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A!!CT is back on-line!

Jan 24, 2003, 2:37am
yep. that's a pay check or two for a lot of people, you know. even if it was
a credit card where you pay it off by payments, i don't think a parent would
want to be paying those kind of payments for a long while with great
interest charges - unless they're some sort of super rich person. the parent
isn't getting anything out of it and it's overly expensive, the child is
hardly getting anything out of it, how does that figure? hell, if i were
fenix, i wouldn't even want to renew a!!ct, even if i DID like it. :P

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I'm ever so sorry.. please don't send me to the firey pits of hell.. I said I was sorry!

Jan 27, 2003, 9:20pm
?_? some of the things i've seen in this newsgroup lately, i tell ya. either
extremely confusing, have no reason, or are really stupid and/or pointless.

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I'm ever so sorry.. please don't send me to the firey pits of hell.. I said I was sorry!

Jan 28, 2003, 9:19pm

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Seiya's Song

Jan 28, 2003, 9:24pm
my ears. :\ i never liked midi's anyway..

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get a new dummy

Jan 29, 2003, 6:46pm
that was most entertaining - thank you.

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Help Wanted

Jan 28, 2003, 9:21pm
[View Quote] LOL!


What about Alpha World?

Feb 1, 2003, 2:08am
you may just be the strangest person i've ever seen on these newsgroups.

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Happy New Year!

Feb 1, 2003, 2:10am
oh no! look out for yanst! ...

"absolute monarch" <absolutemonarch at> wrote in
message news:3e3b1783 at
> Happy Chinese New Year!!!!!

Happy Birthday NCC!!!

Feb 1, 2003, 2:10am
that doesn't make much sense.

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Happy Birthday NCC!!!

Feb 1, 2003, 8:05pm
i did. but if you weren't it wouldn't make much sense. either way it still
doesn't. :\

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Feb 4, 2003, 1:06am
*raises hand* i think i spent 2002 new year's in there, then the next day i
found out it wasn't legit. :\

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Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 7:15pm
how does one actually know how many citizens "they've brought in"? do these
hundreds of tourists that become citizens actually tell YOU that THEY
registered PURELY because of A!!CT Bruce? what if these tourists you see in
A!!CT are in A!!CT a lot and 'enjoy' their time there, but then go to
another world and they actually registered for another reason - something
else pulled them in - and you claim you're the reason they registered? what
if a tourist prances into thebeans, seeing the nice anti-lag gz that's
nicely organized and easy to build within and there isn't so much psychotic
deletion and issues - and fraudulent credit cards - and decides they're
going to register, but since they've been in A!!CT you claim it as being a
registry based on your world - how is such a thing fair? i'm sure you have
some perfectly logical answer to this, how you determine that you've
successfully created a registered user out of a tourist with your world.
personally - if A!!CT was the first world i tried building and interacting
within i would be scared, just my opinion though. :)

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Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 7:56pm
not all the GK's are that bad, you know. maybe if you knew one or more of
them you wouldn't say such harsh things. i'll have to agree, however, a few
are looney.

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Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 8, 2003, 2:33am
you know what - you know why you're always being "anti'd" in here? you know
why you're always getting put down? it's because you never stop with the
same old crap. you've done it entirely to yourself, for some reason, people
automatically think low of such a world that has massive deletion issues, a
psychotic tourist environment, extreme lag'd down GZ's, thousands of signs
and welcome messages that contain nothing more than CAPS that ramble on
about your problems and how we're supposed to help and how terrible it is
that you have to run this for the community.

you get ATTACKED because it's purely annoying, if you ENJOY doing this for
the community, and feel you're doing such a great job in bringing in the AW
community and putting money in AWI's bank accounts, then stop your damn
complaining. all you ever post about A!!CT is your issues, whether it be
with severe deletion problems, your lack of money to keep the world going,
you know, it's enough these people you "bring in" to the universe have to
pay for their citizenship(which you attempt at providing, bad idea..) then
you try to beg the rest of the universe to pay for YOUR bills - it's your
choice to start a massively huge privately owned public building world. it's
your responsibility, sure, 'hire' some people to help around the world and
with whatever problems that can be solved by someone with some rights, but
you don't go asking the community you're providing such a thing to.

sorry if i seem rude, but maybe you should just take a look at your posts,
your worlds, and get it together. people don't care to hear all your
STATISTICS about how much you PAY each year, each month, about how you
should get whatever you want since you can get a few citizens to register,
by getting citizens to register then getting a 150 user limit from AWI for
free is just stealing from AWI. they don't get much out of that - which by
the way, neither do you. the only time there's 150 people in a world is
during the CY's or other HUGE events, A!!CT definitely isn't a huge event.

if you want to be liked by ALL of this community, you have to pull yourself
together here, don't post every bit of information to try to back yourself
up each time someone tries to say different. instead, change it. make a
difference and people will appreciate what you offer more. according to what
you seem to think, you ARE the community, help yourself for once, if you
don't think you can afford to keep this going anymore, keep your world at a
logical size, get it cleaned up, and stop paying for people's cits just to
keep AW open. by the way, i never go to awteen unless i join someone
there - i hate it almost as much as a!!ct, probably more in fact, because of
the people, however. you don't try to change a program for the 'better'when
you can't financially do it.

