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RWX browser/modeler

Mar 23, 2003, 11:47am
I already had some talks with the owner of that program some months ago (a
french program by the way) he was ok to add the RWX support at first, then
he gave up on the idea.
Unfortunately :(

"slipaway" <mark at nextechcom.com> a écrit
news:3e7d7aa4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> I'm looking for a program to view/browse local RWX files. Would it be
> possible to create a "rwx" plugin for the P3dO browser to support Active
> World RWX files?
> http://www.senosoft.com/softp3do.php

RWX browser/modeler

Mar 25, 2003, 10:05am
I am not sure that the problem is about Yarp's competences.
In my opinion, it is more because of the leak of requests.
The RWX format is not known and he might think it is not worth the work.

I invited him to take a look at this thread, let's hope that he will

"slipaway" <mark at nextechcom.com> a écrit
news:3e7f8a6c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Katrine,
> Yeah, I don't think Yarp is familiar with the AW .rwx file standard.
> Maybe we can get some of the guys (Ananas, and Andras) to help him?
> If he could add AW's .rwx support, that would be awesome!
> It would make a great file browser for viewing local files, and
> viewing .jpg, .gif, .cob, and .rwx files locally on your machine. It
> supports EVERYTHING, including 3D Studio, TrueSpace/Caligari objects
> (COB) files, Bryce files, and "The Sims" files. Now if we could only
> convince him to add AW's .rwx support.
> Here is a list of all the file types this browser currently supports:
> http://www.senosoft.com/softp3doFileFormat.php
> Everyone, please drop Yarp an E-mail, (yarp at senosoft.com) and ask him
> to support the AW .rwx file type!
> Mark
[View Quote]

RWX browser/modeler

Mar 23, 2003, 11:47am
I already had some talks with the owner of that program some months ago (a
french program by the way) he was ok to add the RWX support at first, then
he gave up on the idea.
Unfortunately :(

"slipaway" <mark at nextechcom.com> a écrit
news:3e7d7aa4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> I'm looking for a program to view/browse local RWX files. Would it be
> possible to create a "rwx" plugin for the P3dO browser to support Active
> World RWX files?
> http://www.senosoft.com/softp3do.php

RWX browser/modeler

Mar 25, 2003, 10:05am
I am not sure that the problem is about Yarp's competences.
In my opinion, it is more because of the leak of requests.
The RWX format is not known and he might think it is not worth the work.

I invited him to take a look at this thread, let's hope that he will

"slipaway" <mark at nextechcom.com> a écrit
news:3e7f8a6c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Katrine,
> Yeah, I don't think Yarp is familiar with the AW .rwx file standard.
> Maybe we can get some of the guys (Ananas, and Andras) to help him?
> If he could add AW's .rwx support, that would be awesome!
> It would make a great file browser for viewing local files, and
> viewing .jpg, .gif, .cob, and .rwx files locally on your machine. It
> supports EVERYTHING, including 3D Studio, TrueSpace/Caligari objects
> (COB) files, Bryce files, and "The Sims" files. Now if we could only
> convince him to add AW's .rwx support.
> Here is a list of all the file types this browser currently supports:
> http://www.senosoft.com/softp3doFileFormat.php
> Everyone, please drop Yarp an E-mail, (yarp at senosoft.com) and ask him
> to support the AW .rwx file type!
> Mark
[View Quote]

Xelagot 3.4 official release (with Trivia Bot)

Jul 7, 2003, 4:20pm
Merci beaucoup pour tout ton excellentissime travail, Xelag !

