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ferruccio // User SearchFunny little AWI Rates Quirk...Jul 17, 2004, 6:21am
Considering there are already banner ads at the GZs, does that mean some
people are paying that amount of money? O_O Or.. is it just a lost pricing plan? AWs Still ATTACKING members!Jul 25, 2004, 6:13am
Hu, news flash. You are on Active Worlds' private turf right now, and they
have the right to impose whatever views they have on you. Freedom of speech does not force private organizations to allow customers to talk about anything they want. I'm sorry if that bursts your bubble. [View Quote] AWs Still ATTACKING members!Jul 30, 2004, 6:10am
You got defensive when .sharon said something bad about you. Then you
started talking about how people resort to attacking other members. Quote from Hu: " I will not sink into name-calling and threats as you have done because I realize that this situation is equally painful for us all and you don't need to be dealing with the trivialities of flame-wars with me" Now, you laugh about someone wishing someone else to die. Quote from Hu: "BWW HAA HA HA HA HA!!!!" You are such a flip-flopper. Kerry deserves your vote. :P AWs Still ATTACKING members!Jul 30, 2004, 6:12am
Duh, because he's the same guy who thinks Osama Bin Laden is great and that
all Americans should die. He just wants to stir things up. I can't imagine anyone being stupid enough to seriously say the things that Weyoun/Commander Sisko has said. Take everything he says as a grain of salt. PLEASE VOTE AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BUSH...Jul 23, 2004, 9:24am
I thought they removed general.discussion in hopes that spam like this
wouldn't be posted. :P At least they tried. PLEASE VOTE AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BUSH...Jul 26, 2004, 6:09pm
Hmm, you're not attacking "Butcher Bush and his cronies"? (to quote you) :P
"Almost everything" is a lot of stuff. Please list everything he was wrong
on Okay, let me start the list for you. 1: He was wrong on the weapons of mass destruction, but acted on evidence that MI6, Russian Intelligence, and the CIA had. PLEASE VOTE AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BUSH...Jul 30, 2004, 5:56am
"Taliban is an organisation who was sponsored and made powefull by for
example USA." Despite the U.S. killing three-fourths of their members? Okay. Sponsored? Prove it. PLEASE VOTE AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BUSH...Jul 30, 2004, 6:05am
"The Butchers Bush and Blair"
"Butcher Bush" "Bush ... is overtly an EVIL man." "His Nazi approach" "his mentor Hitler" Yet... "and I'm not even attacking Bush." You're waffling like Kerry now! ;) "with the super modern spy satellites, heat seeking devices, and other gadgetry the US now possess they can find anything they want to find even on the moons of neighboring planets" To say that is to say that the most advanced instruments in the world only exist to give faulty evidence that support's some certain person's theory. If the US *really* wanted to convince people that there was, for instance, dirty laundry on Europa, they should be doing everything *but* use advanced technology. :P PLEASE VOTE AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BUSH...Jul 30, 2004, 7:57pm
Communism was the evil empire back in the 1980s. The US was doing anything
it could to end communism, and through Reagan's efforts, communism in Russia fell. The United States had no way of knowing the Taliban would turn out the way it is now. Now, the United States does know what the Taliban is up to, and they are not giving them a dime. :P PLEASE VOTE AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BUSH...Jul 31, 2004, 1:26am
"Yes but they are not dealing with them either - Bush says he wants to end
the terrorist threat then goes into Iraq with not solid evidence that it is warranted taking away the US military's forceful presence from Afghanistan and his buddy Osama." Not solid evidence? It's funny. The liberals criticize Bush for not acting on evidence before 9/11 happened, but now the liberals criticize Bush for acting on the same type of evidence! Make up your minds :P "It is quite evident that Bush is his daddy's puppet and that the Bush family is in bed with the Bin Laden's... It is disgusting!" Yeah, that is just rhetorical nonsense. Unless you have any proof of that, it's best you keep your mouth shut. :P "American boys are chess pieces in a political war that is designed to take the attention off the Bin Laden/Bush family connection." The Bin Laden/Bush family connection. Is that what you like to call it? Do you have any proof that both families have strong connections? Oh, and don't reference Michael Moore's film. That's just twisted propaganda that even John Kerry has the sense to keep out of his campaign. :P "Go see Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11, it's