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alphabit phalpha // User Search
alphabit phalpha // User SearchHolidayJul 17, 2004, 1:27pm
Hey Rossyboy!
Have a safe and wonderful holiday and don't forget to take tons of pictures! Bit:) Build IdeaJul 18, 2004, 1:40am
So....who's going to be the first to create a drive-in theatre now that
streaming media is available?:) Build IdeaJul 20, 2004, 2:25am
It might be fun to pool resources and everyone get involved.
Modellers model. Textures texurize. Chatters work at the Drive In. Seq'rs create seqs. Av makers make avs...etc...etc Bot makers write scripts for things like the movie...the lighting...the pony rides during intermission. Then have a huge grand opening...wooohoooo! [View Quote] Back I think? aka "Test"Sep 6, 2004, 11:08am
Oh yeah...tons exciting!....As soon as I get some pictures up I'll share!:)
Luvs ya too my cp:) Huggggs! [View Quote] Back I think? aka "Test"Sep 6, 2004, 8:56pm
Back I think? aka "Test"Sep 6, 2004, 9:58pm
Not married...common law married to King Tex though....we haven't done the
formal thingy yet....but were definately not living in sin:) [View Quote] Free Promo for AW?Sep 6, 2004, 1:48pm
For all of you interested in putting AW out there for a ton of people to
see......and perhaps you might win:) Maybe you have an idea where you could be an entrepenuer (spelling) utilizing Activeworlds technology? Maybe you want to start a Community organization or expand one into an actual organization and need the cash? Either looks like ideas go up on a site and people vote for ideas. Just by having in your idea, I think it could bring some clicks and downloads? Anyways...there is an age limit of 18-29 years old or I would do it. Good luck! Bit:) Free Promo for AW?Sep 6, 2004, 4:50pm
MM isn't dead thank goodness!
And yes I do remember. I hope you can get it up and running soon since this would be a great addition to resources:) [View Quote] Free Promo for AW?Sep 6, 2004, 8:57pm
Well I know MM has had some personal things happening unfortunately...but I
am sure she will get to it soon:) [View Quote] Can't RememberSep 6, 2004, 4:18pm
Listmaker is one. list of their filenames to a text file? Can't RememberSep 6, 2004, 5:44pm
Your'e very welcome:)
Listmaker will make a list of all jpgs etc. There are also some free proggys out there that will make instant thumbnails webpages for you. As soon as I figure out what I did to the server again, I'll try and find [View Quote] Can't RememberSep 6, 2004, 8:09pm is the homepage for the one I use.
Please make a backup elsewhere of your textures or photos. I have already accidently deleted some Weebo is to thank...he showed it to me:) [View Quote] Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)Sep 8, 2004, 5:14pm
Well.....While I was in Arizona our server went and did some bad stuff and
refuses to run....grrrr. That was Apache. I installed Windows 2003 Server but it's way too hard to understand the language to use it as a server. I just picked up Webweaver and it seems fairly simple to use. However, I can't get to my pages. I am supposing once again, that Windows Server is running something that I need to disable. Thanks in advance if anyone can help:) Here are the particulars if anyone can help: OS=Windows 2003 Server This PC is networked to 2 other pc's. Connection is DSL (but they recently changed users to a dynamic ip addy) World server is running no problem on port 7777. Webweaver is running on port 21 and 80. Windows Services and current settings: Alerter Disabled Application Layer Gateway Service. Manual Application Management Manual Automatic Updates Disabled Background Intelligent Transfer Service Manual ClipBook Disabled COM+ Event System Started Manual COM+ System Application Manual Computer Browser Started Automatic Cryptographic Services Started Automatic DHCP Client Started Automatic Network Service Started Automatic Distributed Link Tracking Client Started Automatic Distributed Link Tracking Server Disabled Distributed Transaction Coordinator Started Automatic DNS Client Started Automatic Error Reporting Service Started Automatic Event Log Started Automatic File Replication Manual Help and Support Started Automatic HID Input Service Started Automatic HTTP SSL Manual IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service Disabled Indexing Service Disabled Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Disabled Intersite Messaging Disabled IPSEC Services Started Automatic Kerberos Key Distribution Center Disabled License Logging Disabled Logical Disk Manager Started Automatic Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service Manual Messenger Disabled Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider Manual Net Logon Manual NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Disabled Network Connections Started Manual Network DDE Disabled Network DDE DSDM Disabled Network Location Awareness (NLA) Started Manual NT LM Security Support Provider Manual Performance Logs and Alerts Manual Plug and Play Started Automatic Portable Media Serial Number Service Manual Print Spooler Started Automatic Protected