linn // User Search
linn // User Search
Sep 28, 2002, 12:14am
congrats KAH!! :-)
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:Xns92971157EB015kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> Wow, on October 6th KAH Town will be 2 years old! That's reason to
> celebrate, so you're all invited for a Sunday with events in KAH Town :-))
> I'll post details about the events and times soon.
> In relation to the anniversary and the "cleaning" project I'm starting,
> launching a building contest. To get all the details, take a peak at
> http://home.no.net/awphp/bcontest.html :-))
> Greetings,
> Mayor, KAH Town (AW 2222s 2143e 270)
> PS. Winner(s) will receive prizes
Sep 28, 2002, 9:05pm
ty ananas I have noticed a few free obj s for sale in some obj worlds very
good post thanks
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3D96185C.B29B2F42 at oct31.de...
> Someone told me that there's a person who sells objects from
> the oct31.de object path, claiming that it was passworded and
> the only way to get those objects was to buy them from him.
> This is not true. If you need something that you found there,
> do not pay for this stuff, just download it instead.
> oct31.de is mostly a collection of free RWX/COB stuff and stuff
> converted from free models from different formats.
> Three exceptions, objects that are not for free download :
> - The windmill set does not belong to me but to a friend who
> uses it from this path (passworded on oct31.de)
> - A few very nice trees are gifts from Elysium and can be
> bought from him (passworded on oct31.de)
> - The funny pineapple avatar "ananas" is a gift too, not
> passworded, but it is not a free model.
> Contact Kitiara if you want to have it.
> The list of all the things is on
> http://oct31.de/obj/ls.html
> Textures, sequences, avatars are :
> http://oct31.de/obj/textures/......jpg (and .zip)
> http://oct31.de/obj/seqs/.......zip
> http://oct31.de/obj/avatars/.......zip
> Models with special characters, numbers and letters a-e :
> http://oct31.de/obj/model0/.......zip
> Models with letters f-n :
> http://oct31.de/obj/modelf/.......zip
> Models with letters o-s :
> http://oct31.de/obj/modelo/.......zip
> Models with letters t-z :
> http://oct31.de/obj/modelt/.......zip
Oct 3, 2002, 9:38am
actually I think this is a good place to post it PK's DON'T always delete
those signs even if you can find one that's online :-) this is just a
lil thing parents should not allow any child to come to THIS NG I think
past posts prove this
[View Quote]"count dracula" <dracula at netsonic.fi> wrote in message
news:3d9b6176$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Sheesh, get a life LOL
> Drac
Oct 3, 2002, 10:56pm
its true this has nothing to do with AW but amazes me how many of you out
there (not everyone) is sooo eager to humiliate ppl in public sigh
there IS a way to say things in private if you have to be nasty about it
..... this just happened to me over nothing sigh
[View Quote]"elyk" <KFoerst at telocity.com> wrote in message
news:3d9cdf52$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *cough* General Discussion. Nothing to do with AW.
> "chiklit" <chiklit at funetwork.net> wrote in message
> news:3d9ca0a6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> shooting
> attempting
> a
> after
> interscholastic
> high
Oct 7, 2002, 6:03pm
upcoming event?
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3da1d3a7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> AWDebate
> -The AW World welcomeing public debate and argument
> Is now open for TOURIST access!
> This action has been made for an upcoming event in the world, however it
> will remain open to tourists from now on!
> -Thanks
> J B E L L
Oct 8, 2002, 7:34pm
lmao btw truth or reality is one's own perception of things or
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3da34d77$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I did? Hmm, not according to my parents, babies are suprising clear, its
when they get to 1, 2 years etc they get messy (or so ive been told, but
hey, what does my teacher know) btw.. have you been stalking me?