"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> a écrit
news:2mkhgv4dfv9kfefqs1dg8qksjd20ghquh8 at 4ax.com:

> I'm proud to present the 'final' version of Xelagots X1, Av99Bot and
> SrvcXlgBot in their 3.4 functionality. Out of beta at last with
> version 3.419 (SDK 32)!
> This release is dedicated to HamFon and to Roland Vilett. HamFon
> opened the way for bots way back in 1998 with his Hambots. Roland
> Vilett later systematised their functioning in AW in the first AW SDK.
> To make this release more festive, I have enhanced Xelagots with
> trivia code, inspired by HamFon's well known TriviaBot. HamFon sent
> me many trivia question files for this release, which can be used by
> Xelagots (they are compatible) and are available for download. Verbal
> Commands and Action Script statements have been added.
> Please visit the Xelagot's What's New page at
> http://www.imatowns.com/xelagot/xlgwhatsnew.html
> for more information. The Xelagot home page is at
> http://www.imatowns.com/xelagot/
> Enjoy,
> Alex

Annual wish, bis repetita

Nov 29, 1999, 10:59pm
Dear COF

For Christmas i would like exactly the same as last year for the next aw
Because you didn't made it, that's it.

- possibility to thread the teleports
- possibility to thread the telegrams
- possibility to thread the contact list

And if you are feeling very well, in option i would like the browser to be
able to keep the outgoing telegrams and to be also able to filter it (like
mute in chat)

N/m, just dreaming ;)


fractional coordinates and facing direction in degrees

Jun 9, 2002, 9:00am
Even easier:
"remember" the location,right click on the remebered location then on
"teleport" in the context menu and copy-paste.

"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in news:3D02D72C.FFA322C4 at oct31.de:

> Maybe it it helps to "remember" the location and then
> copy the coordinates from "teleports.txt"
[View Quote]

Expiration date & flash bug

Aug 17, 2002, 12:39pm
A few wishes:

- the world expiration date to be back in the world.log when the world
server starts

- and a bug (?) to be fixed : when an other window moves to the foreground,
my AW screen "flashes" for a second.

Expiration date & flash bug

Aug 17, 2002, 6:36pm
"kristy8963147" <bluemoon8963 at hotmail.com> wrote :

> The flashing thing isn't a bug. When another window opens AW fights to
> be in the foreground but the other one ususally stays there.
[View Quote] Actually it's not only when another windows opens. My e-mail client's
window is reduced, and I have that flash anytime when my e-mail is being
checked, eventhough this is a background process.
It appeared in the first V3.3 release.
Maybe it's not a bug, but it is a bit bothering.

Personal Light

Sep 1, 2002, 2:10pm
In the same thinking, it would be great and it would allow even more
features, if we could assign a "create name" inside of a RWX (including
avatars of course).

Object Properties Dialog Window

Sep 4, 2002, 8:35am
If this is not possible, reducing the size of the build box would already
be great.
Like splitting the row of icons in two rows for example.

"talisan" <wardaor at hotmail.com> a écrit
news:3d7501b0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> For years now, the Object Properties window has been bugging the
> kajibee's out of me, always having to move it out of the way, and then
> having to move it again, and again. :P When the new AWB3.3 came out
> the Object Properties window got bigger... ACK! It does get in the
> way more often now.

More rights options

Oct 7, 2002, 4:57pm
Builder A has a lot on a world, builder B has another lot in the same
I wish a way to disallow builder B to select builder A's objects.
And vice versa.

Same thing for flying and pass thru would also be very handy sometimes.

More rights options

Oct 7, 2002, 6:44pm
It would be handy for example if you would run a game on your world where
you also have builders.
To avoid "cheating" for the game, you need to disallow right click and
sometimes to disallow other features as well.
But to disallow the right click to everybody you need to take away the
build right from your builders.

The point is to disallow the right click on certain areas, for example a
game area,from both builders and non builders.
All that without taking away the build right from builders.

I am sorry if I am not very clear with that post, but I am still suffering
with english language ;(

"linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> a écrit
news:3da1e8cf at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> please explain how this would be handy? this is how many of us shop

More rights options

Oct 8, 2002, 10:45am
"tony m" <ag5v1u7001 at sneakemail.com> a écrit
news:v2f4quca01n230jhp0s8vm9vbjsiaubmgo at 4ax.com:
> People with build rights that have object select off can still
> right-click...

This is exactly my point LOL !
I would like them not to be able to right click on a specific area only,
like a game area, and to keep their right to build (including the right
click of course) everywhere else on the world.

The purpose is not to prevent from "shoping".
The purpose is to prevent from cheating in the game area.

