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You know you've been watching too much Dragonball when...

Nov 20, 2003, 8:33pm
[View Quote] > Say no more my brother-from-another-mother. I hear your "holla"
> Word

All things bling, yo. Word up.

Give me ideas.

nedd people to fill this out. its for an english paper

Nov 22, 2003, 5:16am
[View Quote] You must be British. Silly Britons and their silent U's.

Give me ideas.

nedd people to fill this out. its for an english paper

Nov 22, 2003, 4:07pm
[View Quote] How many god damn times do I have to go over this. American is a
DIALECT of English. Just like Mexican is a DIALECT of Spanish. It's
the same language, just minute differences in spelling and slang.

Give me ideas.

nedd people to fill this out. its for an english paper

Nov 22, 2003, 8:20pm
[View Quote] At least you capitilze your I's.

Give me ideas.

nedd people to fill this out. its for an english paper

Nov 22, 2003, 8:48pm
[View Quote] Well most British who say things like "America didn't invent English"
say things like "i dont like ur face."

Give me ideas.

My INTREPID is better than your INTREPID

Nov 24, 2003, 3:47am
[View Quote] > yes D a n, my INTREPID is better than your INTREPID!

Well, my penis is larger than yours...

Give me ideas.

My INTREPID is better than your INTREPID

Nov 24, 2003, 4:43pm
[View Quote] It most certainly is. I bet you still think you're black, too.

Give me ideas.

My INTREPID is better than your INTREPID

Nov 25, 2003, 6:28pm
[View Quote] What continent were you born on? Oh right, Europe, and what shade of
melanin is your skin if you lived in a dark room for 4 years? It'd
definately be pinker than an African. Dum dum dum.

Give me ideas.

My INTREPID is better than your INTREPID

Nov 27, 2003, 7:49pm
[View Quote] > first of all, doesn't matter where I was born, and i obviously don't spend
> all my time in a room. ok, i may not be black, but i am undoubtedly not
> pink! i am, brownish type thing, and since i am libyan, and so are both my
> parents, and i live here, i am african!

You're african by culture, not ethnicity.

Give me ideas.

US Flag

Nov 26, 2003, 4:05pm
[View Quote] > they burn their own flag? O_O
> too funny

Yup, it's okay if done right... or you can just bury it.

Give me ideas.

US Flag

Nov 26, 2003, 4:12pm
[View Quote] > If you are laughing at this, which I believe you are....then you just do not understand what your laughing at...:) Do some web searches,... Learn what your laughing at...... bottom line is RESPECT, and if you cannot generate that emotion then herein lies the problem.

I'm sure he's just never taken the time to read standard flag protocols
in general. Most countries follow this. Ours may be more radical
though, considering the origin of our nation.

Give me ideas.

US Flag

Nov 26, 2003, 7:53pm
[View Quote] I'm sorry... I think we fought Japan single handedly, and came to Europe
to do some fighting. Without the US, there would be no Europe, or would
there be an Asia.

The Soviet Union did little to stop advancing NAZI forces, so spare me
that rebuttal. In fact the conditions were so horrible in the Soviet
Union, Soviet soldiers would surrender to unarmed NAZI scouts...

In short... the world is much better with us around. But, I guess
France would've done just as much without us... oh wait... that country
was devestated by NAZI forces. No bombs on Paris.

Give me ideas.

US Flag

Nov 27, 2003, 6:41am
[View Quote] Well, all the black friends I have call me a nigger. I call it them
back. It's the equivalent to the surfer term "dude."

Of course I may not have 300 black friends, but I have a few. It's only
a bad word if you let it be a bad word. The only time black people take
offense is when a white person calls them it that they don't know.

Give me ideas.

US Flag

Nov 27, 2003, 6:43am
But blondes are dumb. Ask Daphne, or Stacee.

Give me ideas.

US Flag

Nov 27, 2003, 7:49pm
[View Quote] I hang around in your worlds too much.

Give me ideas.

US Flag

Nov 28, 2003, 4:57pm
[View Quote] > I dont give a shit about your dumb world anyways, so shut the hell up! your
> country must be severely fucked up if youve shit like "drive-by" etc..... so
> drive through!

