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[Bug Update - Repost to beta: 481] Sliding/Collision performance

Apr 27, 2003, 3:35pm
A quick intall of 3.3 and a repeat of the same tests gives the same results.
IOW, this has nothing to do with 3.4 specifically.. whatever the problem is,
it most likely comes from an original botched sliding implementation that
has not been altered in 3.4.

(as a note to those complaining about sliding in 3.4 being unreliable on
terrain, try 3.3... it's even worse.)

[481 bug] Jumping 25m out of water with gravity = 1

Apr 28, 2003, 1:09am
Many of you probably noticed how you can come leaping out of the water by
swimming up at high speed. This behaviour, while somewhat unrealistic, is
fun and, IMO, perfectly fine. However, if you try doing this while holding
the jump key (ctrl+swim upwards+jump) You can find yourself leaping all the
way up to 25m or so above the water. Don't know if this is intentional or


[481 bug] Jumping 25m out of water with gravity = 1

Apr 28, 2003, 4:10pm
Nope, both grav settings are 1.0 (default I believe). Jumping from ground
takes you up the normal ~1 meter.

What I'm doing is, using mouselook to swim straight up (almost - about a 75
degree angle) while holding cntrl. That works fine, making you jump ~6
meters out of water. However, if you also hold the jump key while doing this
(start deep under the water.. in this case, 6 meters) you end up about 26
meters above water level. Works every time for me.

Build 481
Athlon XP 2100+
512 mb PC2700 DDR
GeForce4 Ti 4400 128MB (latest ref drivers)
SBAudigy 2
Windows XP, DirectX 9

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[481 bug] Jumping 25m out of water with gravity = 1

Apr 28, 2003, 4:10pm
Oh, and it's 'proxima' where I've been seeing this.

Re: Slowdowns when sliding against walls

Apr 28, 2003, 8:56pm
GeForce4 Ti 4400 128mb running latest ref (43.45) with DirectX9 on a WinXP
logging is off. I often get a drop of 30FPS+ (usually more unless the FPS is
low - the amount lost seems to be dependent on the starting FPS, thus why
software mode does not show this issue)

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[481 bug] Water rendering stops before fog distance

Apr 30, 2003, 4:11am
I've found that the water often stops rendering before the point where it
would be fully fogged, by about 10m. Walk a bit further and it appears
properly... continue, and for a period the water will be cut off until it
loads the next (10m?) line.
Simple solution would be to render one more distant line of water tiles than
the fog max setting.

Beta Signup

May 7, 2003, 12:03am
If you mean how do you register for the NEXT beta, then you wait until
they're taking requests. I don't recommend doing it right now, that would be
a sure way to *not* get in.

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Looking for world/bot host

Jun 29, 2003, 9:59pm
I'm looking for a world/bot hosting service for my world Proxima and the bot
which runs in it. It's a P-40 with 10 users limit. The bot is for a FPS
(first-person-shooter)/RPG hybrid. It is currently a beta version, and so I
would hope to be able to continually update it (at least one new build a day
I'd imagine).

Needs to be something professional, no hosting from a home PC with DSL.
Unless it's a really nice home PC with really fast DSL. =D



Jul 6, 2003, 9:02pm
Name for me one human being who is not totally insane.

Actually, skip that. There's no such thing.

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Armys of flying monkeys...

Sep 2, 2003, 4:57pm
Thou hath called me forth by using the secret codephrase, "flying monkeys."
A common occurance in internet groups such as this is people ignoring the
meat of your posts to complain about something, don't be too upset over it.

Your idea seems similar to the project I am currently working on (though
also a good bit different).

Proxima is a game world I've been developing (and keeping a bit of a secret)
for some time. The concept, currently, is that a number of teams (there are
11 distinct teams at the moment) battle for control of different properties
in a world. Combat is done "paintball" style (though I am not particularly
happy with that nomenclature) with intensive RPG elements. There are also
significant strategy elements, created by the team-based environment with
RPG-like player generated characters as well as extensive Engineer skills
(including the construction and repair of simple structures, generators,
manned or remote turrets, etc).

