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lady vanethica // User Search
lady vanethica // User Searchis there a bot program out there that.Dec 16, 2001, 9:54pm
You know there is a bot out there that will change names of objects... it is
called Xelagot and here is houw you do it... 1) Scan the world 2) Right click in the Map Window and select Add Zone to Project, all sections that are moved into the Project then change color, do this till all your sections of the world is added to the project Be sure you do not add a Cell, Sector or Zone more than once. 3) once you have the areas that you want the objects changed into your project go over to the center window and select the Models TAB. Here you will see a list of all the models in the selected area(s) of your survey map *Before you go any further, I hope you have your currents world Surveyed and saved as is so you can rebuild in case you have messed up 4) Search for the name of the object you want to change, down in the Change Model area you will see a From and To area, enter the current name in the From window and the new name in the To window then click Change. *This will chage ALL models with that name in the Project from the orriginal name to the new name, The changes will only be in the project and not be seen in the world. 5) When done making your changes, save your project under a new name. DO NOT OVERWRITE THE OLD ONE!! 6) In the last window select the Wipe tab to delete your whole world instantly and follow the directions clearly stated in there, it will gicve you a couple of chances to be sure that is what you want to do as it irreversably wipes out EVERYTHING in the WHOLE world 7) Once you have the world cleared you can then click the Build tab and rebuild the world with the new models. I hope you understand the above, even a first time bot operator would be able to follow it. [View Quote] I need one that can change about 300+ named objects without lagging it self offline. I tryed useing the Preston for that but I gess its a bit much hehe. It tryed to change all in under a second. That over loaded the world surver and kicked the bot out LOL Is there one that will change these objects about 5 objects per second? is there a bot program out there that.Dec 17, 2001, 8:33am
Newbie here; need help, plz?Mar 16, 2002, 7:39am
When you run your bot and then select Enter Universe, there is a lighter
grey bordered area on teh right, Click the Edit button, enter the name of the world you want it to enter in the Home World window then when you are in that world where you want it to land, enter those coordinants in the Home Coordinants window. Theh click on Accept, then in the darker grey area click on the Home button to bring over the info from the lighter grey side. Then click on Login and your bot should enter where you told it to unless it is within the No-Bot area or outside the worlds maximum teleport area which I THINK (not too sure) is past the 655,000 mark If so then you will have to have your bot land at the edge, tell it to follow you then you have it follow you to where you want it to be beyond that point. I hope that helps you :-) Lady Vanethica [View Quote] --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.325 / Virus Database: 182 - Release Date: 2/19/02 Multi - Universe capability of RelayerMar 16, 2002, 7:49am
OMG That could be quite dangerous... esp when a guy is online, his wife is
standing over his shoulder, and a georgeous hot sexy Avatar walks by. OH BOY!!! Next thing we know... thet guy is no longer online. *Snickers* Lady Vanethica -- ,,oº°ºo,,(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·..·'´¯)¸.·'´¯),,oº°ºo,, Vegetarians eat vegetables I'm A Touristarian ,,oº°ºo,,(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·..·'´¯)¸.·'´¯),,oº°ºo,, [View Quote] :) - SR *Waiting for telepathic bots* [View Quote] Telgram SoundOct 10, 2002, 3:45am
I think this is a good idea but where one can turn off the worlds WAVs and
MIDIs, have the notification sounds turned off separately and/or individually, like you can with the ICQ sounds. [View Quote] A telegram sound. It could be a wav file you choose in the options (obviously it could also be turned off in options as some people would find it annoying) I get a sound from my IM program when someone IMs me, so why not telegrams in AW? A similar idea would be a join request sound. These woudl be useful when working in other windows :¬) I hate when I'm concentrating on another window and don't notice a join request, even when I can see the chat history in the AW window. Rossyboy ---------------------------------- Note to self: think up a signature What about gateway worlds?Oct 10, 2002, 3:57am
It was done once before with teh WorldExpo about 3 years back between AW and
OW [View Quote] --Bowen-- [View Quote] world on listOct 10, 2002, 4:02am
That is because it is an item that the Administration handles.
