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BETA TESTERS needed for Xelagot 3.613

Jan 19, 2006, 10:42pm
You know what would be nice is an auto login script for bots running on a
server as in Win 2000 Adv Server. My puter does updates and reboots thru the
night would be nice to have the bot log itself back in.
Maybe this already exists if so someone point me in the right direction and


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Installing Services

Jun 15, 2006, 9:20pm
Sounds like some ppl need this...

Handy lil program for installing services on any XP Win2K machine even NT


SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 18, 2006, 5:29pm
I agree
Have you ever looked at your Windows XP upgrades and how many you have had
since release?
You think your OS makers cares what you have on your PC before they release
another "patch".
We should all sit back let them do there thing based on civil input from
it's users and allow them time to get things done... bitchin don't make it

I am giving AW benefit of the doubt and waiting on patches and fixed before
I pass judgment.
What they have so far is fantastic. They do rely on our input to politely
let them know what issues we are having rather than slamming them and
critising the extensive work that has gone into this project.

Cheers to AW and work done so far keep it coming we miss a few things.


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Fireworks script

Jun 28, 2005, 12:47am
Anyone have one or a sample of one?

BETA TESTERS needed for Xelagot 3.613

Jan 19, 2006, 10:42pm
You know what would be nice is an auto login script for bots running on a
server as in Win 2000 Adv Server. My puter does updates and reboots thru the
night would be nice to have the bot log itself back in.
Maybe this already exists if so someone point me in the right direction and


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 18, 2006, 5:29pm
I agree
Have you ever looked at your Windows XP upgrades and how many you have had
since release?
You think your OS makers cares what you have on your PC before they release
another "patch".
We should all sit back let them do there thing based on civil input from
it's users and allow them time to get things done... bitchin don't make it

I am giving AW benefit of the doubt and waiting on patches and fixed before
I pass judgment.
What they have so far is fantastic. They do rely on our input to politely
let them know what issues we are having rather than slamming them and
critising the extensive work that has gone into this project.

Cheers to AW and work done so far keep it coming we miss a few things.


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Eclipse Evolution :)

Jul 9, 2006, 10:43pm
Just so everyone know the Eclipse Evoltion Bot is in Sparkles.
I like this bot and see a very good future for it has many many features I
like and use often. Recently I was using Preston for profanity monitoring.
Well I asked Strike for help on that and now the Evo does it perfectly.
Reducing my bots to just 1. I am using some of its scripting and find it
easy to use once you understand it.
I am hoping soon that the survey manager will be available then I will only
have a use for 1 bot. Evo is winning that round fast and man its very

Kudos to Strike for coming thru with such a multi purpose bot on short
notice keep up the great work.



Eclipse Evolution :)

Jul 12, 2006, 12:40am
Well I think its a great bot and like many others I have gotten tired of
waiting foranother certain bot to become available...
Everyone should at least try it you wont be disapointed...


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Radius on 'create sound'

Aug 13, 2005, 1:27pm
There is actually create media=url blah blah blah/summin.mp3 radius=20

it does work I use it all the time...

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Radius on 'create sound'

Aug 13, 2005, 1:33pm
I also use silence objects for the sound command
Placed in spot where I want the sound to stop what happens is the
silence.wav will override the sound that you have in the area...

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cit database searches like in other competing 3D chats

Aug 13, 2005, 1:23pm
Sometimes pride will stop ppl from telling you their Cit is expiring and be
offline or a few days/months ppl you do talk with on a daily basis.
One day they are their the next they are not.
U send a gram and wonder why they are not replieing a simple X beside the
name would give you a heads up their account is temporarily offline.

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Avatar limit

Aug 11, 2005, 11:21pm
Simple drop down menu would be real nice...
Instead of one have several stating Male Female etc...

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Avatar limit

Aug 13, 2005, 1:06pm
Think we are on to summin here huh...
Could even disable one category for Private avatars make it so u have to
have a cit number in the rights to access it hmmmm points to ponder

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Global Mode

Nov 18, 2005, 1:48am
Caretakers of a world
Would be nice to have global chat
Few times PPL come in the world they know your there but cant chat

Just a thought...

CPU useage

May 20, 2006, 10:30am
Not sure if this is the right group but anyway...

Can someone tell my why AW uses so much of my available resources?
I have a 3gHz machine with 1 gig of ram 128 meg video and when I check
resources they are at 99% with AW running. Minimize AW and resources drop to
3 %. All my drivers are up to date as well. I can run many programs at same
time but open AW and *gulp* 99% used.

Hope they do summin about the graphics engine with 4.1 I think we are all
kinda tired of lag on our new powerfull machines that can run Doom and
Quake 4 at 60 FPS but get into AW 10 year old program and lucky to get 40
FPS with stutters. Anyone else have this problem?

Just a point to ponder


CPU useage

May 20, 2006, 3:19pm
done all mentioned and then some...
I cap FPS at 35 fps vis on 60 but sheesh I run a strong machine and still
lag stutter stutter
Doom and Quake run perfect at 60-70 fps without hoggin my resources.
Still say its their graphic engine I have seen with some 3D games they are
terrible for FPS but some are great like Unreal Tournament I usually get 110
fps Quake I get 70 Doom 70ish... AW I get 35 and struggle with resources


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CPU useage

Jun 1, 2006, 1:08am
Thanks for all the responces....
usual bin there done that
What I am getting at tho is such an old program 10 years with updates blah
upgrade this upgrade that just to get 20 or 30 fps adjust this adjust that

I went into DOOM and Quake without touching any settings...
prolly is details in such worlds poorly done models even I am guilty of that

hope 4.1 is worth it...

