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m a r c u s // User Search
Apr 26, 2001, 11:07am
"5) If you change the extention of a txt file to a jpg file and try to open
it it crashes."
When would someone want to change an extension of a text file to a jpg?
(just curious)
[View Quote]"m a k a v e l i" <tupacisdabest at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3ae7353d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Heh, last time I was done with it and the program crashed.
> 1) When you log in make the "Login Bot" unenabled.
> 2) The bot disappears after a while, call AW_WAIT.
> 3) Limit the say txtbox to 250 characters, otherwise the message won't be
> displayed.
> 4) Clicking "Stop Bot" did nothing.
> 5) If you change the extention of a txt file to a jpg file and try to open
> it it crashes.
> 6) If you try to delete something not in the bank list it crashes.
> 7) Add something to make the bot not crash if no citnum, ppw, etc. is
> entered.
> Tips, not bugs.
> 1) Instead of using the ASCII function for the enter key, you could just
> make the send command button default.
> 2) If there is nothing in the say txtbox ignore the send command.
> 3) Delete the text in the account, and balance part of the bot after it is
> added.
> 4) Erase the say txtbox after saying something.
> Good for a first bot, needed more time though. And TrekkerX, you need to
> realize that this is better than yours, it isn't all crammed in one part,
> has tabs, good control to use. The bank part will be hard for you since
> only programmed for 5 days, it would be easier to delete it than to one
> simple command.
Apr 25, 2001, 1:17pm
I have 2 main questions. I have a build in one world that I want to copy
and build in a second world. I already know that there are objects I used
in the first world which are not allowed in the second, along with 3.1
commands which are not allowed as well. My question is: if I try to build
in world 2 from a project I made in world 1, can the Xelagot BOT determine
which objects are acceptable in the second world and just build with those?
My second question is an extension of the first. Assuming the Xelagot BOT
can build with objects that are only common, is it possible to tell the bot
to replace the objects which are not acceptable with ones that are? and if
so, can this be set up as a 1 step process or would I have to first build
the common objects in location 2, then do replacement builds for each object
or set of objects that weren't accepted?
Apr 29, 2001, 2:15pm
If you can go with Xelagot, I would do that. It's best I have seen.
[View Quote]"dzap" <dzap at localbar.com> wrote in message
news:3aec2d6e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I would like advise on which bot is the best to use for a greeter slash
> helper bot speaking and understanding Swedish. The function will not be
> that advanced, just greeting newcomers and whispering help on request.
> Swedish throughout is a prerequisite. I don't want, and don't have the
> knowledge, to make the bot from scratch. Maybe there are some good
> scripts already available that I can just translate and modify.
> Thanks
> dZap
Aug 23, 2001, 4:51pm
Well Xelag, I have 2 citizenships which means I have 2 free trial worlds
which I haven't used. You are welcome to use them at your convenience for
those 2 months until mid-december (when the accounts close). I will not be
renewing my citizenship for either one until AWCOM listens to me as well.
This may help you or may not, let me know if it will. I can give you my
email if interested.
[View Quote]"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
news:bvh8ots7pocegrkngtp541bc455g6102lg at 4ax.com...
> AW Community,
> Thank you for your support, AWCOM sent me this message:
> --- quote
> After revaluation of the world "XelaGsuX" we found that it is a direct
> attack on another user and does violate our guidelines. This world
> has been removed and I apologize for any frustration and inconvenience
> this confusion may have caused. Please feel free to contact me
> directly if you have any other concerns or questions.
> --- unquote
> I am personally satisfied by this reply. I hope this kind of incident
> will not happen again. Assignment of trial worlds is an automated
> automated process. When I personally phoned AWCOM to explain the
> situation, I was told their decision would be sent by email. This was
> what I received:
> --- quote
> I spoke to our customer service manager and we can not take the trial
> world down from the server.
> --- unquote
> AWCOM was broadcasting at the time, through their worlds list, a
> personal insult at my address. Originally, this was an automated
> decision, but AWCOM's reply was human and accepted the automated
> decision. I did not accept this situation. . Indeed, as someone
> pointed out, I could have been entitled to sue AWCOM for this. This
> may be a normal procedure in the US, in Europe we do not usually feed
> the lawyers the way you do, it is always a last recourse :) My
> approach was to point to the 'moral' side of the issue.
