ncc 72897 // User Search
ncc 72897 // User Search
Jun 4, 2002, 3:37pm
just wanted to know if 3.2 still accepts the contact.txt after i used 3.3
once, i can then just add those i have on the server to 3.2's txt file
Jun 5, 2002, 8:52pm
1st map of A!!CT world is now available at http://l2.8m.com/A_CTmap.htm
map created at 29-5-2002
Jun 6, 2002, 10:56am
map of A!!CT world is now inproved, shows coordinates of mouse pointer and
is clickable to beam into the world, visit http://l2.8m.com/A_CTmap.htm
map created at 29-5-2002
Jun 12, 2002, 1:33pm
of course....you're always welcome aboard : )
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3d04536d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hello...
> "ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
> news:3cfe962c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think I just might log in using my Starfleet persona' and beam aboard
> sometime if that's okay with ther Captain :-)
> Sincerely,
> Captain Patrick D. Cook
> United Federation of Planets
> Deep Space 4
> pchamster at msn.com
> Denver, Colorado (in 20th Century earth of course :-))
Jun 17, 2002, 12:16am
news at gamestar.de
kontakt at pcp-forever.de
[View Quote]"zeo toxion" <zeo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3d0d1ea7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I couldnt find a site for computer gaming world (or anything int ha mag)
> heres a contact page for PC World
> http://www.pcworld.com/resource/contactus.asp
> Thats all i can think of for now.
> A suggestion is that you should tell them about the SDK and that users can
> create games and other things. That would appeal to gaming magazines
> somewhat.
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> A message from Zeo Toxion
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3d0d0c93 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> info
Jun 17, 2002, 5:22pm
have it since a week, no more crashes, av animations are fixed
gravity bug and contact list bug still exist though..
[View Quote]"joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
news:3d0e2a76$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This will be fixed in the 3.4 uniserver :).
> -Joe
> "zeo toxion" <zeo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3d0e0f7e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 18, 2002, 3:16pm
well, a few that didnt work at all before are working now..
[View Quote]"zeo toxion" <zeo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3d0e3881$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> in build 417? The seqs are still in their screwed up self. If you look at
> the beta notes this upgrade isnt the one that fixes the seqs.
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> A message from Zeo Toxion
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> "ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
> news:3d0e36f0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 19, 2002, 8:07pm
*waits for 420* :P
Jun 19, 2002, 10:40pm
Build 419 Notes (6/19/02)
This release fixes a bug where a sequence would fail to work if the same
animation was used as both an implicit (automatic, like a walk) sequence and
an explicit (triggered by the user) sequence.
[View Quote]"barbarae" <barbeisner at msn.com> wrote in message
news:3d1103fa$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Just got 419--What's new with this version? Saw something about messages
> by as it downloaded, but have yet to find anything new since 418 this
> morning.
> Barbara of Amberlin
> "ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
> news:3d1100a9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Aug 19, 2002, 1:56pm
look at the bad grammar in the mail, aw would never have grammatical errors
in their reports
[View Quote]"rossyboy" <rossyboy2 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3d61147f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> That email doesn't even make SENSE. If it WAS in this so called
> "temporary memory" then they already HAVE your details, they would
> just need to copy them to "permenant memory"
> the derek wrote:
Jun 29, 2002, 6:06pm
Jul 5, 2002, 1:24pm
mapview 1.4.7
[View Quote]"brant" <awteen at shoemakervillage.org> wrote in message
news:3d259d01$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Andras has a program that will analyze propdumps and create maps, as well
> lists of builders' land usage, and it will work in all worlds except
> AlphaWorld. I forgot the name of the program, but try looking on
> or contacting Andras himself.
> "ryan tidus" <AWPadfoot at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3d2507c2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> :o)
Jul 14, 2002, 10:52am
in this case....British != Europe
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at 7k2.4mg.com> wrote in message
news:3d316dab$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but Europeans invented the 12 hour clock and the
> sandwich (which the hamburger is based off of). American football was
> off of rugby as well. Decimal points were introduced by the British, as
> our "standard" system.
> --Bowen--
> "kf" <none at junk.mail> wrote in message news:3D314638.26AE at junk.mail...
Jul 14, 2002, 7:31pm
maybe the americans didnt come up with all of this but how come they wanna
stick to all the ancient systems when there are much better ones today? why
still using 12 when there is the advanced 24 hour system? its pointless to
stick to inaccurate systems..
Jul 14, 2002, 7:40pm
thats for an analog clock, but for announcing time its better to use 24 hrs
than using the bulky 12 hours with 2 letters appended, it saves u 2 bytes
which u can use for a 4-digit year..lolz
well all times in most of europe are announced in 24 hrs and u will not find
anyone saying 2:00pm when u ask someone what time it is, theyll tell u 14:00
even when they read it from an analog clock
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3d31ede6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Am and PM? Just as accurate, even more so actually cause the hands of the
> clock move a larger distance per hour
Jul 14, 2002, 8:13pm
no they wont say hundred hours or whatever that is, theyll say 14 o'clock or
2 o'clock, but NEVER am or pm
and everywhere u see time written it is in the 24 hr system
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at 7k2.4mg.com> wrote in message
news:3d31f1b3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> No it's not. I don't know about you but I don't have a huge digital clock
> in my room on the wall. Like I said in awteen, it's the same damn system.
> Just subtract or add 12 and you're set. 14 o'clock or 14 hundred hours?
> I'm pretty sure they'll tell you 2 o'clock instead. Most of my French and
> English friends use the 12 hour system, you're the only one that can't
> understand it.
