us bad artists.

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Objects makers in AW

Aug 18, 2005, 6:39am
not sure those words....libre or gratis....I would call it gratuit as speak

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Objects makers in AW

Aug 18, 2005, 7:30am
ummm we are talking objects here....and since inanimate objects cannot have
freedom (d'etre libre) or be in any state of being free (d'etre libre) that
one is out....and has no bearing on this thread...and since we do not speak
latin here (most of us heh) who cares really what gratis means. In english
to be free (gratuit) or to be free (libre) is still free...so why ya buggin
me? LOL thought you had some fancy new english meaning for libre LMAO

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Objects makers in AW

Aug 18, 2005, 10:19am
you are going to grow up to be a lawyer or something aren't you hahaha...but
no, even in that case the 'anyone' has the freedom, its not the object that
is free to run away, marry, divorce, reproduce (ok maybe
reproduce...tech-nickly that is possible)....LOL
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A Sad Day

Aug 20, 2005, 3:38pm
I recently won 2 avs from a Trivia contest. When I loaded the avs, both
showed an error although they looked fine. I contacted Titania, the maker,
telling of this error and was told 'at least they work'. This was not good
enough for me as I do not allow errors on my world. I then offered to look
into the notepad to see if I could spot the error and perhaps fix it if she
was unable. I was told to go ahead. On the second line of that notepad, a
line had been added stated that it was made by Titania. There was no pound
sign in front of it. I fixed my 2 new avs and advised Titania of the simple
error on line 2 of the notepad, also advising her to send corrections to any
and all people she had already either given or sold these avs to.

Not too long after I won an 'object' from Bingo. On receiving the 'object' I
found only the jpg, bmp and the bmp zipped, no notepad. I contacted Queen
RaMel asking where the notepad was. I was told 'a sprite does not need a
notepad'. I then complained saying it was supposed to be an object not a
texture and that a sprite, a simple notepad, was an object. She finally
after arguing did sent me the notepad. Which had an error in it, and also
stood 20 ft tall for a Dreamcatcher. The error caused the texture not to
show. I sent her a notepad of a sprite with her object named in it, telling
her if she is going to give away objects, to at least give objects that
work. It is a standard sprite notepad, and the Dreamcatcher then worked
fine. Was basically told that it worked fine for everyone else (as a texture
on a panel) and was not thanked for pointing out the errors or fixing it or
advising of the problems with it. I was made to feel that I was complaining
for nothing.

Complaining yes. I make objects and do not sell them or give them away. Why?
Because I do not believe they are good enough. I make them for the joy of
seeing my imagination appear solid, and to have things 'fit properly' in the
space I want that object. But when I win something, I do expect that object
to be worth winning. Twice I have won. Twice the objects were either faulted
or not what was promised.

So stop giving things away. If you are new at object making, make them for
yourselves but keep your errors to yourself. If you want to sell or give
away, make damn sure they work right.

Stop the flow of bad objects, we have enough already.

'no longer taking freebies'

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A Sad Day

Aug 20, 2005, 10:48pm
Why? because others may have these objects. Others may receive objects from
these so called object makers. This is supposed to be a community. I am not
'bashing' anyone. I am sick of this whole conversation here and at the Gate.
I am stating that your freebies are not always good and the ones complaining
the most here in this thread are ones that are supplying faulted objects.
That is ALL. I name names because they are naming themselves here. Naming
themselves as object makers. In so doing advertising the availability of
their objects, either free or for sale. I am trying to stop the stress of
new world owners receiving faulted objects. That is ALL.

I fix many object for world owners, I advise them if I can on how to
simplify or solve a problem with an object they are making. I try to help
the object makers that ask for my help with my skill and knowledge. I am
always available and always have been to share my knowledge either in
building or objects. And other object makers have helped me out enormously
with problems or tricks. It is called heh free trade. You scratch my back I
will scratch yours. Lately everyone is scratching eyes instead of backs.

I have always loved AW, but all this petty arguing over a bunch of badly
made objects is a bit annoying. I said what I said to aid the community, not
to pick sides with anyone. Far as I can see you are all in the wrong. Could
it be that all this stupidity is because of free radio stations and a stupid
war that has been going on for far too long. BTW I dont know many that are
NOT sick of this crap.

Free is free, yes, but free can also mean worlds crashing, people lagging,
problems that new people to AW may not realize could even exist. Should not
free also mean 'free of errors'?


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A Sad Day

Aug 20, 2005, 10:53pm
ps: a sprite is a 4 vertex panel on xorienty making it 'face' someone. A
sprite is an object with a texture. A texture is a jpg or a bmp or a jpg
with a bmp mask. A texture is NOT an object. A sprite is not a texture.
Period. Bingo advertises the prize as an object sprite. Just want you to
play fair.

Admitting you are wrong is a big step in actually learning. Bingo was wrong
stating a prize was something it was not, until pointed out, and corrected
by me.

Saying sorry is the second step to learning objects. When wrong admit your
error, say sorry, then listen to the correction with an open mind, not open
That is all.

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A Sad Day

Aug 20, 2005, 11:03pm
also is no big deal to me to put it on an rwx....but the rwx was NOT
supplied with the textures. And when I asked about that for curiousity
knowing I could just as well do it myself, all I got was an argument that
the jpg was a sprite.