> This has been a very trying and tiring day for me. Thank you all
> again for helping to set this right. My world, bots and services are
> running again as normal. May I point out that everybody is entitled
> to their own opinion (about me, about AWCOM, about the rest). If you
> wish to fill your world with slander, you are responsible for that.
> But if you, as provider, spread othe peoples slander, you - as
> provider - are responsible for that. I wish the owner of the former
> XelaGsuX world a lot of sucess and happiness, but since he/she never
> revealed his/her identity, I would not know how to convey this
> message. Maybe Radon can do that for me. According to my bot:
> Radon is citizen number 322351, url www.andras.net/aw_ear
> Bye,
> XelaG :)
Aug 23, 2001, 7:45pm
Possibly, but right now Xelag is the only one whom I have seen handle issues
concerning Active Worlds in not only a positive manner but productive.
Everything from emailing him for help on the Xelagot program to having a
program I can enjoy without being swindled for more cash.
For Active Worlds to not screen his name before worlds are able to be seen
on a worlds list so that something like which just happened is wrong. I
think instead of wasting the 2 months a world could be up for free, it
should go to someone that knows how to use it. Active Worlds can pay the
cost running it.
I am glad the issue got resolved, but if it happens again then what?
[View Quote]"radon" <dpierce481 at earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:3BA27240.D4E000FB at earthlink.net...
> Can I use one, m a r c u s?
> m a r c u s wrote:
Apr 13, 2001, 1:03am
I asked the maker of Xelagot to make something like this for bot greeters.
That way when you entered an area, one bot could be location specified with
one message and the same for another without having 2 bots message you as
soon as you enter the location. 2 weeks later I get an email from him
saying he included it and it works great.
I would like to see the same thing with AW, so people can build with me, but
they can't build outside of some perimeter.
Let me explain the possible danger. Let's say you have several places you
build at. One person could be helping you build in one location while
giving someone else your priviledge password. That other person could be at
another one of your builds and remove it without you realizing this. I
haven't had it happen yet to me, but it is possible.
Another way around this is to have a feature to only allow someone add to
your creations but they can't delete. This way, the worst case scenario,
you just have some deleting to do.
If the powers at be realize this and see it as much of a danger as I do,
feel free to remove this post since I don't want to be passing this info
onto someone who hasn't thought of doing this and wants to cause trouble.
Apr 13, 2001, 10:18pm
Yes, I like that idea. If the name weren't on list also, the person with
the list could get a request that a person is requesting to build with them.
This is kind of like an ICQ check to see if you want them to be on your
My main concern is to disable the deletion rights. I want people to build
with me, and I would post my password so anyone can build even without me
knowing. I personally don't care what people add to my spot. I just don't
want them to delete what I or others put up.
Maybe an opposite list would be good. The list could block certain people by
account number. Then if you don't want someone to build, they will have to
buy another account lol
So far, no one has come to me that has destroyed anything thank god. Just
wonder why AW wants to allow others to destroy your builds. Seems like that
would have been the first thing on the list to avoid.
[View Quote]"foxmccloud" <FoxMcCloud at cyberbrain.com> wrote in message
news:3ad786af$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think privileges should work the other way around... YOU allow someone
to use your rights (like, a rights list for who you want to
> be able to use your rights) and then there's no password or privilege
stealth involved...
> You would just put them in your "privilege list" and when they want to use
it, they go to the privilege menu and type in your name
> (no password needed)... the browser checks if you have given them this
right, and if it's the case they can use it.
> Anyway it's just a thought, the way it works isn't going to change now...
I think this way would have made more sense...
> Fox Mc Cloud
Apr 13, 2001, 10:46pm
Well, ok, then maybe my other suggestion will work better. And that is....
Limit the priviledge building to 2 coordinates marking the corners (i.e.
134.5n 45e, 125.75n 50e)
When the person is done, you change the password to the next person you want
to allow.
[View Quote]"foxmccloud" <FoxMcCloud at cyberbrain.com> wrote in message
news:3ad79b21 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Because changing an object = (from the server's point of view) deleting
one and adding the modified one (which i find quite strange,
> but that's the way it works.)
