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jeanphi // User Search
jeanphi // User SearchDelphi (Object Pascal)Oct 2, 1998, 6:14pm
Do I need the awsdk.lib file with the akawapi.pas file ? In order to use the dll ? thx Delphi (Object Pascal)Oct 3, 1998, 1:05pm
Could you explain me this line in detail from you UNIT ?
rc := aw_event_set(AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD, at AvatarAdd); thx jeanphi Delphi (Object Pascal)Oct 4, 1998, 9:55am
Thanks Canopus,
I am now starting my programmation with SDK on Delphi because of your Library translation ! What are the declararions 'stdcall' and 'cdecl' do I have to modify akAWAPI.pas ? thx jeanphi Do I need a Universe Server for using sdk ?Oct 2, 1998, 3:40pm
I would like to know if the sdk using requires to have a Universe Server ? I only have a Personnal server, is it ok to use the bots ? Then how do you use bots with the personnal server ? thx jeanphi Do I need a Universe Server for using sdk ?Oct 2, 1998, 6:17pm
Yes, but in which way can I interfer with the current world ?
Let's do that with exemples: Suppose I have a world ( personnal server ). Could you tell me an very simple exemple of program using the SDK that would interfere into my world ? Now, this program should be running from my personnal computer or from the world personnal server ? thx JP When the courses will start ?Oct 2, 1998, 6:24pm
I am registered to the course on SDK, and I would like to know when it will start. thx jeanphi When the courses will start ?Oct 2, 1998, 7:22pm
Remember of the classes in AWUniv ?
We had to register to this course if we wanted to learn :) jeanphi Can someone explain AW_event_set ?Oct 3, 1998, 1:01pm
I am not sure to understand the command aw_event_set What is precisely its use, and can you explain me its parameters ? thx jeanphi Reason 43Oct 3, 1998, 2:37pm
I tried the sample Greetingbot program. But, it return the reason 43 which means: RC_ACTING_PASSWORD_ INVALID I used my personnal password and my personal citizen number. I tried in BETA world. How come it returns that ? do I need another citizenship ? thx jeanphi Reason 43Oct 3, 1998, 3:19pm
Sorry, I may not understand clearly:
the privilege password is the one I use when I don't want to log as tourist but as a citizen right ? Or is there another topic that I don't know ? like the Privilege setting to get somebody else privileges. thx for your help jeanphi callbacksOct 4, 1998, 8:17am
If I well understood, the callbacks are functions that allow you to get info from the server. like aw_world list_list seems to send you the list of worlds running on the universe you are in. jeanphi two events handlersOct 4, 1998, 11:40am
I wanted to improve the sample1 program that is saying hello to all the new
avatars entering the scene, and I added a procedure that says world settings changed each time you modify the world settings. Unfortunately, the program crashes, can some tell me what's wrong with my code ? It is written in Delphi, and the code add is between the 2 //*****\\ I also added the code of the procedure in the other unit. ----------------------- procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var rc: integer; c: PChar; begin if (Edit1.Text = '') or (Edit2.Text = '') or (Edit3.Text = '') then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Enter Citizen Number, Privilege Password, and World'); exit; end; rc := aw_init(AW_BUILD); if (rc <> 0) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to initialize API, reason ' + IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Initialzed'); rc := aw_event_set(AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD, at AvatarAdd); if (rc <> 0) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to install AvatarAdd handler, reason ' + IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Handler approved'); //*****\\ rc := aw_event_set(AW_EVENT_WORLD_ATTRIBUTES, at WorldSettingsChangeAnnounce); if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to install WorldSettingsChangeAnnounce handler, reason ' + IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Handler 2 approved'); //*****\\ c := nil; rc := aw_create(c, 0, nil); if (rc <> 0 ) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unableto create instance, reason '+ IntToStr(rc)); Exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Instance created'); rc := aw_int_set(AW_LOGIN_OWNER, StrToInt(Edit1.Text)); if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to Login Owner, reason ' + IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Logged owner in'); rc := aw_string_set(AW_LOGIN_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, PChar(Edit2.Text)); if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to Login Password, reason ' + IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Logged Pawword in'); rc := aw_string_set(AW_LOGIN_APPLICATION, PChar('Sample14')); if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to Login Application, reason ' + IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Logged App in'); rc := aw_string_set(AW_LOGIN_NAME, PChar('GreeterBot14')); if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to Login Name, reason ' + IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Logged name in'); rc := aw_login; if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to Login, reason ' + IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Logged in'); rc := aw_enter(PChar(Edit3.Text), 0); if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to enter Beta world, reason ' + IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add(Edit3.Text + ' world entered'); rc := aw_int_set(AW_MY_X, 1000); if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to set my x, reason '+ IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Reset My X'); rc := aw_int_set(AW_MY_Y, 1000); if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to set my y, reason '+ IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Reset My Y'); rc := aw_int_set(AW_MY_Z, 1000); if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to set my z, reason '+ IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Reset My Z'); rc := aw_int_set(AW_MY_YAW, 2250); if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Unable to set my y, reason '+ IntToStr(rc)); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Reset My Yaw'); rc := aw_state_change; if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Could not change my state'); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Updated my Position'); rc := aw_wait(60000); if (rc <> 0) then Begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Not able to wait'); exit; end else Memo1.Lines.Add('Finished with waiting'); end; ----------------------- the code between the 2 //*****\\ is the code I added there is also my procedure written in another unit like avataradd. thx -------- procedure WorldSettingsChangeAnnounce; var Messaging: String; Begin Messaging := 'World settings changed'; aw_say(PChar(Messaging)); Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add('Announce posted'); End ----- jeanphi; end; The update of akAWAPI.Pas works perfectly !Oct 4, 1998, 2:55pm
Since you have changed the sdtcall to cdecl everything is fine ! All my programs work ! Congratulation Canopus ! jeanphi what about an IRC channel ?Oct 4, 1998, 2:56pm
If someone has 24h/24 connection to Internet, it could be interesting to
have a channel :) jeanphi what about an IRC channel ?Oct 6, 1998, 6:49am
Ok, if you can host one, it is great !
