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Name Shortened from 'Ryan Jacob' to 'Ryan'

Apr 7, 2003, 9:32pm
In case anyone knows me whom I may have missed on my contacts list, I have
shortened my citizen name from Ryan Jacob to Ryan.

Was waiting for the opportunity :)


Name Shortened from 'Ryan Jacob' to 'Ryan'

Apr 8, 2003, 2:27am
Where is that written at? I don't see a guidebook anywhere!


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Name Shortened from 'Ryan Jacob' to 'Ryan'

Apr 8, 2003, 8:38pm
Oops, didn't mean to cause all this controversy. Maybe I ought to post in
worldbuilders next time :) Not that there is going to be a next time..I'm
not changing my citname again.

I was gonna post in community, but feeling like I would get some jeering
there, I decided to post here. Oops. :)


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Name Shortened from 'Ryan Jacob' to 'Ryan'

Apr 15, 2003, 10:27am


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New building world, Omega- Online and Open!

Apr 8, 2003, 8:42pm
Congrats on getting a new world :)


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public 3.4 beta

Apr 15, 2003, 1:13am
Icon looks fine to me on my desktop..but on the taskbar (smaller) it looks
horrible (not to mention I have to get used to looking for it..I'm used to
the green icon or the red galaxy icon I replaced it with)


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public 3.4 beta

Apr 15, 2003, 10:26am
The movement is actually easier to get used to - I went back to 3.3 and
found it jerkier. But it seems everyone feels different about it, lol


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public 3.4 beta

Apr 15, 2003, 8:35pm
User-controlled movement would be good, but should be up to the world owner
whether to allow movement to be changed in the world (i.e. game worlds that
involve movement could set a movement rate for that world..)

In addition to that, could be fun to have movement slow down through
substances (imagines mud flats)


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3.4 Tip

Apr 15, 2003, 10:33am
I've been noticing that a lot of people who have been downloading the 3.4
open beta are dissatisfied with the pitch while flying...a hint: Go to
options, click settings, click the general tab and look at the box marked
Controls..there you can put a check next to "Ignore pitch when flying /
swimming". I honestly feel it should be ignored by default, but that isn't
the case.


3.4 Tip

Apr 15, 2003, 8:33pm
Cool Ross :) I didn't know that lol


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Apr 15, 2003, 10:57pm
Yep yep :)


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Apr 16, 2003, 2:41am

Who is this? And why does it stop on January 7th, 2002 (which is the date of
the file)?



Apr 16, 2003, 3:28am
There's another one on the OP with someone walking away...wierd stuff


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agreeing with the GK's is bad

Apr 20, 2003, 3:18pm
Seems lots of complaints are cropping up about the GKs..me among them (and
I'm not one to complain about organizations like this either)


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GKs and their Perks

Apr 30, 2003, 6:58pm
AWSchool and AWNewbie staff do not recieve discounts...we just got cut short
on our cit extensions too.


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GKs and their Perks

May 1, 2003, 7:28pm
No 6 months extension for me..mine was a scant 3 months (cut in half by
Mountain Myst apparently as my cit extension was due)


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Someone REALLY lost the plot

May 2, 2003, 8:06pm
From the 3.4 registration window:

"To begin your free Active Worlds trial, please fill out all the fields in
this window and press OK. At the end of your one week free trial, and every
month after that, your credit card will automatically be charged $6.95 until
you cancel your subscription. To avoid being charged you MUST cancel your
subscription at www.activeworlds.com before the one week trial period is
over. If you do not have a credit card please see
www.activeworlds.com/subscribe. Some content in Active Worlds may not be
suitable for children under the age of 18. If you are a minor, your
parent(s) or guardian(s) must complete the registration process, in which
case they will assume full responsibility for all obligations under this
Agreement. By clicking the "OK" button and providing us with a credit card
number, you represent that you are an adult and are either accepting this
Agreement on behalf of yourself or your child. Parents or guardians are
encouraged to set an appropriate browser rating by clicking on "Options",
"Settings" and "General". This rating system in NO WAY guarantees that
minors will not be subjected to inappropriate content. Parents or guardians
must use their discretion in deciding whether or not to permit their
children the use of this program.Your credit card information is encrypted
before transmission."

What in the universe prompted this? Why is ActiveWorlds, Inc. posting
warnings all over the place in the form of signs, immigration officer
messages, and registration dialogs? Stay tuned, story at 10.


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The Teen Gate Beta Has BEGUN!!!!

May 7, 2003, 11:43pm
I don't see how it is related to AWTeen, either.


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Did Active Worlds Inc drop the ball here?

Jun 12, 2003, 1:03am
If it were listed that would result in a large amount of new visitors
coming. I wouldn't like that - I like AW's smaller community.


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multipath.php help

Jun 15, 2003, 12:48am
[View Quote] > For some reason the multipath.php still dose not work, it stoped working
> back in March 2003 and no one can seem to find out why.
> Was there an upgrade to teh php code that we need to know about?
> I do remember in teh past that it did this before and stoped working and I
> was told to change my " to ' to make it work again.
> Did they go back to " or changed it to something new?
> Here is the php the way it is now and it don't work.
> <?PHP
> $aPaths = array ('http://www.path1.com', 'http://www.path2.com',
> 'http://www.path3.com', 'http://www.path4.com');
> $fIn=$fOut=$IsZip=0;
> // this block is only needed if AW examines the HTTP header!
> if ($Content = strrchr ($QUERY_STRING, '.'))
> {
> if (stristr ($Content, ".zip"))
> Header ("Content-Type: application/zip");
> else
> Header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
> }
> $Namepos = strrpos ($QUERY_STRING, '/');
> $Filepath = substr ($QUERY_STRING, 0, $Namepos+1);
> $Filename = substr ($QUERY_STRING, $Namepos+1);
> Header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$Filename );
> $Firsttry = -1;
> if ($Filename[0] == '~')
> {
> $Firsttry = intval (substr($Filename,1,2))-1;
> $Filename = substr($Filename, 3);
> if ($Firsttry >= 0)
> if ($fIn = at fopen ($aPaths[$Firsttry].$Filepath.$Filename,
> "rb"))
> {
> fpassthru ($fIn); // no fclose, fpassthru() closes the file
> exit;
> }
> }
> $Anz = sizeof ($aPaths);
> for ($i=0; $i<$Anz; $i++)
> if ($i != $Firsttry)
> if ($fIn = at fopen ($aPaths[$i].$Filepath.$Filename, "rb"))
> {
> fpassthru ($fIn); // no fclose, fpassthru() closes the file
> exit;
> }
> ?>

