alphabit phalpha // User Search
alphabit phalpha // User Search
Sep 15, 2004, 11:22pm
Who reads?:)
[View Quote]"themask" <ricky at whaletech.net> wrote in message
news:4148e626$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Thank you SWE. It can be taken as advice, or a little info just in case
> popular bit is doing the fine print reading :)
Sep 11, 2004, 10:24pm
AWI will be here forever:)
At least 50 years cause I plan on being buried here and I DONT plan on dying
till Im 100:)
[View Quote]"r i c h a r d" <richard.lazenby1 at ntlworld.com> wrote in message
news:414395e6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well the software may still be in existance but AW Inc are going down the
> plug, i give em 3 years tops
Sep 12, 2004, 12:37am
Should I worry?...lol
I thought everyone knew my age....50 going 0n 5 :=P
[View Quote]"lightwave" <bobwisti at earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:4143b49e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> you just told us your age :op
Sep 18, 2004, 6:50pm
lol...I REALLY don't know what your'e talking about:)
Sep 15, 2004, 1:41am
Entertainment Industry?:)
[View Quote]"legion" <jonsavel at juno.com> wrote in message
news:4147aad6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Industry:
> Construction Industry Stable
> Real Estate Industry Stable
> Television Broadcasting Industry Stable
> Radio Broadcasting Industry Stable
> Bot Development Industry Stable
> Tourism Industry Declining
> E-Newspaper Industry Declining
> World Hosting Industry Growing
> Object Path Hosting Industry Growing
> Townbuilding Industry Stable
> Modelling Industry Growing
> Worldbuilding Industry Growing
> Website Hosting/Design Industry Growing
> ---------------------------------------------
> Private Sector - Mixed (Growing/Declining)
> Public Sector - Stable
> ---------------------------------------------
> Public Sector---
> Education - Stable
> Government - Stable
> Law Enforcement - Stable
> Other - N/A
> ------------------------------
> A.W. Economic Growth Rate - Stable
> A.W. Population Growth Rate - Low
> A.W. Currency Unit: None
> A.W. Economic System Type: Free Enterprise, Capitalism
> A.W. Government Type: Mixed Dictatorship/Democracy (as determined by
> Government)
> Head of State and Goverment: President Enzo (1997- )
> Capital: Newburyport, Massachusett, United States
> Major Cities: SW City, AW GZ City, Hicks Town, Pink Village, Horizon City,
> and other cities
> Transportation: Teleportation, Railroad, Automobile, et cetera.
> Communications: Telegram, Radio, Television, Telephone (via bot), Bots,
> Daily Newspapers.
> Education: Free, noncompulsory. University and Schools available. Major
> University: AWUniversity.
> Please let me know if there is any correction needed. Any corrections made
> will be included in next revised edition of this report. Thank you
> Dr. Legion
> Secretary,
> A.W. Department of Commerce
Sep 15, 2004, 12:53pm
[View Quote]"legion" <jonsavel at juno.com> wrote in message
news:414840a8$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Entertainment industry will be added to the lists of existing industries
> next edition. The next edition will be published and issued in the same
> thread as its previous thread in order to spare our fellow countrymen ;) a
> double-posting.
> Thanks,
> Legion
> Secretary,
> A.W. Department of Commerce
Sep 15, 2004, 5:41pm
Thanks Legion:)
Now all you need is a webpage/world/government.
Lets run an election and nominations etc...yayyyy!
I would love to run for something:)
Sep 17, 2004, 11:33am
You and everyone else...thanks alot Binary Bud!....*thwack!*....lol
Sep 19, 2004, 5:37pm
Sep 19, 2004, 8:16pm
2 is better than none:)
Sep 19, 2004, 8:17pm
Wooohooo....you would be a good trivia contestant:)
Sep 19, 2004, 8:17pm
Your'e hired...lol
Sep 19, 2004, 8:17pm
You and JohnF must be related:)
Sep 19, 2004, 8:19pm
The crossword was created with a cute lil free easy to use proggy located at
http://www.greeneclipsesoftware.com if anyone wants it to do family stuff or
company stuff....enjoy!:)
Sep 19, 2004, 9:39pm
When I have money to pay you?...lol
Sep 20, 2004, 8:48pm
You the man:)
[View Quote]"syntax" <xatnys at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:414f5b98 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> haha awesome, I got all of 'em except 3. :D
> --
> Syntax
> www.swcity.net
Sep 20, 2004, 10:18pm
Sep 21, 2004, 1:40am
Where the heck do you think I got all that info?...lol
I ain't THAT smart ya knows:)
Sep 21, 2004, 7:27pm
Excellent site:)
Sep 22, 2004, 10:38am
Ok...I tested this one (java) in mozilla browser and it worked.
And thanks to Goober King Bille is misspelled in there as Billee
Sep 22, 2004, 11:20am
Shush......to err is human:)
[View Quote]"legion" <jonsavel at juno.com> wrote in message
news:415173fd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *snickers at Alphabit's mispelling of someone's name* ;)
> --
> Legion
> Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Sep 22, 2004, 5:42pm
I give up...what's that mean Andras?:)
> "Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException"
> --
> Andras
> "It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)
Sep 22, 2004, 7:35pm
What are you using for a browser?
[View Quote]"rossyboy" <rossyboy at vwtv.org> wrote in message
news:4151db73$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Not for me.
> andras wrote:
Sep 22, 2004, 9:17pm
NEVER think YOU are wrong when I have created something...odds are it's
Sep 22, 2004, 9:17pm
[View Quote]"rossyboy" <rossyboy at vwtv.org> wrote in message
news:415201b9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Mozilla, and it works fine for me. I used to have that problem with
> EVERYTHING Java though... once I completely removed and then reinstalled
> Sun Java I had no problem.
Sep 25, 2004, 3:31am
LOL...wondered if you were lurking:)
[View Quote]"bitmaster" <bitmaster00 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:4154dee9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Nah, Vera is wrong.. Your Bit, I'm Bits. ;)
Sep 23, 2004, 5:58pm
We still have ours and don't plan on selling until it is at $1,000.00 per
[View Quote]"e n z o" <enzo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:41530b5d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Congrats to anyone who didn't sell their stock at the lowest!
Sep 23, 2004, 11:21pm
Ahhhhh...hadn't thought about that...lol
Why the heck would I want E N Z O's soul??????!!!!!
Hehehehe...too funny:)
[View Quote]"c p" <Chris101d at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:41535fde$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> yeah but its not ACTIVEWORLDS :(, its AWCo :(((( so we wouldnt own part of
> n z o's soul alpha!!!!! *crys*
Sep 24, 2004, 9:05pm
Awww...thanks for the thought sweetie...but it's really not the money that's
[View Quote]"c p" <Chris101d at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:41548edc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> well ummmm...errrrrrr.....so you can send him little mind thoughts saying
> "add new features"...or "give Alpha a raise" 0/hr isnt very much these
Sep 25, 2004, 5:03pm
Are you behind a firewall or have anything running that would bloke MS from
scanning your pc?
[View Quote]"c p" <Chris101d at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:4155ba61$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok i tried microsoft, and the msft ngs, but aw ngs get more hitds (go
> figure). So anyway
> I have recently reformatted, well rather done a non-destructive system
> restore. Which gets rid of any updates possibly installed. I went to
> update page, and it gives ONE message everytime...
> it says it might take a while..but i have left it up for 4 hours without
> change...id like to update mainly because of the drivers, as well as,
> service pack two, and even service pack one 0_0
> any ideas?