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jetta lewis // User Search
jetta lewis // User SearchIt didn't take very longJan 18, 2004, 8:46pm
to get the community ng back up after Matt was rendered unable to steal ppls
IDs and post under their names... I bet his Dad is using Matts computer for a boat anchor since he is having to go to Federal court to answer for the things his son has done. I also bet that his buddies in AW are jerking harddrives right and left :o) Anyway...glad to see the ng back. Inflated User NumbersJan 24, 2004, 9:46am
Not going to mention any names here, but when this one particular world came
online with an owner who was later asking ppl to send money to help keep the world running and did a bit of complaining in the ng, I noticed that it came online and suddenly jumped from 1 to 11 users. This was its birthday and being curious I zipped on in and there were 10 bots walking in a square around gz. At first I didn't realize they were bots and went yoohoo with no answer..Then up came the owner and I asked if he was artifically inflating his world numbers because at that time it was a small world and we were the only ones left. Well my son, he got all huffy and let. And lo and behold the bots started "talking" to each other...It was so funny! Later the world owner said that it was his business if he wanted to inflate the number of willing to be a dollar to a doughnut hole that its still happening. [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 7:27pm
Tart, That was a very touching thing you did for Logan. I do remember you
and Logan both coming to America some years ago. (I belive as TheRaven or just Raven) We are such a tight community that it is hard to lose one of us. When old America was running there were hundreds of memorials to different ppl there in the Memorial Area and I can remember once when someone said it was "creepy" to have a Cemetery in America. I never looked at it that way. To me, and many others, it was a place where people showed how much they loved someone else. It is especially difficult to lose someone at such a young age or to senseless violence. Thank you for your post here. [View Quote] want a worldFeb 17, 2004, 8:36pm
Hi, Derek, I don't know if AW will do it or not, but I have about 55 or 60
worlds that are no longer being used. To name a few you can have Hawaii or Arizona or Alaska or Australia. You are welcome to use this post as my permission to have any one of my unused worlds that AW will let you have. And assuming that no one is presently using any of the world names I purchased. For instance I was the original owner of the world Singles, but now I see that is back online with another owner. Good luck. [View Quote] want a worldFeb 17, 2004, 11:29pm
I'm not sure about transfering ownership, but at one point I had 51 or 2
worlds running and decided to close all but 10. I offered all the worlds I was closing to anyone who wanted them. If I'm not mistaken about 15 or 16 worlds were transfered to others. I don't know if this applies now tho. [View Quote] VR RomeFeb 17, 2004, 9:43pm
Hi, I would like to see about the possiblity of weather or not a few good
(very good) builders would like to help recreate ancient Rome circa 100ad. All of the builds will be as close to the original building as possible and as close to their original location as possible. (VR wise) Hundreds of new objects and textures will be avaliable and I'm pretty sure we will be able to build about 1.3 x 1.3 miles of Rome. That includes all of the "downtown" area and a lot of the suburbs. If you would like to take a look at the first build in VR Rome you can visit the Circus Maximus (under construction) The Circus Maximus was approximately 600 meters long by 180 meters wide and included dozens and dozens of shops. Take a look and if you feel like you would like to help with this project there are about 60 major builds to be done, not including tenements and villas and gardens, ect, ect. VR RomeFeb 18, 2004, 9:11pm
Tourists builds in AmericaFeb 19, 2004, 7:43pm
Thanks to the efforts of Andras tourists can now build in America and not
have to worry about their work being deleted by others. They can also send and recieve tgs and share building privs with someone else. Andras has done an outstanding job and I'm sure it will change AW for the better. Thanks for your efforts on behalf of the VR experience Andras. Well done!! Awesome cityFeb 25, 2004, 7:28pm
I have to admit that I am really impressed with this city also. Gotta watch
the traffic tho and the subway ride is great. This is an example of builders and Caretakers working together. The build is all NYXboys, but Ciena has helped cut down on the lag by creating walls with the correct texture on them so animations can be kept to a minimum. As far as I'm concerned the city can continue to be enlarged and if anyone else would like to build a skyscraper or park or whatever, as long as it is within the city theme, they will be welcome to do so. Thanks for the great build NYX. [View Quote] The Passion of The Christ: Out now in theaters. Pick up a ticketFeb 25, 2004, 7:37pm
Hmm, read the Book. It's a great story no matter what, if any, religion you
are. Looking forward to the movie. No need to trash a guy because he has a belief. I have no more objection to carl posting this info regarding a movie than someone posting info regarding a social event in AW. I don't consider someone to be forcing something on me when they post about events I could care less about and if carl wants to post about this movie thats ok, with me, too. Heck, you never know...he may just be right. [View Quote] New castle version Release 2.0Mar 19, 2004, 4:51pm
Umm Star...its not April ?? LOL. Take care, and I do love the objects you
