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The new v4.1 Browser

Jun 2, 2006, 4:45am
Where'd you come from all of a sudden?
[View Quote]

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 16, 2006, 7:43pm
Drama Imminent
[View Quote]

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 18, 2006, 6:36pm
Uhh, Grimble was talking about Cryonics, not the bitching. And besides,
AWI tripped up much harder than Microsoft first releasing Windows XP's
and its upgrades.

[View Quote]

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 19, 2006, 5:58pm
Is it alright if you could give us some information on this planned
World Plugin server? Its been said that AlphaWorld won't have 4.1
objects enabled for it until a "plugin" is written for it to limit the
potential for abuse.
[View Quote]

How bots see avatars

Jun 3, 2006, 8:41pm
Right, i'm about to go through the proccess of categorizing AWTeen's avatars

But beforehand, i want to know, would adding categories affect the
000 - Damien
001 - Sarah
002 - Lori

If i put a category between sarah and lori, would lori have to be 003?

(and while we're at it, how do you add categories anyway)

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 16, 2006, 7:43pm
Drama Imminent
[View Quote]

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 18, 2006, 6:36pm
Uhh, Grimble was talking about Cryonics, not the bitching. And besides,
AWI tripped up much harder than Microsoft first releasing Windows XP's
and its upgrades.

[View Quote]

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 19, 2006, 5:58pm
Is it alright if you could give us some information on this planned
World Plugin server? Its been said that AlphaWorld won't have 4.1
objects enabled for it until a "plugin" is written for it to limit the
potential for abuse.
[View Quote]


May 16, 2006, 3:15pm
[View Quote] >I bet 4.1 will be able to have this. But it would be cool if you could walk
>around with a flashlight that shines a bright light ahead of you. Maybe
>using the 4.1 rider objects, someone can make a tiny flashlight to be with,
>that has a light command in it. Worlds could turn almost completely dark and
>it would be more of an adventure exploring them.
yeah, mover can do it

CPU useage

May 20, 2006, 1:43pm
I usually get 20fps on 200vis on a 1.2ghz Intel Graphics chipset system =P
Check your settings, drivers and directx, the typical stuff
[View Quote] >Not sure if this is the right group but anyway...
>Can someone tell my why AW uses so much of my available resources?
>I have a 3gHz machine with 1 gig of ram 128 meg video and when I check
>resources they are at 99% with AW running. Minimize AW and resources drop to
>3 %. All my drivers are up to date as well. I can run many programs at same
>time but open AW and *gulp* 99% used.
>Hope they do summin about the graphics engine with 4.1 I think we are all
>kinda tired of lag on our new powerfull machines that can run Doom and
>Quake 4 at 60 FPS but get into AW 10 year old program and lucky to get 40
>FPS with stutters. Anyone else have this problem?
>Just a point to ponder

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 16, 2006, 7:43pm
Drama Imminent
[View Quote]

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 19, 2006, 5:58pm
Is it alright if you could give us some information on this planned
World Plugin server? Its been said that AlphaWorld won't have 4.1
objects enabled for it until a "plugin" is written for it to limit the
potential for abuse.
[View Quote]

AFK status visible

Jun 17, 2006, 9:43am
It would be cool if the browser shows the AFK icon next to the avatar name
in the bubbles, and "(AFK)" in the whisper list.

Recommendation by Senate Study Committee.....

Jun 18, 2006, 2:07pm
In short:
1. *sarcastic post about bitch and whine about AWSchool*
2. Preset repository please
3. COFMeta OP fix please
4. Update pages please

In response:
1. wot?
2. Time to make use of :O
( for my collection of goodies, including 2
preset packs and (screensavers))
3 and 4. Ditto

Web interface for editing the registry

Jun 24, 2006, 5:15pm
Because AWI are useless at dealing with the registry properly, there
really really needs to be a web interface for the world servers where i
can just log in and add new objects myself and then reload the world.

It would do a great deal of time-saving and flexibility, plus i don't
have to add objects in a monthly manner because that sucks. Demand for
more objects in AWTeen is high.


Jul 2, 2006, 2:13am
My situation being a prime example

[View Quote]

TRUE industry standard mouselook would be awesome :)

Jul 2, 2006, 6:26am
Left and Right click to move forward... That can't be industry standard,
thats a silly control setup O_O

What games do you play?

[View Quote]

TRUE industry standard mouselook would be awesome :)

Jul 2, 2006, 1:29pm
Ah right, those games. I don't do MMORPG's, so i didn't know =P Cheers
[View Quote]

I wish...