> - Mark
> "binarybud" <leom at knorrinteractive.com> wrote in message
news:3da34cb4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
movement....so what it's BEEN dead.... you had snot running down your face
when you were 6 months old too...;)
news:3da34434 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
debate since the money hike fiasco..
news:3da33d7f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Oct 10, 2002, 9:33am
thanks I for one didn't know all the options for that world were as you
state very nice of you :-) nothing like a good debate IF one doesn't
get ejected because they disagree lol like in AW
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3da50b53 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> sheesh.. didn't mean to start up a fiasco.. but hey.. that's what it's
> In the events AWDebate has held, we have had over 100 visitors to the
> simultaneously.
> Lack of visitation during non-event periods is not the fault of mine, or
> the world, but of the citizens of AW itself, to whom the world is
> I saw people get kicked and turned away from worlds countless times for
> their debating of topics, so I designed a world where one could go to
> openly debate whatever topic they may, or if you ask nicely I could let
> use for an event that your current world is not large enough to handle, or
> that you have no world for at all.
> I did my part, I supplied the world, supplied the service, it is not up to
> me weather or not others take advantage of the service at hand, or not.
> As far as an upcoming event: You may notice that for the past couple of
> the world has been Red, closed, yes, there is an upcoming event taking
> in the world, the date is unspecified, and the event can not be disclosed.
> Although this is NOT a debate related event, it is an example of how the
> world can be used by it's citizens for their things.
> I am definetley pro community, I am more then happy to work with people
> help the community grow. I design a world for discussion, I allow people
> use the world freely for their own reasons if the user limit or
> is restraining them from having it elsewhere.
> You can insult the world, insult me, deface the value of such a place,
> whatever, however this is not a concern of mine, rather a concern of your
> own and other citizens.
> If you say "oh gee.. yeah right.. like how many people have been THERE" I
> don't really care.. it is not my job to push people into it. I'm not
> to force a person to regular a place they do not enjoy. It is up to the
> citizens to utilize the services they are brought, if that means that they
> wish to complain about it. Fine. A chain is only as strong as the weakest
> link, and I did my part. It is up to the other citizens to do there's.
> Sitting around and complaining does nothing but get you ignored and
> desensitize the majority from your ongoing rambling. Actions speak louder
> then words. As I have said, I went out of my way to get this project
> started, and moving along. Weather or not a person chooses to utilize it
> up to their own choice, however at least the option is there.
> - J B E L L
> "j b e l l" <jbell1983 at attbi.com> wrote in message
> news:3da1d3a7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Oct 10, 2002, 5:50pm
:-P wiz LOL
[View Quote]"wizard myrddin" <Hippyring at rdescape.com> wrote in message
news:3da5bcde at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Opps Linn stop that now or rent a mob will be here to flame you.
> Debates are fine if conducted right and the people running it know what
> are doing.
> "linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> wrote in message
> news:3da5659a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> doesn't
> or
> to
> disclosed.
> people
> your
> I
> they
> weakest
> louder
> it
> it
Oct 28, 2002, 8:28am
i wondered who would try to change this subject LOL lets here you brag
about this mess bit
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3dbcb987 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Just thought I would change the subject post on this:)
Oct 30, 2002, 6:24am
good advice goob
take it
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3DBF68BA.3030704 at utn.cjb.net...
> Firstly, an update on the AWNews situation: We're still in the process
> of cleaning up the database mess that Cybor left behind. I'm also
> installing forums onto the website so AWNews will have its own forums
> once everything's ready to go!
> In the meantime, the folks over at VR Village Voice
> (http://www.spiraline.com/~vrvillagevoice/html) have been nice enough to
> allow us to post AWNews stories on their site while we get ours up and
> running. You can get to the AWNews portion of the site by clicking
> "Sections" in the VRV Modules List and clicking the huge AWNews logo
> that pops up (which, by the way, is a brand new logo!) Go there now to
> see AWNews special coverage of the CY Awards, including COMPLETE voting
> results!
> Ok, now that that spam is out of the way, time to get down to brass
> tacks. As I'm sure most of you recall, AWNews lost its awnews.com domain
> to a domain squatter. At the time, this caused a swelling of support for
> AWNews and its cause, with some even going so far as saying they would
> do whatever they could to help, including sending money.
> Well, guess what? I'm calling your bluff.
