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MFC bot

Nov 23, 2003, 11:14pm

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New Weather script for xelagot

Jan 22, 2004, 9:39am
"Oh and of course the skybox changes to match the time of
> day."

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Weather script for Xelagot

Jan 31, 2004, 10:07am
Awesome ^_^

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Xelagot 3.500 available

Apr 5, 2004, 6:01pm
You have a lot of good stuff too and you keep it up to date o_O

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Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 14, 2004, 9:39am
Read up...

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Caretaker recognition...

Jun 17, 2004, 6:38pm

After your citizen number in the login textbox put a comma and his citizen
number. He will become a first owner. You don't need to have his ppw to log
the bot in.

i.e. where it says login if your citnum is 123456 and his is 234567

type '123456,234567' and all you need in the password box is the first
citnum's ppw

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Bingo bot...

Jul 25, 2004, 11:29am

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Jan 3, 2004, 1:36am

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Jun 25, 2003, 10:24am
I agree heh

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Cell capacity

Jun 27, 2003, 9:57am
That's a great idea! I never thought of that, but it would help so much. At
least you would know how much cell space you have left to build in --
especially in worlds with a small cell space. >.<


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Down Control

Jun 27, 2003, 2:58pm
I'd at least like if we could set download priorities somehow... so the
floor right below you downloads first or something.. I'd want it an option

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Create Sound [URL] Update=[TIME]

Jun 29, 2003, 11:51pm
This would be useful for "DJ"ing in AW possibly.

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avatar attachable objects

Jun 30, 2003, 8:06pm
Well if they were OBJECTS you were attaching you could always use create
light (I think there's some sort of a spotlight effect, although I forgot
what it is heh) ;P

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Cloud Shadows

Jul 2, 2003, 8:54pm
It would lag if the browser had to animate/draw shadows X_X, part of the
reason objects don't have shadows now. If you think AW is slow now, wait for
them to add shadows. LOL

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Cloud Shadows

Jul 3, 2003, 9:56am
I meant NOW as in AWI could have put in shadows a long time ago and they're
not in this version or any previous versions. Unfortunately you can't hear
stressing of words online =\

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minimum visibility

Jul 6, 2003, 9:46pm
In certain worlds you can see through builds... if you're in a paintball
world 30 as minimum visibility is extremely stupid. You kill people who are
inside buildings (or on the other side of buildings) from the other side of
a wall. That's not fair O_O...
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minimum visibility

Jul 7, 2003, 10:00am
Yes, but in third person you have to turn around and move right up to the
build... if someone has an invisible walls on their side of the build most
of the time they can shoot you before you get to them... especially if they
make their ceiling really low >=D. The thing is you can shoot them from far
away ALSO while they are inside a building with no windows at all, which is
extremely unfair.

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minimum visibility

Jul 8, 2003, 1:31am
Yes, if it's none game I agree.

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minimum visibility

Jul 11, 2003, 10:22am
But also as he said up there, you can easily go into 3rd person view and
look around lol....

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Hotkey to toggle precise movement on and off.

Jul 16, 2003, 10:37am
A hotkey to toggle precise movement on and off would be nice instead of
having to open the menu and stuff =\

Hotkey to toggle precise movement on and off.

Jul 17, 2003, 10:43am
That is not precise movement... that locks you in place lol. That's more of
an "Emergency Break" when precise movement isn't on. =)

Avatar tuts...

Jul 30, 2003, 7:20pm
http://ts.oriox.com/ I think



Aug 2, 2003, 10:18pm
Flash movies would be awesome, but I would reccomend that they have to be on
the server as people could post trojans and such :O

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Some General Improvements

Oct 24, 2003, 5:20pm
1. Full Screen Mode - I agree completely, there should definately be a full
screen mode. I have to make it full screen by messing with my monitor size!
Talk about pain in the ass. (Yes, I need the best view of AW I can get!)
Chat would be in the top left (movable/transparent window) and typing would
be when you push enter or T or something... like in most other MMOG. Crazy
pills idea is good also. ("heres a pic (attached file)..." posted on
8/10/2003 at 18:57)

2. Better instant messaging features: Yep

3. Stand Alone AW Messenger: Yes!

4. Mirrors (camera views): Would be cool, but not necessary for anything...

5. Streaming Video/Audio walls: I liked this idea also, but from what I
heard mpg/jpg etc are copyrighted. i.e. AW would have to pay to use all this
crap. There's also the problem of viruses/mpgs that popup the stupid I.E.

