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Cys Nominees Ball

May 6, 2004, 12:25am
Hehe I think there are few misunderstoods...

Alphabit said she'd do the ceremony from her sisters, not the ball. Because
she's helping her sister and will probably be very busy IRL, as well as the
Cy Team, we decided to cancel it this year.

Also, the Cy team is always in charge of the ball, but this year we just
wanted to do it in another world than CyAwards.

I hope this answers your questions :-)


"weizer" <guillaume.soucis at vl.videotron.ca> a écrit dans le message de news:
4096ed63 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Because of Alphabit Phalpha's departure to Phoenix and the busy schedule
> Cy Team has, the Cy Awards Nominees Ball will be cancelled this year.
> Sorry for the inconvenience.
> Weizer
> Cy Awards Media Director
> guillaume.soucis at vl.videotron.ca

Brock: I've had it.

May 12, 2004, 9:36pm
I agree Brock *sometimes* brings up good points, but I also understand that
it's very frustrating for someone when you do your best to bring up YOUR
point and the only reply you get it "that sucks" or "you're and idiot".
These are what I call destructive comments. It's just useless. If you don't
like an idea or opinion, tell why and try to improve it. If you can't, just
don't say anything at all, otherwise you may hurt some people, expecially if
you're rude or impolite.


"ep0ch" <deltawolf at deltawolf.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
40a2b0bd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Honestly? I get a good laugh out of it, but alot of times he does bring up
> good points.
> -Ep0ch
[View Quote]

Cy Awards VRTV Coverage

May 16, 2004, 8:54pm
Official Cy Awards sponsors at http://www.geocities.com/weizer75/media.htm

Only VWTV does the LIVE broadcasting.


"pc hamster" <pchamster at comcast.net> a écrit dans le message de news:
40a7b2c2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> Who all, besides VWTV, is planning to provide coverage OF ANY KIND on the
> 22nd? I know that VWTV is providing coverage of the ceremony itself, but
> I'd like to know who's providing other related coverage as well.
> One of the reasons I ask is because I thought I'd make use of
> three parks as a gathering places so that the Cy Awards World isn't
> with so many people who aren't there for the ceremony itself. :-)
> This will be a multi-venue event. The venues I have in mind are.....
> CEDAR LAKE PARK (next to Cheers) - AW 5027N 404E (yes Cheers will be
> finished by then)
> TOWN SQUARE PARK (across from Madison High School) - AW 5004N 224E (near
> free speech staging area)
> EMBASSY PARK (across from the Riverside Expressway) - AW 5075N 53E
> All the venues will be open for anyone to join in on the fun. :-)
> be viewers tuned in to ALL the networks at all three parks.
> While there, people can use this opportunity to find a place to call home
> Hamsterville and build too. :-)
> Plans are already being made by yours truly. :-)
> Alpha, OneSummer, please feel free to pass this along. :-)
> Cheers for now everyone :-)
> PC Hamster
> Mayor - City of Hamsterville
> Denver, Colorado (my REAL city :-))
> WEBSITE - http://hamsterville.tripod.com/
> P.S.: Does anyone have the URL to the new VRTV directory? I lost all my
> bookmarks due to a Hard Drive replacement and I just got back online (the
> old HD had Windows on it).

Cy Awards VRTV Coverage

May 17, 2004, 1:22am
C P, this is the last news I had from you about TTV :

"Dear AW Community,
After my years of joy on AW, I regret to inform everyone that I am
leaving. My school grades are going down, and my parents feel it best that I
focus my efforts on my studies. I am leaving for a period of about four
months. I know to me it will seam like forever. But I must leave.

I first came to AW back a while ago and was a tourist for what seamed
like forever, I got my first cit, and was greatly pleased with the features
of the program. over the years iv done so much stuff and I now love this
place more than anything in the world.

I also want you all to know any projects such as TTV, AWPromo, and such
ill try to work on from outside of AW, but I am trying to get a friend to
take temporary leadership over TTV for me.

I hope my citizen doesn't expire and become NAC. But I will try to hurry
back and get my grades up.

