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:-o oww

Oct 22, 2003, 8:54pm
[View Quote] Ours says Excelsior... but I don't think it means I'm going to hit warp
5 anytime soon. State and Federal, didn't you take PID/PIG yet?

Give me ideas.

E, xQR, i and s

Oct 28, 2003, 10:33pm
[View Quote] > Hi folks,
> Im just wondering if someone could help me out on something thats intesting
> me as of late... Mainly number sets, after I started playing around with
> imaginaries.
> Anyway, after searching on google for a long time, I have not been able to
> come up with a single page that descibes all of the rules for which numbers
> fit into which number sets appart from smaller rules like -1^(1/2) = i =
> sqrt(-1) and p <q <= r etc...
> So If I could ask for a bit of help, if any of thy out there who know about
> these things would be kind enough to direct me towards some full explenation
> of the Real, Rational, Irrational, Surreal and Imaginary id be highly
> greatful. Just a bit of info ive been after :)

Yeah, you'll almost never use them.

Real - number that is rational or irrational but not imaginary.

Rational - a number that can be expressed as an integer or quotient (not
with a divisor of 0)

Irrational - any real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two

Surreal - The most natural collection of numbers which includes both the
real numbers and the infinite ordinal numbers... Yeah, I didn't like
this chapter but here's what my book says;

Surreal notation {a|b}, where {|} = 0, {0|} = 1 is the simplest number
greater than 0, {1|} = 2 is the simplest number greater than 1.
Similarly the number 5 can be represented as such: {4|6}, {4/w}, etc.
Not sure if I got all the information, I paraphrased.

Imaginary - a complex number in which i != 0.

Hope that helps you... if it matters? LoL

Give me ideas.

Something's not right!

Nov 2, 2003, 8:30pm
[View Quote] > that AW's engine lacks portal rendering as Eep once mentioned, so it renders
> objects you can't even see X_X

Oh, that'd be such a dream. Dreams come with a hefty price... with the
types of objects that people use in AW, portal rendering would kill the
processor with a thousand spoons if not a thousand chunks of silly putty

Give me ideas.

Something's not right!

Nov 4, 2003, 1:48am
[View Quote] > Actually, RenderWare does have portal support, if I'm not mistaken. I'm not sure why it's not implemented in Active Worlds. I suppose it just hasn't gotten to the top of the priorities list yet.

Hmmm I don't think I've seen it implemented anywhere.

Give me ideas.

Something's not right!

Nov 4, 2003, 7:03pm
[View Quote] Not rendering objects behind other objects. The major killer in real
time rendering. Especially in AW.

Give me ideas.

Something's not right!

Nov 7, 2003, 5:58am
[View Quote] > I have.. but I looked into it, and found that those implementations are not part of RenderWare... even though they are in software that uses RenderWare. I knew portals weren't supported directly last time I had looked at RenderWare in detail, but that was a while back, and I thought that had changed. I guess not.

Yeah it figures as such. I can say that would be the number one thing
that needs to be implemented in a real time rendering system.

Give me ideas.

whats up with DirtCity?

Nov 4, 2003, 10:10pm
[View Quote] Scroll buttons scroll buttons, oh yeah.

Give me ideas.

whats up with DirtCity?

Nov 5, 2003, 3:11am
[View Quote] > For those of you who have no idea what we are talking about, check out
> :) It is full of very funny (and clean)
> humor.
> My personal favorite is at
> (based on a spelling error someone sent in an e-mail).
> There is also someone I met in AW that has a H*R world (but I forget its
> name).
> Oh, and a note to Bowen: I hope this doesn't make you stop visiting the
> H*R site, but they use Windows and IIS
> (

I never said artists were very with it.
Give me ideas.

World Sever Problem

Nov 5, 2003, 1:55am
[View Quote] >
> What was meant here is that anytime a program has changes to the ini file
> the program has to be restarted, not the entire computer lol. We wouldn't
> reboot our computer if we made changes to the ini file of a bot. But making
> changes to the windows system configuration file would cause you to have to
> reboot the computer. My fault.

Sometimes you don't even need to restart the program (as long as it has
the ability to read changes without restarting)

Give me ideas.

World Sever Problem

Nov 5, 2003, 3:59am
[View Quote] > Conclusion: on an average household (that is only an assumption!) it is
> unlikely that he has 2 independent internet connection, so he is
> probably using a plug and pray router. (I doubt the ICS since he
> mentioned WinME which leads me to a really not techie user:)

My mother's Emachine using WinME is still going strong after 3 years.
No crashes, no blue screens, no reformats, no problems. That's an
Emachine for ya.

Give me ideas.

Remember that post about the Athlon 64's well... sorry intel lovers but

Nov 7, 2003, 7:26pm
[View Quote] Generally when someone makes a new technology and a big company takes
advantage of it... everyone mimics that new technology. IBM is the odd
man out with their own weird stuff.

Give me ideas.

Remember that post about the Athlon 64's well... sorry intel lovers but

Nov 8, 2003, 4:55am
[View Quote] Not always, sometimes they like to follow trends. I can't think of a
specific example, but I know there's gotta be one.

Give me ideas.

Remember that post about the Athlon 64's well... sorry intel lovers but

Nov 8, 2003, 4:47pm
[View Quote] > The only example I could think of would be the PC. Althrough they created
> the PC trend, they've also stuck with it. Other than that though, they're on
> their own.

