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Tourist Build DELETED In Hamsterville

Mar 23, 2002, 7:24am
Just this afternoon right brfore you came to AW GZ with your accusations of
AWCom destroying "your" tourist build there was an admission by one of the
regular "punks" that hang out there and at AWTeen that he had been out
deleting tourist builds. Thats probably what happened to the build you're so
concerned about. Since as pointed out in another post gave out
the coords in open chat ??? what were you thinking ???

Lara Update!

Aug 15, 2002, 8:54pm

You take this thread that is supposed to inform the community about a fine
woman and an outstanding citizen and then turn it into a PR infomercial
about AWTeen?

That is beneath contempt and totally inconsiderate. It's no wonder that
teenagers and young people in general get a bad rap. With ill-mannered,
disrespectful, self-centered juveniles like yourself representing them.
AWTeen would be wise to dump you as their PR person.

On a more personal note.... If you were my son....

I'd kick your bloody ass around the block a time or two.

Lara Update!

Aug 16, 2002, 4:54pm

You are quite the mental midget aren't you ? It's painfully obvious that
you're doing some PR work for AWTeen with your pitiful postings here. Just
as it's obvious that you "changed" the subject line in the middle of the
thread about Lara.

Who says its obvious AW is shutting down and tourists don't have a place to
go? At last count there were over 50 worlds that have tourist access
according to Mauz's page.

As far as an implied physical threat ? Read it again... It clearly
states..."IF" you were "MY" son.... Obviously "YOUR" father hasn't,
although he needs to.

I stand by my earlier statement : "It's no wonder that
> teenagers and young people in general get a bad rap. With ill-mannered,
> disrespectful, self-centered juveniles like yourself representing them."

Take care young man...I feel pity for the UK with the likes of you in their

Lara Update!

Aug 16, 2002, 6:27pm

This will be my last response to you, child.

130's doesn't faze me a bit. Although your spelling and grammar suggest to
me that you may be inflating your numbers a bit, and yes I'll compare
anytime you'd like.

No one really cares how large AWTeen is or that it has its own development
team. As for the AWC endorsement? AWC doesn't exist except on paper. If you
mean AWI...who cares? AWI certainly doesn't.

Look again at the posting times on this thread.... You changed the subject
line less than 12 hours after the previous post... that does not equate to
"been dead for quite a while".

I'm truly sorry your parents are divorced, maybe that's why you have such a
problem with authority figures.

I doubt seriously that you will make billions in the stock market in the
future, you obviously don't watch the markets very closely do you ?

As for my children... I have never even spanked them when they were the
slightest bit unruly... they have never given me reason to. At their
respective ages of 31 and 20... they are responsible, well mannered
adults... something you should strive for. If that fails... then by all
means "be a very happy bunny".

Don't even think you can dictate to anyone here as to when or how they can
post to any newsgroups.

If you meant my text is "beginning" to annoy you...then good, I'm glad it
does. It means I have accomplished what I wanted. Although "begging to annoy
me" is more your style.

Now you may consider the thread dropped.

Oct 21, 2002, 3:25am
Hiya Bit,

Citnum 346215 was originally registered with the citname "Starbucks" if thats any help to you.

Customs Aide Bot

Nov 27, 2002, 6:00pm
"lioness." <nobody at> wrote in
news:3de4c61e$2 at

> And just a reminder: people are also ejected for talking about drug
> use, guns, politics, and sexual innuendos.

Unless it's the GKs talking about these things...then it's okay.

They tie the Knot in Massachusetts...

May 18, 2004, 9:51pm
You are absolutely right Alex.

Fortunately most Americans are reasonable, conscientious citizens who
respect people's rights and privacies.

However there will always be some like Linn, who preach their religion when
it's not wanted and go on about how their morality is superior to others.

Personally I am greatly offended by people such as Linn. Her god offends me.
Her morality offends me and her hypocrisy astounds me.

But then again, her idiocy is entertaining to read on occasion.

But I will state here...If I hear her spouting her Christianity BS at AWGZ
again, I will seek sanctions against her.

[View Quote]

They tie the Knot in Massachusetts...

