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jetta lewis // User Search

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NelXaga Entertainment

Jan 7, 2004, 8:44am
Do you suppose enough complaints to his provider would be helpful in slowing
him up a bit?

IP address:
Host name:"
where you will see that the message originated from
a customer in Pikeville, Kentucky, US

I believe this is his providers abuse report email but I wouldn't bet my
life on it. abuse at

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NelXaga Entertainment

Jan 7, 2004, 8:44am
Do you suppose enough complaints to his provider would be helpful in slowing
him up a bit?

IP address:
Host name:"
where you will see that the message originated from
a customer in Pikeville, Kentucky, US

I believe this is his providers abuse report email but I wouldn't bet my
life on it. abuse at

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NelXaga Entertainment

Jan 7, 2004, 8:44am
Do you suppose enough complaints to his provider would be helpful in slowing
him up a bit?

IP address:
Host name:"
where you will see that the message originated from
a customer in Pikeville, Kentucky, US

I believe this is his providers abuse report email but I wouldn't bet my
life on it. abuse at

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Posting in the newsgroup

Nov 26, 1999, 12:19pm
Why don't you go ahead and start it up? All it takes is a few dollars and
the time to do it. I think Xaverella started up some kind of newsgroup.
Mebby that will satisfy your needs.

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Posting in the newsgroup

Dec 1, 1999, 12:22pm
Check with Xaverella, I do believe she has already started one. And you
should get a plate full of bashing and flaming in there.

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New Citizen Login

Nov 18, 1999, 9:12pm
I, personally, feel that you are about to see some of the blandest crap to
hit the newsgroups in years. can't continue to take the shots they
have been taking. It is a wonder they didn't take this step some time ago.
Vanilla icecream and stewed prunes anyone?

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cannot enter AW

Nov 26, 1999, 12:19pm

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awbingo2 like old zuzu -dejavu!

Nov 26, 1999, 12:19pm
And Zuzu was very much like my Emerald Isle and Hawaii. A few islands and a
few palm trees. Thanks, I'm flattered. Of course my Emerald Isle and Hawaii
were kinda like God's Fiji and Hawaii. I guess He is flattered. Just
kiddin ya :o)

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Newsgroup and Bashing

Nov 30, 1999, 9:22am
Ya know what? I ain't been bashed, flamed, mocked, nor riduculed......not
once in this "new" newsgroup. Yes, I admit it, I've posted some messages
just to see if it would happen. I see several ppl are wanting to start up
new groups for 'free' passage of info and that they are going to censor it
for content, to prevent bashing, et al and to promote the passage of info to
help the community. Got a hot flash for ya!! Here it is. I have seen
several messages, so far, that in the past would have brought on a storm of
bashing and counter bashing. You can start the new groups and I will look
in on them, but until it can be shown to me, that AW is deliberatly keeping
anyone from posting in here, because of who they are, rather than what they
have to say, I will stick around. I admit, I have my own 'bones to pick'
with AW, but will not deny that this is one of the best ideas they have ever
had. The one thing that does bother me about this, is the inablility of non
cits to post. They have legitimate questions, and from what I have observed
in the past, are the last ones to cause any trouble., you should
reconsider that decision. Give it a shot. What have you got to lose? If
malcontents use that means to communicate, you can always go back to what
you are doing now. As it is, you are denying your future customers the
ability to get much needed info and treating them as non entities.As far as
other ngs are concerned, you can bet your life, that there are other ng in
the works. Weather or not they can provide a quality service remains to be

Newsgroup and Bashing

Dec 1, 1999, 12:21pm
Yes, that was a neat little flame. However, I would like to point out that
it is a disagreement with what I said. Not an attack on me personally! This
type of give and take is what a community is all about. However, I have seen
this ng be host to some of the most outrageous lies designed to humiliate
and anger fellow members. Just because you have seen nothing but flames,
bashes and attacks in EVERY ng you have visited, doesn't mean we have to put
up with it here. If there are ppl wanting that kind of existance, let them
find those types of ng. I for one, welcome the opportunity of posting,
without being bashed or trashed because of who I am and not what I have to
say. Some ppl in here, see me as a 'power broker' with strong ties to COF.
Not true. I admit I do like the VR theme and am in the process of helping
develope another universe, but do not have any type of 'in' with COF. I pay
my way, just like you do, and my dollars don't give me any more say than
your dollars. Anyway, that is enough sermonizing for me. I will be sitting
back and watching developments. Take care all :o)
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Newsgroup and Bashing