plainly stated there and I do not see the Bush family denying it or suing Moore for slander." Read previous statement, and Bush isn't suing that nutty socialist because Moore's not worth his time. If you still don't understand how nutty that statement of yours is, let me give you an example. If I were to say that you were a neo-nazi, and spread it around Active Worlds, would you waste your time suing me? Probably not. Then, I would say "See, Hu's not suing me, that must mean everything I say is true!" Now, that would be rediculous of me to do. "WAKE UP AMERICANS You are being made fools of by an evil family that kills your kids to cover their sinister tracks!" How is killing supposed to cover up sinister tracks? Why isn't John Kerry saying anything you are saying? :P Maybe because it's blatantly false. PLEASE VOTE AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BUSH...Jul 31, 2004, 4:14pm
"Funny, you demand proof of everything and when someone tries to give it to
you, you refuse to listen. At the same time when one ask for proof for mass destruction weapons in Iraq or connection between Saddam and Al-Quaid, one is supposed to belive they excist without any proof." Guess what, you might be surprised to know that I never believed there was any proof of existance of WMDs. I believe that the evidence was erroneous. And, Hu never tried to give me any proof of anything ;) he was just ranting. "One would belive that history would teach not to mess with things that one have no business messing with." Like dealing with the Nazi forces in World War 2? I believe that taught the opposite of what you're trying to get at. "And now this stupid war again. I wonder if people will ever learn to mind their own business and play their wargames at home if they want to." Would have you sat back and minded your own business when the Nazi forces were rounding up millions of people and slaughtering them? Some people realize that there are definite wrongs in the world and they are not afraid to deal with them. "Not so nice to pick randomly a weak country far away and go there and cause destruction." In no way was Iraq randomely picked. There was a malicious dictator who killed hundreds of thousands of people there. That was a problem to deal with. "What the current govermant has done, it will take a long time to heal." Yes, I agree with you there. It will take a long time for Iraq to heal after the hard times it's been through. "Never before has USA been so hated worldwide ( along with all other western countries)." That's what happens when you have people watching things like Al-jazeera and Sky news. "Never has it been so easy for terrorist groups to get new memebers." I'd like to see some proof of that statement of yours. "What Bush has done has been a lottery winning to Al-Quaida and similar organisations." Yeah, the terrorists love having Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden out of power. "You really should stop that Man now, before the entire world is in war" So, what do you predict will happen in the future? Which countries will be involved in the war, and what sides will they be on? I'm just curious. "The war CAN be taken to your land, because they do not attack with big troops nor tanks." That's already happened, and that's why we're at war, to prevent it from happening again. I don't see the numbers of terrorists increasing during the war. :P Hey, Hu, here's a question for you. What do you think about this statement? "[We] gave Saddam a chance, not a license. If we turn our backs on his defiance, the credibility of U.S. power as a check against Saddam will be destroyed. We will not only have allowed Saddam to shatter the inspection system that controls his weapons of mass destruction; we will also have fatally undercut the fear of force that stops Saddam from acting to gain domination of the region." PLEASE VOTE AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BUSH...Jul 31, 2004, 4:37pm
Hmm, Hu, I don't believe I was attacking you. ;) I have countered every
statement you've made without personally attacking you. PLEASE VOTE AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BUSH...Jul 31, 2004, 7:01pm
So, you call a good argument a subtle attack? I don't believe I was
attacking you at all when I made those statements. Please state specifically the attacks I made (with quotes). Then I will apologize for making those attacks, if that's what they indeed are. ;) PLEASE VOTE AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BUSH...Aug 1, 2004, 1:53am
Okay Hu, .Sharon might have been quite harsh (I wouldn't have been as
harsh), but she does have a point. You come in here ranting about something, then I come in here and counter every argument you've made, and you choose to ignore me, saying that I am supposedly "attacking" you in some type of "subtle" way. Stand up for what you believe! Isn't that what you want to do? Surely you didn't come in these NGs expecting everyone to agree with you. PLEASE VOTE AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BUSH...Aug 1, 2004, 7:19am
