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Jun 2, 2001, 3:31pm
Nope, I can prove that the account was not closed by Active Worlds. I went
to the location, and the AW account is still there alive and kicking. But
where the pic was showing is now static. Why static? cause someone ELSE
did something about it. I went to the account where the pics were stored
and their account was closed on that server, NOT INACTIVEWORLDS.

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Jun 2, 2001, 3:35pm
If only one person complained, how come it was removed by another "group" of
people. Apparently, there is a contradiction there. You can't have a group
close an account that holds porn and call them 1 person. There are people
within a group, at least that is my understanding of the definition behind

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Jun 2, 2001, 3:38pm
I can prove that Inactiveworlds did nothing. I went to the location where
the porn was, and all I saw was static, but the account for AW was still
there alive and kicking. Why static, because some other group who housed
the porn closed that account holding the porn, not INACTIVEWORLDS. They
have done nothing about it like removing the smut from their server. I am
just happy some other organization did.

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Jun 2, 2001, 3:40pm
Well, it's nice to see one person out there knows how to read posts.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 3, 2001, 9:13am
Well, welcome to inactiveworlds where "ridicule" and porn are our middle

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 3, 2001, 3:53pm
"I believe it's called Activeworlds."

Then they why didn't they do something about it when reported? Why did an
outside source have to come in and clean up their work?

If you have a problem with porn somewhere, contact the authorities... Seems
the specific instance you were talking about was dealt with, just not in the
way you wanted.

Yes, specifically porn, and I am not into putting strip bars around the
corner from schools either, go figure.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 5:21am
just in, nice to hear from you. I don't know if you are going to read this
and don't expect a response after this cause chances are, I won't read your
response if you choose to make one here. Nothing against you personally,
but I normally post once or twice and then move on to more current threads.
I just can't sleep now so I decided to sift through the sea of the NG abyss.

I don't know what your role in removing garbage is. You have on the url
posted, "Garbage Elimination Team". I suspect from that, you are part of a
team that eliminates garbage.

Ok, but let's read further. "We are not peacekeepers and only handle
requests for deletion concerning vandalism". That is interesting, since I
spent a whole month requesting smut to be removed, and I received no help.
Ok, I am still open let's look more and see if there are any more clues.

Ahh, "We do our best, although not affiliated with the Peacekeepers, to work
with them to make AW a happy place for everyone."

Then why may I ask are PK's the a prominent entity at the AW world, the most
populated world in Active Worlds?

The reason for this is, if certain people have to make decisions regarding
Active World's members, I can understand that. But why the red tape? Why
can't someone who is representing Active Worlds in ANY capacity take it upon
themself to go to the right source and notify them about this? I did my
part by notifying over a dozen Peacekeepers, and then after no success, I
went to the Gatekeepers. I tried to get the word out to as many people as
possible, hoping that what is solicited in the site you mentioned would
happen. It didn't, I didn't see anyone working with each other to get rid
of the porn I was reporting.

After this I decided to contact people on my contact list. I told them the
coordinates, which I first did not do hoping Active Worlds would do their
job. Then I got a response from one of my contacts on the list to notify
the server holding the porn. A group of us did that, and fairly quickly
something has been done.

Now looking back, when I read "Garbage Elimination Team", I don't see any
team of Active Worlds doing any eliminating of garbage. People who
represented Active Worlds just passed the buck around to someone else to
deal with it or they simply ignored it.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 12:51pm
Goober, you may know the system and it might be a good system for those that
know also.

For those that don't know, it isn't good. All it would have taken is a PK
to go to someone else who did know the right source, and that is the purpose
of my position here.

Person at first stage, me, goes to PK at second stage to tell them. Either
someone in stage 2 knows someone who can have the porn removed or they go to
someone at stage 3. Then person in Stage 3 contacts the right source or
goes to the 4th stage, and so on. Eventually, you have people communicating
and working together. As someone with less information tells those more
informed, the ones that know the system eventually "GET" the information to
the right source and in this case remove the porn. This didn't work, and I
had to go outside of the system to get the job done.