Jul 9, 2006, 11:06pm
Have some fairy dust *sprinkle*

[View Quote]

An avatar system like Second Life

Jul 18, 2006, 9:14pm
However, it is possible to make such a system exactly like Second Life,
with dynamic generation of avatars with different variables. That is if
my assumption on how the SC system works, utilizing a php script to just
piece together an avatar into 1 rwx or something.
[View Quote]

world server wish

Aug 5, 2006, 8:05am
Linux is free. The majority of distributions are anyway.
You don't get just "Linux", you get a distribution, which is the Linux
Core + Software to make things work and essentials such as drivers,
document editors, browsers etc.

I like Kubuntu,

Keep in mind tho that Linux is quite hard to understand at first, how it
all works etc. You're better off with Windows than trying to get to
grips with Linux and getting through all the hassle of getting this
Linux World Server mumbo jumbo up.

[View Quote]

Keep Particle Emitter Animation Going

Aug 4, 2006, 5:03am
Yeah, this is annoying especially when the emitter spawns lots of
particles out all over. When out of focus, they build up in their volume
space ignoring speed or acceleration settings, so when i return focus
they have gathered in their numbers in view, giving me slight but
annoying lag.
[View Quote]

I was ejected from AWGate...

Apr 20, 2006, 5:04am
Explain further

[View Quote] >For leaving AW on AFK after I went to sleep.
>How fucking sad is that.

DotSoul/My first experiences with 4.1 Building

Apr 22, 2006, 5:55pm
Some may or may not have heard of DotSoul. Its a legitamate 4.1 universe
complete with build. It's also free, however there is a review process
to ensure that the community grows properly.

Their success of their 'community values, not money' is the reason for
their review process, so don't barge in expecting an instant
citizenship. Its pretty quick if you show creative skill or have good
charisma and make a good greeter.

You are then offered land on the main island, which you can develop on
until eventually you may chose to move to a very large island of your
own. The owner is willing to expand lots big enough for testing, but
don't be greedy.

So yeah, it's been pretty fun there with all these new features. Buggy,
but its beta, and AW's done a great job. Screenshots for my build and
experiments, along with a blog on experience of building in 4.1 are at

DotSoul/My first experiences with 4.1 Building

Apr 22, 2006, 5:57pm
Oh yeah and
Download at

[View Quote] > Some may or may not have heard of DotSoul. Its a legitamate 4.1
> universe complete with build. It's also free, however there is a
> review process to ensure that the community grows properly.
> Their success of their 'community values, not money' is the reason for
> their review process, so don't barge in expecting an instant
> citizenship. Its pretty quick if you show creative skill or have good
> charisma and make a good greeter.
> You are then offered land on the main island, which you can develop on
> until eventually you may chose to move to a very large island of your
> own. The owner is willing to expand lots big enough for testing, but
> don't be greedy.
> So yeah, it's been pretty fun there with all these new features.
> Buggy, but its beta, and AW's done a great job. Screenshots for my
> build and experiments, along with a blog on experience of building in
> 4.1 are at

DotSoul/My first experiences with 4.1 Building

Apr 24, 2006, 1:30pm
To clarify: Look around for 'Dreamwalker' who is usually on after 12 VRT
at GZ and he'll set you up. Although at the moment he may want to hold
off until everything is organized somewhat.

[View Quote] >but, how do you get a cit there? O_O
> -SWE
[View Quote]

DotSoul/My first experiences with 4.1 Building

Apr 25, 2006, 2:23pm
Thats the thing, most of the users are just testing 4.1. There's just
too much to test is all =P Some of us are trying though. Just not the
kids like Kyle

[View Quote] > I checked out that universe... maybe I just got a bad impression, but
> the builds in the crater look like they were actually hit by an
> asteroid. I tried to ask in the most polite way where the builds or
> areas that wern't just absolute random 'playing around with 4.1
> effects' style test-builds were, but no one seemed to know.
> Does the universe have any real builds, anything nice, or is it just
> some random disjointed piles of objects?

DotSoul/My first experiences with 4.1 Building

Apr 25, 2006, 2:25pm

Will work with stagecoach, both are build 940
[View Quote] >bleh whats the universe address / port downloading like 50 browsers to view
>each universe is annoying.
[View Quote]

5 days left on world is it worth me renewing?

Apr 26, 2006, 2:55pm
[View Quote] >This entire thread sucks.

Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds...

May 13, 2006, 3:43pm
Do you know what the word "Realism" means?
You're a tad defensive are you not? You've visited SWCity and seen some
of his builds, Have you not?

[View Quote] >There is some Linden-built infrastructure (if you mean roads, bridges, etc), but not much. It's up to the landowners to build
>whatever infrastructure they want--if any. It's kind of funny to talk about infrastructure in AW yet it doesn't even have vehicles,
>yet the little infrastructure there is in SL despite it HAVING vehicles. Go figure. Just shows that roads aren't that important in
>an environment where instant teleportation is possible...
>Then you're obviously not much of a builder.
>Get your facts straight before passing verdict on something you know little about.

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