May 19, 2004, 4:56pm
I apologize Miss Ainsworth, you're right, I mistakenly saw an arguement
between INHK and LizLiz in GZ and thought it was you because of the
argumentative nature of the conversation. My Bad!!
Although the NGs ARE littered with your baseless morality speeches and
your "better than thou" attitude.
I will admit fault where I am wrong unlike some.
[View Quote]

They tie the Knot in Massachusetts...

May 19, 2004, 5:29pm
I've seen Lotto around GZ and at the Gate, but I don't know the person.

[View Quote]


Jun 23, 2004, 9:52pm
Where do any of you get off putting down any artist, model maker, avatar
maker or bot maker for charging money and/or asking for donations?

personal attacks like Linn's and her lap dog Wizard on Lady Murasaki are
totally uncalled for. for one, are one of the most
antagonistic posters to these NGs (along with a translation by your pet
wiz)...followed closely by .Sharon, neither of you research the facts or
anything short of rumors and innuendo before posting. You should realize
how foolish you look sometimes.

As a famous man once said,"Tis better to keep one's mouth closed and be
thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."



Jun 24, 2004, 4:14pm
Have I used too many big words for you Linn? Anyone with half a brain
could see where your questions were going. Back peddle all you want,
your words are here and all can see your intent. As for my
"compliments"'ll be happy to know that at least 8 people have
emailed me sharing my complimentary words for your posting style.

Read this one more time, it applies directly to you Linn...
"Tis better to keep one's mouth closed and be thought a fool than to
open it and remove all doubt."

[View Quote]


Jun 24, 2004, 6:18pm
I immediately reposted and admitted my mistake too... that's called
common courtesy. You still don't get it... You nor anyone else has the
right to question what an artist, model maker, bot or avatar maker does
with their creations...whether they sell them, give them away or keep
them to themselves is absolutely NONE of your business.

[View Quote]


Jun 29, 2004, 4:12pm
Bro you said...
"So it is with war also. You don't seem to like President Bush yet he has
been in office in one of our most perilous times . He has faced 911
and many other things. This man has been honest and strong, unlike
our last one who lied, was dishonest, and dishonored the office with
his abuse of privilege. We disagree on that I am sure."

First off understand this...I too am a Vietnam vet and an American. Now
if you believe that George W. Bush is an honest and strong man you are
very much misinformed. Yes the previous President lied about getting
oral sex while on the government payroll, but it never cost one American
soldier his life. Never had an impact on your taxes or freedoms that you
enjoy. Bush's lies have cost us almost 1000 lives of our soldiers in
Iraq, not to mention the almost 10,000 lives of Iraqis, a fair number of
which were women, children and old people. This war costs American
taxpayers $1543.00 per SECOND. Are you getting Veteran's benefits? Then
you should know that George W. Bush has cut our benefits by 15 Billion
dollars without telling us.

Then you say...
"Terrorist s effect the whole world and perhaps some people want to
stick their heads in the sand much like we did in past wars until
our lands were bombed . If we failed ever, it was not stepping in and
stopping Hitler early on."

The Bush adminstration is very adept at creating paranoia, fear and
terror in the American people. The whole Terror threat level color
coding is laughable and absurd. The Bushies created this whole thing to
keep people afraid of leading their normal lives. Anyone that buys into
that kind of propanganda is a sad human being.
Did you know that Bush's Grandfather, Prescott, did banking business
with Germany's Nazi party before and during the war?

Then you said...
"I fought in Vietnam. I never killed or mistreated one person
If you didn't kill one person there, you didn't fight, you stood around
and watched. If I took bullet wounds and grenade shrapnel because you
didn't kill someone, you better not ever show your face to me.

Then it's...
"One thing I took from there
is freedom has to be fought for or it cannot last."

It only lasted in Vietnam until we left. The same will happen in Iraq.

The last point I will said...
"We have given another country yet another chance to stand on its
own . Now they
have to decide if that is worth the cost to fight and defend."