Terrain wishes

Oct 14, 2002, 5:53pm
- multiple cells selection

- double side on/off option for selected cell(s)

- possibility to use masks

(That has probably been asked before? Sorry if that is the case)

Sun Feature

Oct 25, 2002, 12:15pm
A corona texture with black background used as "light source texture"
"light source size": 40
"Draw light source in front": unchecked
"light source glow":checked
No mask needed.

This is the result http://www.ailleurs3d.com/tests/lens.jpg

"equin0x" <xeroer at hotmail.com> a écrit
news:3db0b436 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
[View Quote]

Citizen status in contacts list

Jul 2, 2003, 8:59pm
If I understand correct, the idea is to have something next to the nickname
to say if a citizen has expired.

"ferruccio" <startrek3 at earthlink.net> a écrit
news:3f034ef1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> I mean if you are going to be gone for a few weeks, or a month or so.
> It would be nice having a little info in the contacts list, some
> symbol next to your name that tells the person that you will be gone
> for a long period of time, and you could access a message telling when
> you will be back. I am not talking about minutes and hours, I am
> talking about weeks/months It would also be nice to be able to send a
> telegram to everyone on your contacts list telling them that you will
> be gone, without having to spend a while telegramming each and every
> person

Just for fun (16k) - 1 attachment

Jan 21, 2002, 9:59pm

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You can't make this stuff up...

Aug 10, 2002, 9:06am
Something that also shock me is the "The investigation began in November

> More proof that the internet truly belongs to the freaks...

I am not that pessimistic.
Like for everything, bad actions and more generally bad news are always
reported all around the world, but not the good ones.
That gives everybody the feeling that only bad things happen, which is not

Perfection does not exist?

Sep 3, 2002, 11:43am
I am not sure anymore:


It is very (very!) hard to believe, but it is a 3D character, made with

Perfection does not exist?

Sep 3, 2002, 1:12pm
"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com> a écrit
news:3d74c20e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
Hum.. maybe you noticed that because you knew on forehand that it was a 3d
If you could cross that "woman" in the street, would you have said "not
good uvw" on the eyes ?
Animation is something else.
Anyway I never saw a character so realistic.
But feel free to do better and show it to us if you can :)
Personnaly, I know my limits and I know I would not even get close :(

[View Quote]

Regarding a post seen in the Beta group.

Oct 3, 2002, 6:17pm
I totally agree with JermeL's and Drubi's posts.

I have myself a Voodoo5 and I don't have any bugs with the version 3.3 of
AW, at least not anymore since I upgraded the drivers.

I don't know with your card dion, but for me it is very fast and even
faster with the new beta version.
Besides, I have problems only with AW beta while it is working perfectly in
other applications. That is why I doubt that the card itself is to blame.
I already had to change my Voodoo2 for the 5 when the version 3.0 of AW
came out, and already then, I had to make that change because of AW only.

The advise is to use OpenGL mode, well I don't know for JermeL or other
Voodoo users like you, but for me the navigation goes a lot slower
when using that mode.
When I say "a lot" I mean a lot.
For me, none of the other videomodes are as satisfying as Direct3d8 is.

"dion" <Dion at digevo.net> a écrit
news:3d9ca0e3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> 3DFX tried a new way of rendering 3D graphics that is supposed to be
> faster but since it never caught on and almost no games took advantage
> of the new technology, many of the Voodoo cards are rather useless. I
> have a Voodoo 3 that I got about a year ago. It is very slow compared
> to what I want but it's more than enough to survive on for now.
> Because of the new technology 3DFX tried, I wouldn't expect everything
> to work with the Voodoo series of cards. They work differently than
> most graphics cards and that can cause a lot of problems that only
> occur with Voodoo graphics cards.

Maybe E N Z O could answer?

Feb 12, 2003, 5:54pm
With the tourists plan, they were counting on the addiction of their
customers and they were completely right : even the ones who where at the
first row, yelling so loud in jannuary 2002 (with petitions, tons of posts
here and so on) finally paid for tourist access, giving AW the best reason
in the world to keep that system up.

So unlike you, I don't think that the "morons" are really in the AW team.

