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gnu32 // User SearchThe Cy AwardsMar 12, 2005, 12:34pm
Not bad =O
Voting System: Ditto Hosts: Ditto Security: Not many people like PK's, maybe a new group of CY Watchkeepers? Building: Never knew the CY Hall would need rennovating, but a touch of Ferruccio is a good idea AWRadio: Ditto, but i wouldnt be suprised if AWVR start rushing in for oppertunities [View Quote] Red Nose Day 2005!Mar 11, 2005, 7:31pm
Bloody waste of time, The stupid charity goes too far filling television
with Childrens crap and all there is to watch is football, news and films, ugh To ITV! Tommorow never dies is on [View Quote] Red Nose Day 2005!Mar 11, 2005, 10:03pm
Red Nose Day 2005!Mar 12, 2005, 11:49am
The RND programme afterwards has those annoying "Reminders" every 10
minutes, they put the good stuff later at 2 AM and they keep asking you to get off your arse to donate during some comedy skit, which ruins the whole thing. Yes, Chavs watch the program, but even them know that RND is charity, so why the damn adverts every 20 minutes, we don't need reminding. But anyway, Shows over, all the way to 3AM with about 50+ Reminders >_< Was watching the best comedy part, was great, but was forced to turn off the TV because of the stupid reminders. [View Quote] Red Nose Day 2005!Mar 12, 2005, 12:33pm
Congratulations, but the Tsunami Appeal raised more than 2 Billion
And after all the RND's, Africa is still in poverty When are they actually going to use the damn money? I don't see it happening [View Quote] The Cys can exist, without all the bullMar 12, 2005, 7:35pm
Seriously, why is the NG's being filled up with more unnessacart arguments
As if Red nose day was not enough The Cys can exist, no thanks to pathetic telegrams from mindless idiots. Alpha, why take the bull? Ignore them, I would not be suprised if the telegrams were from little shits. And Strike, we don't need you making things worse by attacking AlphaBit with all sorts. AlphaBit, don't close the Cys, They can exist, just push away all the bullshit and negativity. Strike had some great ideas (Although they might as well be ignored now because of the excessive idiocy) and you have the support of many people. All the bullshit in the NG's need to stop. The GZ, Cys, what else? Dying african children? Christ. The Cys can exist, without all the bullMar 12, 2005, 7:47pm
Strike was going to continue it with a group, until Alpha was easily
distracted by telegrams, so her reason for discontinuing the Cy name is very stupid. [View Quote] The Cys can exist, without all the bullMar 12, 2005, 8:27pm
Shes closing it because of 'negative telegrams', and your saying she
closed it because , to sum it all up in your own words, "A greedy bitch who wants the Cys to herself"? [View Quote] The Cys can exist, without all the bullMar 12, 2005, 8:57pm
"AlphaBit will still receive telegrams/emails about it. She does not
wish to have this" Is that all? You call her thick because she does not know how to ignore telegrams or put up notices to everyone saying Strike will be running the Cys? Have you even read Strikes Post properly? "After deliberating with Lady Teal for a good hour and a half we have identified several critical failures that can be fixed efficently with the correct people helping." He always does it, hes going to find the right people to run the Cy awards for Lady Teal, and Alpha should realise that.LadyTeal is also running the show don't forget, she also has control over the Cys. Its pure bullshit just to close it down due to negative emails or telegrams, or that Alpha can't find people to help. She did not ask enough, Strike already suggested people willing to help. Alpha should reconsider, because she is closing it for easily fixable reasons. [View Quote] SW City 6th Birthday BashMar 13, 2005, 7:11pm
*Hang* There, but something is still bugging me, Why April 1st? We all
know what day that is.. And no fireworks display? ;_; [View Quote] Most stupidest idea goes aheadMar 13, 2005, 3:51pm
From Today till April 1st, i'm going to be hiding in virtual isolation
in a little build hidden in AWTeen. During this time, i will refuse any joins or invites, teleport anywhere or read telegrams (People in my contact list can still send telegrams though). When ever im on AW during this time, the isolation chamber is where im going to be. Reason? Im bored, and its a bit of a challenge. Im not going to communicate in any way except MSN or Newsgroups, nor am i going to expose the location. Also, when im done, there will be the SWCity Birthday Bash and many telegrams waiting to be read =O (Plus forgetting what the skybox looks like) No, this does not mean im going to stay on 24/7, i can go online and offline when ever i want, just not teleport out of the chamber And no, im not expecting a prize, congratulations or marrige proposals out of this, this is just for the hell of it. Why am i posting this here? To make sure people know where ive gone ^_^ Screenshots of the Isolation chamber: 1st room, with space as my only outside scenary and an andrew1 door X_X Same room, but with a view of the door im going to come out of at April 1st 2nd Room, providing entertainment when im bored Lovley View =O Same... as Isolation3... X_X Not up at the time of posting, but keep watching it for live screenshots of my life in the chamber. k, After 10 minutes of posting this, i will be in the chamber, Nite all -Gnu32 And like i mentioned, no communication within AW, just Newsgroups ,MSN (Simplaza at and emails Most stupidest idea goes aheadMar 14, 2005, 1:39pm
At least the isolation is keeping me away from these happy people.. >_<
[View Quote] Yes, Isolation already started 1 hour agoMar 13, 2005, 5:10pm
Do you dumbasses have anything better to do then use a seekerbot? Retards.