> So if you don't allow anyone to delete your builds, they can only build
with your citnum, and not change anything you've done...
> which would maybe suit you, but would be annoying in many cases.
> And because they didn't think about it, too. :oP
> Just don't give your privilege pass to people you don't totally trust...
> Fox Mc Cloud
> "m a r c u s" <none at sfsdfsd.come> a écrit dans le message news:
3ad7973b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
people by
Apr 14, 2001, 11:26pm
I like that, if they get booted, then they usually go somewhere and do the
same thing.
[View Quote]"s p a r k" <crazyglue3 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3ad8f2eb at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Like instead of ejecting a person for being rude, make them stay, and mute
> them for everyone else!
> Pretty good punishment if you knwo what I'l talking about.
Apr 16, 2001, 6:27am
Have a newsgroup dedicated to only events coming up. This could be run by
AW where only people hosting events for AW could make new posts. Citizens
could then respond if they have questions regarding one of them.
Tonight, I must have seen the 15th advertisement for something 2 days later
than when it took place. I am sure it would be nice to have all events
posted in one location so we don't constantly have to search for signs that
might be out there advertising something in the future.
In the meantime I am working on something like that at my place where people
can also build if they want an area showcasing their event. The coordinates
are AW 123n 8000w (yes I do get "some" people coming).
However, that means you would to come to my place, an events group would be
more appropriate I think.
Apr 23, 2001, 1:31pm
Well, there is a difference between reading someone's message and actually
understanding it.
If I am a monomaniac for trying to have my intentions understood, then so be
it. It seems there is a misconception that I want to be able to change the
AW background for everyone. That is definately not the case. I am trying
to propose a way in which we can individually have a download section in our
area where people can choose to download a background or not.
[View Quote]"andras" <andras at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3AE44402.943CB00F at andras.net...
> m a r c u s wrote:
> <snip another "repetitive disorder" rant>
> No - AWCI does give a damn (or two) towards citizes (sometimes). What they
don't do (and I fully support them in this process) is to obey a monomaniac.
> Tough luck, drive through !
> Andras
> (Eep? Where are you?)
Apr 23, 2001, 4:21pm
Yes, you bring up good responses to what I am saying. As for any financial
suggestions, I just threw the $15 in as a figure. I am not saying that part
of it is anywhere concrete to getting the feature I am discussing
Whoever decides to click a button and download a background will have that
background. From there, I see 2 possibilities.
One, that background could simply replace a default one AW has. If someone
wants to get the default back at a later time, all they would have to do is
go back to GZ and download the default. Cache problems already exist now,
and I am constantly clearing it already which active worlds themselves have
advised me to do. It hasn't caused me any problems so far and I don't see
how that would cause any major problems in the future.
Another way to deal with the download is to have about 3 total backgrounds a
person can have access to. Again, 3 is just a figure like the $15, it could
be 4 or 5 or whatever. This is how avatars are set up in any of the worlds.
You have a limited number of them to choose, and they don't get downloaded
and show up unless someone has chosen it.
I don't see why it has to be stored on AW's server. It may be stored there
now, but with "create picture" action, we can have the picture on any server
outside of AW's servers and download it there. Why can't we have a
background download in a similar fashion?
[View Quote]"andras" <andras at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3AE46879.AF2AC0DA at andras.net...
> m a r c u s wrote:
so be
wants to
> It took me about 50 of your messages till I understood what you want. With
whining and repeating endlessly your "dream" won't help.
> Here are the causes why AW wouldn't make that feature in the near (or far)
> - To change the backdrop with a button click - easy. BUT! That change
will follow the person to areas where your ugly stuff doesn't fit. How the
hell the browser will figure out WHEN to change it back? Imposing some
artificial radius won't do good (you want the backdrop for 100 meters while
the others want it 30 only). Adding those parameters would put another load
to the server/browser.
> - What happens if the person's disk cache is nearly full (reached the
limit) ? Will the old backdrop loaded again? That would be insane. The size
of the backdrop is prohibitive to load more than once.
