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Unfair ejection...

Dec 3, 2001, 2:57am
I didnt eject you for saying fetish, i ejected you for acting like a moron.


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Unfair ejection...

Dec 3, 2001, 4:26am
Shit happens.

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Unfair ejection...

Dec 5, 2001, 1:10pm
What the hell kinda trip you on?

"I dont know if this happens a lot but a bot will come along and teleport
me like to 5000a and to other worlds called 'gay' or 'trekisgay' and stuff
like that... Cuz it isnt the first time its happend...."

A. No bots can be within 200m of the customs aide unless they are under the
caretaker ppw (which only brant and awc staff have)

B. 2000a is the maximum elevation

C. A bot can only warp/teleport people if it has eject, and I know everyone
who has eject pretty well, and although some of us may have that kind of
sense of humor, none of us use the word "gay" as an insult, so you wouldnt
have been teleported to those worlds.

D. Yeah I was screwing with the IO, its fun :P


PS. I find it amusing how this thread has gone on so long repeating the same
3 points over and over lol (1. the eject was justified; 2. he should have
been warned; 3. he is a moron).

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Unfair ejection...

Dec 6, 2001, 1:51am
I don't believe I ever called him a moron. The first post just said he
acted like a moron at that time, and this last one said that one of the
points people were debating was whether he was a moron or not.

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Unfair ejection...

Dec 7, 2001, 5:28am
Btw let me take this chance to state that everything said here by me was on
behalf of myself, and not AWTeen.

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Unfair ejection...

Dec 7, 2001, 7:55pm
lol im still entitled to my personal opinion, anyways despite my job im
still me :)

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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 12, 2001, 8:24am
Ok, I havent had a chance to get to these newsgroups as soon as I'd like to
becuase my outlook express won't open, so I'm on my sister's computer.
Anyways I want to take the opprotunity to comment on this. My way of going
about my job was to just be myself, to not be some cheery corporate
spokesperson, to be someone the public could relate to, and work with. :)
And I did my job, which was to represent the public of awteen, as well as
anyone ever has, if not better. Most of you here don't know me, and dont
know of the work I do and my contributions to awteen. And I have always
been very strong in my personal opinions, despite my job. :P

Brant's decision went against everything core stood for. There was no vote,
all of core and the public's opinions were blatantly ignored. Even the
statement he released didnt get the approval of any core members. And in
that statement, frankly he lied. (also let me say that although I wrote the
"modified" statement, I didnt put it up on the site) I guess its my word
against his... but let me do a breakdown of his statement:

AWTeen Public Relations chairman XelNaga was released by AWTeen on Monday,
December 10, 2001. While many rumors have been floating about, this
statement is intended to clear up some of the confusion that has been
rampant throughout Activeworlds as to the reasons for the dismissal.

<because most everyone wanted me to stay>

XelNaga has been a controversial figure since he was first voted into
the Core by a narrow margin. With his animated personality, he was
the perfect person for the job at the time. Working with Poseidon,
he helped to establish regular public meetings where citizens could
voice their concerns.

<i had already been doing this job for some time as public representative,
and still did the job just as well now>

Unfortunately, as of late, several controversies have clouded the
world. XelNaga has not given AWTeen a good image to the rest of the
community. <who cares? its our own public that matters.> His use of foul
language and the attitude displayed toward
certain members of the public has prompted a variety of E-Mails
and telegrams from various concerned AW citizens and tourists
asking about XelNaga's position <bull, there was the trekker thing, then
maybe a few people who havent been nice to me that ive returned the favor>.
More recently, XelNaga
acted inappropriately by, instead of attempting to resolve the
situation, calling TrekkerX a moron on the public newsgroups <i apologized
to him later in private for the eject, but still thought he had acted like a
moron>. In addition, talking
negatively about other Core members behind their backs is not a
characteristic of a good
leader <the hell? i didnt talk about anyone behind their backs besides you>.
In order to protect Xel, the
exact nature of these incidents will not be revealed. <because they dont

Therefore, XelNaga was issued a warning on December 7, even though it did
not effect
his resignation and was met with resistance from several Core members <duh,
they all wanted me to stay>. This warning was in
addition to the numerous warnings that had been issued before, including one
by the now obsolete Leadership committee in June 2001 setting XelNaga on a
period. <slap on the wrist>" After five days of talking to community
members <who?> and considering the firing of
XelNaga outright <which would go against everything core stands for, not
that you care>, he was instead given a "last chance,"
in a newsgroup post stating that any more infractions would be reason
for dismissal.

