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CY nominations SOON!

May 10, 2006, 5:22pm
Thank-you, Lady TeaL

May I also add another couple of lines from AW's *Terms* page ...

We reserve the right to suspend or remove any world, objects or properties
from the Active Worlds universe which is brought to our attention and which
we find, in our sole discretion, violates any of these content guidelines or
otherwise is in violation of the law.
Activeworlds Inc. does not actively monitor the content of the worlds in
Active Worlds, but we will investigate complaints of violation of these

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Depressing ;)

May 12, 2006, 1:32pm
AW had a deal with Juno.com for email subscribers about 5 yrs ago.
That's how I found AW.

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May 14, 2006, 12:38am
I can totally understand that, Talisan.
You seem to be extremely hurt and angry.
We all need to vent at one time or another.

No harm, no foul. : )

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AWEC Event

May 15, 2006, 9:10pm
Should be great.
When they played on VR5 last month and The EDGE Radio hosted it, it was a

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AWEC Event

May 20, 2006, 7:12pm
This *should* have been great.

I found the lighting effects to be very annoying and over-powering, and they
lagged me so bad the music sounded like a 45rpm record played at 33 1/3
(and I have a great puter)

What a shame. : /

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CY nominations next week

May 18, 2006, 6:02pm
It's getting closer! Can you feel the excitement in the VR air?
May 26th is when the Cyawards world will open to the public so you can
nominate your choices for the 2006 CY Awards.

This year the voting process will be slightly different. When you land in
Cyawards GZ there is a sign right in front of you to click on. A bot will
then whisper to you a password and also open the CY Awards web page in your

Simply go to the nomination page and type in your Cit NUMBER (not your name)
and the password Ms CY bot will give you and make your nominations in one,
two, three or all the different catagories. Nothng could be easier.
Well, falling off a log is easier, but I digress....

If you don't finish with all your nominations and want to go back to the
page later - (or if your simply want to see what the CY catagories are first
before you decide) - and you don't remember your password...
No problem! Just ask the bot for a new password.

Be sure to look around Cyawards world while you're there. Lots of very cool
and interesting builds to see.



May 20, 2006, 5:22pm
You just choose to not answer. More often than not if a Cit doesn't reply to
a tourist, another Cit will tell the tourist that Cit must be AFK.
Or you can give a brief greeting and say BRB.

I go to TheGate a lot and just watch the chat scroll by, cuz I'm not up to
chatting but I want the company.
Sometimes I'll log in as a tourist, but after being a Cit I find that
annoying. rofl

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Unveiling of the newly remodeled CY world.

May 21, 2006, 8:19pm
I was wondering who J was. rofl

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Unveiling of the newly remodeled CY world.

May 21, 2006, 11:29pm
Nominations begin: MAY 24, 2006
Nominations end: JUNE 3, 2006

Voting starts: JUNE 10, 2006
Voting ends: JUNE 17, 2006

CY Awards Event: JUNE 24, 2006

Unveiling of the newly remodeled CY world.

May 22, 2006, 11:27am

Nominations begin: MAY 26, 2006

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Unveiling of the newly remodeled CY world.

May 22, 2006, 3:05pm
Then you'll really find this funny, sweets.

Besides my myriad physical problems I also suffer from dyscalculus.

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Unveiling of the newly remodeled CY world.

May 22, 2006, 10:33pm

I love the new color scheme for 2006 and those new builds are awesome!!!
Plus, the T-port Center to view the nominations is a stroke of genius.

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CY nominations are now OPEN

May 26, 2006, 12:03am

Get your avatars over to Cyawards World and start casting your votes for
what you would like to see nominated for a 2006 CY Award.

The nominating process is slightly different this year.
At ground zero in the Cyawards world, click on the big gold star
and Ms CY will then give you a password. You're then ready to login on the
CY World home page in you web browser and
make your nominations.

Login in to the nomination page using your Cit number and the password given

If you don't get all your nominations cast in your first visit simply return
to Cyawards world at any time
within the coming week and Ms CY will give you another
password and you can then finish.

The nominations will end on June 3, 2006

After the nominations we will be adding a teleport section so you can just
teleport to all the locations that have been nominated. You can see first
hand what you will be casting your votes for. The gold sign to the teleport
center will also be at ground zero.

CY nominations are now OPEN

May 26, 2006, 5:04pm
There was a slight glitch in the nomination page this morning.
It is fixed now.