Thanks a bunch AW, Ill miss ALL of you (yes even strike rapier, Brock, and
my old rivals)
C P,Crazy PiLLs, CrAzY PiLLs, Yami Trunks, "Trunks", Chris,


I think we should communicate via e-mail, since the rest of the community is
not involved in this. guillaume.soucis at vl.videotron.ca


"c p" <chris101d at comcast.net> a écrit dans le message de news:
40a800df$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> only vwtv? what happened to ttv??? we had cameramen lined up 0_0 i went to
> all the meetigns and that was my understanding...
[View Quote]

Cy Awards VRTV Coverage

May 18, 2004, 7:51pm
Yes, there are still unofficial Cy Awards parties on other world than

Regarding DSTV and FBS, I never heard of these stations. If they were
supposed to do something, they would have advised me. And BTW since
Pineriver left AW :-( , CTV, if it still exists, is not affiliated with the


"pc hamster" <pchamster at comcast.net> a écrit dans le message de news:
40a90cf3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
[View Quote]

Cy Awards VRTV Coverage

May 19, 2004, 12:53am
Well, CTV *used* to be affiliated with the Cys, since Pineriver left (or
just left the station, I don't know..)

Thanks for the info on the two stations :-)

"pc hamster" <pchamster at comcast.net> a écrit dans le message de news:
40aa8c7f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
[View Quote]

They tie the Knot in Massachusetts...

May 18, 2004, 7:38pm
QRV's post is really nice and I agree it has something to do with our
community, but some replies are quite offensive and rude, and these have
nothing to do with the community.

They tie the Knot in Massachusetts...

May 18, 2004, 7:41pm
Nothing against you or your post QRV :-)


(Sorry I accidentaly sent the previous post before it was done)
"weizer" <guillaume.soucis at vl.videotron.ca> a écrit dans le message de news:
40aa8260$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> QRV's post is really nice and I agree it has something to do with our
> community, but some replies are quite offensive and rude, and these have
> nothing to do with the community.

They tie the Knot in Massachusetts...

May 18, 2004, 8:02pm
What is silly ? I respect others opinions. But there is a guidelines here,
and if we want this newsgroup to work fine, everybody must respect it, and
actually some people don't. That's all. You don't like or disagree with gay
marriage ? That's fine, nobody can blame you for that. You are rude and you
directly discriminate some users ? Then I think this is a good reason for
deleting this thread, before I turns into a insult war, that's it.


"linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
40aa8496$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ooo right delete anything you don't want to hear LOL soooo silly
[View Quote]

They tie the Knot in Massachusetts...

May 18, 2004, 8:27pm
Ok, if you don't see anything rude here read every thread. I don,t care not
deletelting the thread at all, but things like :
"wizard myrddin" <admin at rdescape.co.uk> a écrit dans le message de news:
40aa8b6e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think the thread is interesting, as AW membership is made up from people
> of all cultures and creeds the contrasting options in regards to their own
> thoughts are interesting to read when not of that culture.
> I would find words such as fagots, queers and shirt lifters highly
> offensive. I have not seen any in this thread yet, just a difference of
> thought.
> Been blunt is a trait in some cultures. Perhaps a way to stop all these as
> you mention "flames" is to delete the newsgroup once and for all. And
> the world builders group accessible only to world owners.
> As Enzo has mentioned on more then one time. If a thread is not to your
> liking avoid it!
[View Quote]

They tie the Knot in Massachusetts...

May 19, 2004, 12:46am
Sorry again, I accidentaly did CTRL+Enter and immediatly had to leave for a
concert... BTW does anyone know how to disable this in OE ?

So, like I was saying, things like :

"hey u loser, fuck off and die in hell u worthless piece of shit, u r
UNWANTED here, we've been hearing ur bullshit for long enough! and dont even
bother replying with one of ur cheap attack attempts cuz that will make u
even more look like the worthless rotten dog u r, better cancel that cit u
use and get the fuck outta aw, dipshit!"

or "you, a seeminly simple minded fool." can be very good examples of what I
consider offensive and rude. If you prefer, I could have asked to delete
only these kind of posts since I don't care about the others, but I don't
think people will stop so I thought that deleting the whole thread would
solve the problem :-)

"weizer" <guillaume.soucis at vl.videotron.ca> a écrit dans le message de news:
40aa8db9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok, if you don't see anything rude here read every thread. I don,t care
> deletelting the thread at all, but things like :
> "wizard myrddin" <admin at rdescape.co.uk> a écrit dans le message de news:
> 40aa8b6e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> leave
> with
> and
> message
> with

Access problems to other AW technology uni's

May 19, 2004, 1:03am
What does that mean ?
Who are you talking about ? Bill from AWI ?