Underlying all the FPS/RTS elements (ahem, for non-gamers that would be
First Person Shooter/Real-Time Strategy) is a complex system of stats,
vitals, and skills, as well as various inventories (one for each: items,
construction materials, ammunition, keys). A full-scale worldwide economy is
the lowest-level, generally most critical portion of the game.

Each player has a rating with their faction, based on their accomplishments
so far. When this ranking is high enough, you become capable of creating a
group for better coordinating your actions (as well as receiving bonus exp).
You also receive higher pay from your faction. Future versions will feature
an even higher level of command ability, which allows you to assign specific
missions to a player/group once your faction ranking has become very high.

The game features a wide array of weapons, armor, ammunition, and psionic
attacks. Explosive radius damage is fully functional, as are weapon
side-effects (explosives will light you on fire should you survive the
initial blast, for example).

The new AW_AVATAR_STATE has been very helpful in adding falling damage, as
well as drowning damage, making the environmental interaction somewhat more

Controling a property gives your faction income (or expenses, as the case
may be with some properties). Also, many machines that engineers can
construct can convert materials (such as metal, wood, etc) directly into
money, assuming someone supplies these machines with the materials they
need. Some machines also produce power, which other machines (mostly gun
turrets) require in order to remain functional.

All objects in the world are destructable, with unique strength and material
properties (you cannot damage metal with normal bullets, for example - you
will need to use an Ion Slug weapon or higher to do any noticable damage).

No doubt, I am missing many things in this simple description - it is
becoming difficult to recall all of the features in the game at this point
(example: I forgot that you can rent homes/appartments, a feature which, for
some reason, has rarely been found in any of the most popular MMORPGs after
Ultima Online).

While most of the code is, at this point, stable and complete, the world
development itself is still heavily underway. http://proxima.uni.cc/ is the
official site, however it currently lacks detailed game information. I hope
to fix this problem shortly.


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Temporary Closure of Proxima

Oct 7, 2003, 2:38pm
I'd just like to let everyone know that these issues have been dealt with,
and Proxima is once again open to the public.

For anyone who may be interested, I would like to describe the problem we
were having:
A number of "blank" objects had appeared in the world, primarily
concentrated around GZ. These objects had a 0 value for all attributes,
including owner. Loading a large number of these objects in the browser
would result in an always-fatal glitch. For the moment, I have solved the
problem by simply adding a hack to delete any object with an invalid "owner"
attribute, however I am quite curious how such data could come to exist to
begin with (my hypothesis is that aw_object_load () allows one to input any
data, even *bad* data, which can potentially crash the browser... IMO the
server should be checking for these sorts of potential bad data).

While I am unable to confirm this, I believe these "invisible objects"
(which did not even display a missing obj triangle) were also responsible
for severe performance degradation which has been reported near Proxima GZ
lately, and request that anyone who had been experiencing such issues
compare their previous performance with current, and report findings to me
should there prove to be any change.

On a related note, Proxima's game controller has just been converted to a
dynamic memory system, which should result in better overall performance.
World expansion is the current project goal, and as such a number of new
weapons, NPCs, turrets, shops, properties, factions, etc. will be appearing
over the next couple days. Also, look for a detailed manual quite soon.


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PROXIMA Object/Texture Design Services Open for Business

Oct 29, 2003, 10:04pm
The creators of the P R O X I M A RPG are now offering custom object design
services. We will build models and textures for your AW environment based on
your specifications, for any theme, and the decision to buy is not made
until after the project is completed and seen by the purchaser.

The web site is available at:

Our stated rate is USD$10.00/hour, however many objects can be expected to
cost as little as a few dollars, depending on the level of difficulty and
time taken. For details, read the information available at the official
site, contact UberMonkey (35850) in AW, or send email to:
ubermonkey at -NOSPAM-REMOVE-wcalliance.com

The first customers will receive free bonus objects from the Proxima object

We will soon be offering pre-made object packs at highly reduced rates, so
check back.