> Now that AWNews is relatively back in the swing of things, it's time to
> cash in your chips and help out the cause. However, it's not money that
> we need, it's bodies! We need physical help! Reporters, Programmers,
> Designers, Photographers, Editors, basically anyone who has an inkling
> for news and the ever constant search for the virtual truth!
> Let's face facts, folks, if you people really want AWNews to live on,
> then it can no longer be a one-man operation anymore, and for all
> intents and purposes, that's what's it's been these past couple years.
> So the continued success of AWNews rests on *your* shoulders, and I mean
> that literally. I can no longer do this on my own, and as those of you
> who know me know I suck at motivating people to do my bidding. Oh sure,
> I can write rousing columns and NG posts, but as we've all come to learn
> here in AW, talk is cheap.
> Now before you all start blasting me with emails saying "i dunno what i
> can do, but i wanna help!!", let me explain something to you. I've been
> involved with AW organizations for almost 4 years now. And every time,
> EVERY time, I try to get some semblance of a staff together, it always
> disintegrates within a month or two, if even that long. See, I'm of the
> philosophy that I should be able to give you the tools you need to do
> your job, and then you will go and do it simply because it's what you
> want to do (and what you signed up to do in the first place). However,
> it seems that most eager volunteers think that I need to be giving them
> instructions ever second of every day, otherwise they'll forget about
> their position.
> So, with that in mind, here's what I need, regardless of job
> description. I need people that:
> 1. Love to explore
> 2. Like talking to and meeting new people
> 3. Want to know the REAL story
> 4. Don't mind hob-nobbing with an AW "celebrity" occasionally
> 5. Are inquisitive and curious
> 6. Think AW is a way of life, not a spare time pet project
> 7. Are available at a moment's notice. (This doesn't mean you have to
> devote every waking hour to AW, but I should be able to send you a
> telegram and get a response within a day, not a week)
> 8. Are SELF-MOTIVATED!!! (i.e. would do this sort of thing as a hobby,
> in their sleep, etc.)
> So, think you fit this profile? Let's hope so, because here're the jobs
> available for you:
> Reporters - Above all else, reporters are the mainstay of AWNews. They
> are the ones that go out into the field and get the story, the WHOLE
> story. They ask the questions, they record the chat, they hunt down the
> relevant people. These people always have their ears to the ground and
> their eyes open looking for the next big story and pouncing on it as
> soon as it happens. Being able to actually write your own articles would
> be a big plus, but not entirely necessary. As long as you're willing to
> ask the tough questions and get ALL the answers, then this job's for
> you. And if you think you'll have trouble finding stories, then we'll
> find some for you.
> Photographers - The New AWNews is going to be quite graphic-intensive
> compared to previous versions. With that in mind, we'll need
> photographers to capture the story as it happens, or at least get the
> aftermath. In most cases, Photographers and Reporters will be paired
> together on a story so that they both get the same material. Needs to
> have some concept of photography, including setting up the shot,
> arrangement, etc. (in other words, knows the difference between a good
> shot and a bad shot)
> Programmers - AWNews currently uses PostNuke as the backbone of its
> system. While this is a wonderful open-source document management
> system, it's a bit too generic for AWNews purposes. And since I know
> squat about PHP, (at least for now) we need programmers to tweak and
> bend the system to our will! An expert understanding of PHP, mySQL, and
> HTML would be ideal for this position.
> Editors - While not a top priority, having more than one Editor on staff
> would certainly help lighten my load. Has to have a *extremely* good
> knowledge of the English language, as you'll probably spend most of your
> time taking random gibberish and turning into a literary work of art.
> Graphics Designers - You're sole responsibility will be making spiffy
> graphics for the website. This includes, but is not limited to, headline
> graphics, top story graphics, photography touch-ups, etc. Basically, if
> there's a story that needs a graphic or edited photo, you'll be the one
> to do the job. Experience in Photoshop or other high-end graphics
> program will be necessary for this job, as well as a basic understanding
> of design principles.
