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Program upgrades

Oct 7, 2004, 11:22pm
Is this just a rumor? Vehicles are something I'd really, really like to
see for AW.


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Program upgrades

Oct 8, 2004, 7:53pm
This has been confirmed for a while now ..I don't think AWI is gonna say
anything public about it.


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Program upgrades

Oct 8, 2004, 8:58pm
I got a confirmation from MM herself.


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Program upgrades

Oct 9, 2004, 1:04am
"To answer some of your emails that have come in over the last couple of

Yes, I am being laid off. " - Kellie Williams


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Why not to use IE, and perfer Firefox..

Oct 9, 2004, 11:37pm
Firefox has a google toolbar plugin.


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Why not to use IE, and perfer Firefox..

Oct 9, 2004, 11:38pm
Uhm, no. I don't think you'd consider me a "net n00b" but I ran across a
site accidently which did install a lot of stuff though I managed to
stop a trojan horse and a few of it from being installed...had to clean


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AWTeen Ejection

Nov 23, 2004, 12:21am
You ought to e-mail abuse at activeworlds.com or contact Netwire (go up the
chain of command I'd say) before you start posting in here.

However, I might as well throw some commentary around... as AWNewbie CT
I have had to make many difficult decisions regarding ejects and banning
...and it's never an easy or pleasant thing to do.

On your first eject - I agree that was unjustified, based on what you
have said here. You should never be ejected or banned unless you are
caught in the middle of doing something worthy of being ejected OR if
you enter a world during time when you're supposed to be ejected. Like I
said, you ought to talk to Netwire and see if you can't resolve this
before bringing it to the public ..at least give them a chance to
investigate and do something about it. These sort of posts don't really
help anyone and are only nescessary in my opinion if the people in
charge don't fairly investigate and discuss with you what took place. If
you DID talk to Netwire and he didn't help you resolve the case, then
just ignore my ramblings :)

As for your second eject while on tourist, they probably checked IP
addresses and from that knew it was you. In that case, based simply on
the fact that you were supposed to be ejected, that's not unfair since
you were technically circumventing an eject.

In any case, if you have reservations over the leadership of AWTeen,
perhaps the best thing to do is simply not go there (or avoid the GZ
area at least). I'm sure though that Allen and others will be fair with
you if you approach them maturely and with a positive attitude and try
to get a resolution to situations like these.


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AWTeen Ejection

Nov 23, 2004, 9:45pm
If you do not give him the chance to address your complaint, then you
really shouldn't complain about it ..regardless of his track record
...you have to go through the proper channels first ..proper channels
ignore you ..then take it to the "streets" so to speak.


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Happy New Year! TaLLan hates me! :)

Jan 4, 2005, 3:06am
I already have reported it. I'm satisfied with the response that I got.

I apologize for posting.


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Homopobic Gatekeeper?

Jan 26, 2005, 11:45pm
Technically he did break a guideline (if you want to interpret it that
way). The way the ejects were conducted was unfair however for the
following reasons:

1st Eject
1) No warning. A warning should virtually always be given.

2nd Eject
1) Quote by GK: "Nope you can go after women that is normal, gay
behavior is not normal nor accepted here". Stating that "gay behavior"
is not normal is harassment and discrimination.
2) Eject was completely unwarranted. Rossyboy should have been
immediately directed to an email address or a contact where he could
take the issue. If he had pressed the issue further, then an
warning/eject would have been nescessary.


Homopobic Gatekeeper?

Jan 27, 2005, 12:59am
I think it's getting obvious that AWI needs to address the issues with
the GKs. I understand that people make mistakes, but the complaints are
just so consistant and numerous. It's a shame, but the facts point to
the GKs becoming an organization focused on regulating morality and
stopping "thoughtcrime". They don't even require evidence of wrongdoing
or issue warnings that you have done something wrong before they eject.

As for your comment C P, it doesn't matter what my beliefs or ideas are
when it comes to ejecting or acting as an "official". The rules and
procedures must be followed and equally applied regardless of someone's
opinion of whether or not something is morally right or not. It is
obvious that the procedures aren't being fairly applied here. It could
be argued (with some merit) that Rossyboy is going out of his way to get
ejected but each incident must be evaluated on the facts of that
incident. Prior incidents should only serve to alert GKs to a
*potential* problem, not an *actual* problem.

In any case, though, I think the best solution is to simply avoid AWGate
if you do not agree with the way GKs manage the world or if you consider
yourself a "victim" of GK abuse :(


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Homopobic Gatekeeper?

Jan 27, 2005, 8:01pm
Then this really needs to change because it's being abused since all of
the GKs I've seen seem to never feel that warnings are nescessary.

As far as I know, for EVERY other official AWI organization that uses
eject, at least ONE warning is required.


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Homopobic Gatekeeper?

Jan 28, 2005, 8:16pm
I think you would agree with me Chris that regulating morality (ex.
stating that gay behavior is wrong and not acceptable in AWGate) goes
far beyond inforcing a simple "G" rating. I don't mind rules that make
sense, but from the logs I've seen and from what I've witnessed, the
rules (some of which don't even exist in written form) are not being
applied fairly in a just manner.


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Homopobic Gatekeeper?