In my humble opinion, the AW mistake was more not to have seen the
consequences further in time.

"count dracula" <dracula at netsonic.fi> a écrit
news:3e48e4c6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> I have been wondering what the policy of AW is based on?
> Do you organize competitions of who has the worst ideas and then
> inforce them?
> At several occasion I asked to see the policy, when i had trouble with
> my world name. I never get to see it, the world was just taken away
> from me. But that is not importnat now.
> I would like to hear who came up with the brialliant idea of banning
> tourists in the first place? And what possible could have been the
> arguments for doing this?
> Did it ever occured to this moron that tourists are potential citizens
> read paying customers)?
> Since it looks like AW is slowly killing itself; workers reduced,
> software development is not much to cheer for and the most important
> issue; customers leaving.
> Would it just not be best to close it down and say Fu** it all ! It
> hurts me so much to see something I love suffer and beeing slowly
> killed. I guess it is no use of even trying to give you any advice,
> since only the worst ideas leading to a death of AW is taken in
> consideration.
> Drac

Re: RWX browser/modeler

Mar 25, 2003, 10:05am
I am not sure that the problem is about Yarp's competences.
In my opinion, it is more because of the leak of requests.
The RWX format is not known and he might think it is not worth the work.

I invited him to take a look at this thread, let's hope that he will

"slipaway" <mark at nextechcom.com> a écrit
news:3e7f8a6c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Katrine,
> Yeah, I don't think Yarp is familiar with the AW .rwx file standard.
> Maybe we can get some of the guys (Ananas, and Andras) to help him?
> If he could add AW's .rwx support, that would be awesome!
> It would make a great file browser for viewing local files, and
> viewing .jpg, .gif, .cob, and .rwx files locally on your machine. It
> supports EVERYTHING, including 3D Studio, TrueSpace/Caligari objects
> (COB) files, Bryce files, and "The Sims" files. Now if we could only
> convince him to add AW's .rwx support.
> Here is a list of all the file types this browser currently supports:
> http://www.senosoft.com/softp3doFileFormat.php
> Everyone, please drop Yarp an E-mail, (yarp at senosoft.com) and ask him
> to support the AW .rwx file type!
> Mark
[View Quote]

aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jul 1, 2003, 5:22pm
About 270-300 new citizenships are created each month.
If the number of new citizenships dropped 40-45% right after the 400% price
raise in january 2002, this number is stable since then.
That does not indicate how many are annual or monthly registrations, but

For what I can see, there are about 350 visitors at "rush hours" connected
to the universe.
A bit less than before jannuary 2002, but here also, it is constant.

Enzo and the others are probably doing their best, even if their best is
not always what we consider the best.

There are two points I personally do not agree with :
- The changes in the extra/more simultaneous users that used to be free of
charge (if it was requested like twice a year maximum) are now rated as
5$/day/5 users.
This is not very motivating for organizing special events.
- Nothing in the worlds list to see which worlds are tourist enabled.

Mr Bruce : as long as you will remain a big customer, AWI will care about
I've noticed this when you were saying here that you were about to leave

For the tourists builds deleted, maybe you could try to warn them before
they start for their work might become subject to deletion.
Considering tourists builds as a way to allow them to test and to learn how
to build instead of considering it something that is meant to "stay there"
would probably spare a lot of trouble.

Please read / AW HACKED

Jul 13, 2003, 2:46am
Usually I don't post any chat in public but I feel it's necessary this time
for a serious security issue that concerns everyone.
By serious, I mean serious ! The contents of this world got wiped out

The concerned people actually didn't know that I am working at night and
fortunately I completely forgot to disconnect my bot from Gala world. I
realized it just before to shut down my computer.

Gala is not my world, his owner, JermeL, citnumber 327600, "gave me the
keys" while he is in vacation.

I would have liked to offer that good friend something else than this log
for is birthday !

The world was reset with a completely unknown backup not related to it.
Worlds right were reset as well.
Everything in the world distroyed.

I precise that no privilege passwords were given, I am the only one to have
Gala's owner passwords.
Anyway as they say in this chat log, they don't even need it.

