the derek // User Search

the derek // User Search

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I'm offering.

Aug 8, 2001, 4:47pm
hesjust using the ngs to advertise i havent seen
himpost anything otherwise

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another...werid bug

Aug 9, 2001, 6:59pm
today ifound another really weird bug
i was usingthe right button on the mouse to move
objects i was messin around cause it was in aw and
they werent mine lol
(it was a lot of objects)
when i pressed the left button i couldnt move
mymouse but if i pressed alttab to go to another
window it worked...go back to aw it didnt work.
then i selected an object and presed left button
now i have no problem

another...werid bug

Aug 9, 2001, 7:57pm
am i on beta?

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another...werid bug

Aug 9, 2001, 10:32pm
ive treid reproducing it...the mouse will lag a
little then start working again but i havent been
able to get it to totally freeze in position again

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The Problem With a Gate Keeper

Aug 10, 2001, 7:07pm
i gotthreatened by a gk for having a spacebar
thats worn out

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try this!

Aug 10, 2001, 9:46pm
dude calmdownyoure really asking for it ive never
seen anyone post this bad...

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Aug 13, 2001, 2:24pm
sooo what if there arent that many citizens maybe
it was field day for tourists lol i can just
imagine what it would be like to be in a world
with 14000 tourists all at gz
btw is 14000 the max users that can bein a world
or is that just the number your freind picked?

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AW Ear

Aug 13, 2001, 2:11am
yeah heknows i told him that before he posted he
shoulda said what bugs he was aware of
what ive seen wrong:
disable doesnt allow you toenable
he has it so itlooks to see if youve had a
telegram at all instead of if thelat thing
toappear was a telegrammessage
if the chat is too fast it mightskip things or say
another person said it
it wont read your actual telegrams :oo
if anyone hasnt downloaded it you gotta check it

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AW Ear version 1.1 (bug fixes)

Aug 13, 2001, 3:58pm
lol say \\\\ it will think u only said backslash
twice :o)

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AW Ear beta testing

Aug 15, 2001, 1:57pm
is doesn't work AT ALL for me in 2.2 so that might
be brandons problem

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AW Ear beta testing

Aug 15, 2001, 3:05pm
my eyes are open... am i suuposed to see
everything youre doing on your computer now lol
youre problem sounds like you have 2.2 soo i
assumed so sue me
it sounds like either the engine isnt installed
right or your sound card is old... dont remember
if u said what sound card u had or not...

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Ergant Notice!

Aug 21, 2001, 8:13pm
so you finally want people to reply to your posts?
so its ergant huh? LOL how old are you?

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What ever happened Factor?

Aug 21, 2001, 9:24pm
he said that was a "deadline" and expected us to
know that he wasnt gonna meet his "deadline" who
knows what he was talking about

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I'm Sick Of This Error Message

Aug 22, 2001, 5:39pm
depends ont he error about 20% of the time im able
to keep on going if i really want to

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xelagon offline

Aug 22, 2001, 4:15pm
well how would you like it if someone made a world
named RadonSuX?
and i bet if someone made a world name BlacksSuK
or WhitesSuK theyd remove it with no questioins
asked (Hopefully if not they really are just in it
for the little money they actually get)
hmmm...wonder if thatswhythey wont remove this
one... maybe its not a trial? anyways if they dont
remove this one then more and more people will
start making worlds like this

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What is YOUR default start world?

Aug 25, 2001, 4:03am
My world :O)

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What is YOUR default start world?

Aug 25, 2001, 4:04am
lol nowhere there used to be an actual world named

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What is YOUR default start world?

Aug 26, 2001, 1:59am
last i heard he renewed the domain but i dont
think the universe will stay i think it has a week
left (right now its running off an IP address)

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What is YOUR default start world?

Aug 27, 2001, 9:51pm
the GK's get on my nerves more than the tourist
when i was a tourist someone told me about some
dumb group called AWT and on the site it said aw
put subliminal messages in their sounds LOL
well back then i didnt klnow what subliminal meant
and when i asked the gks they ejected me every
time i had that word in a sentence... they like
their little eject gun dont they :P all i know is
id never let them have eject in MY world theyd
eject everyone in sight

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Value of a cit

Aug 26, 2001, 5:37pm
....he said whats the point of having a cit in this
universe (aw)... dont see what that has to do with
all these other places?

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Value of a cit

Aug 28, 2001, 9:05pm
well the Gks at awagte used to say you had to be a
cit to buy a world... but maybe that was the case
a while ago

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 2:49pm
you need to fix outlook if it looks like shes not
responding to you cause in netscape theres even
little dots showing who he responded to

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 3:01pm
and most people use those citizenships to give
away to tourists that help them a lot or just to
run more bots off of or use as a privilege cit
that people log on to... if you cant find a use
for it then dont use it

the way they sell is fair did they TELL you you
DIDNT get a free cit? no did they say that you
did? YES its under products on their site-the same
place where it tells you about citizenships is at

if you dont want anyone replying to your post then
DONT POST IT email it this aint a chat room where
there are whispers and private rooms anyhing you
say is visible and replyable to all

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 8:46pm
you dont own the newsgroups if you dont want
people responding then dont post-email it you
arent the king of the universe so forget about it
and grow up

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 9:07pm
gahh what the hell this is like the 4th time youve
posted this and i have no clue what "premise youre
talking about... i HAVE been reading this

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 4:53pm
so you want the whole ng to follow what YOU think
THEY SHOULD do? how old are you? 5? 4?

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 4:55pm
DUDE the teachers are VOLUNTEERS awschool is a
PRIVATE WORLD not an awcom world!!! GET YOUR FACTS
STRAIGHT! what? you think there should be a law
that every citizen has to exlpain EVERYTHING o
tourists when its on their WEBSITE? i dont think

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 4:57pm
haha you think YOU have intellect?

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 5:08pm
i betcha hes just ganna say "you dont understand
the 'premise' read up" m a r c u s give it up you
failed to do what a consumer SHOULD do- now youd
be better off the walk away from this thread. i
doubt youll be able to get out of it without being
filtered by everyone

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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 3:36am
ok i think im starting to finally get at what
marcus is saying hes saying he did his homework
but he thinks that awcom should do a better job at
informing tourists? well they do NOT need to do
this heres why:
you ask ANY citizen and they will know
the GKs will tell you you get free cits from
tourists have to visit the home page SOMETIME and
they will see a products page and on it is
citizen pricing AND world pricing and info
so basically this info is EVERYWHERE on aw ecept
the register now button and if you dont do your
reasearch then it is YOUR FAULT and YOUR LOSS i
mean you yourself and EVERYONE here did their
research so why are you blabing on about it?

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