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linn // User Search
linn // User SearchterrainAug 24, 2002, 1:36am
well......sigh..... didn't work when the ground cover is deleted it leaves
the terrain so that any object "sunk" shows well back to the drawing board :-) [View Quote] Cy ResignationAug 30, 2002, 6:57pm
cy nominations outSep 1, 2002, 3:38pm
I was told that was not a kick off list but it does look like it is and
some of the names on there now show up on the voters page hummmm there is reason for that too [View Quote] cy nominations outSep 2, 2002, 5:51pm
isn't being changed after all are in just the problem ??
[View Quote] cy nominations outSep 3, 2002, 1:36am
ill try to ignore the whole thing since the person in chagre admitted this
was skrewed up and has NOTHING to do with whether or not ppl got on the list or not was the rule change get all the info before YOU send flames please ty :-) [View Quote] To the Cy Committee: A letter from an "old-timer"Sep 2, 2002, 10:08pm
well it doesn't matter who wrote that or how much editing went on the fact
remains things changed and were ignored that should have been taken care of this doesn't change anything it was not a fair deal we were handed and most fair minded ppl know this [View Quote] [AWNews] Stirring the Virtual Melting Pot: Sept. 2002Sep 12, 2002, 1:05am
very well said goob thanks for sharing
[View Quote] iCandy Cy Nominations WithdrawnSep 15, 2002, 7:47pm
andras they removed mine from the nom hummm well to sum it all up
for me at least this is a sham nothing fair about it from the start but they DID try LOL well I got news for ya no one can plan an event this big in a week but then they had a year didn't they the awards will not be valid this year [View Quote] iCandy Cy Nominations WithdrawnSep 15, 2002, 8:31pm
NO this is NOT democracy LMAO>>>>>>> NO
[View Quote] Cy Opening 7vrt Sept14 scrollbackSep 16, 2002, 12:31am
lol you didnt hear it all then here is a bucket
[View Quote] imaginationSep 17, 2002, 4:47am
maybe its just my imagination but I thought Flagg said no public personal
attacks in here remember that?? /whois Mr. Kwok LiSep 21, 2002, 1:18am
I just bet aw cit nicks are not in tele dir LOL
[View Quote] opinions and flaming and stuffSep 22, 2002, 4:04pm
humm well I don't know what this has to do with old cits or young cits or
ppl who are new here or in AW freedom of speech is our blessing im just trying to keep mine and I think we all know who "you know who" is and she doesn't have the right to take mine away does she yours??? [View Quote] opinions and flaming and stuffSep 22, 2002, 4:09pm
goob wrote I'm all for intelligent discussion, flame wars really get
stupid when the conversation turns from the topic and instead concentrates on the people involved or what was said. (I reference you to the VR Village thread for the most recent example) Of course, the way to curb all this is to start with yourself. (and I'm talking to everyone, here) If you find yourself starting to talk about the other person or what was said, rather than the topic at hand, STOP! well goob what was being said IS the subject freedom of speech with no one telling ppl what to say or do we can all disagree but why trash ppl after all few of us really know each other anyway [View Quote] opinions and flaming and stuffSep 22, 2002, 9:26pm
LOL gotta lub it !!! nice to see something that makes me smile for a
change eep is a neat guy just a bit harsh :-) [View Quote] best av ever!Sep 22, 2002, 3:44pm
just so you knowSep 26, 2002, 4:57am
this is not my opinion so read for yourselves if you so choose disclaimer..... just so you knowSep 26, 2002, 6:26pm
just so you knowSep 26, 2002, 6:29pm
can someone tell me why this is in web page when its NOT sponsored by AW???
listed under sponsors Activeworlds Corp. - 3DNetz - (German) crTView - WVRB Radio AWNews - Haveman Computer & Internet - The following have contributed to the Cy Awards in many ways, and we wish to thank them for their services. Activeworlds Corp. - 3DNetz - (German) crTView - WVRB Radio AWNews - Haveman Computer & Internet - [View Quote] begin 666 awcom.gif M1TE&.#EA# at `.`/<```````$!`0$#`P("` at (#`P,#`P(#! ($! ,$! 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just so you knowSep 26, 2002, 7:03pm
in fact you should contact aw and conduct decent reseach before TRYING to
flame...... get facts as all journalists should, apart from the gutter press [View Quote] just so you knowSep 26, 2002, 7:31pm
syn The only people here wishing to instigate any flames are the people
that seem to support this event, as we all do and want it to be fairly run.... I have no wish to start and flame war as you might wish to instigate. My original posting was a simple request for all to see what the situation is at present. It is very evident the ppl who are trying to run the CY s and what ppl say and do here, wishes anything that conflicts with their own beliefs are to be silenced therefore I will not engage in any flame war And my information came from AW itself therefore researched and confirmed [View Quote] just so you knowSep 26, 2002, 7:46pm
all I know goob beside you are a smart a** is that my info came straight
from the horses mouth now IF you want to call him a lier well you go right ahead he said it s not sponsored by AW you ummmm good class there since you have been there for how many years now 5 or is it 6 now??? get the info from AW then flame me ok??? [View Quote] just so you knowSep 27, 2002, 12:30am
well I just think the next 2 entries just somehow don't seem the
same.............................After that round, the Community wanted to be more involved in the decision making of who was determined to be awarded. Furthermore, we reserve the right to modify and interpret the "rules" as we see fit in order to assure that we are no longer going to be pushed around by people who insist on things being done "their way." We reserve the right to choose an alternative winner in the event that we determine an otherwise winning nomination to be unpresentable due to a lack of available information >>>>if its a winner, shouldn't it have already passes the requirements??? [View Quote] just so you knowSep 27, 2002, 2:27am
yall thru making fun of me LMAO :-) you just proved my point end of
conversation thanks [View Quote] |