I am not sure, but I was having lots of problems with PHP and trying to
get a multipath to work. I was unsuccessful and a friend of mine failed
as well in getting it to work.


multipath.php help

Jun 25, 2003, 4:41am
I agree that AW should accomodate these requests - especially when there
is a situation that the PHP cannot work / host doesn't support it, etc.


Second Life goes gold Monday 23 June

Jun 19, 2003, 7:03pm
[View Quote] I would never use a program that required a credit card number simply to
use even if it included a free trial. I'd rather not give the company a
cc# until I plan to use the product.



Jun 19, 2003, 9:24pm
[View Quote] > I would like to introduce a novel concept to those at the controls of
> the AW universe. What I would like to show you is this nifty new thing
> called proofreading. What you do is check for errors *before* you hit
> the apply button in order to avoid spamming the entire universe
> unnecessarily.
> * * *
> Immigration Officer: Welcome to The Activeworlds Universe! The
> coolest place in cyberspace! 3.4 is released! If you experience any
> objects not showing up in certain worlds, try deleting your cache and
> that should solve your problem. Enjoy :-)
> Immigration Officer: Welcome to Activeworlds! The coolest place in
> cyberspace! 3.4 is released! If you experience any objects not showing
> in certain worlds, try deleting your cache & that should solve your
> problem. Don't forge to try the new keyboard configuration options :)
> Immigration Officer: Welcome to Activeworlds! The coolest place in
> cyberspace! 3.4 is released! If you experience any objects not showing
> in certain worlds, try deleting your cache & that should solve your
> problem. Don't forget to try the new keyboard mapping option. Enjoy :)
Honestly, it's not *that* annoying compared to some of the weird
telegrams I get. Just doesn't bug me too much.


aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jul 2, 2003, 2:21am
Sounds like it would be excellent..would save AWI a lot of grief and
allow us to actually get somewhere I'd say lol


[View Quote]

Bots need a more reasonable language filter.

Jul 2, 2003, 10:48am
It would be able to whisper it to you. The bot is under universe CT
privileges and wouldn't be able to eject itself I don't think ;)


[View Quote]

Bots need a more reasonable language filter.

Jul 2, 2003, 4:10pm
Or perhaps we don't need a bot to filter out chat at all, and let the
user determine what words are filtered out by astericks or whatever.
Would make a nifty chat setting. I think that would probably be the best
way to go..since different words offend different people and there is no
way to accomodate everyone ...and AWI can put that list it has in the
defaults and let the user go from there.


[View Quote] > This is one reason I hate bots, they cannot see the context. If I said " i
> skall ha en prick över sig" I would be ejected, and probably have no idea
> why. For example I do not recall seeing anywhere when entering the gate that
> only some specific languages are allowed. I guess bots could have a list of
> "offensive" words that do not have any other meaning that beeing
> "offensive", but should definetly not have words that has a "not-offensive"
> meaning also.
> Drac
> binarybud <leo at realPANTStourvision.com> kirjoitti
> viestissä:3f02e572$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> anything? Don't say "prick" and you'll get along just fine...lesson
> learned....no big deal unless you want to make one out of it....:) see
> how easy that was to resolve? no committees deciding who is right and who
> is wrong...no debates to decide if "prick" is a good word or bad
> word...(that was already decided by AWI....remember THEY OWN this software)
> So basically, try and learn your lessons quicker, and not be such a crybaby
> about it.
> not change their name....WHY? you ask.....
> GK would recognize this and ask for the name change.
> news:3f02a9f1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> who
> ans
> lighten

Virus Warning

Jul 2, 2003, 6:49pm
DO NOT download:


This is a virus being spread by M A T T. I would not download ANYTHING
from that domain, either.


Virus Warning

Jul 3, 2003, 7:15pm
Think before you click...never click or download things from untrusted
sources ...especially tourists at an AWI world GZ...lol


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out of control gk bot

Jul 18, 2003, 1:11pm
Hmm I can say M A T T in AWNewbie with no problem ..I don't end up
getting ejected..I think the others with PS in AWNewbie are immune to
getting ejected by the CA bot as well ...


[View Quote] > i find it was funny when i got back from my ejection. every 1 said stuff
> like "you got ejected for saying confederate?" and like gks and alot of
> peeps at the gate left...pretty funny...the bot wont let us tal kabout the
> civil war either then hmmmm?
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out of control gk bot

Jul 22, 2003, 1:04pm
The world caretaker can see who ejected who, however the Customs Aide
only ejects for 5 minutes. My best advice would be to not complain over
a 5 minute ejection as it's extremely trivial to do so (by the time your
complaint letter is done, your ejection has expired anyway.)


[View Quote] > I have not been ejected for a while now, so I have forgotten; do it tell you
> who you are ejected by ?
> People HAS asked AWI to do something about this, but they have choosen not
> to listen ( as usual).
> Drac
> truetome2 <TrueToMe2 at my.activeworlds.com> kirjoitti

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