Storage Started Automatic Remote Access Auto Connection Manager Manual Remote Access Connection Manager Started Manual Remote Desktop Help Session Manager Manual Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Started Automatic Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator Manual Remote Registry Started Automatic Removable Storage Manual Resultant Set of Policy Provider Manual Routing and Remote Access Disabled Secondary Logon Started Automatic Security Accounts Manager Started Automatic Server Started Automatic Shell Hardware Detection Started Automatic Smart Card Manual Special Administration Console Helper Manual System Event Notification Started Automatic Task Scheduler Started Automatic TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Started Automatic Telephony Started Manual Telnet Disabled Terminal Services Started Manual Terminal Services Session Directory Disabled Themes Manual Upload Manager Manual Virtual Disk Service Manual Volume Shadow Copy Manual WebClient Disabled Windows Audio Started Automatic Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) Disabled Windows Installer Manual Windows Management Instrumentation Started Automatic Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions Manual Windows Time Started Automatic WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service Manual Wireless Configuration Started Automatic WMI Performance Adapter Manual Workstation Started Automatic Port Assignments: ================================================== Process Name : lsass.exe Local Port : 1025 Remote Port : 14577 ================================================== Process Name : lsass.exe Local Port : 500 Remote Port : ================================================== Process Name : lsass.exe Local Port : 4500 Remote Port : ================================================== Process Name : msimn.exe Local Port : 1351 Remote Port : 119 ================================================== Process Name : svchost.exe Local Port : 135 Remote Port : 28925 ================================================== Process Name : svchost.exe Local Port : 1026 Remote Port : 43150 ================================================== Process Name : svchost.exe Local Port : 1028 ================================================== Process Name : svchost.exe Local Port : 1294 ================================================== Process Name : svchost.exe Local Port : 1329 ================================================== Process Name : svchost.exe Local Port : 123 ================================================== Process Name : svchost.exe Local Port : 123 ================================================== Process Name : System Local Port : 445 Remote Port : 22774 ================================================== Process Name : System Local Port : 139 Remote Port : 53 ================================================== Process Name : System Local Port : 445 ================================================== Process Name : System Local Port : 137 ================================================== Process Name : System Local Port : 138 ================================================== Process Name : WebWeaver.exe Local Port : 21 Remote Port : 43190 ================================================== Process Name : WebWeaver.exe Local Port : 80 Remote Port : 63621 Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)Sep 8, 2004, 6:53pm
Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)Sep 8, 2004, 7:15pm
Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)Sep 9, 2004, 12:28am
Thanks Richard:)
I installed Webweaver after uninstalling Apache. Neither server seems to be able to get out. It might be in my router settings which I'm working on now. I'm about ready to throw this pc in the trash:) Thanks again! Bit:) Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)Sep 9, 2004, 1:47am
Linksys Router.
I just removed webweaver and reinstalled a new version of apache. It could be they are blocking port 80....hmmmmm. Is it ok to use a different port fot http? [View Quote] Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)Sep 9, 2004, 9:52am
Well....that's the problem.
SBC changed thier pricing teir and took users from a static IP to a dynamic IP (unless we want to pay more of course). Alpha used to route our server through a college at one time, but that college dropped that service. I could always go through bigfoot like I used to, but I lose the individual domain name situation. The domain name like would become or something. Thanks everyone for the suggestions and help, but I think it might be time for me to take a rest from website work:) Bit:) Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)Sep 9, 2004, 10:50am
k I'll try all of that after a
Thanks:) Free Magazines?Sep 10, 2004, 7:58pm
I'm not sure if there is a catch or not...but I signed up for some.
Have fun:) Free Magazines?Sep 15, 2004, 12:10am
I read the print that was on that page. Only thing I can figure is my attention being brought to a person will be reviewed to see if their request is eligible. But then I have 50 year old eyes and could have missed something:) |