> See anything that tickles your fancy? Ok then, I give you your first
> test in wanting to sign up for the AWNews staff: FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS!!
> If you can do this much, then you're definitely on your way to becoming
> a full-fledged, card-carrying member of the virtual press. Simply send
> me an email to gooberking at utn.cjb.net and state which position you want
> to sign up for and why. Do not send me any telegrams. Do not reply to
> this message. (unless you want to stir up more pointless debate) Think
> you can handle that? Good, I thought so, too.
> As for the rest of you, the ones who don't think they have anything to
> contribute, guess what? You do! Spread the word that AWNews is back on
> the streets! Especially be sure to tell those who no longer use AW,
> since a large part of our former readership were people *outside* AW!
> Also, if you can bend the ear of some of our fellow citizens in other
> AW-based universes like OuterWorlds or DreamLand Park, let them know
> we're looking for them too! The eventual plan is to have AWNews cover
> *all* AW-based universes, but it can only happen with *your* help!
> So next time you feel the urge to send me a telegram saying "When's
> AWNews going to be back up?!", stop yourself and change it to say "What
> can I do to help AWNews get back up?" You'll get a much more pleasant
> response out of me, and you'll be helping AWNews in the long run. It's a
> win-win situation!
> --
> Goober King
> AWNews Editor in Chief
> robrod at prism.net
Oct 31, 2002, 11:32am
lol you know I have noticed that too its almost as if SOMEone calls them
in she says jump and they say how far note I did NOT call names grin
[View Quote]"kerstin" <kersting at blast.net> wrote in message
news:3dc133f6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Good points, Wiz. There are those few people we see in here time and
> who quickly resort to personal insults and personal attacks. If I didn't
> see people in here being outright abused, I would find it humorous how
> same few people consistently attack anyone with a differing opinion or
> viewpoint... on anything. Discussion is out of the question with them.
> They are entirely disinterested in anyone's opinions or thoughts other
> their own. It's gotten to the point where I now can predict exactly who
> will pipe up with an insult and when. lol. Even the order in which these
> same few people chime in stays almost exactly the same from thread to
> thread. lol
> Maybe for those of us who appreciate the exchange of ideas and viewpoints,
> and want to engage in them, we could have 2 threads for each topic -- one
> thread for those of us who want to discuss the topic, and a separate
> for those who just want to sling insults about those engaged in the
> discussion.
> Kerstin
> "wizard myrddin" <Hippyring at rdescape.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3dc107aa$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I
> activeworlds
> to
> people
> only
> debate.
> about
> its
> to
Oct 31, 2002, 8:42pm
just make a copy of your cont and t port txt file from aw and save them
somewhere then go for it :-)
[View Quote]"ds saber mage" <brandon-smith at kc.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3dc1bd51$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Eheh.... i just got 3.4 beta and i kinda dont like it =o\ im trying to
> figure out how to switch back to aw 3.3 w/o losing my contacts or
> teleports... plz tell me a way i could!
Nov 1, 2002, 11:41pm
yes very good poetry however it's a lil hard to tell who's side this is on
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
news:3dc335c1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes, great piece of work there. :) Very descriptive, and rather artistic
at that.
> TechnoZeus
> "alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3dc3322e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 1, 2002, 11:52pm
you just don't know HOW historic this will be in the end
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
news:3dc33cd7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Doesn't look like it takes sides at all to me... I took it as a personal
recount of a historic event.
> TechnoZeus
> "linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> wrote in message
news:3dc33b5d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 2, 2002, 4:54pm
yes TZ I think more has been lost here than we even know you know exactly
who made the mistakes and why and I don't want to go over it all again
its old news :-) but documented for proof if I need it to send to
special people who wont play mind games with me btw lets not forget im
not the only one out here who disapproves of how all this went down
shame has come out of all this for the CY the ppl involved and AW its self
im sad to say
Nov 2, 2002, 5:03pm
don't add to it then !!!
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3dc42dec at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Of for the love of god shut the Hell up!
> STOP these damn pointless threads they accomplish NOTHING!
