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gnu32 // User Search
gnu32 // User Search"Empowered Zones"Mar 19, 2006, 1:16pm
While we wait for another year for this feature to be possibly
integrated into the browser, may i add [View Quote] TestMar 31, 2006, 3:42pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Tis a gif
Oh and Thunderbird [View Quote] > Darn... No workie. What did you do to make it work, Gnu? Tourist World now closedJan 14, 2005, 6:44pm
I would probably decide not to say this in public, but what the hell
I am sorting my life out.First on my agenda, Get rid of all the little shits and people who slag me off. I am sick of them , they piss me off and they think they're badass and can push me off Tourist World now closedJan 14, 2005, 6:44pm
Oh and i find the public apology thing an embarrasement to you and to me
Recent vandalism attack on TouristMar 14, 2005, 7:02pm
Sorry, forgot to share the news, Me and Lt have come to some sort of an
alliance about.. 3 weeks ago? So you can stop spreading negativity about me now Oh, and a piece of advice: Accusing me of hacking a world is probably one of the most desperate ways to make someone look bad. And whats the world name? It could be the fact that i world-hopped at the wrong time. [View Quote] Warning: UltraPlanets is a fax0rJan 31, 2005, 7:57pm
Thank you for checking with us first. No, UltraPlanet is not a licensed universe and they are using pirated software to set up an illegal universe. Activeworlds is in the process of taking action agaist this universe and does not recommend any affiliation. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thank you. Regards, Raymond Webster Activeworlds, Inc. " My god, Those sick bastards that are UltraPlanets ;_; Watch out, That playlist they install on your computer is a virus Oh and if your using SimPlaza's OPs in a UP world: Immediatley cease use of SimPlaza's OP, we refuse to work with citizens that want SimPlaza Services in a UP World or any Illegal Universe. Oh and if your going to flame me because you think UP is legal, your a dumbass ^_^ Megaplanets bad uniFeb 11, 2005, 10:44am
Its highly likley that these 2 'Rudeboys' are responsible, or are just
hosting it without realising its illegal Strange how they think they know all about cars,Their Bio's are pathetic too Bit like the people behind megaplanets [View Quote] Megaplanets bad uniFeb 11, 2005, 8:22pm
Went to have a little visit to see their excuse, and my cold went worse
after laughing excessivley to this excuse: Director: aw thinks we will compete with them Do those dipshits realise how pathetic these excuses are, i mean come on. [View Quote] Megaplanets bad uniFeb 11, 2005, 8:32pm
"yeah email me your proof.
our servers have been up a year now, if aw really thinks its illegal it would have FULL control to shut it down, aw thinks we are going into competition with them but we're not i know someone keeps advertising on there i wanna get that to stop and im sorry about that. im just the director head admin on there so i dont own it but the owner got the uni from an old GK on aw." - Kevin, One of the people behind Megaplanets Funny how this competition excuse keeps popping up, I mean look at spiral matrix. SM is 10x better than AW, and you dont see AW Trying to shut down SM now do you? [View Quote] Megaplanets bad uniFeb 12, 2005, 12:33am
"We thank you for bringing this to our attention. We already have their
names and addresses and are in the process of having law enforcement contact their parents as these individuals are age 15 and 17. It will not be long before this Universe is shut down and these individuals are arrested and placed in Juvenile detention. We thank you again for contacting us, please do not hesitate to bring us more information as our legal team is also in the process of filling lawsuits against their parents. Regards, Activeworlds Inc. 95 Parker Street Newburyport, MA 01950 978-499-0222" Wooh, There goes Megaplanets and UltraPlanets =D [View Quote] Megaplanets bad uniFeb 13, 2005, 8:05pm
The little shits are at it again! When Matt (One of the shits) logged
into MSN: "M4ttst3r - - Download Apex Messenger 1.1 now! Voice chat comming soon" Looks like Mr. Bullshit and his Trusty dog Mr. AWSucks is at it again, with packaged spyware! Megaplanets bad uniMar 27, 2005, 7:32pm
Does your client support timestamps? If it does, it would have shown you
that this is a very old thread that died long time ago, along with the little pricks behind Megaplanets. -Gnu32 [View Quote] I can't believe I actually got one of these 0_oFeb 11, 2005, 8:20pm
SimPlaza Custom Object Yard ReadyFeb 20, 2005, 8:02am
Yep, After 3 weeks of on and off updating, Hideout world now has a
completed Objects section. Hideout world houses the Object Yard for SimPlaza's Custom Objects and Textures, All of which are free downloads. Contains a range of Electronics like Laptops and Tablet PC's, Decoration Items, a few Avatars and a few oddities. Im currently in the middle of doing the Textures section and the GZ is bare but if your looking for objects, then feel free to Visit Hideout world anytime and download objects for your OP Or if you just got a new world and need an OP, Might Interest you. - Gnu32 PS: I also do custom object modelling on demand for free,but i can't do mass batches of objects, just maybe 1 to 5 at a time. If your Intrested, Email simplaza at GOR world ownersFeb 24, 2005, 1:41pm
Goreans are big hairy fish who like to slave people for bumsex with Children
===========BIG -FUCKING- DEAL============= The goreans are dying , the only thing that annoys me with them is that People think their all hard choosing Gor as a world to teleport random people too. If they like Gor because they can teleport people to it, they should go there too. Teleporting people to Gor or bitching about some hardass evidence against gor does not make you hardcore [View Quote] Railroad WorldFeb 27, 2005, 3:50pm
Hmm...Mar 3, 2005, 2:30pm
MasksMar 3, 2005, 2:32pm
I must admit that what Marnie asked for was very obvious, She didnt ask
for the code, she asked for a list of masks << Any Zip file in there = Mask Not sure of any mask yards in AW Though [View Quote] How they treat customers? (AWI)Mar 7, 2005, 10:54pm
Introversion does way better than AWI, yet Introversion has only just 3
staff in 3 diffrent houses Come on AWI, Christ [View Quote] New LowsMar 9, 2005, 2:08pm
Active Worlds is changing, Get used to it and stop complaining (EG,
About getting rid of the old GZ) [View Quote] Ferru and Taun's Hard Work CopiedMar 12, 2005, 11:51am
One big simple answer to the GZ problemMar 10, 2005, 11:00pm
1. Move entry point to a new GZ
A New gz can be made by the latest builders, or if the oldies still want nostalga in the new GZ, old builders (Problems this might present: Newbies getting lost when finding old GZ. Solution: Big signs explaining why the hell 0n 0e looks like its been vandilised) 2. Keep the old GZ So that we can keep the oldies/Goober King there (Problems this might present: newbies finding it and start accusing the old GZ of being vandilisim, oh and Goobers violent reaction to oldies) 3. Delete the Advertisements The flooded advertisements and the pathetic "OH MY GOD LOOK AT ME IVE BEEN HERE LOL" signs are not historic, and shows newbies how dumb loads of people on AW can be, so they need to be deleted. (Problems this might present: Oldies complaining the Adverts are historic along with the GZ, Solution: Eat them) I rule -Gnu32 |