Dec 21, 1999, 12:36am
John, I appreciate you agreeing with me on a couple of points. One thing you
said brought it all home. It isn't a democracy, it is a owned business. I
have pointed that out time and time again both for AW and for my world
America. AW has taken some hard knocks for some of the things they have
done. Some were well deserved and others were totally out of line. The same
applies to me. I took some pretty vicious knocks in here for deleting
property of land hogs. Some of the ppl took up to 10 lots when they knew
the rules stated only one. In a finite world, such as America, it has to be
done. Other issues were not so cut and clear, so I will assume
responsibility for all of my actions. (In retrospect, I was probably wrong
in some of my decisions, but I made my decisions, based, on information
avaliable at that time.) We will be releasing our own independent universe
sometime in January. (Just missed Christmas). Come on in and check it out.
We consider AW as a parent and are very proud of the time spent in here, and
have absolutely no intention of severing our ties to AW. Cutting edge
technology is bringing tons of inovations to Virtual Reality and we have
incorporated many new features in our universe. See ya later :o)

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Newsgroup and Bashing

Nov 30, 1999, 9:25am
Ya know what? I ain't been bashed, flamed, mocked, nor riduculed......not
once in this "new" newsgroup. Yes, I admit it, I've posted some messages
just to see if it would happen. I see several ppl are wanting to start up
new groups for 'free' passage of info and that they are going to censor it
for content, to prevent bashing, et al and to promote the passage of info to
help the community. Got a hot flash for ya!! Here it is. I have seen
several messages, so far, that in the past would have brought on a storm of
bashing and counter bashing. You can start the new groups and I will look
in on them, but until it can be shown to me, that AW is deliberatly keeping
anyone from posting in here, because of who they are, rather than what they
have to say, I will stick around. I admit, I have my own 'bones to pick'
with AW, but will not deny that this is one of the best ideas they have ever
had. The one thing that does bother me about this, is the inablility of non
cits to post. They have legitimate questions, and from what I have observed
in the past, are the last ones to cause any trouble., you should
reconsider that decision. Give it a shot. What have you got to lose? If
malcontents use that means to communicate, you can always go back to what
you are doing now. As it is, you are denying your future customers the
ability to get much needed info and treating them as non entities.As far as
other ngs are concerned, you can bet your life, that there are other ng in
the works. Weather or not they can provide a quality service remains to be

American Stars

Dec 3, 1999, 12:35pm
Hi, I am looking for some people to greet visitors, and help newbys at
Americas GZ. If you would like to apply for such a postion, please contact
either me or LadyMoonstar. Thanks, Jetta.


Dec 6, 1999, 12:34am
The following is an excerpt from a newsletter to the American Builders and
Captain America Team.
Just Nick and Posh have opened their wonderful world Sculptor.
This world has become the most creative endeavor I had
personally seen, harnessing the most talented builders in the
entire community and displaying their works there. This is a
"got to see" world. If you had not visited it yet, be sure to
experience it. If you are interested in trying your hand at
sculpting, contact Posh or Just Nick for a lot. Bravo, Posh and
Just Nick…Super world!!!


Dec 22, 1999, 12:39am
You are wrong.

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Dec 22, 1999, 12:47pm
I would like to add one further thing to this. Quite a few ppl have
complained that we will not allow Bots in America. I'm not going to go into
exactly what we found, but we discovered that bots can be used in very nasty
ways to to make alterations and to delve into matters most ppl would
consider private. I realize that most ppl are straight up, but it has been
show time and again that a certain number of ppl will hurt others every way
they can. When we found what the bots were capable of we banned them.
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Mar 5, 2000, 9:15pm
There was a site that had a listing of all the animations that could be
applied to objects and textures in aw. Does anyone know where this site is?
Thanks, Jet.

New Universe

Apr 12, 2000, 8:59pm
Hi, I know that a lot of you have about given up on our ‘Vaporware', but
work is continuing on the new universe and Eric and I are proud to present
this first view of the future of VR We would like to show you how objects
created in the following formats will appear. Calagari Truespace object
(.cob file format), CAD object (.dxf file format), Lightwave Studio object
(.lws file format) and, of course, rwx. In otherwords, build as you please,
in what ever format you please and you are good to go. You will find your
objects to be as smooth as a glass sphere if you wish.
I'm sorry we have to vague regarding our name and exactly what the program
will accomplish, but I can assure you that the end technical results will be
astounding. For a preview, just click: <> and then
click on the Mystery Software. Thanks, Jet and Eric.

