gnu32 // User Search
gnu32 // User Search
Apr 12, 2005, 8:37pm
According to Jim1's Measurement checker, Harold is the tallest, but only
1 cm taller than hotep
[View Quote]SW Comit wrote:
> Uhh Hotep is way taller than Butch. Hotep is actually the tallest avatar,
> hence the term used in SW City "hotep compatible" buildings :P
> "PC Hamster" <pchamster at comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:173n511djk5th6hqnh2mbgriu9bvf655do at 4ax.com...
Apr 16, 2005, 7:57pm
Requested numerous times , and the script SWE is talking about is
fetch.php, which sounds good (But no, im not going to implement that
into the multipath before you ask)
[View Quote]Alin.Steglinski wrote:
> where in the coding of the object create scale -1 or +1 and it would make
> the object 1 times smaller or 1 times larger or like create scale +.1 this
> would help since some objects are too big or too small.
May 4, 2005, 6:10pm
Long gone, dead, project died off X_X
Don't know much about whats happened
[View Quote]Kenneth wrote:
> Seems like years since I've waited for NewAW to be open to the public. Would
> be really cool do something like that with roll playing.
> -Kenneth
May 4, 2005, 9:03pm
I don't see NewAW on the list though, however direct teleporting works
(Usual Locked error means world exists, just locked) an i do recall
being told it was hidden server side
So yes, i do remember now.
But what still puzzles me is what happened to beta signups, i signed up
over a year ago, no news, no nothing X_X
[View Quote]Jaguar Hahn wrote:
> It hasn't died. They in fact work on it about every day. Stacee has designed
> many objects for it, also.
> One of the new features introduced a couple months back was completed
> Day/Night Cycle Bot, which has amazing sunsets :D
> According to AWI, it should be ready "soon". I am guessing this is late
> summer or early autumn.
May 4, 2005, 8:59pm
Well, we do always ask for rennovation of AWGZ, but the old avatars i
think are the only historical things we should keep. Sure we can add the
megapath ones next to them but, im just not used to seeing romans and
cowboys going around. I just hate realistic avatars, and the fact that
they replace hotep with a mummy, ugh.
Unless they keep the old hotep though, because megapath gets rid of it
in place of the new one.
[View Quote]bastillion wrote:
> While hanging at AWGZ, we started a discussion about how old the avatars on
> world AW really were.
> I know that two of us there have been with ActiveWorlds since mid and late
> 1999, and neither of us could
> name one new avatar that has become available there since that time!
> This would be one of the easiest updates to world AW that could be made.
> I can understand wanting to have special avatars for the homepages, as to
> entice people to bown worlds,
> but even if they were to add the ones from AWGate, that would be an
> improvement.
> Just my $.02 worth..
> ..wonder if anyone will actually read this and make a change?
> Bastillion, Curator for The Bastion - A Gallery of Talented Builders
> aw 1206n 7750w
> www.bastillion.net
May 23, 2005, 9:28pm
Its not that simple X_X And its been requested many times, but would be
quite a challenge to implement
[View Quote]Justin Eyres wrote:
> I Think it would be cool if you could add vehicles like There.com and have
> only the person that builds the car object can use the car. In my opinion it
> probably would be hard to add but it might be possible
May 24, 2005, 4:46pm
That + Vehicle avatars is a good idea, The warp setting should have a
speed function. As for passengers, a "follow" could be implemented so
that people can right click avatars and click Follow to automatically
follow them. If the vehicle av is not centered, then The follow function
should make the person look like they are in the vehicle av.
[View Quote]Kenneth wrote:
> Probably the easiest way to do this is just make an accellerator for warps.
> Like if I want to check out builds going along the N-S road from AW GZ, I
> can set the accellerator to like 10 mph or even 5 mph and plot in the
> coordinates of where I want to go and then woosh there I go. Also make a
> Stop button in case you want to stop and look around at something. Also
> maybe even making a course plotter so you can change directions along your
> journey.
> -Ken
May 27, 2005, 2:12pm
You twat >_<
[View Quote]Alin.Steglinski wrote:
> who r u calling a dunce.
May 27, 2005, 11:31pm
All im saying is that your idiocy has to die down. Thats all,end of
discussion about socks.
[View Quote]Alin.Steglinski wrote:
> if you dont got anything nice to say stuff a sock in it.GNU32
> "Gnu32" <simplaza at simplaza.net> wrote in message
> news:429746d8$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 29, 2005, 3:29am
Come to think about it, i swear i did see something about AW being
distributed in cereal packs, somewhere around northen europe?
[View Quote]Jaguar Hahn wrote:
> LOL *opens Fruit Loops* omg mom it's Active Worlds!!
> "Just In" <anon at no.spam.com> wrote in message
> news:4299317a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 29, 2005, 5:15pm
Apparently, from what i can recall from memory, Denmark had distributed
CD's of AW 2.0 High Rez in cereal packs, or at least somewhere near denmark
[View Quote]Jaguar Hahn wrote:
> No, I think Gnu was right. Didn't AW put the 2.0 COF version on the shelves
> somewhere? Like for a month or so. I thought I remembered it being given out
> somewhere because the CD was made for a purpose.
