gnu32 // User Search
gnu32 // User Search
May 11, 2005, 7:47pm
Strike has been acting really immature recently..
Although you should stop acting like you rule everything and you can do
things better than him.
[View Quote]Outsider wrote:
> Strike Rapier wrote:
> No real point now. Whenever you want to be the bigger man and admit
> that not even you are perfect, then I can do it for ya. *shrug* pull an
> Eep.
Jun 3, 2005, 1:01am
Or even worse, jacob found a "wife" and some mario bribery later.. O_O
[View Quote]Outsider wrote:
> TheMask wrote:
> It's almost like Jacob evolved into some... thing.
Feb 10, 2006, 9:45am
The hell is this doing in the Browser Problem Thread?
[View Quote]Cepheus.Seriphos wrote:
> Spiraware Productions is now open and ready to sell any type of bot you
> need, and a cheap price, for a good bot. Here we can sell a full-fledged
> RPG Bot with every feature thinkable, for as low as $30! And a
> completely equipped CTF Bot with mines, multiple weapons, different
> gameplay modes, and more for as low as $20!
> * Until February 15 everything we have will be %25 off.
> * You may only use the bot you buy in one world. May buy an extra world
> license for $5, and 2 extra worlds for $8, while 3 for $12
> * We are accepting four more programmers in the languages Visual Basic,
> C++/C, and PHP. - We will pay.
> * If you are staff all the money goes straight to us, and we pay you for
> each sale we make, %50 of the profit goes to you.
Feb 12, 2006, 3:09pm
> other things, but why don't you ever get off your ass and do something?
See: Evo, and its 1000+ lines of code
> Think it over. I hope you die a slow and painful death.
Don't you fucking dare use my own threats against my allys <3
Apr 21, 2005, 7:49pm
Its just a bloody damn typo, no need for an orgasm
[View Quote]Outsider wrote:
> Strike Rapier wrote:
> No, unless everyone has a problem with the word "village."
> I'm sure all that cared fixed it for themselves. Just because I noticed
> the mistake doesn't mean I want to go and fix it for you. You have to
> learn how to use the spelling checker someday. Or at the very least,
> test your links before you hit submit/send.
> --
> --Big O
Apr 22, 2005, 1:30pm
Why does it seem like you want everything perfect aswell then?
[View Quote]Outsider wrote:
> SWE wrote:
> It wasn't, until he found it bright to retort with an equally asnine
> comment about how I'm just as stupid for not correcting. Such a pithy
> argument.
> Had he not commented on how Brant's coding style, his perfection
> wouldn't have been so transparent.
> --
> --Big O
May 11, 2005, 7:47pm
Strike has been acting really immature recently..
Although you should stop acting like you rule everything and you can do
things better than him.
[View Quote]Outsider wrote:
> Strike Rapier wrote:
> No real point now. Whenever you want to be the bigger man and admit
> that not even you are perfect, then I can do it for ya. *shrug* pull an
> Eep.
Jun 3, 2005, 1:01am
Or even worse, jacob found a "wife" and some mario bribery later.. O_O
[View Quote]Outsider wrote:
> TheMask wrote:
> It's almost like Jacob evolved into some... thing.
May 25, 2005, 7:48pm
Theres still that bug where windows doesnt shutdown while X1 is running X_X
Or is that normal/a bug within the SDK?
[View Quote]XelaG wrote:
> This version has an important bugfix for people who rely on xelagots
> for backing up terrain. More information here:
> http://www.imatowns.com/xelagot/xlgwhatsnew.html
> Alex
May 25, 2005, 9:13pm
For me, when ever X1 is running, even when explorer has not crashed,
Windows XP refuses to shut down.
Looking at Taskman , it seems like that when shutdown starts, logonui is
executed and stays executed. However, with X1 running, theres normal
behavior like disconnection, some programs exiting and logonui running
but then logonui exits after 5 seconds and shutdown doesnt commence.
