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outsider // User SearchEclipse Evolution (RC1-TR)May 11, 2005, 7:13pm
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I knew C++ before you finished your little VB escapades. So, if I
really wanted, I could. You want me to make a VB bot, VB.NET bot, C++ bot, C++.NET bot, C++ with GTK, C++ with MFC, the choice is yours. But everyone and their mother has made a bot similar to yours, so there really is no point. Eclipse Evolution (RC1-TR)May 11, 2005, 7:35pm
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No real point now. Whenever you want to be the bigger man and admit
that not even you are perfect, then I can do it for ya. *shrug* pull an Eep. Eclipse Evolution (RC1-TR)May 12, 2005, 1:43am
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Nothing new. I don't rule everything, but I can do things better than him.
Eclipse Evolution (RC1-TR)Jun 3, 2005, 12:58am
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It's almost like Jacob evolved into some... thing.
AW TV StationsMay 12, 2005, 2:49pm
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You're wrong. Motion pictures are nothing more than a bunch of images
stuck together to form motion, hence the name. The black lines surrounding them tell our eyes "hey this is a new frame". They are exactly like what the TV stations were, except in AW they're much, much slower than what they are in real life. The faster the images are presented, the more fluid the motion. But if you take a film and slow it down to 2 frames a second, you'd get pretty much the same thing you see in AW. Try it, get an old projector and slow it down. AW TV StationsMay 12, 2005, 7:58pm
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Try again. Cinema and/or television is basically a "photo album" as you
so eloquently put it. The TV stations in AW flow in a constant motion, it's just quite a bit slower. If I take, let's say, Blade, and slow it down to 3 frames per second and link it to an image, and then throw it on a TV object with an update=3, then it works just the same. It's just slow motion picture. AW TV StationsMay 13, 2005, 1:06am
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The problem is, it's the same principle. Video, in any form, is still a
collection of still images. AW TV StationsMay 13, 2005, 2:31pm
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No it's not totally different. Changing the color of an object isn't
streaming anything. Unless, of course, you're actually determining the pixels of each. A motion _picture_ is still a collection of frames. Frames are pictures, therefore they are the same. I guess you could throw this under a polymorphism debate. A motion picture is a motion picture, but it's also a collection of individual pictures. You can express it as both and be technically correct. Take a frame of a video, that's a picture is it not? Move to the next, still a picture isn't it? Now if you were to assemble the frames into a different layout, what would it be? A collection. Huzzah for semantics. More guides for buildersMay 24, 2005, 5:52pm
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Well, I hardly doubt AWI placed the restrictions in their software per
se, but were just stating that video cards from that era weren't really supporting anything higher. Usually developers/multimedia designers read this stuff and design accordingly, so I'm sure it wasn't really a problem. I'd think you could take pre3.0 browsers and (if allowed) go into AW and probably see all the objects normally. That is, if you were using a current-day video card. More guides for buildersMay 24, 2005, 6:19pm
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That's right, I think I remember something beind side that all textures
were resized to a square form. AW Failure and Damages - Users and Owners Petition -May 26, 2005, 11:40am
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Well when your time is loose, you know.
Re: I Can't hear Midi With Midi On in SettingsMay 27, 2005, 1:15am
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I chuckled when I saw it, then even more when you said this.
Streaming MediaMay 31, 2005, 2:23pm
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I'd probably have to be on a different IDE channel to make any
difference to the AW Cache. Most people share the same channel for a second hard drive. To AWI: Remove JacobMay 30, 2005, 12:22am
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I wet my pants in connection to the beta group.
Universal Chat Channel for Active Worlds?Jun 2, 2005, 1:12am
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They eject people they don't like. Also, since they can't mute, they
eject people they don't want to listen to. That's all I've gathered for the reasons for eject with them. Working, yet undocumented action command: CursorJun 3, 2005, 1:06am
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Nothing wrong with hex editing a file. They'd be idiots to try and do
anything about it. They'd get laughed out of court. AlphaWorld Enhanced 1.0 releasedJun 7, 2005, 12:57am
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Isn't there a 90degree angle road? That would be perfect for curved ones.