Maybe some of you can identify these people with their connection
session/IP, so I put them as well.

For the rest, this doesn't need further comments, I can only hope for all
of us that AW will do something asap.

(french time zone)
Sun 07/13/03 04:34:24 Gala -1 IDENTIFIED
'[Timmay]' 0 327600
Sun 07/13/03 04:29:54 Gala -1 ENTER 21332
Sun 07/13/03 04:29:54 Gala -1 IDENTIFIED
'"Nora"' 0 0
Sun 07/13/03 04:29:53 Gala -1 ENTER 20981
Sun 07/13/03 04:29:53 Gala -1 IDENTIFIED
'"STA Knight"' 0 0
Sun 07/13/03 04:29:30 -1 CONNECTED
Sun 07/13/03 04:29:30 -1 TUNNEL CONNECT
Sun 07/13/03 04:29:31 -1 CHANNEL OPEN channel=2
Sun 07/13/03 04:29:31 -1 CHANNEL MESSAGE
2 (33 bytes)
Sun 07/13/03 04:29:31 Gala -1 IDENTIFIED
'"DOOMED"' 0 0
Sun 07/13/03 04:30:16 -1 CHANNEL OPEN channel=3
Sun 07/13/03 04:30:16 -1 CHANNEL MESSAGE
3 (33 bytes)
Sun 07/13/03 04:30:16 Gala 0 TERRAIN QUERY 0
0 3320 [0]
Sun 07/13/03 04:30:16 Gala -1 IDENTIFIED
'"Johnny"' 0 0
Sun 07/13/03 04:32:04 -1 CONNECTED
Sun 07/13/03 04:32:04 Gala -1 ENTER 21322
Sun 07/13/03 04:32:05 Gala -1 IDENTIFIED
'"EmporerZ"' 0 0