If it is handed to teh World Owner then anyone who has hacked his acct could go in and take his world offline. It would make their accounts more vulnerable to be hacked by people who dislike them or their worlds theme. [View Quote] [View Quote] Definately, I don't know why it would just be a caretaker option. --Bowen-- More rights optionsOct 10, 2002, 4:12am
More rights optionsOct 10, 2002, 4:17am
Hey I have an idea... you say you don't like people cheating by right
clicking on teh game objects right? Why not have a bot in there monitoring certain objest, you will likely have to "name" those objects to monitor. Then if someone right clicks on them have the bot put out a message in teh open that soandso right clicked on suchandsuch object... that will curtail cheaters in a quick hurry. If that person does it X amounth of times, the Bot bans them till teh end of teh game. Plain and simple solution... right? [View Quote] - mark [View Quote] A Bit of fun in The Sims :o)Jan 30, 2002, 10:39pm
Hehehe when we had Mythica on OW we had a tourist on a BBQ pit being cooked
on the rotissary for MONTHS.. shall we say a "Well done tourist?" [View Quote] [View Quote] reason 1502Nov 14, 2002, 9:04am
What does this error # mean?
Warning: unable to download (reason 1502) I can't even build now cause of teh error, I host teh path and server on my system and the IP is correct in teh world features. reason 1502Nov 14, 2002, 9:50am
I found out what was causing it. I installed Serve-U FTP server and that was
when my world went haywire. When my boyfriend gets home from work he will be calling me and I will then reinstall it (since I uninstalled it) and take me thru step by step so that it will work right. [View Quote] Reason 1502 = HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway/Proxy Error - The URL does not use a recognized protocol. Either the protocol is not supported or the request was not typed correctly. The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request. [View Quote] The BEST PROTESTS that will be heardJan 5, 2002, 8:52am
1) Don't go to AW untill they lower their prices
2) If you are a world owner not only the above but also take your world off line till prices are lowered. If you are unable to take it offline, Back it all up with a bot THEN Wipe your world and put in one seed object being a sign that you did that in protest to teh price hike. You can also while protesting make your world a free buld work and tell people ONLY to post protest signs. 3) If you have stock with them ... sell it. The BEST PROTESTS that will be heardJan 5, 2002, 9:31am
That was if you paid ahead of time some people have paid a year in advance
for their world. I didn't say to renew it. [View Quote] ATTN: All those who are here for a NG, and not a circusMar 6, 2002, 5:30am
Sheeshus criminetlies!
WILL YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP, GROW UP AND STOP ACTING YOUR IQs! [View Quote] A) admit his lies, in detail B) support his words C) be quiet there are another 3 options. one day mate, you will be in a similar situation, and when you are posting in defense and you get the same treatment as i, then i am going to send you a very personal email from another account that you dont have filtered :) even tho he cant read it point made cheers SUN Statistics show problemsMar 16, 2002, 8:37am
Makes you wonder about teh AW Universe owners... could they be Gorean and be
doing this so that it will be all gorean on AW? After all you said that it looks like the worlds that are staying are the Gorean ones. -- ,,oº°ºo,,(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·..·'´¯)¸.·'´¯),,oº°ºo,, Vegetarians eat vegetables I'm A Touristarian ,,oº°ºo,,(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·..·'´¯)¸.·'´¯),,oº°ºo,, ......... I've also kept one eye open for the small communities that existed in privately owned worlds, and those communities are now missing. Worlds like Castles, !Friends, Y2000, and BluPearl would always have nice little gatherings, but that is not the case anymore. Only the "cult" (mostly Gorian) worlds seem to be keeping their communities intact. I can only assume that loss of users and inabilty to attract new users, including tourists, is the cause. What to do? I don't know - I've already sent my emails to AWC. I guess just sit back and wait. One thing is certain though: when my world comes up for renewal I won't pay $800 for a P80 that no-one uses. -- Regards, Justin |