It seems like it tries to shut down X1 but something in X1 is causing
Logonui to give up.
[View Quote]Tony M wrote:
> I've had this happen before. It's specific to Xelagot, and not the AW SDK.
> It usually happens when Explorer crashes and X1 loses its tray icon.
> Since I can't restore it from the tray, it can't be safely shutdown
> since it tries to bring up a little "Do you wish to exit?" prompt.
> On 5/25/2005 4:48 PM, Gnu32 wrote:
May 30, 2005, 12:40pm
Spying on people? Shame on you
[View Quote]Alin.Steglinski wrote:
> hello ive always wanted to get my hands on a seekerbot. dunno where to get
> one. can anyone help me out here!
May 30, 2005, 3:46pm
Spying on the SW'ians you O_O
[View Quote]Jaguar Hahn wrote:
> There are ones available. And you want to search AWTeen with it I'm sure,
> but sorry they are not allowed in AWTeen and using one will get you ejected
> from the world :P I know you don't want it for AW world because it usually
> takes me around 6 hours to search that world O_O
> "Gnu32" <simplaza at simplaza.net> wrote in message
> news:429b25dd$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 31, 2005, 5:36pm
Oh so you do want to use it for Active Worlds
Answer the question X_X
[View Quote]Alin.Steglinski wrote:
> wat is it plz
> "Jaguar Hahn" <jaguarhahn at gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:429ca371 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 3, 2005, 1:00am
I think Alin is trying to do things "Strike Style", but is doing it very
[View Quote]Tony M wrote:
> Do you realize that the first post which started this thread is well
> over 2 years old?
> It's a simple "test" post. Get over it.
> On 6/2/2005 5:13 PM, Alin.Steglinski wrote:
Jun 6, 2005, 12:36pm
Reply group? I think thats the problem O_O
Or is that an outlook thing?
[View Quote]Jaguar Hahn wrote:
> Test. Seeing if this works. My last 20-25 NG posts haven't shown because I
> think I hit reply instead of Reply Group X_X
> "Jim1" <JimMoore2 at Cox.net> wrote in message
> news:429b3926$3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 23, 2005, 2:25am
Trying scripting for the first time
Origin=0.000n 0.000w 0.00a 0.0
OnChatEvent Chat
Label MainLoop
Goto MainLoop
Event Chat
GetChatName $nam
GetChatline $lin
$cht = $nam ":" #9 $lin
ConMsg 0 $cht
This is my script as some might recognize as a simple chat relay script.
It works ok, but it outputs this:
Gnu32: h
It keeps showing the variable placeholder and not displaying results
instead, what happened there?
Sep 13, 2005, 12:33pm
Any plans for backward compatibility? There are some useful bots out
there that the owners won't ever update anymore
[View Quote]Strike Rapier wrote:
> Sidenote: in 4.1 that is
Jan 26, 2006, 7:47pm
DS is dead, banned from AW methinks
[View Quote]Matt888 wrote:
> DS Dark Scorpion is a newbie.. He's completely lame. He can't program >_<
> Thanks for disappointing me when you tried to make my bot.. You will never
> be able to open a RPG because you can't model, can't build, and are
> unsuccessful at making bots.
> I am not intending to hurt you or anyone else, I'm just stating the obvious
> truth.
> "joeman" <john at fakeplastic.com> wrote in message
> news:4388e64e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jan 30, 2006, 2:11pm
I have to agree though, you are lame. You had the nerve to ask for
donations in a silly manner by cross posting to every fricken newsgroup.
Post some of your source code, lets see what Strike has to say
[View Quote]Cepheus Seriphos wrote:
> Hey buddy, I just wanted to let you know that you can't ask someone to
> do a bot for free, and hope for it to be good. I sold 4 in the last 2
> months, and I AM a programmer, and who's the newbie? Theworld: Cit #
> 314090. Your just pissed because I refused to program a bot for you
> after you asked me to, and then said "Nevermind, Goshenta is programming
> one for me. But I'd like for you both to program one, and I'll pick the
> better one." And I of course said, "No."