New Universe

Apr 13, 2000, 8:58pm
Hi Eep, I'm glad to see you are still catching the ng. You are missing the
point here. The screen shots are just some objects we had that we used in
the presentation. The fact is the software will support nearly any building
program you wish to use and you will be able to create extreamly complex,
smooth objects and life forms. (Forget the B I) I don't need to explain
this to you. You understand very well what is happening here. Eep, there
are some amazing presentations that will be made in the very near future.
The object freedom is only a very small part of the over all picture. I
cannot begin to present what will be occuring. As I told you when we were
working on this a couple of years ago, we listened to complaints and applied
solutions. Bear with us a few more short weeks and I think you will be
pleasantly surprised. (However, if all you want to do is complain about our
presentation, rather than content, have a ball.) Jet.
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ATTENTION: New Objects for Alpha World

Apr 23, 2000, 10:08pm
Just In, You forgot to mention one thing. It was I who gave you the Caligari
Truespace to build those objects with and the stair corners was my idea. So
you got some encourgagement from Rick Noll. How many other people put up
the cold hard cash to make it work? Thanks for the acknowledgement. Jetta.
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Universe update

Apr 28, 2000, 6:36pm
Hi. As you know, we had hoped to have the new universe beta up last weekend.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to move the opening day back a
little, but we are still hoping for an early opening. I was in the new
universe this afternoon and would like to bring you up to date on some of
the latest happenings. Vision is still set at, approximately, 2,000 meters.
Your moving speed is a real problem right now. It is just too darn fast.
You can be at a particular object and start backing away from it and in a
matter of seconds you are hundreds of meters away. Gotta slow it down some!
We had a 1930's Ford roadster in the universe and it had 19,400 vertices and
over 30,000 faces. Incredible detail and complexity. It did not slow us
down one iota. Not even when we included a fully rendered Apache attack
helicopter and a Porshe. The detail on these objects was astounding. You
could even make out the emblem on the hood of the Porshe and the finest
details on the attack missiles of the helicopter. You could flip the
roadster upside down and see the springs and shocks. Any of the objects
could be 'grabbed' and rotated a full 360 degrees. We also have a set of
intermeshed gears turning at different speeds. You can see each individual
gear as it SMOOTHLY rotates. To make an object move, you dont have to make
and program dozens of objects. Just make 3 objects. One at the beginning,
one at the middle and one at the end. The program will smootly move the
object from point A to point C automatically. Think, what this will do for
avatars. They will move like real people. The lighting is fantastic. You
can be in a cave with a 'flashlight' and it will only light where it is
pointed. There is so much, that I could go on forever. We are really
looking foreward to seeing what you will be able to do with this software.
Eric has done an absolutely fantastic job on something we were told was
impossible to do. See you later, Jetta

Fake Cys

May 16, 2000, 9:36pm
If someone is going to steal an object to use, copywrite will not matter.
Once I gave permission to a very well known member of aw to take 3 of my
textures. When I went into his world, he had taken over 150 textures and
objects. Many of those were given to me for my world's use and not for
resale or to be given to anyone else. When I complained to this person
about this, he was very angry about being reproached and stated that the the
textures he took could not be copywrited and he had as much right to them as
anyone else and the objects he took belonged to the world Yellowstone and I
couldn't prevent him from taking them. His partner in that world is now a
member of

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Merry Christmas

Dec 22, 2003, 10:14pm
Hi, and I would like to say Merry Christmas to everyone (no offence to
non-Christians). The last several years in AW have been interesting and I'm
looking forward to the next 6 years. The changes from no personal worlds and
only one ave to present day AW is astounding. I have been hearing ITS THE
END OF AW since AlphaWorld days and AW just seems to keep going on and on
:o) The one thing I have observed over the years has been that no matter
what 'geewiz' improvement or set of objects presented, it all in a very
short period of time, becomes ho-hum. The only constant thus far has been
the sense of community and friends. America was one of the first personal
worlds to offer open building and still does to this day. Ofcourse one can
build what they wish in America, but we offer some theme builds also. Those
themes being Skyscraper City, Ancient Rome, Egypt, and coming very shortly
will be Small Town, USA. (From about 1890 thru 1915). America is, at this
time, the largest private world on the internet and offers one of the
largest varietys of building objects. I can assure you that in one form or
the other America will run as long as AW is in existence. In addition I am
turning the NF galaxy into an ancient builds galaxy that will focus on Rome,
circa 100bc thru 300ad. Lady Murasaki has supplied the bulk of the objects,
so that will give you an idea of the quality of the building materials. I
think you will be surprised at how close we will be able to come to giving
one a sense of walking the streets of Ancient Rome. At the present there are
enough objects to recreate Pompeii as ruins or as it was 79BC and more
objects coming shortly. Oh well, I just ramble on and on. Merry Christmas
and Happy Holidays.