(vrt time)
00:05:20 VRT: Universe build 39, world build 56
00:05:20 VRT: Global Mode accepted
00:05:20 VRT: GaLa - www.gala-3d.net - 0.000n 0.000w 0.00a
266.0° -
00:20:12 VRT: [Timmay] enters s# 21289 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
00:21:46 VRT: [Timmay] exits s# 21289 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
00:22:20 VRT: [Timmay] enters s# 21312 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
00:22:40 VRT: OldHand exits s# 20025 #351150 at 30.0n 30.0e 0.5a 21
00:22:50 VRT: [Timmay] exits s# 21312 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
00:23:08 VRT: [Timmay] enters s# 21325 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
00:24:42 VRT: M A T T A C K - Yes, you were owned by M a t t. To prevent
future attacks on other worlds E-Mail Bill at Activeworlds.Com so he can try
to stop it but never will be able to!!
00:26:04 VRT: [Timmay] exits s# 21325 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
00:29:07 VRT: "DOOMED" enters s# 21369 at 5.2n 0.7e 1.2a 185
00:29:29 VRT: "STA Knight" enters s# 20981 at 12.1s 13.8e 115.9a 330
00:29:30 VRT: "Nora" enters s# 21332 at 10.5s 12.2e 115.5a 75
"STA Knight": where are we
00:29:53 VRT: "Johnny" enters s# 21258 at 5.2n 0.7e 0.0a 185
"DOOMED": lol
"Johnny": I c
"DOOMED": Too funny
"Johnny": I just love what you did with the place
"Johnny": It feels so ..... opened
"DOOMED": rofl
"Johnny": What do you think Nora ?
"Johnny": Like the remodeling job ?
"Nora": cool
00:31:40 VRT: "EmporerZ" enters s# 21322 at 0.3n 0.0w 0.0a 0
"EmporerZ": /aide
"Johnny": Yep
"EmporerZ": how do i win?
"Nora": *scoot*
00:32:08 VRT: "STA Knight" exits s# 20981 at 7.4n 1.0e -350.0a 352
"Johnny": Get us a ppw
00:32:18 VRT: "Shadow Creature" enters s# 21431 at 5.2n 0.7e 0.0a 185
"Johnny": You win this world
"Shadow Creature": hi
"Nora": what the
"EmporerZ": where are u ppl?
"Nora": oh hi
"Johnny": hi Shadow
00:32:49 VRT: "STA Knight" enters s# 20981 at 5.2n 0.7e 1.2a 185
"DOOMED": This is just tooo good
"STA Knight": hi sry got booted
"Johnny": Matt did a great job
"STA Knight": what about that free stuff
00:33:09 VRT: "oh well" enters s# 21444 at 0.6n 0.6e 0.3a 134
"Johnny": STA
"Nora": yea
"Johnny": To get free stuff you must get a ppw
"Johnny": Return here with it and tell us the Citizen Name and Number
"Nora": ppw???????
"STA Knight": ppw?
"Johnny": Then you get this world all to yourself !!!
"Johnny": just ask around
"Johnny": youll find out fast
"STA Knight": tell us please
"Shadow Creature": what about citizenships?
"Nora": what is a Ppww?
00:34:05 VRT: [Timmay] enters s# 21451 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
"Johnny": Like i said
"oh well": timmay !
"Johnny": Ask around
"EmporerZ": no one is going to tell us
"Johnny": go to AWGate for example
00:34:23 VRT: "STA Knight" exits s# 20981 at 0.8s 3.8w 0.2a 140
"Shadow Creature": it's a scam
"Johnny": Thats why ya gotta be sneaky
"Johnny": I know how to do it
"EmporerZ": http://ownp.us/aw/
"Johnny": Matt does to , obviously
"EmporerZ": go there fo aw help
"EmporerZ": i need ideas
"EmporerZ": how?
00:35:06 VRT: "Shadow Creature" exits s# 21431 at 4.1n 9.3e 0.0a 208
"EmporerZ": cause then i can use bot
"EmporerZ": s
"Johnny": Hey if you cant figure it out thats your problem
"Johnny": I know how to do it
"Johnny": Matt knows how to do it
"EmporerZ": can u tell us one if ur so good?
"EmporerZ": or r u lying?
"Johnny": now its time for you younger kids to learn
"Johnny": Umm
"Johnny": This world should speak for itself there EmporerZ
"Johnny": How do you think matts doing this ??
"Johnny": a ppw
00:36:03 VRT: "oh well" exits s# 21444 at 2.6n 1.8w 0.0a 109
"EmporerZ": who's?
"Johnny": anyone
00:36:37 VRT: "STA Knight" enters s# 20981 at 5.2n 0.7e 1.2a 185
"Nora": Are you testing us like Gueni Pigs?!?!?
00:36:43 VRT: "oh well" enters s# 21444 at 5.2n 0.7e 0.0a 185
"STA Knight": its a fraud
"Johnny": What is ?
"EmporerZ": u r
"STA Knight": ppw
"EmporerZ": just tell us one then
"STA Knight": you need to be a cit to get a ppw
"Johnny": a ppw is fraud ?
"Johnny": Not to get one
"STA Knight": tourists cant get one
"Johnny": To use and have on though
"Johnny": you do
"Johnny": You can get them off people as a tourist
"STA Knight": i asked someone they said no
"EmporerZ": how>
"STA Knight": i went to aw gate
"EmporerZ": they all say #^$#^ off
"Johnny": They wont just give you it
"Johnny": Kids kids
"EmporerZ": i have been on 4 2 yrs
"EmporerZ": i know
"EmporerZ": my tricks dont work
"EmporerZ": if u want us getting ppw's for you, then tell us how
"EmporerZ": duh
00:38:33 VRT: M A T T A C K - Yes, you were owned by M a t t. To prevent
future attacks on other worlds E-Mail Bill at Activeworlds.Com so he can try
to stop it but never will be able to!! Thank you Strike Rapier and
Panther1403 for providing the ppw for this attack. ;-)
"oh well": omg
"oh well": strike rapier is a hacker
"EmporerZ": notice the 0 response
"EmporerZ": if u tell me how, i will get some for u
"oh well": he deleted AWRPG also !
"Johnny": I just splained it to ya Emporer
"Johnny": Oh well your a genious
00:39:43 VRT: "STA Knight" exits s# 20981 at 2.6n 0.6w 0.0a 215
"EmporerZ": no, u said not to just ask them
"Johnny": Lets all give it up for oh well
"EmporerZ": that not explainning
"Johnny": I just whispered to you
"EmporerZ": no u didnt
00:40:07 VRT: [Timmay] = ip
"EmporerZ": i hear nuthin
00:40:12 VRT: "DOOMED" exits s# 21369 at 0.0n 1.1w 0.0a 251
"Johnny": scroll up
"EmporerZ": no blue text
"EmporerZ": i did
"EmporerZ": try again
"Nora": UR USING US ?
"Nora": I AM GETTING ANGRY AT JOHN EY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\
"EmporerZ": lol
"EmporerZ": im sure it does
"Nora": what
"Nora": thats not mw
"Nora": me*
"Johnny": .......
"Johnny": ok
00:46:03 VRT: "EmporerZ" exits s# 21322 at 0.3n 0.1w 0.0a 38
00:46:03 VRT: "oh weII" enters s# 21575 at 0.3n 0.1w 0.0a 38
"oh weII": i will fuck you all
00:46:12 VRT: "krikri" enters s# 21573 at 5.2n 0.7e 0.8a 185
"oh well": ?
"oh weII": and nora's dog
"oh well": lol
00:46:25 VRT: "oh well" exits s# 21444 at 5.2n 0.7e 0.0a 185
00:46:26 VRT: "oh no" enters s# 21581 at 5.2n 0.7e 0.0a 185
"oh no": lol
"oh weII": j/k i am not laughing
"oh weII": i am serious
"oh no": :P
"oh weII": come here doggy
"oh no": love ya too man
"Nora": OK
"krikri": slt
00:46:55 VRT: "oh weII" exits s# 21575 at 1.9n 0.1w 0.0a 284
*****: **** eject [Timmay]
00:47:01 VRT: "Nora" exits s# 21332 at 0.3n 0.1e 0.0a 72
"oh no": hmm
"oh no": dumdidum