> --Bowen--
> "ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
> news:3d31efdc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> hrs
> find
> 14:00
> the
Jul 14, 2002, 9:53pm
24 hour time isnt armi time, europe used it long before the armi did
[View Quote]"eep" <eepNOSPAM at tnlc.com> wrote in message
news:3D31FB52.F1C2BE6A at tnlc.com...
> It's not about tolerance, but consistency, Ananas. Periods used to
separate thousands just looks silly. While I'm American, I prefer metric
over "standard" measurement. How do scientists deal with the inconsistency
in numerical punctuation? One would think there would at least be a standard
there--and I'm sure there is: periods for decimals and commas for thousands
> I'm not in the military so military time (24-hour) isn't for me. I'm not
much into sports so "football" or "soccer" don't interest me much.
> ananas wrote:
as was
Jul 18, 2002, 10:02am
putting it in a box in the stores makes a huge difference,
u have to remember that more than half of the tourists cant register coz of
not having a CC, but selling it in stores would make CC usage obsolete
[View Quote]"goober king" <robrod at prism.net> wrote in message
news:3D36A530.3040906 at prism.net...
> One big thing you missed: Dynamic Content! How is anyone supposed to be
> able to build anything if you can't download it? AW, by its nature, is a
> dynamic, online venture, and no matter what, you have to download
> content in real time. Otherwise, you'd have to download a patch every
> time someone builds something!
> And I'm not sure why you're so hooked on EA. Sure, they make sports
> games, but last I checked, AW is not a sports game. If you really want a
> gaming company to hook up with AW, you need a company that has
> experience in dealing with online, multi-player games (Everquest, Ultima
> Online, Halflife:Team Fortress, etc.).
> In any case, I don't really think putting it in a box on the shelf will
> really make any difference in terms of immigration. As Casay stated, you
> first need to have content before you can advertise for it, and putting
> it in a box is a form of advertising.
> pc hamster wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> AW: It's in the box!
> robrod at prism.net
Jul 31, 2002, 4:45am
at ="aworld.Document"
"Content Type"="application/x-activeworld"
at ="aworld Document"
at =""C:\\Active Worlds\\aworld.exe" "%1""
Aug 3, 2002, 5:20am
which world actually uses the megapath?
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at 7k2.4mg.com> wrote in message
news:3d49a00e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Supposedly it's an object yard world for the aw megapath OP.
> --Bowen--
> "agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3d499fc1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> should care?
Aug 15, 2002, 5:19pm
what a joke..hahahhaha
u meant "the most disrespectful community in AW" :\
Aug 15, 2002, 6:51pm
i didnt do anything to them before they started all this in the 1st place
with constant ignoring on purpose and disrespecting attitude towards me....
im just giving them back what they gave me all the time during the last
Aug 15, 2002, 9:23pm
i didnt do any of this till they started insulting me over it,
and its THEM who r deliberately annoying me with their arrogant attitude, i
never did that..
and after all they did they have no right to complain about getting the same
treatment back
Aug 15, 2002, 9:29pm
> With ill-mannered,
> disrespectful, self-centered juveniles like yourself representing them.
awteen is full of those ^
Aug 14, 2002, 6:02pm
i didnt get a message, so :PPPP hahahaa
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3d5ab171 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> A few things
> 1. Doing a stand up show and not insulting ANYONE in AW is
impossable unless you sit there all day.
> 2. Your punney stand up show colides with AWTeens Fugitive event,
so were going to have to beat you by doing a better event (which no doubt we
will :) we do have the Virtual Major Events Team after all)
> 3. <Flame> Why the hell did you have to send this damn message to
nearly every single person in telegrams as well, I hate recieving these darn
things, if it wasnt for the fact you might actually need to contact me for
something important for some reason id consider blocking you and allot of
people would feel the same way. Down with spam! Down with AWEC's spamming
> - Mark
> Joke: Why Did JP NOT cross the road?
> Answer: To prevent Eep from running him over with a steam train!!!
> *Du Duh Dum!* *Hits drums*
> Hahahaha! Gawd im so funny its painfull ^_^
Aug 16, 2002, 5:18am
the tile data limit really needs to be increased as well
maybe 10 times as much as the current limit
Aug 17, 2002, 7:01am
ummm, its the amount of objects and special effects which lagg the place,
not the amount of bytes in a tile..
i dont think it makes any difference in frame rate whether u have an object
use its original texture or applying another one with create texture..
[View Quote]"zeo toxion" <zeo at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3d5d3d95 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think it's laggy as it is with huge cell data limit and have the place
> filled. But if you turn that option on in your world have fun watching
> everyone crash on entrance :)
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> A message from Zeo Toxion
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> "ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
> news:3d5ca739$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Aug 27, 2002, 10:42am
I guess then we need to have objects of every texture lol.
[View Quote]"bluebean" <bluebean at csi.com> wrote in message
news:3d6b6890$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> From my expirience it makes quite a difference. I built a huge thing in
> TheBeans and all objects had a create name on it. It got quite laggy. When
> replaced the objects with pretextured ones I got a noticeable increase in
> framerate. That's why TheBeans gz is relatively lag free :)
> "ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:3d5e10e0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> object
Aug 18, 2002, 10:07pm
what if someone wants to use the ? on a sign as currency symbol? will the
propdump recognize that correctly?
Aug 18, 2002, 10:08pm
why is this a question mark now? its supposed to be the euro sign there..
[View Quote]"ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
news:3d6036a5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> what if someone wants to use the ? on a sign as currency symbol? will the
> propdump recognize that correctly?