Merry Christmas

Dec 23, 2003, 6:32pm
LOL, Hi Guys n-gal. So nice to hear from you..I'm really pumped up about the
ancient Rome site coming up. Mauz, some of those Rome sites you saw in
America are test builds for shape and general layout for the upcoming
galaxy..The copy of Theatrum Pompey was an exact size copy of the rl build.
(or as close as possible.) The auditorium part was done with the standard aw
45 degree angle steps, but included in the new objects will be 30 degree
angle marble seats. That type of stuff will hopefully give authenticity to
the builds. If you could only see the vr builds on the net that are supposed
to represent ancient Rome you would just shake your head. Those scientists
are good at figuring out how the old buildings looked, but they cant build
for beans.

BINARY BUD It is so good to see you. You have no idea how much I respect and
appreciate your efforts toward AW..I use your bot nearly every day and only
wish the other bot creators would take a page from your book and make their
programs as easy to use...:o) Don't be a stranger, come visit.

Ive been keeping up with the NG lately and will probably post a little bit
now...:o) Its been 3 or 4 years since my last post. I saw where there was a
recent flareup in here and after interviewing one prospective American Host
last week I told Ciena that if that person every figures out how to post in
the NG S HE? will definately make a splash.
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UMM This is community so post stuff about the community.

Dec 24, 2003, 1:17pm
You are so absolutely right...So what you wanna talk about? High finance,
evolution, worldwide politics, the high cost of cablevision and groceries or
Elven Princess???

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Dec 30, 2003, 8:37pm


Dec 30, 2003, 8:45pm
Sorry about the test.. sent accidently. doing some tests after removing some
email virus.

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Welcome back community group!!!

Jan 19, 2004, 8:22pm
I don't see where the legitimate members of this group caused the group to
be shut down...Wasn't the problem caused by Matt stealing cits and posting
false information in here and also Matt using this post to attemt to get ppl
to download a program that would allow him access to their personal
information? Over the years I've seen some really gross posts and some of
the most sincere name calling and bashing you could imagin. None of that
caused the ng to be shut down. As a matter of fact the only times I can
remember the ng being shut down was when they were a direct threat to AW
itself. None of the rest of it seems to matter.
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Matters of good Grammer

Jan 23, 2004, 2:27pm
Honest to Gosh, I was going to stay out of this.. It is a no win
argument..You will never convince CD that America is a decent place with
decent ppl. Yet when CD held up Cannada as a desirable end for America, I
couldn't stay quite anymore..CD Canada is ok to live in, but be aware that
$.87 of every Canadian dollar is generated thru direct trade with America.
One thing that helps Canada have a decent living condition is that America
pays enormous sums of money every year so Canada doesn't have to maintian a
huge military..For instance, America patrols Canadas seaboard and northern
boundaries to the tune of better than $2 Billion dollars annually. Canada
is virtually identical to the US as far as housing, transportation and
medical is concerned. Some parts of Canada have a decent medical service,
but others are laughably deficient. I guess really not laughable..inasmuch
as ppl have a tendency to die while waiting for medical procedures. Another
big difference in Canada is that the gov't has total control of the ppl and
the finances. Guns are mostly gone, but the by product is that since I've
been here, the only ppl I've heard of being shot are half-wits shot by the
police. ( One fellow was shot 9 times, including 4 shots in the back and
buttocks) Ladies who protested sewage running in the streets were arrested
and charged with crimminal civil disobedience.. A woman protesting the lack
of education for her child was arrested and charged with civil disobedience.
Canada is more like a simi-friendly dictatorship than a democracy. When you
are comparing America to other countries for ridicule you better stick to
Nazi Germany and Rome...You don't know beans about Canada.
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Matters of good Grammer

Jan 23, 2004, 8:55pm
As I said, this is a non winnable arguement on both sides. Count me out.

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