P R O X I M A RPG Team

3.5 is out

Jan 29, 2004, 9:52pm
That might not be quite how I'd express it, but I generally agree; 3.5
brings us little and takes away from our framerates.

I'm not impressed by a new toolbar, to say the least, nor am I particularly
fond of the lack of CPU scaling options. Let me get my complaint clear: It's
not that I dislike the CPU scaler feature, it's great for laptops and
multitasking, but I absolutely DESPISE the lack of an option to turn it off
or make it less severe. There are circumstances where you may wish to allow
AW to have all the CPU it can handle, and now there is no way to do that.


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My main concern is lack of WSAD keys!

Feb 4, 2004, 10:19pm
Just use mouselook mode, bind your move commands to WASD, and use enter
whenever you want to talk (and middle mouse to switch out for buliding)...
works quite well for me, and I'm an FPS addict.


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Regarding Wine Parties/Grape Stomp Parties in AW

Feb 9, 2004, 3:54am
Amen brother!

(not winning any friends here today, no doubt)

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I would like to admit something shameful in public too.

May 9, 2004, 6:12pm
I hate to have to bring this difficult topic up in a public forum, but I
feel that, since we're all discussing and sharing our personal secrets, I
need to come clean too.

I'm not really a monkey.

I know, I know -- for the past eight years, I've been letting everyone I
knew in AW believe I was in fact a monkey -- an ape to be specific -- which,
through complex genetic tampering, had become capable of communicating using
a rough form of "English" and a computer, and had even learned how to
program through a system of "banana rewards."

Well, it's all lies.

I'm so ashamed.

Uber "Not A Monkey" Monkey.

Funny little AWI Rates Quirk...

Jul 14, 2004, 9:29pm
I'm guessing that, instead of replacing the texture on the avatar itself,
the image itself is simply replaced, meaning that it will update whenever
the next "OP refresh" time comes around on your browser. I do not know what
the refresh time in AW is, nor do I care to check, but I'd hypothesize it's
around a week.

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While we're on social commentary..

Jul 25, 2004, 9:58pm
I'd just like to suggest that, for the sake of social order, everyone in the
world go to a monistary and live as a monk. This way, we won't have any
decent reasons to fight anymore. ...... and I can have all your stuff.

While we're on social commentary..

Jul 26, 2004, 6:42pm
Don't be silly. Once everyone in the world has taken a vow to renounce
material goods (and promptly shipped said material goods to me (see shipping
address below)), I'll simply use the world's combined technology to start an
advanced cloning lab, where I will continue the evolution of the human race
into the form which gawd himself intended: giant bipedal space crabs with
mounted fusion lasers capable of long-range interstellar exploration. Also,
my name isn't Mark, but you're welcome to call me that if you prefer.

Send your evil material possessions to:
MonkeyCorp Laboritories
667 Mad Scientist Blvd.
An Oil Rig in the Pacific Ocean, CA

No more radioactive scorpions, please. We're already over-stocked.

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While we're on social commentary..

Jul 27, 2004, 3:06am
Yes, regular scorpions are fine. We're still about 3 million short of
capacity there.

Right, I'll stop the nonsense now. ;)

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Old Timer's Day Aug. 27 and 28

Aug 16, 2004, 10:36am
I don't mean to be unpleasant, but move on. Does anyone care about the loss
of 3k of bandwidth anymore? Most of us have the stuff coming out the
proverbial wazoo. I mean, come on, find something better to complain about,
eh? Newsgroups are an antique technology as is, I don't think a little bold
tag is really worthy of a rant. Had this post been filled with flashing
images, javascript functions, perhaps the random access to someone's SQL
database, and a shockwave flash animation, *that* would be worthy of
complaint, but really..