That was the worst attempt at being Eep I've ever seen.

Give me ideas.

US Flag

Nov 28, 2003, 5:00pm
[View Quote] > learn something yourself its African American and we all came from the
> same place :-)

Yes and no. The key lineage is from Africa, but there are clear
seperations of genotypes in the races. Survival of the fittest. Black
people are black and white people are white -- no amount of "looking
back through the mitochondrial trail" is going to make a white person
anymore more black.

Given a couple hundred thousand more years, there would be three
seperate human species -- that's how distinct the genotypes are.

Give me ideas.

US Flag

Nov 28, 2003, 7:27pm
[View Quote] > I would see respect for your country as stopping your Government from
> passing unconstitutional laws, rather than flag rules. Just my two pence.

It's a two way street.

Give me ideas.

US Flag

Nov 28, 2003, 7:51pm
[View Quote] > In the Olympics, Americans flew our Canadian flag upside down by
> mistake.....we did not take it as an act of war LMAO although some were very
> upset here about the disrespect shown. Apologies were made, apologies
> accepted and life went on.
> The flag is not only a symbol of the people....It is a symbol of
> cooperation.
> Our flags can all fly together, as long as we respect the rules, regulations
> and customs of the other flags. And why not? We are all a bit different,
> isn't that what makes this world interesting? Isn't that also what makes AW
> interesting?

How do you fly Canada's flag upside down? I mean some of them are
pretty hard to not fly them upside down and backwards (like the US flag)
but Canada's is pretty straight forward.

Give me ideas.

Threats in the name of ALaskanShadow?

Nov 28, 2003, 4:55pm
[View Quote] > To the person who sent me 350 more love letters, this time pretending to be
> ALaskanShadow, you are wasting your time more than mine. Since you left me
> no way to contact you because of your fear, I have to write here. Your
> threats against me and others in AW don't worry me, but it wasn't nice to
> make them. And the extremely naughty words you use could cause you to become
> sterile. You better stop now. Thank you.

The more you post about it the more he's going to send you. Here's an
idead. Take your e-mail and switch it into a form that no one can just
hit "reply" to and send you junk.

Give me ideas.

Threats in the name of ALaskanShadow?

Nov 28, 2003, 7:27pm
[View Quote] He may or may not have it saved. Rearranging the letter like mine may
help you solve that problem.

Give me ideas.

will A!!CT expire?

Nov 30, 2003, 4:46am
I think the real question is, "How much longer can you beat a dead
horse?" Or maybe, "How much longer until I spontaneously combust?"

Give me ideas.

This is a really silly question

Nov 30, 2003, 4:45am
[View Quote] > but then I ask the weirdest things.
> How do you get a stall in at mart?

Just right click an object, and hit insert until the bot no longer
complains. The great thing about it is there's no registery (from what
I remembered, it's all controled by bots) so it's easy to tell when
you're out of their range.

Give me ideas.

Open letter: To m a t t or whoever

Nov 30, 2003, 5:10pm
[View Quote] > Its 'Venom' due to the fact that M a t t got bit by a snake a few weeks ago
> and now his ears have grown to about 8 inch each due to the venom...

So his ears look like yours now?

Give me ideas.

Open letter: To m a t t or whoever

Nov 30, 2003, 9:19pm
[View Quote] > No, mine are still the best...

If by best, you mean clown-like. Then yes, they are the best.

Give me ideas.

Open letter: To m a t t or whoever

Dec 1, 2003, 3:53am

You're just... no.

Give me ideas.

Microsoft and cars.

Dec 2, 2003, 4:39am
[View Quote] WindowsXP - Diesel

Windows9x/2K - Unleaded

Linux/Unix/Whatever else - Electric

Give me ideas.


Dec 3, 2003, 4:54pm
[View Quote]
Give me ideas.

Microsoft and Borland Join Forces to Protect Compilers

Dec 10, 2003, 12:04am
[View Quote] He made it up.

Give me ideas.


Dec 14, 2003, 3:53pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] You don't know about the spiders who dig holes and place a small web
over the top and pop out when they feel vibrations to attack prey?
Hence "spider hole." Maybe you did know that though -- maybe he was
waiting for someone to walk by. ;)

Give me ideajuice.

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