"We really have nothing but Kerry's word that he will re-establish good
relations with the allies that Bush has alienated and that he will only go to war as an absolute last resort. I would put my money on Kerry though for a future with at least a margin of world security, it will take time though for America to convince the world community that it can be trusted again." Hu, what do you think of these quotes? "Saddam Hussein has already used these weapons and has made it clear that he has the intent to continue to try, by virtue of his duplicity and secrecy, to continue to do so. That is a threat to the stability of the Middle East. It is a threat with respect to the potential of terrorist activities on a global basis. It is a threat even to regions near but not exactly in the Middle East." "We urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." "If Saddam Hussein is unwilling to bend to the international community's already existing order, then he will have invited enforcement, even if that enforcement is mostly at the hands of the United States, a right we retain even if the Security Council fails to act." "If Fox News says they are "Fair and Balanced" even once they are liars." Every news station has some sort of lean just about. BBC has a very good record. Hu, do you think CNN has any sort of bias? What about the New York Times? "Not familiar enough with [Kerry's senate record] yet to answer this!" You really should familiarize yourself with it. "I'm sure Bush would love it if they would; he needs the terrorists to assist him in terrorizing the American people into voting for him. I would not be surprised if he and his cronies set up some kind of terrorist plot that can't be traced like the anthrax scares to sway the people through fear to vote for him." Are you saying that Bush is behind the anthrax letters? I think it is stooping very low to say that Bush coordinates attacks with terrorists. What source are you getting this from? Fahrenheit 9/11? "I don't care about Bin Laden." Even after it was proven that he organized the attacks against the United States, killing thousands of people? "It is obvious that the perpetrators of the illegal war on Iraq should be held responsible for their lies and deceit. Bush and that UK twit!" Bush never lied about the war. He followed evidence that Russian Intelligence, MI6, and the CIA had. Everyone was in agreement about the WMDs, even clinton, who frequently conducted air strikes in the Iraqi no-fly zones. Re: gesture buttons redesign (was Re: AW 3.5)Jul 24, 2004, 5:49am
Wow, you're really digging deep, lol.
[View Quote] One of the Best Movies I've seen...Jul 25, 2004, 6:18am
I posted that :D I thought it was hilarious.
[View Quote] IS ANYONE INTERESTED...Jul 25, 2004, 8:56pm
Does this memorial build include the million people Saddam killed?
IS ANYONE INTERESTED...Jul 30, 2004, 6:19am
Take the things Weyoun/Commander Sisko says as a grain of salt. He just
wants to stir things up. IS ANYONE INTERESTED...Jul 31, 2004, 4:39pm
I doubt he was trying to be funny as much as he wanted to make people mad.
I believe Rossyboy was the one who made the sensible post telling everyone to ignore Weyoun/Commander Sisko While we're on social commentary..Jul 28, 2004, 6:16am
O_O You mean this wasn't serious? Ugh, thanks a lot. Now I have to unpack
again. To Nvidia Geforce usersJul 28, 2004, 3:40am
You want the error message to say "Blimey!" instead of "Holy crap!"?
Wishlist? 'Mute Adverts'Jul 31, 2004, 5:54am
I don't see how one could possibly impliment an interface that would mute
advertisements, much less lyrics. This whole thread sounds more like a rant. :P Wishlist? 'Mute Adverts'Jul 31, 2004, 5:54am
Oh, wait, it is a rant. The "Wishlist" title threw me off. >_<
I think Rossyboy's right. He is anti-Bush, but is reasonable about it. Hu,
I bet if you got a cavity you would blame it on Bush. Seriously, have you ever tried listening to the news or something? You seem to be more anti-Bush than you know about Bush. OMG HU'S POSTS ARE IMPORTANT BECAUSE THE SUBJECT IS IN CAPITALS ANDAug 11, 2004, 3:28am
And I'm still waiting for you to quote me on where I attacked you.
It's interesting that Hu likes saying that someone is attacking him if they
make very valid points to a discussion, yet Hu fails to look back on all the times he's insulted people. Let me list a few. "your life must be very tiny and meaningless" "small brain" "little minded friend" "obvious lack of maturity" " old politician that has become seedy and distrustful" And much more... Hu, I think you should stop freaking out if someone is trying to "assasinate your character." It seems that you are just projecting yourself on others. |