> - The ability to change it / enable the change would add some to the
traffic too. (Not to mention that the world servers should have to keep
track if this feature is enabled or not)
> - last but not least - your silly "financial" proposal would make the
option adding even more load to the auth server (the only place you can
store that info). All those stuff should follow you to the world you are
increasing the traffic again.
> I hope I put some light behind the denial,
> Andras
> -
Apr 23, 2001, 9:53pm
Wing, what do you get out of insulting people? just curious, I never found
it an attracting feature in people
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3ae4bda5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *slap* WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU KID? They're a buisiness NOT a
fucking government agency. We have little to no power over
> how they conduct buisiness. They don't even READ this group because of
idiots like you that clog it up with senseless
> repetitiveness.
> "felix2001" <homeworkkid at msn.com> wrote in message
news:3ae4b152 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 29, 2001, 7:06am
I have tried proposing an option to change background in public area using a
download feature at a reasonable fee. Right now the only way to do this is
to buy a world which offers features some don't need at a high cost. After
being told this would not be at the top of the list for consideration, I
have thought of an alternative solution.
Why not have a world where people who sign up as a PK, GK, or Teacher can
experiment with things like avatars, backgrounds, and objects. Those that
are helping Active Worlds promote the program would have an incentive to
continue this, and they could try out the features available in a world
without actually having to pay for it upfront without any experience. If
they liked it, then they would not only gain the experience, but they would
have objects as well to bring into a world they could buy after trying it
Apr 29, 2001, 2:45pm
Giving back to the PK's, GK's, and Teacers ain't so bad either. I never
said people should only do it because they should have this opportunity. It
would be an incentive, not the full reward.
[View Quote]"gamer" <Gamer at active-worlds.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3aec42e2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> GKs, PKs and Teachers should want to do their job becuase they like to
> people and make Active Worlds a safe and fun place...not becuase they want
> to keep all the little frillz that come along with the job...
> -Gamer
> m a r c u s <none at here.com> wrote in message
> news:3aebd9a3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> a
> is
> After
> would
Apr 30, 2001, 4:55pm
Actually I would be paying 69.95 for true space and if I liked what I made,
I would be buying a world. Look at what I am proposing and you will not see
I am proposing anything cheap. For you to think that, means you 1) not only
looked at the details 2) would be a prime candidate for what I am
[View Quote]"holistic1" <tkafader at southstar.org> wrote in message
news:3AED9DD6.EA10921F at southstar.org...
> Still trying to get a world cheap, huh marcus?
> Holistic1
> m a r c u s wrote:
using a
Apr 30, 2001, 6:32pm
Most people go to other programs instead of persisting the way I am. Let me
go check here who is on in a world now.
885 worlds total. 566 worlds not private. 120 worlds that are not empty.
10 worlds with at leasy 10 people.
With data like that, I am not going to buy anything until I have some idea
of the services. This is just common sense.
765 people have been snookered into paying for worlds that aren't there, and
I don't want to be 1 one of them.
When I see the data change, my views will change.
[View Quote]"holistic1" <tkafader at southstar.org> wrote in message
news:3AEDE627.D48EB06C at southstar.org...
> Say what???? You're cheap.. admit it... Seems to me that you are the only
> around here bitching about the price of worlds...And trying to make some
kind of
> deal with AW to get both TrueSpace and A world cheap... I paid for my
world and
> will continue to do so.. In fact I am considering buying another one... As
> Truespace.. Who cares? I don't use it and from what I hear most builders
> don't.. There are many free 3d programs to pick from so why would I buy
one? I
> can't believe you are still going on about wanting to change the backdrop
> public worlds... Gads.. get a life.. I build in public worlds besides
> (my world) and the last thing I would want is for some twit (to borrow
> favorite label) to go changing it on me without my permission.
> If you want TrueSpace, buy it and shut up. If you want to change
> buy a world and shut up. If you want both then quit bitching about the
> and buy them .... and shut up...Now shut up and go away.
> Holistic1
> m a r c u s wrote:
consideration, I
incentive to
Apr 30, 2001, 7:07pm
"I think you forgot something called the trial world."