just got to then you type 'mIRC' in the search engine, you should find it easily. You will jhave to install it, then to join the channell 'awsdk' and if it doesn't exist the machine will cretae it for you. Bye ! jeanphi ICQ numbersOct 4, 1998, 2:57pm
I propose we all put our ICQ numbers, in order to have better connected
work: jeanphi ICQ: 3896622 How AW_OBJECT_OLD_NUMBER worksOct 5, 1998, 4:20pm
I wanted to use the AW_OBJECT_CHANGE function to move a previously created object. But, it creates another object next to the original one. Can someone help me to understand the mecanism or the protocol to move an object ? when I create an object, I store its number in an int value. then, how can I recall this object ? thank you for your help jeanphi GNU functions...Oct 6, 1998, 10:59pm
What is GNU ? Did you manage to get people's sentence analysed by the bot ? I can't manage to use the AW_EVENT_CHAT event, did you manage ? How ? It would be nice that COF add the AW browser frames Dll to the SDK, like this, we could integrate the 3D and Lists without loosin,g the focus. jeanphi (0/1)Nov 7, 1998, 11:29am
I am programming with the AW-sdk, and I am trying to get used to your JAVA api translation from c version. Could it be possible for you to send me the Greeter bot version in Java if you have it ? Like this I would study the way you have to program and to use the Java classs in order to program. Thank you very much, jeanphi Collision detection.Nov 1, 1998, 12:56am
I would suggest that you do like me: I am programming another server, which is handling information that the server doesn't. Then for your collision detection, just keep the external server tracking positions ona virtual map, and that's it :) jeanphi aw_wait modificationNov 8, 1998, 2:54pm
I wrote a bot program that is supposed to shutdown himself when a specific avatar tells him 'bot14 close'. But it seems that because the aw_wait function is still active during this time my prgram bugs ! I was thinking about maybe Roland could implement a function that stops waiting, or is there another way to face my problem ? thank you Loosing focusNov 11, 1998, 5:31pm
How do you guys do to recover the focus of active world browser ? I am programming under Delphi, and when I enter a command, or press a button on my application, I loose the focus of the activeworlds brwoser. That leads to not seeing the updates until I reclick inside AW browser. Can someone give me a hint ? thx jeanphi Loosing focusNov 11, 1998, 10:50pm
I guess that we can handle this problem with usingthe WIN32 API. Here is my call to all the SDK Programmers ! You guys know that when you press Alt-Tab, it changes the application you are using, so maybe we could use the win32 APIs to do so and get the focus back to AW Browser. What do you guys think ? Et toi XetaG ? jeanphi >Same happens to me, also with Hambots. I've made a narrow vertical >panel which fits next to the browser, and click back and forth. It >would be great if the next version of the brouwser could draw in the >background. Another option is using 2 computers on a network, one for >your browser and one for your bot <hehe>. Pas d' chance, hein..? > >XelaG > >On Wed, 11 Nov 1998 20:31:34 +0100, "jeanphi" [View Quote] Release version of sdk ?Nov 16, 1998, 5:28pm
I just would like to know if we already know about a possible realease date for the sdk, and its price ? thank you Forced Avatar ChoiceDec 10, 1998, 9:43am
There should be also an interesting things is that the avatars file should be donwnloaded as the same the scene is, by this I mean that when it is the first time you enter a world, you think you have cached everything, but when you change your avatar, you have to wait again for the new one to load. Why this remark ? Because I am programming a game on Active Worlds, you guys will have the beta test soon :) It is supposed to be an adventure game, but suppose your character game picks up an object, or a specific clothe, you won't see the difference on the avatar, that's a big problem. Second remark: when you make an activate command that make an object "visible off" , you see the object disapearing, but the other people don't see the even, you should update the code also in the new version as a option in the world setting, that's my suggestion :) jeanphi Collision DetectionDec 11, 1998, 11:01pm
Hi Canopus,
You know that bots can walk through objects naturally ? maybe you can save a lot of processing time with not writing this pocedure :) jeanphi |