And BTW since you told it is your post, the date is mistaken. May 24th is
next week lol


"gandalf.thewhite" <accountsdept at spiralmatrix.com> a écrit dans le message
de news: 40aaa223$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Before anyone flames saying I dont have permition to do this I do.
> I will not authorize Bill to make any posts in our newsgroup regarding
> Universes as the community newsgroup is for the AW community only, but you
> are welcome to make a post yourself if you feel it will help you out.
> Regards,
> JP McCormick
> Activeworlds Inc.
> 95 Parker St.
> Newburyport, MA 01950
> 978 499 0222
> www.activeworlds.com
> My post can be read at this URL for any SpiralMatrix Members having access
> problems.
> http://www.spiralmatrix.com/community/accessblock.htm
> Gandalf.TheWhite

Access problems to other AW technology uni's

May 19, 2004, 10:59am
Yes I understood that but what does it has to do with Bill not allowed to
post in the NGs ?


"gandalf.thewhite" <accountsdept at spiralmatrix.com> a écrit dans le message
de news: 40ab19da at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 1.It means any owner of a 3.4 universe since the 4th of May until the day
> before yesterday
> that was on 496 offering a upgrade to 498 through no fault of there own
> would have been
> sending its users 3.5 532 via the AW browser update server which will not
> work.
> 2. Yes.
> 3. After the last few days feels like it should be the 24th, thanks for
> pointing that out.
> Gandalf.TheWhite
[View Quote]

CyAward Discussion

May 26, 2004, 7:28pm
I don't see anything racial in this, nor any insult. Anyway do you really
think that this post is credible coming from you ? Like you were never
insulting anyone o_O


"linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
40b5028f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I would appreciate it if you could refrain from insulting the USA after
> all you buy aw and they pay taxes so in fact YOU are doing the same
> all Americans do please no racial insults either :-) thanks
[View Quote]

E N Z O please delete

May 27, 2004, 1:04am
IMO, Linn is simply doing "projection" as we call it in french... that mean
like to judge people so they don't judge you, or for instance saying people
things you don't want them to say to you, just because you don't want the
others to think that of you. I do not mean she is racial, but she keep
saying things like respect everybody when she doesn't respect anybody. The
thing is that she chose you because your post COULD SEEM racial... in other
words I don't even think she finds this post racial, she's just looking for
someone to apply this "projection"... Cause IMO, your posts don't have
anything racial at all, the only thing your talking about is the STATE but
being against a GOVERNEMENT is not racial. If I hate my own government, does
that mean that I am a racist toward myself ? The fact that your or any other
state is barbaric or anything is not necessary the fault of its citizens...
Being racial means having prejudices against or hating a specific
population... not a country.

I do not say everything above is the truth and that Linn exactly does
"projection" it's just what I think and what she shows... just my opinion.


"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
a29ab0lnhr9stonj7so5mntva575e2s1ec at 4ax.com...
> A another Linn flame thread... yummy yummy. Lets think: racial (oh
> sorry, rasial) sluring pervert, terrorist maybe... or even worse,
> potential child molestor, what will he do to us??? AGGGGHHHHHHHH.
> Delete!
> Long live the high morals of some (well, at least in their own homes,
> don't invade ours).
> Grow up. Stop phantasizing. Don't invent danger where it isn't, and
> don't ignore it where it is.
> Before I decide to block your postings in the ngs, let me enjoy the
> sight. You might even convert into a human being, with respect for
> others and their feelings and opinions, even if they clash with yours.
> Alex
> On 26 May 2004 19:05:38 -0400, "linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com>
[View Quote]

Free Envirobox...

May 29, 2004, 8:37pm
WOW ! Inovative hehehe looks great ! ... excellent idea !


"lady nighthawk" <dmurtagh27 at hotmail.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
40b7f8b2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You can d/l my newest passion, I'm calling them *Enviroboxes* ... I have
> done, viewable in my world Aeon and downloadable there or on my website.
> sure to check out the ReadME.txt file which tells you how to use it. I
> you enjoy it, more to come as time permits!
> Lady NightHawk
> Aeon world
> --

CY statues in AW no longer load

Jun 2, 2004, 9:45pm
I made a complete list of the Cys... do you still have the URL Bit ?