Please read / AW HACKED

Jul 13, 2003, 10:43am
I forgot to mention it because it was obvious for me that of course no
privileges password was given to anyone.
Only the world owner and I know them.
And there are not passwords like "toto" :)
Besides, if you read the chat, they say that they only need any privilege
password, not necessary the owner's one.
Not to "show up" but just for info, I am not exactly a newbie on AW (1997).

The answer from AW came today, if I thank them for the quick reply on a
sunday, it's indeed a .. quick reply :

"Ya someone got ahold of a PPW. Most likely someone downloaded a bot that
sent the PPW to the hacker.."

Now I don't know for JermeL, but I didn't run anything else than a Preston
and a Xelagot bot on his world.

In any case, I do not agree for putting the blame on the owner (or me),
because, if it is really possible to get any ppwd you want with a malicious
bot, it is still an AW security hole.
That should not be possible and that should be fixed asap.

Please read / AW HACKED

Jul 14, 2003, 3:11pm
I don't know how to say it to be heard but no untrustable bots were used on
I had doubt about 2 bots I didn't know much about, competent people made
tests (I thank them for that) and they found no backdoor and nothing was
sent via these bots.

For the rest, I might be french but I am not completely stupid : we are
only two to know the password and we didn't give it away.

Both the owner and my computer are pretty safe, never had viruses or trojan
or things like that.

So, the "bot theory" is to exlude and the "user error" theory is to exclude
as well.

"zerge aka rexory" <erik.faes1 at pandora.be> a écrit
news:3f12db47$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> sad thing it happen , but before blaming a bot or keylogger , i would
> make sure your friends dont give out the ppw on purpose

Please read / AW HACKED

Jul 14, 2003, 4:19pm
Gala is running on the latest server since the day that server went out.

Please read / AW HACKED

Jul 15, 2003, 11:31am
L'intelligence non plus !

"xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> a écrit
news:kn06hvkfvledpt8ne10q1rl78gncsqneq0 at 4ax.com:
> non, la stupidité n'est pas la proprieté exclusive d'un peuple!
> Alex

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