They were standing on their own before we invaded. Yes Saddam was a bad,
evil man. A bad evil man that Reagan and Bush Sr., Rumsfeld and Cheney
gave Chemical weapons to and trained his people to use them back in the
The U.S. has supported many bad, evil men in Central and South America.
The Phillipines and the Baltic states. Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.
Israel and South Africa.

Americans that are ignorant of our foreign policies should educate
themselves and "get their heads out of the sand"

a Final note....See "Farenheit 911"


Jun 29, 2004, 9:03pm
Ahhh excuse me... I'm so sorry that you had to spend a measly 2 years in
country. Even sorrier you spent almost the entire time driving. There
was no driving to where I spent most of my nearly 4 years. Although I'm
glad you were there to make sure we all had ammo.

now to politics... It would do me no good to have a battle of wits with
an unarmed person, so I'll save you the defeat by retreating.

uninformed people do more damage to elections and democratic process
than terrorists.

btw Michael Moore's movie contains 100% verifiable not take
the word of some talking head on Fox News...see it for yourself

To much power in the hands of perverts

Jun 27, 2004, 2:41am
You should learn how to configure your newsreader...It's still here.

[View Quote] > I have posted here against bdsm and gor nicknames in g rated areas and
> someone took it of the boards!
> The reason for that is the fact that 60% of the paying worlds are owned by
> pricks freaks and perverts!
> Congratulations enzo for building the 21st century Sodom and Gomorra!

AW Radio Stations

Jun 27, 2004, 9:07pm
4) secure the proper ASCAP and BMI web licenses to avoid copyright
issues and provide royalty coverage to the artists being played.

[View Quote]

AW Radio Stations

Jun 28, 2004, 1:32am
I have looked it up Pyro and I don't see that all djs operating a
shoutcast server or private server in AW have paid these fees. Care to
post proof?

[View Quote]

AW Radio Stations

Jun 28, 2004, 1:07pm
It's painfully obvious you people know absolutely nothing about the
radio business. Every commercial and non-commercial radio station in the
world pays ASCAP and BMI fees. totaling millions of dollars. The company
I work for (they own 110 radio stations in the U.S.)pay 10s of thousands
of dollars a year. The location of the servers, be they in the U.S. or
elsewhere matter not. We are talking International copyright laws here.

BTW the license mentioned on AWVR's website is a limited FCC license and
has NOTHING to do with the fees mentioned above.

Do not comment on what you know nothing about.

Now my question was and is.... Have the stations centered in Active
Worlds PAID these fees?

[View Quote]

AW Radio Stations

Jun 28, 2004, 1:28pm
Just for clarification here's the links to the webcaster license

[View Quote] > It's painfully obvious you people know absolutely nothing about the
> radio business. Every commercial and non-commercial radio station in the
> world pays ASCAP and BMI fees. totaling millions of dollars. The company
> I work for (they own 110 radio stations in the U.S.)pay 10s of thousands
> of dollars a year. The location of the servers, be they in the U.S. or
> elsewhere matter not. We are talking International copyright laws here.
> BTW the license mentioned on AWVR's website is a limited FCC license and
> has NOTHING to do with the fees mentioned above.
> Do not comment on what you know nothing about.
> Now my question was and is.... Have the stations centered in Active
> Worlds PAID these fees?

my personal diary???

Jul 18, 2004, 1:58am
Linn and .Sharon,
Since when did you two broads become content monitors of this NG??

[View Quote]


Jul 30, 2004, 3:53pm
I hate to burst your bubble Ferruccio, but it's a well known fact that
the Taliban were previously known as the Mujahaddin in Afghanistan when
they were fighting the Soviets in the 80's. The CIA sponsored them to
the tune of 55 million dollars along with Stinger missles and training.
That also includes a young man who helped arrange the financial support
named Usama bin Laden. It was one of Reagan's finest moments in
International meddling.

[View Quote] > "Taliban is an organisation who was sponsored and made powefull by for
> example USA."
> Despite the U.S. killing three-fourths of their members? Okay.
> Sponsored? Prove it.


Aug 10, 2004, 1:03pm
If Bush loses will you move out of the country?