Please read up before you interject, people have been telling me it takes
them over a 1 year to fully get a world designed. The trial version is only
for 30 days, it doesn't provide enough time to actually develop objects and
build. I can account for just citizenship after 3-4 months. This is time
consuming and someone I knowhas been building a town for 8 months.
A LOT of people new to AW will take advantage and thus I bet about 100+
worlds on the list are trials, and some people keep their worlds private
except for events, and
some worlds are like SW City's paintball world where its owners use it for
events and thus not a lot of people are normally there. SO really if you
want a world just go for it.
I have signed up for citizenship for 3 months and the numbers are still the
same, the world names are still the same pretty much. Like with anything,
please present data when you are ready to assert such data exists. I think
Active Worlds should be the one to let us know so we can make an informed
decision as to how we want to spend our money.
[View Quote]"captain mad mike" <cmadmike at crosswinds.net> wrote in message
news:3aedd0a5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think you forgot something called the trial world. A LOT of people new
> AW will take advantage and thus I bet about 100+ worlds on the list are
> trials, and some people keep their worlds private except for events, and
> some worlds are like SW City's paintball world where its owners use it for
> events and thus not a lot of people are normally there. SO really if you
> want a world just go for it.
> "m a r c u s" <none at here.com> wrote in message
> news:3aedcbde$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> me
> and
> only
> As
> builders
> backdrop
> not
> not
> area
> do
> cost.
Apr 30, 2001, 7:09pm
"I think you forgot something called the trial world."
Please read up before you interject, people have been telling me it takes
them over a 1 year to fully get a world designed. The trial version is only
for 30 days, it doesn't provide enough time to actually develop objects and
build. I can account for just citizenship after 3-4 months. This is time
consuming and someone I knowhas been building a town for 8 months.
"A LOT of people new to AW will take advantage and thus I bet about 100+
worlds on the list are trials, and some people keep their worlds private
except for events, and some worlds are like SW City's paintball world where
its owners use it for events and thus not a lot of people are normally
there. SO really if you
want a world just go for it."
I have signed up for citizenship for 3 months and the numbers are still the
same, the world names are still the same pretty much. Like with anything,
please present data when you are ready to assert such data exists. I think
Active Worlds should be the one to let us know so we can make an informed
decision as to how we want to spend our money.
[View Quote]"m a r c u s" <none at here.com> wrote in message
news:3aedd3fe at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "I think you forgot something called the trial world."
> Please read up before you interject, people have been telling me it takes
> them over a 1 year to fully get a world designed. The trial version is
> for 30 days, it doesn't provide enough time to actually develop objects
> build. I can account for just citizenship after 3-4 months. This is time
> consuming and someone I knowhas been building a town for 8 months.
> A LOT of people new to AW will take advantage and thus I bet about 100+
> worlds on the list are trials, and some people keep their worlds private
> except for events, and
> some worlds are like SW City's paintball world where its owners use it for
> events and thus not a lot of people are normally there. SO really if you
> want a world just go for it.
> I have signed up for citizenship for 3 months and the numbers are still
> same, the world names are still the same pretty much. Like with anything,
> please present data when you are ready to assert such data exists. I
> Active Worlds should be the one to let us know so we can make an informed
> decision as to how we want to spend our money.
> "captain mad mike" <cmadmike at crosswinds.net> wrote in message
> news:3aedd0a5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
> Let
> empty.
> idea
> some
> one...
> buy
> the
> I
> a
May 1, 2001, 1:26am
Umm, read the post. I said nothing about the backgrounds exclusively in the
[View Quote]"captain mad mike" <cmadmike at crosswinds.net> wrote in message
news:3aee0ec2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Dude...face it....you're not gonna get custom backdrops unless you just
> manually d/l it from the server and plop it in your art directory.
> "m a r c u s" <none at here.com> wrote in message
> news:3aedd3fe at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> only
> and
> the
> think
> for
> there,
> the
> my
> besides
> borrow
> what
> will
> 1)
> public
> to
> in
> but
> after
May 1, 2001, 6:05pm
Let me see here, are you saying I should buy at lease one citizenship before
I post here?
[View Quote]"holistic1" <tkafader at southstar.org> wrote in message
news:3AEEFAB2.E601ACA0 at southstar.org...