> - Mark
> "linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> wrote in message
news:3dc42d6b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 2, 2002, 5:24pm
lol you are tooo cute I know someone else in here that tries that and it
doesn't change the facts so stuff it TZ get over it
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
news:3dc4334e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You tell me I know exactly who made what mistakes. I'm telling you, that's
not the case. Are you going to avoid a direct answer indefinately? What is
it that you are accusing of having been done wrong?
> TechnoZeus
> "linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> wrote in message
news:3dc42d6b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 2, 2002, 5:32pm
cute TZ but doesnt change the facts
if you want ot make this personal as you seem to then go to email im not
going to show your *ss in here any more you have done a good job of it
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
news:3dc4357d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> That's still not an answer. A cop out, maybe, but not an answer. Look, I
don't want to keep asking. It's just rediculous. If you have nothing to
say, then leave it go and I will consider it a dropped subject. If you
reply, I will be expecting to see an answer or an apology. Take your pick.
> TechnoZeus
> "linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> wrote in message
news:3dc43467 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 2, 2002, 5:38pm
I did answer you TZ with a copy paste of your own words read it is this
an understanding problem you have or you just like to make personal attacks
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
news:3dc4370d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I hear you Mark. I don't want it either, but I think I do have a right to
stand up for myself. If the Cy Awards Executive Team, which I happen to be
on, is accused of having done something wrong without any details of who or
what, then I think it only fair that I should be able to ask what the
accusation is. So far she has only been able to indicate that perhaps she
may possibly have been talking about the Selection Committee, but I don't
even see her backing that up. So if she drops it, I will too... but if she
replies with more statements "implying" that I may have done something
wrong, then I will again ask what, until she either drops it or answers that
one simple question. Maybe I'm carrying this too far, but I'm not used to
having my integrity attacked so don't be surprised if I act like this is not
an every day occurrance to me.
> TechnoZeus
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3dc434da at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 2, 2002, 5:44pm
TZ this is soooo stupid you know what the CY probs are stop it you are
making yourself look soooooo silly LMAO
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
news:3dc438a2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> And when I asked if I understood what "you" meant, your only comment was
to tell me that I wrote it.
> Again, I ask for a straight answer. What is it that you are saying has
been done wrong?
> TechnoZeus
> "linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> wrote in message
news:3dc437ce at server1.Activeworlds.com...
right to
Nov 2, 2002, 5:54pm
cough if you want to know what i really think go to email other wise
just stop it here this IS wasting time and energy like talking to a brick
wall when most of us know the truth now that you and bit have said it aloud
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
news:3dc43a7f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What problem would that be the fact that we set a new record for the most
votes ever in a single round of the Cy Awards?
> TechnoZeus
> "linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> wrote in message
news:3dc43922 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
this is
Nov 2, 2002, 5:56pm
hope you dont bet money on that Strike
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3dc43b60 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It takes 2 to argue, I understand your worries about the comments directed
towards the CY executive team, but thats long gone, we can have the team
discuss with the community rules and such at a time closer to the next time,
but as of now, If you can demonstrate and show that You are willing to put
an end to it, then Linn will have nowhere else to go.
> - Mark
> "technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
news:3dc4370d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
to stand up for myself. If the Cy Awards Executive Team, which I happen to
be on, is accused of having done something wrong without any details of who
or what, then I think it only fair that I should be able to ask what the
accusation is. So far she has only been able to indicate that perhaps she
may possibly have been talking about the Selection Committee, but I don't
even see her backing that up. So if she drops it, I will too... but if she
replies with more statements "implying" that I may have done something
wrong, then I will again ask what, until she either drops it or answers that
one simple question. Maybe I'm carrying this too far, but I'm not used to
having my integrity attacked so don't be surprised if I act like this is not
an every day occurrance to me.
news:3dc434da at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 2, 2002, 6:05pm
yes please do since you are perfect and all you really want is the last word
LOL you got it but i have to tell you and all the rest of the CY ppl this
is NOT over by a long shot you just wait and see smart *ss
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
news:3dc43d91$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I have demonstrated that. All I ask is a straight answer to the question
of what it is that was supposedly done wrong, that I can either except or
deny blame for. We'll see if I get it. If it can be shown that I have done
something wrong, then I want the chance to make it right. If not, then
obviously there was never really anything bad to be said about me in the
first place, and we can let it drop.