> Matt: Go get hit by a bus you fat ass.
Feb 4, 2006, 3:55pm
VISUAL BASIC?!?! Holy shit, we thank you. No wonder Demeter's so crap
[View Quote]Dr. Squailboont wrote:
> I have completed a translation of the original Demeter 1.x Visual Basic
> source code to C++. I believe it is now to the point where version 2.0
> is almost totally compatible in behavior with Demeter 1.x.
> A small test group will be put together to verify that Demeter 2.0
> behaves as expected. Interested testers should contact me by email.
> (drsquailboont at gmail.com)
> The public release of Demeter 2.0 will be determined later.
> Thanks,
> --
> Dr. Squailboont
Feb 10, 2006, 9:45am
The hell is this doing in the Browser Problem Thread?
[View Quote]Cepheus.Seriphos wrote:
> Spiraware Productions is now open and ready to sell any type of bot you
> need, and a cheap price, for a good bot. Here we can sell a full-fledged
> RPG Bot with every feature thinkable, for as low as $30! And a
> completely equipped CTF Bot with mines, multiple weapons, different
> gameplay modes, and more for as low as $20!
> * Until February 15 everything we have will be %25 off.
> * You may only use the bot you buy in one world. May buy an extra world
> license for $5, and 2 extra worlds for $8, while 3 for $12
> * We are accepting four more programmers in the languages Visual Basic,
> C++/C, and PHP. - We will pay.
> * If you are staff all the money goes straight to us, and we pay you for
> each sale we make, %50 of the profit goes to you.
Feb 12, 2006, 3:09pm
> other things, but why don't you ever get off your ass and do something?
See: Evo, and its 1000+ lines of code
> Think it over. I hope you die a slow and painful death.
Don't you fucking dare use my own threats against my allys <3
Feb 16, 2005, 4:13pm
What AW needs is complete Firefox Integration, Screw Internet Explorer
[View Quote]Builderz wrote:
> If HTML is allowed on objects and AW uses IE as the default browser,
> people would try to put code on a site that would attempt to download a
> Trojan horse or some other exploit. The HTML security settings would
> have to be very strict or there would have to be a way to exclude
> certain file types (such as .vbs, .exe, .com, etc.) from being read.
> For now, just take a screen shot of the site using a program such as
> SnagIt and upload it to a server.
> -Builderz
> John Dough wrote:
Mar 7, 2005, 3:22pm
Sounds like a job for SWCity! =D (And Strike, since he has a massive bot
[View Quote]Kenneth wrote:
> This is to AW and anyone else,
> It would be really cool to have a pretty big world, like P-50 or bigger,
> with bots of animals like deer, ducks, pheasants, bear, that people can go
> there and hunt. It would be like a Paintball world, but you would shoot bots
> instead of other people. Have tons of terrain too and real looking brush and
> wilderness. Maybe even have a fishing lake with fish bots that can be lured
> to your bait. Don't make it too easy too, make the animals hide within the
> brush. Maybe you can have them make sounds too. What do you think?
> -Kenneth
Apr 3, 2005, 11:05pm
[View Quote]BenneJezzerette wrote:
> I wish for a Linux Version of AW that uses KDE or Gnome as the graphics
> engine, I wish to even get the source code to create a AW for Linux.
> I have not been able to get on AW for this reason. Windows XP Pro
> crashed so many times I got fed up with it, Got Slackware 10.1 and to
> date, If I leave it alone, It never crashes. Has had 5 or 6 things opne
> and it just trots along, open 2 things or even 3 in XP and the whole
> system reboots.
> I want my CiT Back and I want AW for Linux.
Or if you just want the chat, try WINE
Apr 4, 2005, 9:49pm
Sounds like a lot of bull. AW has been developing since 1995 in its
native home operating system,Windows. To all of a sudden try and create
a linux version of it will take very long and a hell lot of resources.