are doing for Rome. Some of the best objects I've had to work with in awhile now. And I do appreciate the way you work with me to make sure that I am getting exactly what I am asking for. And I gotta admit, that when you do deviate from what I am asking are generally exactly right. If Anyone is looking for a good modeler, just take a look at the objects at gz in VR Rome. Verts are kept to as few as possible, great textures and some very innovative designs. The columns are all adjustable, so you can make them any height needed and they are tagged. The pedestals are all ajustable in height, length and width, so you can go from a 2x2 ped up to any size you need. All of the arches are tagged and come in several heights and the marble floors start with a base marble texture and design that allows one to tag and create picture so you can have 3 different marbles per square or you can turn it into a mosaic or any picture you desire. The headers on the arches are all create picture so you can use the one arch and have an infinate number of marble textures and headers. Very versatile pieces and everything is built to the AW standard and will match any existing models you wish to build with. For my money, Star is among the very few at the top of the creative list in AW. Creativity doesn't count if you can't give the customer what they want. [View Quote] New castle version Release 2.0Mar 19, 2004, 5:00pm
OOP...didn't see the last line till after i punched enter :o/ lol
[View Quote] kirche objects questionMar 19, 2004, 6:30pm
Does anyone know of a site where there is a build using the kirche objects
by dache(sp?) I have the kirche objects going up to about 50 or 60 in number, but have never seen a build using them. If so, I would appreciate an addy. Thanks. Thank YouMar 21, 2004, 12:39pm
I wish to thank all of the people who put up cards and builds at my Birthday
site. I have sent an individual thank you to everyone who left greetings, created the fantastic builds or offered objects for presents. Unfortunately, I could not get all the names to work for telegrams and thus this post. Thanks so much for making it an enjoyable occasion. America Memorial AreaApr 23, 2004, 4:24pm
It is with a broken heart that I write that my beloved wife Peg passed away
this week. Even tho Peg did not come into AW she always supported my activities and enjoyed hearing about the trials and tribulations of vr life. A memorial area had been prepared in America at 85n 190e for all citizens. Due to a special arraingement with AW, America will run as long as AW is in existence and any memorials placed there will stay there during AW's lifetime. Weather I am here or not. America's Memorial area is open to anyone, regardless of race, creed or religion. Citizen or not makes no difference. Anyone is welcome to place a memorial to a loved one. I remember once, someone, said that a memorial area was "creepy". Like a cemetery. I don't see it that way. I see it as an expression of love. Tom FlaggMay 29, 2004, 8:16am
Does anyone in here know how to get in touch with Tom Flagg?? AWI is
claiming they have no record of my paying for my galaxy nor any record of my paying for upgrades. The last upgrade I purchased was to include the 3.5 when released. At the time I purchased my last upgrade Tom guaranteed me the 3.5 when it came. At the time he was thinking it would be within a month or so, but it took some time longer to complete. Tom offered me the beta version, but I opted to wait until it had fewer bugs and it took a few weeks over the one year time limit and Tom got gone from AWI. Now my galaxy is having probs running on the new windows and AWI is not doing a cure. I'm left with the option of buying my galaxy upgrades again. Thanks for the help. Bob Gurkin Tom FlaggJun 1, 2004, 2:19pm
Thanks so much guys n gals. I will start running numbers. If you think about
it for a second, can you remember one instance in the history of AW that they would give out a galaxy or upgrades to a galaxy and say ...OK you can pay it later... No one there has ever given me a world or galaxy that I haven't paid for in advance. Also, regarding the payment versus ownership. When I purchased my galaxy I owned it from that point on. Just because I don't have the original reciept doesn't mean I don't own it. My galaxy has its operating license and that is as good as the title to your automobile. How many can produce the original bill of sale to an auto you purchased 7 or 8 years ago? Not many I bet, but I'm sure there will be 40 or 50 who can throw up a hand and start screaming meeeeeeeeeeeee. AWI says they can't find the original sale stuff because Tom kept poor records. So for all they know my original sales receipt could be under his blotter. That doesn't mean its not paid for tho. [View Quote] VR Rome is now open for buildingAug 13, 2004, 7:07pm
Hi, as some of you are aware I have been building Ancient Rome (circa 100bc
thru 200ad) The Forum area is now complete and only a few major builds are left. (Colosseum, Pantheon, Virgins Temple, ect) I presently have thousands of objects that are specifically for building ancient builds and would like to invite anyone interested in Ancient Rome to participate. The only restrictions will be no modern buildings such as glass houses floating in the sky. For those who would like to build in an ancient innercity type area that is possible also. If you would like to participate in VR Rome you can do so by downloading You can leave me a message via tg or rgurkin at VR Rome is now open for buildingAug 14, 2004, 8:18am
Well rossyboy if you think I am using this venue to set up an elaborate
scheme to introduce a virus into your computer I would suggest that you stay away. Don't download it. Then you will be perfectly safe. And Strike Rapier...if its too much trouble for you, just simply don't bother. I sure your presence will be sorely missed, but at least now you won't lose any time from the ng. By all means...stay here. Jet [View Quote] VR Rome is now open for buildingAug 14, 2004, 8:25am
One last thing Strike. You need to read the rules and regs of this ng again.