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OK my last post

Feb 10, 2003, 7:03pm
don't worry - he'll be back. just like a!!ct.

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Talk About Active worlds

Feb 16, 2003, 2:54pm
he's speaking the best english he can and you're mean.

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Party at AW GZ Now!:)

Feb 22, 2003, 2:23pm
lol just a random thing dan. i was online. was only 12:30am here. :)

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Free Turdor styled house/shop

Mar 2, 2003, 3:04pm
you do realize now, your jpg is named 'dick2' don't you? O_O

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Free Turdor styled house/shop

Mar 2, 2003, 9:19pm
i renamed mine to turdor. :)

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Participants Wanted for New Game Shows!

Mar 12, 2003, 7:12pm

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Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 13, 2003, 10:46pm
[View Quote] because of the many different beliefs and views on such topics they ARE very
debate provoking, major debating of any kind is not what we want to
introduce new members in the universe to. you do NOT need to involve views
on religion and war to have a good, well-structured conversation. we all
know what debates are like, i personally DON'T want to see anything like
what aw citizens see as being a 'debate' in the gateway. it just causes for
a bad atmosphere and more trouble, which we don't need.


Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 14, 2003, 12:43am
[View Quote] LOL, you're 'free' to say whatever you 'want', just don't turn it abusive
and psychotic like most 'debates' turn out to be, unless they're controlled.
why don't you just take your religious acts and war beliefs and cause hell
in somewhere like awteen instead? WHY do you have, or even WANT to do this
in the Gate anyway?!


Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 14, 2003, 2:23am
but they DO often encourage the use of mute - they periodically copy and
paste one of their many quotes about harassment/abuse and the ability to
MUTE people - but you shouldn't have to mute everyone participating in a
'heated debate' in the gateway!

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Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 14, 2003, 6:52pm
wow, kellee - being a person who runs awnewbie and awschool, in which is
supposed to help and welcome new people to the universe, i never thought you
would encourage debating in the gateway. every conversation involves small
'arguing' or 'debating', but IT'S natural and they aren't big issues that
can turn into trouble. like i and others have said, the gate is a place for
newbies to be welcomed and receive help with the browser, not to listen to
angry, outraged citizens on their first visit. the gate is plenty enjoyable
without these huge debates. and again like i've said before - why? why must
you debate in the gateway? there's twelve-hundred other worlds to argue in.

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Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 15, 2003, 2:38pm
that's exactly the type of conversation i'm referring to everytime i say a
'light' conversation or a conversation with small, normal 'arguing' and
'debating'. most all of us do it everytime we talk.

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Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 17, 2003, 8:43pm
[View Quote] i think it *sounded* better without it. :)


Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 17, 2003, 8:48pm
if nobody's IN that world then apparently ya'll don't even really WANT to
debate so why argue about it? :) get a serious debate going in there, plan
it out, have it about the war or something you're just ITCHING to debate
about - and keep it out of the gate! :)

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Mar 19, 2003, 7:21pm
swe <swe at>:
> emm, it doesnt work.

yes, yes it does.
that was quite interesting and you came up with some good questions, thanks
and good luck kjd. :)


AWTeen Bulldozer??

Mar 21, 2003, 7:03pm
strike rapier <strike at>:
> Bulldozer is not an official AWTeen representative in any way, shape or
> form.
> Futher more noone in AWTeen, nor any organisation outside AWI has the
> to ask you for private information, this includes the PK's, GK's and
> else. Anyone who does ask for repeated personal information should be
> reported to the relevant Active Worlds Inc email or to
> support at if 1 is available.
> This information has been passed on to AWTeens security department, in the
> mean time block his / her ability to contact you though telegrams etc.
> - Mark

o0o, don't you sound official. and professional.


E N Z O 's World

Mar 26, 2003, 7:04pm
umm now now, if we want aw to stay OPEN...hehe, maybe $39.95, i think that's
the perfect price. ten dollars is just pathetic, twenty is what got us into

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