Didn't they want to use Rambus with the old P4? Or was that intel that
decided on that?

Give me ideas.

Remember that post about the Athlon 64's well... sorry intel lovers but

Nov 9, 2003, 5:45pm
[View Quote] Rambus is pretty good actually, but, not consumer friendly. I wouldn't
mind using Rambus as long as it wasn't that much more expensive. Maybe
they'll make it better someday.

Give me ideas.


Nov 8, 2003, 6:04am
[View Quote] > here i go again........ is "shit" such a bad word that it needs to be on
> the eject list? I realise that AWCI headquarters are in USA but the PROGRAM
> is world wide.... and it IS'NT an objectionable word for petes sake!!!!!!
> Its freely allowed on kids TV or the six oclock news!
> Is USA and the ppl that programe the bots really so pussy that they would
> allow such a tame word on said list?
> One can get away with "frigging" or such but not "shit"?
> ...............thats actually scarey


Give me ideas.


Nov 8, 2003, 4:46pm
[View Quote] Damn is not on the list. But the bible beater GK's don't like you
saying it because they're raised to go to church and only the priest can
say damn.

Give me ideas.


Nov 8, 2003, 5:24pm
[View Quote] What do you think the world ratings are for? Convert it to a "browser"
rating and then have a chat filter built into the browser.

Give me ideas.


Nov 9, 2003, 4:54am
[View Quote] Bible beater refers to people overly catholic, to the point where saying
anything beyond "hi, how are you?" or similar would cause a narcoleptic

Give me ideas.


Nov 9, 2003, 5:44am
[View Quote] You can say bitch, whore, and ho, though.

Give me ideas.


Nov 11, 2003, 4:28am
[View Quote] Your theory is flawed. If they know the word, saying it is not
introducing a new idea to their head. They know the word, they know it
has the meaning it has, saying it does not redfined the words meaning.
Saying does little else than putting collective thoughts together in a
coherent manner.

Simply put: A is defined as milk. Charlie knows what milk is and knows
that A equals milk. Frank says A, charlie assumes Frank has said milk.
Gatekeeper 121 is lactose intolerant, and bans the word A. Frank says
A, Gatekeeper 121 ejects Frank, Charlie assumes that milk is the wrong word.

This is a classic distributive property. Banning the word A does not
remove Charlie's knowledge of what A is, or what milk is. Therefore
banning certain does not "ruin" a childs innocence or whatever the
excuse is. If the person knows the meaning behind the word, they have
nothing to "ruin," excluding their current ego.

Give me ideas.


Nov 11, 2003, 6:56pm
[View Quote] I'm still at a loss for how fuck is a bad word. It just symbolizes a
slang term, it's real origin means "to strike" from the german word
frichen(sic?). I don't know about you, but I don't strike many things
with a certain anatomical part. That's like driving a nail in reverse
with you eye.

Give me ideas.


Nov 11, 2003, 9:05pm
[View Quote] Milk is now slang for anal sex, you can now not use anything made of, or
consisting of milk.

Give me ideas.


Nov 11, 2003, 10:48pm
[View Quote] Using a foreign language's conversion of bad words will not help you.

Give me ideas.


Nov 13, 2003, 3:26am
[View Quote] Go to Mars, the Mars CA loves swear words.

Give me ideas.


Nov 13, 2003, 7:51pm
[View Quote] Whatever you say rimmer.

Give me ideas.

You know you've been watching too much Dragonball when...

Nov 15, 2003, 3:57pm
[View Quote] > Typical response from Brock there folks, lets just ignore :)

Leave it to the British to watch the worst form of anime on the planet.

Give me ideas.

You know you've been watching too much Dragonball when...

Nov 16, 2003, 7:24pm
[View Quote] Where did you tell me you were born? Oh yeah, England. Where do you
visit frequently? Oh yeah, England. Just because you live in Libya,
and are breaking the law like a libyan, doesn't make you not British. :P

Give me ideas.

You know you've been watching too much Dragonball when...

Nov 16, 2003, 8:29pm
[View Quote] He'd be break international law that deals with copyrights. And yes,
Libya is part of the international community, so don't even try that
one. I seem to remember them being the head of the security council of
the UN. So unless it's just for that one purpose they're
international... then okay.

Give me ideas.

You know you've been watching too much Dragonball when...

Nov 20, 2003, 1:16pm
[View Quote] > Fo' shizzo my nizzo?

Shizzle my nizzle, there's no o.

Give me ideas.

You know you've been watching too much Dragonball when...

Nov 20, 2003, 5:32pm
[View Quote] > MY LORD!
> Thank you so much Bowen. I don't know where I would be without you! I mean,
> to speak English bad is one thing, but to type EBONICs wrong, good gracious,
> I'm surprised the PKs haven't yet apprehended me.
> You, sir, are a credit to AW!
> LF

I'm glad we're on the same page. But, Ebonics isn't the language it's
tagged from. This sort of Ebonics of Ebonics stems from Snoop Dog's
"For Shizzle my nizzle" saying, which basically takes a words beginning
letter and strips the rest out and replaces with izzle (sometimes an
extra letter to get the proper sound from the first letter).

For Shizzle my nizzle is snoop-slang for "For sure my nigger." I'm
sorry if I burst anyones bubble with the "N-word" but it's what black
homies call each other.

Give me ideas.

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