Talking about and keeping up to date on ALL the galaxies and universes derived from AW is permissible in here. Yes, I can make posts regarding my Galaxy. Yes, I can let others know that it is open for building. Yes, I can give updates on events and models and upgrades. I don't break the rules. BTW I have no bugs in my galaxy. I have passed on the last few upgrades so it will be the same in appearance as AW was a couple of years ago. When the bugs are out I may consider upgrading then. "strike rapier" [View Quote] VR Rome is now open for buildingAug 15, 2004, 8:47am
Gosh, I'm almost embarressed at all the nice things said. Thanks guys and
gals. Regarding Rome, I honestly don't know if it will work or not. All of you know of the dozens (if not hundreds) of dead communities in AW. They come into being and get busy for awhile and then just die out. Possibly, the same will happen with VR Rome. I'm not going to lie about it.... I had hoped to attract some school groups or some of the ppl posting on the MB of some of the major Ancient Rome sites and it's just not happening. Most of these ppl are not familiar with VR and don't know what to do when they are in here. No building skills, all just total newbys. I gave up teaching after I started AWSchool and have no desire to teach casual visitors how to "walk and fly" So, I'm opening building to those who like to build. (Not necessairly a community) and would like to try another type of build that requires actual building skills. VR Rome has some of the most unique building objects in all of VR and nearly any kind of ancient build is possible. You are welcome to visit and ck it out. There is an OY and the object list from America will work there. Shown on the net are tons of ancient homes and public places, with plans, so "inspiration" shouldn't be that hard to come by. With models from different eras ranging from 2,000bc thru the middle ages and on up to date it isn't impossible to find just the right model to complete a project. Anyway, the invitation is there and its free. I don't think you will get a better offer anytime this year. BTW, if you would rather not leave AW to build ,and possiby get a trojan or virus:) most of these models are in America also and I would be willing to set up a Roman Build area there. (See, I'm not impossible to get along with) If you ever really took a long hard look at some of the most fantastic villas and temples that these ppl were capable of, you would realize why it facinates me so. The building tecniques they developed then are still being used as the very basic building blocks of our cities of today. [View Quote] Railroad WorldFeb 27, 2005, 1:54am
Hi, my galaxy has been turned into a huge model railroad and is now open to
other cits for building. All of the railroad objects are from Pelican, with the exception of a very few items. Pelican has been a joy to work with in the creation of these unique objects. There are miles and miles of track and citizens can build homes or railroad themed builds if they please. Pelican has created a store set that will enable the builders to build a small town if they wish. Along with the sets from Lady Murasaki and Starheart I believe that most anykind of build can be created. For the present this offering is only in the galaxy, but they will be avaliable in America after the next registry. Citizenships are free in the galaxy, but building is by invitation only. You can download the galaxy at Railroad WorldFeb 27, 2005, 1:51pm
Allright guys. Be careful now or you may end up convincing some ppl that
there are those of us who are still drinking from lead pipes :) Hi XelaG. So good to see you :o) Andras is being kind enough to bot it to America for me. At the present, all of the Forum area out to and including Starhearts Roman Colisseum is in position. Yet to come are the Circus Maximus and one other temple. I will rebuild the aquaduct myself. At this point I would like to say that if anyone would like to put up a Roman style build they would be welcome to do so. Starheart and Lady Murasaki have provided hundreds of objects and I have yet to find an ancient building that can't be reproduced. (cept one) The teleport to the Roman Forum is in America at gz and the Roman OY is directly above the Forum. [View Quote] Railroad WorldFeb 27, 2005, 6:31pm
Thanks EveryoneJun 30, 2005, 7:11am
Many of the AW community are aware that I have had a bit of a problem with
my heart the last few years. I just recently underwent a multiple bypass operation that was complicated by pneumonia and a partially collapsed lung. I seem to be on the mend again and other than looking like I've been kinda pieced together I seem to be doing much better now and over the next year expect a full recovery. There have been many emails and tgs from friends and I would love to respond to each and everyone, but my energy levels are still a bit low. So I will thank each and every one of you who had either put up a card or get well site by this forum. Thank you and God Bless... Jetta |