A Core vote in July, 2001 instituted a three-strikes rule, which stated
that any member of the Core caught using offensive language more than
three times would be removed from his or her position immediately <this was
proposed by brant, but if you ask any core member from then, they will tell
you the truth, that it was never voted on or passed>. This
vote was based on the principle that such behavior casts a negative image on
Brant and other AWTeen Core members. XelNaga has used such offensive
language many more
times than three throughout his career as public relations representative
<hey im me, and the public loved me for it :)>.

Furthermore, the original Committee charter includes a line stating that
Brant may remove any member who is not obeying guidelines as stated
by Mountain Myst and Lucrezia Borgia <this is not true, while luc and mm can
remove whoever they wish, brant cannot without passing a vote in core>.
While such a decision may not be popular,
not all decisions can be considered in a clear light by visitors to the
world <oh, and you have a clear view on everything? you are transparent as a
As many visitors to AWTeen must consider their parents' wishes before
logging in <people really ought to think for themselves, and i doubt
everyones parents are as strict as yours, plus most kids go online
unsupervised anyways>,
it is necessary to maintain an environment suitable to parents and teenagers
and legal considerations must be made by AWC <legal? rofl>.

In this case, XelNaga clearly violated
the three strikes rule and did not follow the guidelines set forth by AWC
<AWC set it now? heh, see above on this one>.
Therefore, Brant was simply enforcing rules that had been set forth
by the Core previously <bull, see above>. XelNaga's removal was completely
within articles of the Committee
system charter as set forth on June 26, 2001 and voted into effect <again
untrue, see above>.

XelNaga was removed after an offensive conversation (which will not be
released by AWTeen).
Therefore, Brant, invoking the three strikes rule and
the original Committee charter, and considering the reluctance
of several Core members to anger a friend as well as the many instances
in the past where XelNaga had been warned, removed him from his post,
effective immediately <do i need to say it again? this was never voted in>.
The action did not state whether or not XelNaga may remain on
committees or help out with the capital city <duh, you dont wanna be run
down by a mob>.

Mountain Myst, Lucrezia Borgia, Flagg, and at least three Core members
<who?> fully support the
decision that was arrived at today. While it was a difficult decision
to fire Xel from his position <suuuure>, and Xel has been a huge help in the
past <awteen wouldnt have made it this far without me>, the decision was
in the hopes of improving AWTeen in the future <thats all i ever did,
improve awteen, and thats all i ever will do>.

Well, I would state my opinions on brant's tyranny of sorts.. but I've
included it in an article (near the end) which i think anyone intrested in
awteen should read. It's got a true history of this year in core, plus my
thoughts on Brant and his plans. In fact, read it, its part of this post,
and don't respond unless you have.
http://awteen.disaxiom.net/stateofawteen2.htm :) But to summarize, brant,
immediately before my firing, placed into effect some previously undiscussed
and unvoted on edicts, which can be found at
http://awcommunity.org/awteen/corevotes.htm which totally go against
everything the current core, which he created, stands for. Pretty soon,
brant will have the core filled with those who agree with him on everything,
and look pretty in front of the general aw community. Anyways, thats all I
have to say, assuming youve read that article.


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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 12, 2001, 8:28am
And read how I feel about all this in my previous post and see the true
history in core this year at http://awteen.disaxiom.net/stateofawteen2.htm.
Brant lied on some things, and seems to have plans that will ruin awteen,
read the article, I was there.


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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 13, 2001, 4:58am
Hey, I didnt start it.

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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 13, 2001, 4:59am
I never said Brant wants to ruin awteen, hes got no intention to do that.
I'm just saying that if there is nobody to keep him in check, he will.

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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 13, 2001, 5:01am
Everyone is powersick everywhere, thats not the point. I don't want my job
back, I just don't wanna see awteen go spirling down.

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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 13, 2001, 5:05am
Also, youre proving another point of mine, you guys dont give a damn about
awteen, you never will, so why is brant so hellbent on impressing you guys?

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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 13, 2001, 9:46pm
All i'll say is that my point was that parts of the statement released was
false, and that i was merely stating my opinion, whether you wish to listen
to it or not is up to you.

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Read the log of the recent AWTeen fireing of XelNaga!

Dec 14, 2001, 8:02am
Did it verify? I thought you just said one of your sources told you it was
true. Ask me, poseidon, arcanis, nornny, anyone from back then.. it was
never voted in or passed.

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