[View Quote]

Somewhat proof of 9/11 was somewhat lies, the FBI lies, and Bush lies..

Sep 4, 2004, 7:23am
IMO the real conspiracy here is why *weren't* the planes shot down? I don't
care how bad that looks to the public, or how inhuman this may sound; when a
potentially destructive vehicle of that sort is taken captive it is only
logical to neutralize it. Had the planes simply been shot down, the death
totals would have been in the hundreds instead of thousands. No one can
argue (well, you can if you want, but you'll just look silly) that the scale
of the tragedy hasn't been a factor in pushing us to war, which, for the
military sector of the economy, is a blessing. And don't tell me there
wasn't time to react, that's total BS. You know the instant a plane is off
its flight path. You contact them, then send military escort/intercept if
there's no response.

Our Airforce cannot possibly be *that* inept, can they? Either the military
is so incompetent they wouldn't effectively fend off an attack by a crippled
95 year old Nazi air commander flying an antique 1940's bomber loaded with
surplus soviet nukes, or they were ordered to allow those planes to hit
their targets. If the first is true, be vary scared, because anyone with a
few million dollars could kill us all tomorrow, and as such at least be
thankful someone exposed our terrible weakness without dropping "the bomb"
in the process. If the second, be equally scared, because your government
could allow you to be killed tomorrow as a martyr without your consent. If
there's a third option here, I don't see it, and I don't count "but we
couldn't shoot down our own planes." This isn't conspiracy theory, this is
logic. If I'm wrong, then prove me wrong *logically.*


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OT: Water Campaign

Apr 10, 2005, 6:57pm
That's a rather bold statement to make from your particular intellectual
perspective. Perhaps you should look into it a bit before making completely
unfounded jumps of logic, eh? If you don't care enough to find out what
something is actually about, then for fuck's sake don't bother the rest of
us with your half-baked opinion in public.

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 2:29am
Ahem, if I may please mark this thread for immediate nukage? I hope my
stepping in with this little gem will be more than enough to close this one

My "moma" taught me far better; she taught me to always speak the truth, no
matter what others will think.

Cover your eyes if you're sensitive to filth. This is the image which came
to my mind when I read the original post, so you may consider ORB to blame
for pointing our collective attention in this direction and bro to blame for
"me too"ing. Many of you may be thinking it, so I will express it. I'll try
to be gentle.

Imagine, if you will, being forcefully taken from your home by armed police
to a medical facility where fishing hooks are placed through the skin and
outter skeletal muscles of your shoulders and arms. Now imagine the same
done to your legs and each toe. Wires will now be attached to each hook,
which will be used to suspend you from the ceiling while minor exploratory
incisions are placed strategically along your stomach, the intention being
to cause maximum discomfort with minimal bleeding. At your convenience, your
eyes may be cauterized, much like in the third installment of the Matrix.
Perhaps at a later point, chunks of flesh will be removed by red hot knives,
sealing the bleeding wounds instantly and allowing you to endure. Dangerous
levels of stimulants will be used to keep you conscious throughout the
proceedure. Your mental tolerance for pain and sensory overload will be
tested by extreme temperature and pressure variations. Various levels of
sound will be used to obliterate the functionality of your ears in the most
excruciating manner possible. When the proceedure is over, experimental
medical technology will be used to attempt to heal as much of the damage as
possible. Your genetic structure may be altered to experiment with limb
regrowth, faster healing rates, and reduced reaction to pain. You will live
out your remaining days as a laboratory experiment.

The data collected from the proceedure will be invaluable to our future,
utopian society. It is unfortunate that you could not participate more..

Welcome to the world of the Fourth Reich. Morality over life. Justice over
freedom. Society over humanity. There will be no use of the Forbidden Words
in our perfect nation

How does "fuck" look to you now? Does it twist your soul, remind you that
you are a biological, sexual creature by nature, not a clean, sterile ghost?
Does this cause you pain?

My curiousity is honest. We should begin exposure experiments immediately...