Yes, Isolation already started 1 hour agoMar 13, 2005, 5:40pm
did someone clean up aw?Mar 13, 2005, 7:11pm
1 Successful night in the chamberMar 13, 2005, 11:07pm
Yey ^_^
For those who don't know whats going on, Stupid idea, yes, but im bored Plus im suffering, so yay for you Current Stats: Hours: 5 Mood: Pissed Kids Celebrating the fact im away: 2 (King RJ, Jesse) Comments: Stop threatning me with Seekerbots, you retards And please, keep watching my live feed ^_^ create picture update=10 And remember, stop with the seeker bots, im alone , and its going to stay that way until April 1st. And don't worry, i won't post this every night. Nite all -Gnu32 1 Successful night in the chamberMar 14, 2005, 2:43pm
Because of a lot of spare time in my hands (And not wasting it with
charity), im thinking of continuing this in a series of challenges. Ideas: 10 hours online in a glass box, no logging off ,teleporting or communication (Except that people will be able to see me) 1 Week in a viewable house without teleporting or communicating Any other ideas? [View Quote] 1 Successful night in the chamberMar 14, 2005, 6:58pm
Toilet.. Hmm, sounds like a good idea =O
And a timestamp? Too lazy to download automatic timestamp thingy (SnagIt) Note: I wont be on AW for probably the next 2 days, due to massive computer errors caused by SobotA >_< [View Quote] 1 Successful night in the chamberMar 14, 2005, 8:50pm
Isolation note: Relocated to Spyder, some retards obviously can't keep
away from seekers Been a day now,Relocated twice, had Strike in to help me with a computer problem And please don't start having a go at me for breaking my own rules, had to do it. Hopefully i can stay isolated in Spyder (Yes, location revealed to shut everyone up) without having to break any more rules. Nite all [View Quote] 1 Successful night in the chamberMar 26, 2005, 10:54pm
"0313 Ad signs cleaned around AlphaWorld GZ; Gnu32 started 2 week
virtual isolation in AWTeen" Omg Ty, now i will go down in history as a random person who decided to be isolated for 2 weeks Yey Oh, and if anyone did not know, you can now visit me in Spyder, but only in a little white viewing box I know i know, not full isolation, but its not a world record attempt ^_^ [View Quote] 1 Successful night in the chamberMar 26, 2005, 10:56pm
Oh and just to clear things up, you may see me running around worlds.
This is because ive lent my cousin my Citizenship while he waits for his to arrive (Splashplastic, dont ask) So dont accuse me of going out of isolation Oh and he is allowed to read any telegrams he gets, but i wont read them [View Quote] 6th Annual Building Contest Kicks OffMar 21, 2005, 4:51pm
Bugga, Im in isolation, i thought it would start on the birthday bash.
I guess i'll stay in isolation, my plans for industrial aren't really good anyway X_X [View Quote] TeePee PartyMar 22, 2005, 8:05pm
WB TZMar 28, 2005, 7:17pm
class 3 is a homosexual PkMar 27, 2005, 7:30pm
Well there you have it then, Class 3 Sucks
If you hate a PK, no need to fake evidence and then flush your claim down the toilet so easily. [View Quote] GO PKs!!Mar 30, 2005, 1:49am
During those 20 days its highly likley Class 3 is going to go in the
TaLLan Bin, so that you won't have to worry about him That is, if this whole thing is true. [View Quote] Early end to isolationMar 30, 2005, 2:38am
As of posting this, Isolation ends, yay
I know , 2 days off the target date, but i was getting desperate. I would have ended it tommorow, but i have an interview to the police station (Terrorisim, Drugs, Binge and all sorts happening everywhere, and they're only intrested in a little hate email i sent to a head teacher at december, damn pussies won't stop bitching about it) so i don't think i have time. Be seeing you in AW GZ =O -Gnu32 Isolated for 2.5 weeks Early end to isolationMar 30, 2005, 3:58am
This was before the school shooting X_X I guess Hate Mail with nothing
but stupid bull on it is too much compared to shootings, drugs, smoking, violence, terrorism ect [View Quote] Early end to isolationMar 30, 2005, 4:48am
Although i must admit the contents of the email were pretty offensive,
they shouldn't be bitching about it so excessivly. I even apoligized but they're still wasting my time with interviews and bull. [View Quote] |