Jan 29, 2005, 2:03pm
Nobody is an accurate predictor of whether or not someone is gonna "try
to start something again" or even if they're gonna start something up to
begin with. The Bush doctrine just doesn't seem to work in AWGate...

You have to let whoever mess up first THEN eject. Otherwise it's unfair.


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CA list is a joke

Feb 10, 2005, 2:01am
Yes, I agree. This is silly and uncharacteristic of a professional
company. I have always been somewhat antagonistic towards the CA (I
don't trust the thing)...it does good often, but sometimes the thing is
more pesky than helpful.


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CA list is a joke

Feb 10, 2005, 8:12pm
Oh no, I've never been ejected by the CA for anything :) It's just
annoying and embarassing when I have to explain to people (as AWNewbie
CT) that they were ejected from AWNewbie for giving a file URL with .exe
in it...


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I can't believe I actually got one of these 0_o

Feb 11, 2005, 7:57pm
Being the evil guy that I am, I would have replied with a fake CC # etc
just to waste their time since they wasted mine :)


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AW's lighting upside-down?

Feb 26, 2005, 12:25am
AW sure has been having some bizarre weather patterns lately, so to
speak. Maybe you ought to use that prize world you won and build in
there so the lighting is to your exact specifications ...you could
always use the Alphaworld path then port your builds back later.


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Mar 5, 2005, 2:41am
The AWNewbie website has a library of masks:



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Mar 31, 2005, 6:57pm
I wonder why it posted my name like that? Oops..I found a bug. Sorry.


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Mar 31, 2005, 7:12pm
Because I have received telegrams concerning this, I would like to make
it very clear that I am NOT the author of the following statement:

[View Quote] Ry is citizen 323710.
I am citizen 323279.

I have telegrammed Ry and asked him not to use my citname in his signature.

I apologize if anyone thought the above comment was from me.

Ryan / #323279

Personal avatars

Aug 10, 2005, 7:05pm
Here's an idea. Give the moderating power to the users. If someone has a
personal av you don't like, you can block the av just like you can mute
someone who trash talks. Or, if you don't want to see custom avs at all,
you can block that option too like anything else. Then we don't need a
committee to screen avatars, as the entire AW community at large will
become the screeners.


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A little bit too far (AWGate Woes)

Jan 1, 2006, 4:21pm
Having lived in various parts of the US, the only place I've noticed
that "hell" was considered to be a curse word was in rural Alabama. It's
really quite ridiculous.

I think hell is a funny word personally :) I tried in the middle of
saying it once to change to "heck" but it came out as "helk" :)

- Ryan

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From A Distance

Jan 29, 2006, 12:50am
Hello AW Community,

I have not imagined myself posting to the NGs like this, but after
considering posting I have decided to go ahead and do so. This is not
going to be a rant, but more of an announcement and an explanation: A
lot of people have posted "I am leaving AW and this is why" posts. It is
now my turn to do so - except I'm not leaving AW entirely.

Since 2000, I have been involved in a myriad of community groups
including: PKs, AWTeen, AWNewbie, AWSchool, AWUniversity, AWEC, VWTV,
and many others with great success. Yet, I have found that within the
past couple of years, my enjoyment in AW community groups has sharply
decreased over time. I go on AW only to met with demands and attention
for my time and it no longer seems to be a good use of my time - it's
not fun or worthwhile for me anymore.

Perhaps one reason is because my perceptions about the community or the
community itself has changed. I am not one to rail against progress, but
I just don't see any progress - real or imagined. I see people,
including myself, pouring out their souls on to a community that is
virtual and non-tangible and will ultimately end up being vain. Or
perhaps I'm just burnt out for good and can't take it anymore.

I have met so many people through my various positions in AW and most
of the time my experiences have been positive. But yet, so many times
have these experiences have been negative, frustrating, and difficult. I
think it is time for me to finally step down and move on.

One of the groups I am involved with, AWNewbie, is a special case. I
cannot simply resign from it - as I'm the caretaker of AWNewbie. Being
inextricably bound to it, I will remain in AWNewbie to assist my
successor in how to run things. That being said, if you are interested
in being in charge of AWNewbie, please telegram me in-world. I must give
you some warnings, however: 1) AWNewbie WatchKeepers are dying out.
There is very little activity there and things will probably have to be
started over from scratch. This will require a LOT of dedication and
passion. 2) Nearly everyone who will telegram me will probably be
rejected. Being a CT is very demanding as far as AW positions go and I
feel compelled to find someone who is qualified and mature after I've
worked so hard on AWNewbie in the past. 3) Being a CT isn't fun. Having
"power" just means headaches. I am being completely honest here. 4) I
strongly recommend that only adults telegram me to ask about being
AWNewbie CT. Someone younger could do it, but that requires a lot of

I know a lot of people have put in a lot of time to AWNewbie and I feel
bad for having to make this decision, but it's in my best interest and
the best interest of the world. I have given you the hard facts about
the reality of being a CT, so if anyone out there is still interested
and still has that passion and that energy for AW - please contact me.

If I cannot find anyone that I feel can handle being AWNewbie CT, I
suppose I will have to stay on as CT. Yet, I know there has to be
someone out there who can do a much better job than I can.

Sincerely and wearily,
Ryan (#323279)
AWNewbie Caretaker

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