If you tried to login to the CY nomination page this morning and couldn't,
plz try again.
We want ALL nominations to count. : )

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Problems with 4.1

May 31, 2006, 1:27am
Try GK'ing 100 disappointed ppl. Alone.


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May 31, 2006, 7:00pm
I've gotten so desperate to build again, I bought some popcycle sticks and
white glue.

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Possible Memory leak Switching 3.6 to 4.1

May 31, 2006, 6:24pm
Good question.

I uninstalled 4.1 and reinstalled 3.6 and ever since I lag like a Son of a
I don't even change back and forth. 4.1 is no longer on my PC.

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web page on top

Jun 2, 2006, 3:21pm
Whenever I enter AW V4 or even Tport from one world to another the web page
for that world always comes up on top of the view screen. It never did that
in 3.6 and I don't like it! hehehe

I use IE for all web stuff in AW. Is there a way to make the web page quit
coming up on top of the view screen? Or is this just something the beta
version does?


CY Nominations are in

Jun 5, 2006, 2:57pm
The nominations are complete and the final choices have been set up at the
website http://www.awcommunity.org/cyawards/
Click on Nominations list on the left of the screen and scroll down to see
all the catagories. Click on individual catagories to see the list of what
was nominated for each.

There were 100's of entries!!! There are a total 221 nominations to choose
from in all the catagories!!!
Now is a good time to start looking to see what you will want to vote for.

Voting starts on the 10th and ends one week after. Thanks to all of you for
your participation in the 2006 CY Awards!!!

CY Nominations are in

Jun 5, 2006, 11:05pm
Nominations ended on June 3rd as was previously posted.

Voting begins June 10th and ends on June 17th.

CY Awards ceremony is on June 24th at 8:00pm vrt

CY world had been open in 3.6 all along. You can view the nominations by
going to http://www.awcommunity.org/cyawards/

Click on Nominations list on the left of the screen and scroll down to see
all the catagories. Click on individual catagories to see the list of what
was nominated for each.

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CY Nominations are in

Jun 6, 2006, 10:21am
For what were you nominated?
What catagory?

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CY Nominations are in

Jun 6, 2006, 11:31am
Were you nominated for Alusion? You already won for Alusion in 2004
You can not win for the same thing twice.
You can be nominated for a different web site, though.

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An intriguing question...

Jun 8, 2006, 1:44pm

I have been putting a "chat relay bot" on the Wishlist list for 2 years. I
gave up.

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the screen shot button

Jun 7, 2006, 11:59pm
Hello, everybody.

I tried the new screen shot button for 4.1
I don't like it. It only takes a pic of the view screen. Not the chat
screen, too.

I had the chat window expanded to half of the screen, and the screen shot
turned out with the bottom half of the pic black. I thought this was
important to know in case anybody was going to quickly take a screen shot of
chat or a Tgram.

GAH >: /


Jun 10, 2006, 12:33pm
The voting has now started for the 2006 CY Awards!!!
You have 7 days to make your selections for what you believe to be the best
of the best!!!


The CY Awards ceremony to announce the winners will be on June 24th at
8:00pm vrt

dial-up prob with 4.1

Jun 11, 2006, 1:26pm
I am posting this on behalf of another Cit...

I have bad connection problem in 4.1 and it's cheesing me off to lose
connection to AW server half the time. I'm on a dial-up and yes, it used to
be bad in 3.6 but this is worse. Do you have any idea what I need to do to
fix this problem?

dial-up prob with 4.1

Jun 12, 2006, 11:04am
This person is a GK. It happens in The Gate for about half of the 2 hour

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dial-up prob with 4.1

Jun 13, 2006, 10:58am
So no, they are not hosting The Gate.

That would be about an hour.

Martin at AWI had this to say -
That's odd. I'm wondering if it has to do with peoples' ZoneAlarms/Nortons
blocking this new unfamiliar port 6670. I'll keep an eye for this.

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dial-up prob with 4.1

Jun 13, 2006, 2:11pm
I'm sorry. I wasn't clear.
I believe the "half the 2 hour shift" was meant to mean this person
collectively misses half the shift.
They are on dial-up, I know that much.
I will ask to see if the Contact list disappears.

What is the "tourist button"?

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dial-up prob with 4.1

Jun 14, 2006, 10:30pm

THAT tourist button LOL
I will ask

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