6. Custom avatars: I agree with the potato head idea, but completely custom
avatars could have viruses/malicious code also.

7. Scripted Animations: Very good idea. AW is going to put something like
this in 3.5 I heard.

8. Better Coloring : Definately. I don't know hex for colors out of the

9. Revamped Building Box: I guess, but that takes the fun out of knowing you
know more than other people. Personally I like the way it is now, tabs would
be nice though. Preview is definately a good idea, along with list of

10. Folder Views for Worlds List: Custom world list? I guess, but a world
would have to be allowed to be in multiple categories. Contact groups should
be added though.

11. Shadows and Dynamic Lighting! This would be awesome, but again, people
without high-end computers can't do this. AW is laggy enough as it is.

12. Some Physics Please: You can't even drive cars or boats yet...

13. Weather/Particle Effects: There's sort of the problem of people in AW
who built desert builds getting snowed on... unless it was a terrain option,
this would be pointless. (Unless your're in an RPG world -- which than it
can be a world option.)

14. Better visibility management: Yeah, things should more fade-in to view.

15. Support for *Game Keys* : YES! I hate changing keys for paintball and
RPG's every time I enter them, than having to change them back when I leave
the world.

16. Ability to have private chatwindows in each world (chatrooms).

17. Speaking of chat... : How about the ability to initiate VOICE and VIDEO
chat between people on the contact list!? This can't be that hard to do,
even microsoft's done it (netmeeting lol).

18. AW Plugins: There's a problem of hackers. AW has enough as it is. If
mutation started handing out plugins, people would just modify their stats.
These plugins would have to be non-stat related. But otherwise, good idea.

19. Desktop Integration: GREAT idea! I've seen 3DNA and I love it. It would
be cool if you could display pictures, videos, etc. Streaming video/audio
(they're connected directly to your computer)

20. Gamma Correction: Yes. We definately need gamma correction. My dad
hate's me messing with his monitor every time I go on AW heh.

Some General Improvements

Dec 17, 2003, 8:23pm
I meant the textures for the avatars. Also who says you can't make an avatar
that will crash everyone's computers? 1000000000000000000000000 poly's or

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Oct 26, 2003, 2:39pm
Robby has some Truespace tutorials... http://3d.oriox.com/ go to Modeling


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Voice Chat

Nov 3, 2003, 9:52pm
That would be hot, I'm in There also, and voice chat is a VERY useful and
cool thing. Nice to be able to talk to people by voice. I also think this
would be useful to implement into AW (Shoutcast too).

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Voice Chat

Nov 4, 2003, 8:41am
Hmmm I see where your coming from. Maybe AW should catch up to current times
with IM's etc. I think the GUI should be re-designed to look cooler. A lot
of the newer games use XML for their GUI's. It would be cool. (Even
WindowsXP uses XML for it's GUI lol...)

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Skinnable Avatars

Nov 8, 2003, 10:53am
It would be nice if it was possible to have skinnable avatars. Two avatars
that you can choose from the avlist, are added as Custom-1 and Custom-2 on
the av list. When you do this, you get a texture map of the avatar which you
can edit to how you want the av to look. When you use this avatar, everyone
around you would download the jpg texture map only and it would be applied
to your avatar. This wouldn't take a lot of bandwith, and should be pretty
much virus free... (it's just a jpg image...) maybe have AW upload them to
their servers (and virus check them)?
I realise the possibility of *NC-17* rated avatars, but in this case,
possibly have a caretaker, or someone with eject/ps approve the texture
before it's even used in the world.
There would be an option in the user's features also to disable
downloading of custom avatar textures -- so you don't have to see other
people's custom avatars. In this case you'd just see the avatar as it is on
the OP. World owners can disable this option too for their worlds. There'd
have to be some way to check if the avatar was update as you have to delete
your cache now every time they are changed... maybe have something check the
"last modified" date on the avatar.


Skinnable Avatars

Nov 9, 2003, 3:28pm
Don't get it.

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