Its too late now, so stop asking.
[View Quote]BenneJezzerette wrote:
> HighFlier wrote:
> Well I got e-mail from Rick today and made this suggestion, ther eis
> another person in the AWI offices that is using Linux. Well between him
> and myself, we could redo the code, make it for linux and then Grow
> AWI's Profits. Hows that for an idea?
Apr 7, 2005, 6:26am
Hello all
I want to use a diffrent multipath script for the Multipaths im
currently hosting ,as they are unbelivably sluggish.
I am using the multipath from Iceflare.net , which "downloads" the
objects and then sends them to AW, not sure if that made sense, instead
of just redirecting, which is why its sluggish. I could edit the script
to redirect instead, but i am not a PHP expert and do not know what to
do about it.
I also tried the following multipath scripts, which either don't work or
are similar:
Andras perl Multipath
PHP Multipath from Tengel
Please help me on this, i seriously need to replace the current
multipaths >_<
Apr 8, 2005, 1:13am
Ive changed the code around to fit more OPs, but it only gets objects
from the 4th OP (Even when the same objects exist on the first 3), it
seems like it goes straight for the 4th one:
$filename=$op1 . $rqname;
if (!file_exists($filename))
$filename=$op2 . $rqname;
if (!file_exists($filename))
$filename=$op3 . $rqname;
if (!file_exists($filename))
$filename=$op4 . $rqname;
header("Location: $filename");
exit ();
[View Quote]Steve e wrote:
> Modified version I use, does not have any security features and only
> uses one local directory, not two..
> lithium delusion.initrd.com # cat multi-op.php
> <?php
> $localpath="/var/www/delusion.initrd.com/";
> $awpath="http://objects.activeworlds.com/megapath/";
> $rqname=substr(strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],basename(__FILE__)),strlen(basename(__FILE__))+1);
> $filename=$localpath . $rqname;
> if (!file_exists($filename))
> {
> $filename=$awpath . $rqname;
> header("Location: $filename");
> exit ();
> }
> $headers = getallheaders();
> if(isset($headers["If-Modified-Since"]))
> {
> $currentModified = filemtime($filename);
> $rqtime=strtotime($headers["If-Modified-Since"]);
> if ($currentmodified<$rqtime)
> {
> header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
> exit();
> }
> }
> if (strpos($rqname,".zip"))
> {
> $ctype="application/zip";
> }
> else
> {
> if (strpos($rqname,".jpg"))
> {
> $ctype="image/jpeg";
> }
> else
> $ctype="application/download";
> }
> $handle = fopen($filename, "rb");
> header("Content-type: " . $ctype);
> header("Content-Length: " . filesize($filename));
> fpassthru($handle);
> exit ();
> ?>
> lithium delusion.initrd.com #
Apr 8, 2005, 1:52am
Sorry, that was a typo when putting the snips >_<
[View Quote]Lady NightHawk wrote:
> Might the problem be in the <snip>/ (backslash) ... either the others don't
> have it, or they all should maybe have it?
Apr 19, 2005, 7:31pm
Just bringing this up again because the multipath i am using from Lord
Fett is just starting to be very unreliable. Before i start preparing to
ditch Multipath, any more script variations out there? X_X
[View Quote]Gnu32 wrote:
> Hello all
> I want to use a diffrent multipath script for the Multipaths im
> currently hosting ,as they are unbelivably sluggish.
> I am using the multipath from Iceflare.net , which "downloads" the
> objects and then sends them to AW, not sure if that made sense, instead
> of just redirecting, which is why its sluggish. I could edit the script
> to redirect instead, but i am not a PHP expert and do not know what to
> do about it.
> I also tried the following multipath scripts, which either don't work or
> are similar:
> Andras perl Multipath
> PHP Multipath from Tengel
> Please help me on this, i seriously need to replace the current
> multipaths >_<
> -Gnu32