> Let me see. You don't want to buy a world unless you know what to
> marcus, you are really a work of art, you don't have a frigging brain
> your head do you....Can we say Activeworlds? How about PUBLIC
> about AW school? How about AWUniv.? Hmmm, I will try again... First
> number one, or the beginning. (just so you understand, marcus), become
> tourist or citizen. Number Two, (that would be the second thing, (just so
> continue to understand, marcus, (providing you understood the first
> learn to build from 1)a builder, 2)AWSchool, 3)AWUniv. 4)some other source
( I
> know, I know, that's alot of things at once but get someone to read it and
> explain it to you, marcus), Number Three (comes after "Number Two") build
> PUBLIC WORLDS. Then if you like it, Number Four(Next to the last,,,, I
> your attention is starting to wonder, marcus) BUY A WORLD!!!. Number Five,
> you don't like it.......DON'T BUY A WORLD.
> No one really cares.. now leave and quit posting unless you have something
> intelligent to say (which you don't).
> Holistic1.
> m a r c u s wrote:
Let me
one... As
May 1, 2001, 6:32pm
Well, I don't know if Holistic realizes I needed to get a citizenship
somehow to post here. I was just having fun with his ignorance. Now I can
have fun with yours. Hey, since no one will actually respond addressing the
subject and instead attack a person I might as well enjoy the moment.
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3aef17ab at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Oh great, you're one of the lamers that depends on AWCI's stupidity with
giving away citizenships? Or did you just steal this one?
> "m a r c u s" <none at here.com> wrote in message
news:3aef16f3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
(just so
for my
way to
May 2, 2001, 2:09pm
Yeah, I guess you did. Try moving up from baby talk. Try to present things
logically and lead to intelligent conclusions. The more you insult, the
less you have to bring to the table as far as a productive conversation.
You are 1 single person, and since we have established that we both
understand a person must attain a citizenship before posting here, you have
no idea what other people I come in contact with tell me who don't bother
finding out what a world offers let alone a citizenship.
They seem to like what I am presenting, and if Active Worlds listened to it
they might find more customers. I am responding to you on an automatic
business sense hoping that they are reading this and detecting my behavior.
In turn, I hope they see who is buying their product and behaving the way
you are here and use that for future decisions for Active Worlds as a whole.
It takes a nice man to insult, so I guess I have to bite the bullet here and
take it if I want what I am projecting across the table.
I wish I didn't. I wish we could talk nicer, but that's up to you part way.
Are you ready to present to me in an intelligent manner why incentives
aren't offered to citizens who become PK, GK, and teachers?
Other programs do this to their members.
[View Quote]"holistic1" <tkafader at southstar.org> wrote in message
news:3AF044EB.96FA33E1 at southstar.org...
> LOL... marcus better change your diaper. And I find it rather amusing
that you
> are assuming that I don't know that you need a citizenship in order to
> here. I was trying to put my response in simple enough sentences
(semtences= a
> series of words put together in order to convy a thought) so you would
> understand the process of determining weather or not you want a world.
> Apparently I failed. Oh well... Perhaps someone else can speak in baby
> language so you can understand. I tried and failed. So why don't you
just take
> your bottle roll over and go back to sleep.
> Holistic1
> m a r c u s wrote:
(just so
for my
way to
May 2, 2001, 4:05pm
Where did I ever say it would be a reward? Please look back. If you want to
assert something, please supply the data.
[View Quote]"holistic1" <tkafader at southstar.org> wrote in message
news:3AF070D8.17EDB556 at southstar.org...
> m a r c u s wrote:
> Well it is interesting that the people you come in contact with aren't
> to find out what world owners can do with their worlds. LOL
> As you say, they don't bother...So again, you are trying to get something
> nothing and using the newbies as your reasoning for it. The people who
> PK's GK's etc. are, for the most part, extremely dedicated to helping
> and tourist alike. Not for some reward that you are trying to lead us to
> believe they would want, but because they want to, period. They are there
> because they feel an obligation to give back to the virtual society a
> something . And perhaps for a little power, perhaps. They are there for
> same reasons a person becomes a teacher, policeman or policewoman, but
> the pay. So don't give me that crap about rewards.. The most they ever
> want or really appreciate, would be a "thank you" or " thanks for
teaching me
> that", when was the last time you thanked a GK ir PK or even someone who
> willing to teach you.