May 29, 2005, 10:24pm
That would make the structure very messy, and would make it so you can
have one big cell streched out over the world >_>
May 30, 2005, 2:38pm
Because files would have to record the x and z posistion aswell , unless
i misunderstood
What exactly do you mean Orb O_O
[View Quote]bro wrote:
> Why would it be messy?
> "Ewasx" <ewasx at cybernetworlds.net> wrote in message
> news:429a7ae5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 31, 2005, 9:34pm
Thats coming on 4.1, either that or all the strong rumors were false
But we don't want to make a copy of There
[View Quote]Justin Eyres wrote:
> There should be a voice kind of thing like There.com where u just talk into
> ur mic and theres a setting either hands free where u just talk or a push to
> talk kind of thing so then you dont have to type all the time
Jun 27, 2005, 12:39pm
Ah, like light absorbsion? (Although if absorbed, it means it cannot be
create light type=absorb
[View Quote]Kal Verahda wrote:
> suppose you want to make a room in your world dark, but don't want to make
> all the special objects with lower light settings for the room? It would
> be handy to have a build command that would project a darkness upon the
> room, but which can be over ridden by the light command.
Jul 19, 2005, 1:09pm
I think he's the only one who cares =P
[View Quote]Jalen Blade wrote:
> at Strike - Once again your far superior intelligence has stunned and amazed
> us all...I thought this was a 'WishList' Forum, not an 'Ask Strike'
> Forum...lol...maybe AW could add a new one just for you!
> An 'Ask AW' Forum would be nice too!
> Jalen Blade
> Owner of Aureus
Jul 23, 2005, 2:23am
You have completely got it wrong O_O You know that list with the avatars
you get to choose from? The one with the annoying 255 avatar choice
limit? mmhm
[View Quote]ubermonkey wrote:
> Eh, hold on a second, there are hardly 255 users in the entire AW universe
> at peak times, let alone in a single world. I find this highly unlikely to
> be an actual concern. Also, it's entirely likely that 255 is a hard-coded
> user limit (if that really is the limit -- I actually have no idea) built
> into the client and server, which wouldn't be so easy to change.
> Or, are you talking about 255 as a limit for total bots and users? In that
> case I could see it as a serious issue. Of course, having enough bandwidth
> to move all that data around could be a challenge. If it's the bot issue,
> then I would suggest doing as much NPC rotation as possible; When an NPC
> despawns, either from death or some other cause, that bot changes to a
> different NPC type. Set up some rotation rules which account for where more
> NPCs are needed (which would be where there tend to be more people) and
> which NPCs haven't had enough in-world exposure based on some predetermined
> ratios.
> "Jalen Blade" <jalen at aureusvr.com> wrote in message
> news:42d9510a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 19, 2005, 1:07pm
The point of restricting tourists to 2 avatars is so that they are
forced to buy a cit to not look ridiculous. You used to be able to do it
with a bot but now its restricted
Product Idea:
Offer for 3x the price of tourist access the option to let tourists
choose any avatar in the world =O
[View Quote]Jalen Blade wrote:
> I would like the option to allow Tourists to choose from a list of avatars
> also if I so choose...and I DO choose...lol...if there's a way to do this
> with a bot or something already please let me know!
> Jalen Blade
> Owner of Aureus
Oct 11, 2005, 12:29pm
Will there ever be an actually readable tutorial/help file for that, or
new user friendly interface?
[View Quote]Andras wrote:
> Jalen Blade wrote:
> With DEM2Rwx you can do such assignments but you still need textures to
> handle it :)
Oct 11, 2005, 1:36pm
Its not a full tutorial, it doesn't help with or explain the other
features X_X
And why is http://www.andras.net/tools.html not rendering? (Just showing
its source code)
[View Quote]Andras wrote:
> Gnu32 wrote:
> Are you willing to pay for it?
> The program HAS a tutorial made by IngieBee.
Oct 11, 2005, 7:32pm
Strange, works in Internet explorer though
[View Quote]Ksg wrote:
> Works fine for me...
> "Andras" <andras at andras.net> wrote in message
> news:434c0c68$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 1, 2005, 1:51pm
How to change the backup program for your world:
For this example, i will use megapath, which is
host.activeworlds.com-megapath , change it to the right OP address
(Replacing / with - and leaving out http and www prefixes)
In Backup.bat (Using notepad)
Under ":BACKUP"
xcopy cache\art\objects.activeworlds.com-aw\model.idx
backup\objects.activeworlds.com-aw\ /y
xcopy cache\art\objects.activeworlds.com-aw\download.idx
backup\objects.activeworlds.com-aw\ /y
Replace with:
xcopy cache\art\host.activeworlds.com-megapath\model.idx
backup\host.activeworlds.com-megapath\ /y
xcopy cache\art\host.activeworlds.com-megapath\download.idx
backup\host.activeworlds.com-megapath\ /y
Under ":RESTORE"
xcopy backup\objects.activeworlds.com-aw\model.idx
cache\art\objects.activeworlds.com-aw\ /y
xcopy backup\objects.activeworlds.com-aw\download.idx
cache\art\objects.activeworlds.com-aw\ /y
Replace with:
xcopy backup\host.activeworlds.com-megapath\model.idx
cache\art\host.activeworlds.com-megapath\ /y
xcopy backup\host.activeworlds.com-megapath\download.idx
cache\art\host.activeworlds.com-megapath\ /y
That, when using your address instead of host.activeworlds.com-megapath
, will backup cache for your world.