"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit2003(NOSPAM) at swbell.net> a écrit dans le message
de news: 40be302d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Thanks SW Comit and Lord Fett!
> I am wondering if there is any way to put a graphic on the back piece of
> it's stand that said "click here for authentication"
> But then a modeller would know how to change that....hmmmmm
[View Quote]

Message from Alphabit Phalpha

Jun 8, 2004, 9:18pm
Hi Everyone:)

Well....King Tex and I will be leaving sooner than we thought for
We actually are leaving this Friday...yikes!
The party we planned for placing the stars on the Star Walk of Fame will
need to be scheduled after our return, and I'm not sure at this time when
that will be.
We might be up there a month, but maybe not.
Please make sure you watch this newsgroup and the AW Newsletter and
AWNews.org and VWTV and AWRadio for upcoming plans.
Sorry to be so vague, but we just don't know how long we stay at places
once we are there.
People try to tie us up and not let us go...lol!

Thanks for your patience.


AlphaBit Phalpha

Message from Alphabit Phalpha

Jun 9, 2004, 10:13pm
From ABP :

Hi Wiz:)
Well......what happened is I deleted a program from my pc and in the
interim, created a huge mess for d/ling proggys and uninstalling them.
Well....me being me...I just went back to an old reg and viola!...created
even a bigger mess....lol
Leaving in two days for Boston, I decided there wasn't enough time to
experiment even further so until I get back...Weizer will probably be
posting for me.

"wizard myrddin" <wizard at caolot.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
40c6fe5d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Was not aware she couldno longer post to NG's
[View Quote]

Cit Check?

Jun 13, 2004, 1:58pm
This won't work, you need a password.


"pc hamster" <pchamster at comcast.net> a écrit dans le message de news:
40cc7943 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
[View Quote]

Again... what's up with NewAW ?

Jul 20, 2004, 12:59pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


Why does AWI take sooooo long before opening NewAW ? Does anybody know =
what's happening with this world ? Just wondering...

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1400" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV>Why does AWI take sooooo long before opening NewAW ? Does anybody =
what's happening with&nbsp;this world&nbsp;? Just wondering...</DIV>


3d models to real objects

Aug 1, 2004, 1:50am
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

That's an excellent idea ! Only the cost would be a problem tho... about =
15 statues each year, plus the shipping. Maybe the ones who really want =
a real statue could pay for it, since the Cys don't have any budget... =
and I don't think AWI would pay for this hehehe

"elysium" <colinl at ihug.co.nz> a =E9crit dans le message de =
news:410c6545 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> found this site maybe could get real CY awards statues made next time
> http://www.3darttopart.com/index.php
> --=20
> 3DElyvisions for 3D Enviromental Creations
> http://www.3delyvisions.com
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.726 / Virus Database: 481 - Release Date: 22/07/2004
Content-Type: text/html;
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1458" name=3DGENERATOR>
<DIV>That's an excellent idea ! Only the cost&nbsp;would be a problem =
about 15 statues each year, plus the shipping. Maybe the ones who really =
want a=20
real statue could pay&nbsp;for it, since the Cys don't have any =
budget... and I=20
don't think AWI would pay for this hehehe</DIV>
<DIV>"elysium" &lt;<A =
href=3D"mailto:colinl at ihug.co.nz">colinl at ihug.co.nz</A>&gt;=20
a =E9crit dans le message de <A=20
href=3D"news:410c6545 at server1.Activeworlds.com">news:410c6545 at server1.Act=
found this site maybe could get real CY awards statues made next =
time<BR>&gt; <A=20
<BR>&gt; -- <BR>&gt; 3DElyvisions for 3D Enviromental Creations<BR>&gt; =
<A =
<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; ---<BR>&gt; Outgoing mail is certified Virus=20
Free.<BR>&gt; Checked by AVG anti-virus system (<A=20
href=3D"http://www.grisoft.com">http://www.grisoft.com</A>).<BR>&gt; =
6.0.726 / Virus Database: 481 - Release Date: 22/07/2004<BR>&gt; =


3d models to real objects

Aug 1, 2004, 4:02am
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hey.. I'm talking about and optional fee, if you really want a real =
statue. Instead of being sarcastic and stupid can you please AT LEAST =
try to give another idea or a solution. Can you just tell me any other =
way for the Cys to get the money ? Really... you made a very =
constructive comment you can be proud of yourself !

"linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> a =E9crit dans le message de =
news:410c7dbc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
great idea vote yourself the award pay for it yes!
[View Quote] Weizer

"elysium" <colinl at ihug.co.nz> a =E9crit dans le message de =
news:410c6545 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> found this site maybe could get real CY awards statues made next =
> http://www.3darttopart.com/index.php
> --=20
> 3DElyvisions for 3D Enviromental Creations
> http://www.3delyvisions.com
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.726 / Virus Database: 481 - Release Date: 22/07/2004
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1458" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV>Hey.. I'm talking about and optional fee, if you really want a real =
Instead of being sarcastic and stupid can you please AT LEAST try to =
another idea or a solution. Can you just tell me any&nbsp;other way for =
the Cys=20
to get the money ? Really... you made a very constructive comment you =
can be=20
proud of yourself !</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr=20
BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV>"linn" &lt;<A=20
href=3D"mailto:ironhead at digitalpassage.com">ironhead at digitalpassage.com</=
a =E9crit dans le message de <A=20
href=3D"news:410c7dbc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com">news:410c7dbc$1 at server1=
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>great idea&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;vote =
yourself the=20
award&nbsp; pay for it&nbsp; yes!</FONT></DIV>
BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV>"weizer" &lt;<A =
href=3D"mailto:gsoucis at magma.ca">gsoucis at magma.ca</A>&gt;=20
[View Quote] ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C47769.FCE42CA0--

Ignoring/blocking threads/senders with OE

Aug 12, 2004, 7:15pm
I used the "ignore" function of OE but it didn't seem to work : the posts
under this thread are still downloading... what's the use of using this
function if the only thing it does is remembering you that you ignored a
thread ? Or maybe I didn't understand how it works. What I want to do is to
ignore a thread, so all the replies to it don't download anymore... it's
useless for me to download a flame war that I will not read anyway. And also
how can I block a specific sender ? Someone can help me ? Thanks !


Ignoring/blocking threads/senders with OE

Aug 13, 2004, 10:14pm
What if I don't want to hide read messages but only ignored ones ? Thanks
for the info tho :-)


"mauz" <mauz at my.activeworlds.com> a écrit dans le message de
news:411d3053 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
[View Quote]

Ignoring/blocking threads/senders with OE

Aug 14, 2004, 4:35pm
Thanks !


"mauz" <mauz at my.activeworlds.com> a écrit dans le message de
news:411e0f72$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
[View Quote]

Fibbles World

Aug 22, 2004, 8:50pm
Actually, he got his citizenship... I saw him in Fibbles world two hours
ago. Anyway isn't it what the post says ?


"lady nighthawk" <dmurtagh27 at hotmail.com> a écrit dans le message de
news:41290af0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It would be GREAT if Peacfrog got his cit and got his imagination going in
> Fibbles once again. He's done lovely, memorable work! I would love to know
> how to get the bears LOL ... especially the multicolored one which reminds
> me of the Ty *Peace Bear* LOL. Hugzzz
> Lady NightHawk
> --
[View Quote]

[555] browser 3.6

Aug 25, 2004, 2:44am


"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> a écrit dans le message
de news:412c0bb2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hint: Log on CT...
> o_0
> - MR
[View Quote]

Active Worlds Medias

Aug 31, 2004, 11:47pm
Hi all !

Since I am the media director of the Cy Awards, I need an updated list of
all the medias in the AW universe, so instead of doing a private list for
me, I thought about making a website containing all the medias in AW
including TV stations, radio stations and papers. You could also find there
some info about these medias, like how to watch it, their official website,
etc... and maybe how to make your own TV Station and stuff like that...

Before I get started, I need to know all of them. I already made a list of
the stations I know with few informations, located on

I would like you to check it out, and report me any mistakes or innacurate
information. Also, if you know an AW media which is not listed or you have
additionnal information about one of them, please let me know and I'll add

Thank you,

Weizer #332602
gsoucis at magma.ca

Active Worlds Medias

Sep 3, 2004, 8:01pm
The AWNews website mentions AWTP means AWTeen Press.... is it "press" or
"post" ?


"c p" <chris101d at comcast.net> a écrit dans le message de
news:41354491$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> thanks here's some info bout awtn.
> AWTN is a subsidiary of AWTeen Broadcasting (AWTB) Which is awteen's media
> corporation, it is made up of AWTeen Networks (AWTN), AWTeen's television,
> and movies, AWTeen Radio (AWTR), AWTeen's Radio's (midi and mp3/wav), as
> las our dj's and the AWTeen Post (AWTP), AWTeen's Newspaper, E-zine, and
> newsletters as well as a possible r/l newsletter or magazine in the
> that's prettymuch everything, our website is www.awteen.com , our
> to watch the AWTN is www.awteen.com/awtb update=5, besides that not much
> be said rightnow, expect allot in the future.
[View Quote]

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