> TechnoZeus
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3dc43b60 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
directed towards the CY executive team, but thats long gone, we can have the
team discuss with the community rules and such at a time closer to the next
time, but as of now, If you can demonstrate and show that You are willing to
put an end to it, then Linn will have nowhere else to go.
news:3dc4370d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
right to stand up for myself. If the Cy Awards Executive Team, which I
happen to be on, is accused of having done something wrong without any
details of who or what, then I think it only fair that I should be able to
ask what the accusation is. So far she has only been able to indicate that
perhaps she may possibly have been talking about the Selection Committee,
but I don't even see her backing that up. So if she drops it, I will too...
but if she replies with more statements "implying" that I may have done
something wrong, then I will again ask what, until she either drops it or
answers that one simple question. Maybe I'm carrying this too far, but I'm
not used to having my integrity attacked so don't be surprised if I act like
this is not an every day occurrance to me.
news:3dc434da at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jan 16, 2004, 7:56pm
has anyone asked the new owner to leave the builds?
[View Quote]"baro" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:400858e6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Who was grover? I think I remember that name from a long time ago.
Aug 9, 2004, 7:53pm
is AW that running scared?
[View Quote]"jaguar hahn" <sk8freak at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:4117ee7b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> lmfao
> Jag
> "zeofatex" <nelxaga at optonline.net> wrote in message
> news:4017a5aa$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jan 29, 2004, 11:41am
well said!
how bout something new and different here?
[View Quote]"tony m" <tony at homeunix.uni.cc> wrote in message
news:40190a5e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You've already tried this before; it didn't work then, and it's not
working now.
> On 01/29/2004 5:48 AM, the lady wrote:
AW. How much do you think is fair to pay for a citizenship?
Feb 2, 2004, 2:03am
[View Quote]"the taz" <why at who.boo> wrote in message
news:401dca42$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> :-(
Feb 6, 2004, 6:15pm
non elete????????
[View Quote]"daphne" <dcoon at notuptopar.com> wrote in message
news:4023a169 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> My thoughts (almost) exactly, TartSugar...
> The birthday builds hardly mean anything any more.. Used to be a good
> would get a few other good friends to build a site and surprize you with
> and that meant something to the receiver... You actually had chatted with
> each of the persons more than a few times and had a friendly relationship
> them...
> Nowdays it's a group of mostly strangers having a building contest,
> much personal meaning behind it... They hear of a birthday and BOOM!!!
> They run to a place to build a competition grounds...
> You competition builders can go ahead and do your thing about birthdays
> I hope you don't mind that not everyone is one of the sheep to follow your
> meaningless lead in that department...
> The group builds are in another catagory in my mind... They are a fairly
> good thing for the Community... I can see them getting out of hand
> eventually though if the movers and shakers of them don't consider the
> whole...
> If the ppl dreaming up these builds work to keep the non-elite buiders
> involved so that a broad spectrum of styles makes up these Community
> then maybe they won't go the way the birthday builds have gone...
> tart sugar <tartsugar at comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:4022aa0d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> somebody
> the
> had
> fire
> is
Feb 28, 2004, 3:49pm
and be sure not to use them if they are copyrighted oppps
[View Quote]"brock" <BrockL at iceflare.net> wrote in message
news:4040a858$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Uhm dude, this is known. Alot of other builders do this kind of stuff man
> lol.
> --
> Brock,
> IceFlare Network
> Founder/Administrator
> http://www.iceflare.net/
> "seiya" <starbuilds at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:40409446 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> like,
> natural
> all
> any
> written
> should
Mar 9, 2004, 8:59am
but it IS true ppl all too often blame others before they have proof not a
fair thing to do :-( and please don't pick on "kids"