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CPU useage

Jul 31, 2006, 9:50pm
Excellant tip Mauz
I did that useing 45 40 and 35

My AW is smooth again and cpu seems to sit around 18%
Still encounter some lag here and there but likely my own models hehe


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Reset to Defaults

Jun 5, 2006, 10:38am
I wish for a button that would return all the windows and such to thre
original positions and stuff.

Some are losing them because they put it too low or whatever


Installing Services

Jun 15, 2006, 9:20pm
Sounds like some ppl need this...

Handy lil program for installing services on any XP Win2K machine even NT


just messin round...

Mar 9, 2005, 11:24pm
Testing only blah blah

Re: Complains lol

Mar 9, 2005, 11:38pm
Queen RaMel Okie_woman2003 at
Yeah I Thought Aw Might Take SOME Responsiablites.... I Had Someone Hack
a World.. Stole A Object... Uploaded it to MY FTP
Which I gave that person my Pwd..I know.. I trusted this person.. he was
a Dear Friend to me.. or so I thought...and I Even Had Chat Log to Prove he
addmited to doing this.. but.. wether it was done to me or someone else
it,s Wrong...... Hacking is a Low Blow to all us AW CIT,s that Works our
Tails to create Great Enivorments and to Have ppl like This come along , and
Could Have... Made me Loose my Cit and Worlds...I had Email JP About this
too..Sent the Chat Log into AW Even
and Like Most Emails from the ppl that We are Suppose to be Able to
Depends up on
More Less said:.. So... What are we to do?
and This Cost us $ 69:95 a year
hmm.. Makes me Wonder Why Kind of Enviroments AW themselfs let off


Queen RaMel....

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test only once

Apr 26, 2005, 2:49am
huh wha

Objects makers in AW

Aug 17, 2005, 10:05am
Let me start out by stating the Cinderella Carriage was and will be 100% all
MINE... I have the step by step design as I went thru it. The clipper ship
never heard of it and would have never asked you to do anything on it. I
have never taken anyone models and modified it then claimed it to be mine
much unlike yourself Tallan.
Recently I was in AW Teen and seen a very similar palm tree to the one that
you had claimed to be your own design and creation hmmm lets look at that.
Yup the same retextured but still the same.
You want to open this can back up recently many ppl have come forward and
spoke very ill of you and your "hosting" of their worlds how they would
create a model and suddenly it would appear in your world as a freebie or
slightly modified KT original BS.
I admitted my part in the theft of the space ship to all and u just carry it
on much like a grade-schooler. You want to keep it going fine then we will
bring out all the dirt and stuff we have heard and seen proven about you in
the last few months. You think you are the almighty Tallan guess what you
have more enemies than friends.
We did not realize how many you had until you like a big ol whiny baby cut
one of the nicest ppl off the radio station for what ... Veger attended a
party think about it you big baby.

We come to the gate now and then just to see what's up and you know Veger
stands there has a good time and you get in his face every time. Whether be
just standing in front of him or like last night copy and paste anything we

Just an annoying child is all you are and ever will be...

BTW ppl that have their worlds hosted by Tallan should be careful of their
customs objects its been proven that they "disappear"

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Objects makers in AW

Aug 17, 2005, 10:15am
btw the palm I speak of is called plmbroad.rwx in AWTeen
The one Tallan says is his original is called kt-plmbroad2
And was told by Tallan it was his own...
You be the judge...

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Objects makers in AW

Aug 17, 2005, 8:24pm
PPL like u disgust me as well u know nothing of the incident...
I let my eyes speak for what I see the model I mentioned in AWTeen is not a
Tallan creation
and BTW the never once told us he converted it
They are exactly the same other than Tallans having a block of something on
the bottom...

Maybe you should take a look around before YOU speak on something you
evidently know nothing about...

if you would get your head out of his a** once inawhile you would know

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Objects makers in AW

Aug 17, 2005, 11:50pm
Like I said WTF do u know
He never once told us that it was a freebie from AW Uni
He led us to believe that he made it we have the original email for that...
Not one of the objects did he ever claim it was retextured or "fixed"
BTW without permission to do so is still wrong especially without informing
the person he is giving it to is what he did...

Tallan is the one dieing a fast death in AW
Wake up and jump ship before you go with it...

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Objects makers in AW

Aug 18, 2005, 12:53am
Right I am not the one that jumped in and spoke of disgust...
BTW Tallan lies to everyone proven fact over and over...
Voice chat does not allow you to see he is actually creating a model or just
modeifing someone else's (who's the idiot here).
My mind has been clear and at piece it was not me that started slammin ppl
without the full knowledge of the events that surrounded this fiasco.
You only know of one side...
The child like brain of a moron opened it up and we intend to close it for
Mel and I have sat back and taken it watched it and ignored it, We kept our
mouths shut and carried on with life in AW but now someone must be bored to
drag us in to this we are only defending ourselves from the idiocity before
it spreads.

Gotta love log files emails and whispers....we keep them all...we are not
the ones that shall worry nor faulter.

As for my modelling skills I never claimed to be great and you will never
know as my models are only for MY world something you will never see...

Idiot I am not

Foolish I am for beleiving Tallan was honest man and you would be open and
optimistic you are as one sided as anyone else that hangs with AWVR guess in
time you will find out like many before you have...Tallan way or the highway

Waves to Tallan nice knowing you (not)

and have a good day yourself....

And no this will not be my last post as anyone slams me or my wife I will
retaliate and defend myself twit.

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Objects makers in AW

Aug 19, 2005, 9:34pm
WOW just noticed you said AW University is giving away models too man gotta
get to their object yard and start downloading...
Where is the object yard for the freebies??? anyone???

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The Tallan Game

Aug 17, 2005, 10:15pm
#9. He thinks he is right all the time.

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