> Business sense? LOL.. give me a break.
> This is all about you and you wanting a discount on a world or have the
> to change the backdrop on a public worlds and you are using this
> thing to try to get it... I wouldn't be surpised that if AW said ok they
> give that power to the PK's, you would be first in line trying to become
> one...God, you are so transparent.
> HUH? They know who is buying their product, and one thing is for sure,
> don't have to worry about you buying a world. So pipe down.
> See response 1.
> Do what to their members? What program? Huh?
> <snip>
May 2, 2001, 4:47pm
I hope you aren't taking any of this serious LOL.
[View Quote]"holistic1" <tkafader at southstar.org> wrote in message
news:3AF07DE5.72BB87D0 at southstar.org...
> OH Excuse me!!!.. Incentive. The same in this instance. God you are such
> putz.
> m a r c u s wrote:
want to
listened to
Jun 2, 2001, 8:13am
I agree
[View Quote]"gamer" <Gamer at active-worlds.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3b1827c6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> when ur on the priv of your other cit...you have to take it off to edit
> own..lots of chopping and changing, not needed :)
> kmissile583k <Kmissile58 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3b17edb2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 5, 2001, 5:39pm
I was thinking the same thing the first time I read it LOL, I suspect they
meant 3.2
[View Quote]"tony m" <tony56444 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b1c76de at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 3.3!??!!??!?!!?! they're just barely on 3.2
> did i miss something?
> budweiser <charest at balista.com> wrote in message
> news:3b1c4f83 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> out?
Jul 3, 2001, 6:07am
I am no programmer by any means, so programmers please tell me about this.
I have seen a lot of encroaching problems within AW School and thought of an
What if we were able to use an object (flat, walk style)that wasn't used for
building but was designated to work in sync with motion commands and it
associated itself with other objects that would be built and seen in motion.
The motion commands of objects that would be built with and seen would be
relative to the center of this walk style object. This way, where ever you
could put this walk style object there would have to be unclaimed space.
You place a cap/limit on the radius of the walk style object so other
objects associated with this walk style object couldn't move past the
perimeter. You could use various sizes of walk style objects this way and
people would not be able to encroach a person's area using motion commands.
For example, if someone wanted an object to move 2 degrees, they would have
to get a walk style object 4 degrees in diameter and lay it down where there
was enough space. The question is, is 4 degree object used solely for
motion commands and not actually building doable or is this a rediculously
huge size and would never work?
Jul 3, 2001, 7:14pm
By "both programs" do you mean 2.2 and 3.1? or is there another program I am
unaware of?
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3b41ef51 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Sounds like a pain in the ass to both program and use.
No doubt Roland would rather redo the cell database, and
> Rick and JP, the AW Gawdz would completely ignore both us and him and
choose your method.
> "m a r c u s" <i_have_a_site at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3b417d27$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
of an
Jul 6, 2001, 8:48pm
I would support more things to be allowed in newsgroups if 1) they could
filter what is downloaded or 2) There was a seperate section only for these
additions. People go to it at their decision, but it wouldn't effect others
who want less downloaded.
The way it is now, it appears the file size is the issue and for whatever
reasons they can't filter out .jpg extensions and the like.
[View Quote]"your hiroshi" <bentremblay at mediaone.net> wrote in message
news:3b45f036$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 1) Why all the rules? Don't we all have modems faster than 14.4, pcs
> than 90mhz, and plenty of disk space?
> 2) Don't we all have news browsers that can read HTML?
> 3) Aren't those of us who do not have these things the minority?
> 4) Is text on a news server a precious, exhaustible thing?
> 5) Is the news server a Timex Sinclair?
> I am really SICK of nagging CS majors telling me how to use my computer. I
> am 34 years old and I have been waiting all my life for computers to allow
> us to no longer be shackled by stupid arbitrary rules.
> The internet allows different kinds of people to communicate. Protocol and
> observance of customary behavior has absolutely no place here.
> If someone uses long long long lines, or uses HTML, or talks about
> you don't personally like...
> It's just data, and there's more where it came from.