How dare you trivialize the issue at hand. Come to me in person, look me in
the eyes, and tell me that I'm wrong; tell me that use of appropriate
language is more important than the death of a friend. Read very slowly,
because I really mean this.. fuck you very, very hard with a large, dead
rat. Can you form that image in your mind? Just take a moment and picture
it. The rat goes into your *anus,* in case you're confused. It's been dead
for at least a few days. This is how much you SICKEN ME, yet I still hope
you get the help you need.

I hope this post gets me banned from here forever. That would be fantastic;
I'd never have to hear whatever witless reply you put together.

-Enraged Monkey

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 2:34am
[View Quote] A quote from Wendell Willkie about good manners to support ORB's twisted
point? Yes, that's exactly what we need to get the morality sorted out here.
Holy Jesus-fucking son of Satan's second cousin, batman! We're lucky he
lost. Try putting up pleasantly with my manners, let's see how long you can
do it.

> -----
> PS - I'm a female. *s*
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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 2:36am
Hurray for sanity, I'm glad there's some out there.

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 2:37am
Wow, I -- seriously, I would only pop back in here and post this for a good
reason, okay, so listen well. If you want to question my scientific backing
on this matter, we can discuss that at great length, however I doubt this
will be the case. I am not a psychiatrist -- my studies are in biological
psychology and neurology; I am not properly trained to.. express this to you
gently, nor do I desire to.

What you've just posted, this opinion of yours, is to me the most personal
and aggressive attack I have ever heard within civilized society. You have
just assaulted the very core of the human being. This has nothing to do with
Strike; I have no feelings one way or the other towards him nor do I care
whether or not he is put in charge of the CY awards.

What you have said so brutally expresses the mentality of the truly
oblivious to life that I would suggest you take it straight to a
psychiatrist -- I am not joking; this is not intended to amuse anyone in
these forums, nor directly insult you, however you require serious
psychological assistance. I would personally *pay for this medical service,*
if it were requested of me in good faith, not as a method of disproof.

You have used a slip in a human being's socialized behavior circuits during
a time of extreme emotional stress, possibly even crisis, as a method for
constructing a personal attack. Worse yet, it could be said that you have
taken advantage of the death of someone's friend to slander them! In certain
legal scenarios, this type of action would be enough to suggest motive for
murder. Certainly I am stretching the scenario quite a bit, scaling it up by
some large degree when I suggest such outlandish legal possibilites, however
the comparison is clear. Either you have a direct, personal grudge against
Mark and are using this event to rally support (and be certain, it will
*not* work; people may be primitive at times, but most of us have evolved
far beyond such petty trickery), or you actually are so morally warped that
you find profanity to be a more serious concern than the death of a friend!
Is this true? Are you so shallow as a human being?! Tell me it is an
unfunny, warped joke!!

[View Quote] Heartless beast. If you wish to attack him on the grounds that he is not fit
to run the CY awards, then do so without deception! That is the only way you
will be taken seriously!

-Enraged Monkey

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 2:54am
But you can't reply in context either, can you? You simply divert the
subject and smile; it's entirely artificial. Tell me, why is proper language
more important than the real matters of humanity, you fucktard?

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 3:00am
That's not the point. If you want to bring up that matter, you do not use
this sort of instance to do so. Let your points stand on their own merits,
whatever those may be. I personally have no concern about the CY awards, a
sham as they are, or who is in charge of them, so don't think my opinion is
biased by that issue.

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What makes a word bad?

Jul 23, 2005, 1:32pm
I was in Salt Lake City for a portion of this week. It was, on average,
about 105 every day, sometimes a bit higher. Brush on the hills was
literally randomly exploding into flames on some days, homeless people were
falling over in the middle of the street. Crazy stuff.

However now that I've returned home, I will proceed to do the "I live in the
land without seasons" dance. What that looks like, you can decide for
yourselves. There may be peanuts involved. O_O

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