[View Quote] > HU welcome back. Hw days after the election before you move out of
> the country? That is what you said right ? I think Bush will win in
> big way.
> Cheers
[View Quote]


Aug 10, 2004, 4:37pm
Great, you won't leave the country when Kerry wins, But I didn't see
anything honorable about the sniping, snide comment to Hu. Therefore I
responded to you in the same manner.

To CP...Bro's post was well thought out and concise...The NGs went to
hell when moron's like you showed up with your 1 and 2 word replies or
stupid smiley faces.

[View Quote] > NO, I will not move out of the country nor did I ever say I would. If I had
> said that I most certainly would do so though. I think our country can stand
> 4 years of Kerry just like we did 8 of Clinton, 4 of Carter and almost 4 of
> Nixon. It might surprise you but I too find much about Bush policy I
> dislike. The question with Hu is about honor. Will he do what he said. I
> find for the most part the left wing only say things and do very little.
> While the right wing just once and while do what they say they will or is
> the other way around? Doing what one says is important. Mr. Alec Baldwin
> and his wife, Kim Bassinger said they would move out this country if Bush
> was elected his first term. Guess what? They are still here.
> So to answer your question again. No I am going to die in this country no
> matter who is elected. I will also not be so dumb to say something I have to
> back down on. Honor is gained not with loud words but with action. If one's
> word is no good then what have do have to offer but sounding brass gongs? I
> have lost more you can possibly imagine for being honest and keeping
> my word in my life. I have to say though I would have lost much much
> by doing what I said. I would have lost respect. A fool speaks out
> quickly a wise man holds his peace and picks his words. I have been
> both in my life but I have kept my word even when cost me do so.
> I didn't go to Viet Nam because I thought was the right war I went
> because I knew was the right thing to do. I ask HU an honest
> question. I give you my word I will defend his right to be wrong
> for if anyone would tell him be quite they would also me. Freedom
> comes with cost and so does honor.
[View Quote]


Aug 10, 2004, 7:36pm
Sorry to screw with your mind Bud, but Hu and I are two totally
different people. I do not even know Hu. I believe I spoke with him once
at AWGZ for about 2 minutes. I have had the nickname BodhiTah online
since 1987 when I first connected with my 1400 baud modem. I'm a 57
yr.old Vietnam veteran. An ex-Federal law enforcement official and
currently a broadcast media professional and part-time writer.

My politics are radical and very left leaning and I justify myself to no
one for either.

[View Quote] > I found it curious that BOTH you and Hu have the same typing "styles".....:)
> and now you messed up and posted with one name and signing with the other....LOL nice try
> But in my opinion, anyone that has to hide behind a name has something to hide....:)
> Leo :)
[View Quote]


Aug 11, 2004, 12:37am
And how might you do that little Marky? By pointing your thumb and
forefinger into the air and whimpering "bang","bang","bang" ??

[View Quote] > I will personally hunt down and shoot the next person to make a pointless
> 9kb post.


Aug 11, 2004, 2:19pm
Like Bro said below...just ask... I'll give you my address, phone number
and MapPoint directions to my private though.

You still didn't answer my question. With what do you plan on shooting
someone with?? I suggested your pale little fingers, Marky. Care to
enlighten us with an answer?

[View Quote] > I was thinking more of backtracking the IP to geographical location then
> checking local sources for better narrowing down such as newspaper articals,
> allumni records, telephone directories etc based on past information and any
> information such as whois, published records etc...
> Thats the easiest way to start anyway.
> - MR
[View Quote]


Aug 11, 2004, 6:16pm
what a pathetic retort still didn't answer my question, boy.
You started with a violent assertion in your post "I will personally
hunt down and shoot the next person to make a pointless
9kb post."

With what do you plan on shooting someone with?

Are you dense? Mildy retarded? Dyslexic?

Or all of the above?

[View Quote]


Aug 11, 2004, 7:26pm
And what are you Bowen? his Nanny?

[View Quote] [View Quote]


Aug 12, 2004, 4:33am
You wetnurse him too?

[View Quote]


Aug 12, 2004, 3:17pm
Could it be because most AW citizens think you Newsgroup trolls are
morons and miscreants?

[View Quote]

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