Until then, you are going to have people at Stage 1 bitching and complaining
and noting "moral" injustices because no one at stage 2 is helping them.
That simple, and if you look at the statistics here on NG, I don't see
anyone posting against this who is fairly new. A lot of people against my
position that I hold have been here a while and they are the ones who know
the system but yet did nothing to help me when I did bring it up. If you
didn't know about it, why? Why didn't someone from GZ contact you, and why
weren't you around. You should be. If you are part of solution, then you
need to be there. If you come around after the fact, and tell people what
you could have done that makes you a bigger asshole than Active Worlds is by
not helping the citizens.

There, I did my bitching, and so far Active Worlds still appears to be
inactive with the exception of a "goober king" and "Just In" claiming to
have been able to do something.

Well, why didn't they. If you 2 would have done something about it, post
your frickin name at GZ so we can contact you. Geez

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 2:19pm
Looks good, is there a "REAL" Active Worlds area there? I briefly looked
down the list, and I couldn't find it. Perhaps, and hopefully I missed it.

I would much rather use that NG from just the peek I took.

And Inactive Worlds, if you are reading, why not put categories here like
there are in the one at news.unitel.co.kr? and allow tourists, it's
pointless chatting with only people I can chat with in AW.

This would allow others outside of the program to understand the shitty
service of yours before they buy an account and milk your pockets with
money. We could also tell them of the porn you don't remove.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 2:36pm
first time poster, but you didn't just spew that info off the whims of your
noodles. Someone else told you.

You are totally missing the point of my post. Someone who DOES NOT, I
repeat, DOES NOT know about this GET system should be able to send one
single message to a PK, JUST 1 PK, and it should be dealt with.

They should have someone they know who can remove the smut. You make it
hard on the people reporting, and they won't take on the effort to do it.

If I didn't complain like I did, then it would still be there. That is the
point, not that people who know don't have a way going about it. People
that don't know, will not report since they don't know where to go to unless
they repeatedly do as I did. I don't think this should have to happen.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 2:37pm
Yes, I was and always have been one to solve problems instead of obeying
like a dog in a faulty system to please their master.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 3:10pm
well you just failed your own challenge. I was posting to Active Worlds,
and have always been trying to, not you idiot.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 4:05pm
You are missing the point, that's all. Read my posts, learn.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 4:19pm
And with that logic, a lot of men can go about raping women feeling it is ok
because no one can stop them. But there are a huge group of men that don't
because they have something in them to stop that desire. I suggest you look
into this regarding porn on the net.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 6:01pm
Well, ok, so if you put porn in active worlds and then go to the cops and
let them know you have porn which kids can see there, they shouldn't do
anything about it?

You must be living in a area of the real world than I am not familiar with,
cause cops don't really like that sort of thing where I am at.

The servers that held the porn didn't like it either, which is why they not
only removed the files, but they closed the entire account holding the porn.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 7:10pm
You will have to god damn a lot of people then LOL. I am not the only one
who has a "thing" against exposing porn to kids.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 5, 2001, 1:04am
Is there a point to argue with me about this? Is there a reason why we
shouldn't just have a sign at GZ "Report porn here"?

It's simple, yet you are finding every reason to not do it. URLS out of AW
is not going to work. People have to know them before they can do anything.

If you download the program and can report it there then it's better because
then everyone has a chance to help the community. Hiding it on the NET will
not help.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 5, 2001, 1:07am

GOD, can't you realize not everyone is going to know the sites you know.
They need some way to contact AW about this without needing to find someone
nice enough to give them the FUCKING URL.

I spent a whole month contacting people, and no one told me.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 5, 2001, 1:44am
Avoiding Baron? I don't see any posts by him directed to me, and I went to
AW ground zero, I saw no sign to remove porn. I press catch up here which
makes everything read so I can just read the new posts when I check back.
Paste it here and I will respond to whatever you want me to look at.

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Jun 3, 2001, 3:57pm
Bring on Inactiveworlds 4!!!, whoohoo!!!!

Free streaming porn in this one for all your kiddies, LMAO

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Jun 4, 2001, 2:21pm
And who pays for him to be in Jail? Think about it, NOT a good idea.