All I am saying is that if Bingo is giving prizes, trivia is giving prizes,
etc, those prizes should be what they are 'advertising' and also checked to
be worthy enough and error free to be a prize.

how many other world owners now have objects by these people and do not even
realize there is a problem. NG is for advising of problems. Well I am
advising of the problem, not sitting here trying to pick people's noses.


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A Sad Day

Aug 22, 2005, 2:10pm
Glory be she finally admits it. But sorry to be picky but you did NOT fix

Honesty is exactly what I am saying does not exist anymore with some.

when advised of the problem with the object being black, I told you that
texture jpg mask=bmp.zip is not how it is done on notepad, I was told *well
it works fine for everyone else.* Impossible.

create texture jpg mask=bmp.zip is used ON an object, NOT in a notepad where
it is written texture jpg mask bmp.zip. No equal sign. Again an argument
from you stating it works fine for everyone as a sprite.

I finally sent you back the corrected copy. A notepad of the right size to
fit your dreamcatcher (1 ft tall instead of 20 ft). The incorrect line with
the equals sign corrected. Also the textures were full of caps, which I
renamed using the same names you used but low case. I also unzipped the bmp,
renamed to low case, and rezipped.

I then sent you the corrected adjusted notepad, the corrected jpg, and the
corrected bmp.

and you say YOU fixed it?. OK you fixed it, with no thank you to me other
than arguments that you seemed to k now better. Fine you know better. As
shows in this thread full of crap..

Honesty is a big thing to me. Helping others is a big thing to me. Being
appreciated is also a big thing, sorry if that is against the rules of AW.

Kind of shows that this whole thread is bull when you have people like this
saying they did something they never did. Saying they made something they
never did.

All I want is a little honesty, and maybe a pat on the back when I help out.
(heh yes I am a dreamer)

btw....you are welcome (for the thank you that never came) and hope you have
learned something from all this.


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1950's style diner model

Aug 27, 2005, 4:22am
this web is a diner couple cities over from where I live....been there few
times....sorry is not in English but looks a lot like yours....nice object
: ) http://www.mathers.ca/resto/restoMBelle.htm

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Alphaworld Enhanced 1.1 released

Aug 29, 2005, 4:28pm
Why if this enhanced browser is so good, AW does not incorportate it into
its numerous updates? I personally will not install any exe files etc if
not straight through AW. Do we know you?

I am not sure I like the idea of some seeing one thing and others seeing
something else. Where is the fun in that?

Sorry maybe there is something I am not understanding here, not being a
techie LOL but I am not sure it is right playing around with AW's browser
unless AW gives it to us.

I have heard a lot about the enhancements, and if it is as good as I hear,
how about giving it to AW so we can all have it across the board on entering


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Alphaworld Enhanced 1.1 released

Aug 29, 2005, 6:28pm
ahhh ok thanks....was just curious...us old timers have trouble trusting
anyone LMAO

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Alphaworld Enhanced 1.1 released

Aug 30, 2005, 6:41am
ummm is it safe to click on those addy's? LMAO

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I'm done..seeya.

Aug 29, 2005, 6:52pm
I consider myself a modeller and live on a fixed income, sometimes barely
making it through. But we never considered selling or being in the class of
those that did sell, 'the gods'

My friend and I owned the world for many years and 'shopped' at AWUniv3 and
various places for AW objects. Fun shopping trips, no money LOL. Nothing
fit right. Walls not exactly like our imagination, things overlapped, couch
just never fit where you thought it should.

So we learned Notepad. I drove to Texas to stay with a good friend who gave
me lessons on how to make a box (that took 2 weeks, ok I am no genius I
admit heh), returned home and taught my partner. Boom, all of a sudden we
found a passion we did not know existed...modelling. We sucked up the info
files reading constantly, we asked so many questions people I think started
avoiding me, we tried and failed, tried and succeeded, we faught and yelled
at each other, we laughed and patted each others backs. It has been

Our world was finally able to be what we dreamed it could be. Things fit
right, if the object was not available, we made it, from scratch, to match
our dream. Oh what a thrill to see our dreams and fantasies take form. It is
still somewhat of a miracle even now, each object that we form.

It was seeing what the professionals could do that made me need to learn. I
looked up in awe to two people, that never even knew they influenced me.
Murasaki and Aylla. Women. Modellers. Exceptional objects created out of
their minds. They gave hope to other women and I still look to their models
and avs with awe. Goddesses of AW in my mind.

For years now we have created objects, our dreams. We dont give or sell for
one reason. Those objects and forms are what make our world special,
different, and not just another AW world.

Some of us are modellers, just for the sake of modelling. A passion that
does not quit.


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I'm done..seeya.

Aug 30, 2005, 6:52am
Nope I wouldnt and have always respected an artists rights. Have also
bought avs because they are so damn good. The dream of one day creating an
av is still in me, but on notepad is impossible. Or pretty impossible. So
after years have finally given in and loaded truspace. This should be
hilarious as am lousy at programs.

We are here to do what we do to have a good time. Make money or not we are
all riding a wave.

I just want to have fun and be able to do what the Big Boys do LMAO....


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