[View Quote]Lady NightHawk wrote:
> why only aw? and can I d/l it somewhere? I currently use .bat files to dump
> my avatar.dat files when ever I make changes in my worlds, it's alot easier
> than trying to find them each time ... sure wish they'd do an auto dump an
> that file :o/
Jan 26, 2006, 7:47pm
DS is dead, banned from AW methinks
[View Quote]Matt888 wrote:
> DS Dark Scorpion is a newbie.. He's completely lame. He can't program >_<
> Thanks for disappointing me when you tried to make my bot.. You will never
> be able to open a RPG because you can't model, can't build, and are
> unsuccessful at making bots.
> I am not intending to hurt you or anyone else, I'm just stating the obvious
> truth.
> "joeman" <john at fakeplastic.com> wrote in message
> news:4388e64e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jan 30, 2006, 2:11pm
I have to agree though, you are lame. You had the nerve to ask for
donations in a silly manner by cross posting to every fricken newsgroup.
Post some of your source code, lets see what Strike has to say
[View Quote]Cepheus Seriphos wrote:
> Hey buddy, I just wanted to let you know that you can't ask someone to
> do a bot for free, and hope for it to be good. I sold 4 in the last 2
> months, and I AM a programmer, and who's the newbie? Theworld: Cit #
> 314090. Your just pissed because I refused to program a bot for you
> after you asked me to, and then said "Nevermind, Goshenta is programming
> one for me. But I'd like for you both to program one, and I'll pick the
> better one." And I of course said, "No."
> Matt: Go get hit by a bus you fat ass.
Jan 26, 2006, 7:43pm
Already in 4.1
[View Quote]Matt888 wrote:
> I think when 4.1 comes out, we should be able to create a mover which allows
> it to be following it's own path (Like a train moving on it's track
> preprogrammed) and have multiple users inside, able to walk around inside
> it. I think this would be key for realism in Activeworlds. My question
> about 4.1 movers and pre-programmed moving patterns is, how complicated can
> they be? Is it possible to program a entire length of track in, with twists
> and turns in it?
> Maybe there should also be a "record" option, so the builder can actually
> record a path, and that can be used by the auto-mover.
> It seems complicated, but I think it would be that extra bit of realism that
> ActiveWorlds needs to beat the competition and make transportation systems
> more realistic.
> -Matt
Jan 30, 2006, 4:53pm
Read too quickly, i meant the way points
[View Quote]Matt888 wrote:
> Can you? :o Thats cool.. are you sure they are walk-insidable? X_X I
> would really like to see a demonstration somewhere then ^_^
> "Gnu32" <simplaza at simplaza.net> wrote in message
> news:43d94268 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jan 31, 2006, 3:19pm
So like javascript events, such as onclick or even onmouseover? good
idea that
You may want to word it carefully though, some people may read that and
think "This guy doesn't know what activate is" , I understand where
you're coming from though, changing just the picture to a video.
[View Quote]MPL Knight wrote:
> 4. "IF CLICKED": A picture object that "if clicked" can play media like
> video. Using a command like "create picture www.vr5online.com/picture.jpg"
> clicked=http://www.vr5online.com/video.wmv" would generate a picutre object
> that when clicked would play the video and then revert back to the picture
> when finished.
Feb 23, 2006, 12:02am
[View Quote]RoadKill wrote:
> Strike Rapier wrote:
> That's easy to implement assuming you understand the following:
> adone, animate, astart, astop and frame.
Feb 25, 2006, 1:53pm
Wells, the people behind SI, quickly needed an alternative to Second
Life, the platform they were using. They were given the AW 4.1 BETA to
test out and it's going good for them.
Of course, it won't go good for us until:
1. It is a stable/open beta version with all the very bad bugs fixed
2. They develop a solution for the incompatiablity problem with builds.
One main reason for giving the beta to Wells was that, of course, they
have no builds that need fixing to the new AW 4.1 system. On the
otherhand, everything in AW needs to be re-propdumped/converted into the
new AW 4.1 format.
[View Quote]LtBrenton wrote:
> OK, I've been wandering round SI, and it looks damn awesome. What is
> stopping AWI from loading that browser up into AW? I can't help thinking
> we're being ignored here.
> -LtBrenton
Mar 19, 2006, 1:15pm
It should be in the browser, but that doesn't mean its a bad idea for
someone to tackle the problem using a bot
[View Quote]equin0x wrote:
> Although I don't agree with the exaggeration by joeman, he does have a
> point.. Citizens should not need to go and download a bot to do something
> that should be in the browser.
> Regardless, I have nothing against Strike's bot.. But if the feature is that
> well formed, it may as well be in the browser.
> "SW Comit" <sam at usamedia.tv> wrote in message
> news:441d26e7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...