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 2:54pm
"Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in
real life"


1. In "real life", if person A puts a porn magazine in a park opened with a
nude picture near a tree not in obvious view from the entrance of a park,
and person B comes to the park, sees the magazine and reports it to person C
who is representing the park, but person C does nothing about, is this ok?
Or is it wrong? What should person C do? (get your scan tron sheet out and
number 2 font color)

a)report it to someone higher up who can remove it
b)remove it if they are allowed to by the park
c)pass the buck, have person B do the work alone to find someone higher up
referred to in number 1 choice
d)post statements in a NG about how someone is trying to clean up smut from
the park, but do nothing else to help remove the porn. Then, when smut is
removed, tell everyone what could have been done after person B did all the
e)ask which tree it is, and go check it out

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 3:09pm
removing porn from kid's reach is not old

I have not received any notice from Inactiveworlds, nor do I expect to, that
they have realized they need to improve the way porn found on their server
is dealt with so people like me do not have to go out of their system to do
their work.

I would love to return to the environment I started off in, but with the
conditions changed in respect to removing porn because right now there is no
assurance the same thing won't happen again. And maybe the next server will
allow the smut to stay. If both the server and active worlds allows it,
then there is no way it will be removed.

I got lucky, the server holding porn was intelligent enough to not only
remove the porn, but they closed the whole account which was filled with
additional porn.

Active Worlds would have found the same thing if they had stepped up to the
plate and done their homework.

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 3:14pm
correction "on their server" should be changed to "through their server" for
better clarification. The porn was found through their server, it was not
stored on their server.
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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 3:38pm
Stop questioning me on that. I don't think forcing someone to go to a right
source is the right way to do this. I was in a state of not knowing.
People were more knowledgeable than me about this. If they had told the
person or person who could remove it, then it would have been better.
Apparently, they chose to do nothing, or they didn't know themself.

So, what is wrong with telling a PK. PK tells Get, or they tell someone who
knows to contact GET.

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 3:40pm
Chris, for a month I asked about the smut and no one told be about GET until

I don't think forcing someone to contact the right source is the right way
to do this.

Please listen, if I report to PK, then PK reports to GET, then people who
are in the state of not knowing still have a way to get the porn removed.

Forcing someone to find the right source means it will take longer for the
porn to be removed since in my case at least no one told me about GET til

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 3:54pm
All I have to say is get off your high horse and look into what I am saying.

I have sent you bozos many emails at support at activeworlds.com

Am I lying? ask Fletch. How do I know fletch? well gee I wonder...

You of all people are illustrating exactly how much Active Worlds chooses to
ignore the individual like me who is trying to get rid of porn for a good
cause so kids are not exposed to it.

Every attempt of mine is dealt with by another person. I can't get one
person to sit down and work this out with me. Each person reads a glimpse
of my posts and assumes I didn't bring up something they are about to
propose. I did email, I did contact people, and I tried. Active Worlds did
nothing. One email to the server holding the porn, and they did something.

For your sake, listen to what I have to say, because the next server might
allow the porn. If you do nothing about it, I will help find someone who
will put Active Worlds in their place.

Porn should not be easily accessible to children.

If it's not a law yet, call it the Marcus act of 2001

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 3:58pm
How about spending more time in Active Worlds helping people? Maybe post
the FAQ's there.

Maybe put something that says "PORN if found will be removed, contact here"
in the Active Worlds area.

Do something

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 4:16pm
Why don't we get a baton and run from city to city painting it with all the
red tape that is being spewed here.

How many contacts does it need to get rid of porn? Why not have people go
in, see the porn and remove it.

There is a lot of effort here to not do the job, but get around it by
offering emails.

I did email, and nothing happened until I emailed the server holding the

And for allowing the porn to stay in active worlds, I say to Active Worlds,

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 4:32pm
"marcus the porn is gone, you don't have to make this into an obsession. "
Porn is not gone. Just because I have helped remove 4 pictures in 2
incidents doesn't mean a server which allows porn on their server won't
eventually be linked through Active Worlds. This vulnerability should be
addressed, not the porn itself.

"Not everyone wants to hear about porn this and porn that all the time."
Then I suggest they ignore the posts regarding that which they don't want to
read. I am being forced to do the same with porn.

"And don't forget porn is only on the internet because it makes lots of
money. But banning it won't make it go away it will only cause it to hide
more and become more appealing to the mushrooms that get hooked by it."

Never said they should ban it. Keep it away from the kiddies. It is not
hard to pull up on a daily or weekly basis, what .jpg's are referenced in a
world. I am not talking about all, I am talking about the latest ones. If
they are porn, you remove them and notify the person posting the url. You
also notify the server holding the porn in case they don't want it on their

Little ole me did it, and it worked. Give it a try, you can help too.

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