elyk // User Search
elyk // User Search
Dec 6, 2002, 1:39am
You have anything better to do besides repeating the same line over and
over? Practice what you preach Maki...
[View Quote]"maki" <maki at awmaki.com> wrote in message
news:3defe6ef at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3defdd2b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> funny coming from you. :)
> awmaki.com
> news:3defb83e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 7, 2003, 8:34pm
I agree actually....I am now dumber for having to actually read these
[View Quote]"stecloud" <stecloud at fsmail.net> wrote in message
news:3e4378c6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> How did I know that just by reading the title - this post would be a load
> crap
Feb 8, 2003, 4:13am
That whole Cy Award fight had it coming to them. Lots of things aren't going
that well lately in a lot of committees....sad to say.
[View Quote]"jstone2004" <j at jlife.net> wrote in message
news:3e444d2f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> lol, compared to the huge Cy Awards fight that went on a few months ago,
> NG's are neutral nowadays :P
> J
> "john" <john at 3d-reality.com> wrote in message
> news:3e439383 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> for
> not
> down.
Feb 8, 2003, 9:42pm
For one....you aren't the entire CY committee....secondly....I meant the
situation would have eventually arose. We now have ratings on the worlds
list thank god for that matter...heh ;)
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at usa.net> wrote in message
news:3e44ddda at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Really? You say I had it comming to me? Then tell me what I did to
deserve it, please.
> TechnoZeus
> "elyk" <kfoerst at sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
news:3e449ff8$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 9, 2003, 7:18pm
If I were talking about you....I would have said "Technozeus". Usually when
I'm talking about committees....I won't address any names, because it starts
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at usa.net> wrote in message
news:3e464304$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Okay. Not a problem.... and I agree it is something that needed to be
addressed. As a matter of fact, it was already planned for AW 3.5, which is
why AW 3.4 hasn't been released yet. We're now beta testing what "would
have been" AW 3.4 as AW 3.4 so in the long run it simply means all the
fighting accomplished nothing except to waste a lot of people's time and
cause the people waiting for a release upgrade to Active Worlds to have to
wait much longer.
> Sorry if I seemed to have taken that personally. I mainly wanted to point
out that the way it was worded could easily be taken as an accusation
against vaguely identified people... which was exactly how that whole mess
got going in the first place. Gotta word stuff like that carefully. :)
> TechnoZeus
> "elyk" <kfoerst at sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
news:3e4595d4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 10, 2003, 6:45pm
Yet, MORE arguments that I'm now dumber for reading.....although very
ridiculously hilarious. Calm down children ;)
[View Quote]"ncc 71854" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
news:3e4704e3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> too bad they dont do that for no reason, so go gnaw on a tree before YOU
> banned, loser!
> "ihnk" <awihnk5 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3e47032a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> talk.
> most
Feb 10, 2003, 7:10pm
This stuff is like the spark of the newsgroups.....I fall out of my chair
laughing over some of the ridiculous crap that ppl say here and how everyone
takes things so personally. Most of the time, the newsgroups is boring
junk....like "come to this event on Jan 7th." blah blah blah....I get
enough spam grams from various ppl who love to telegram non-useful crap. So
this is somewhat interesting.
[View Quote]"lord perception" <usenetreplies at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3e48123e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "elyk" <kfoerst at sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:3e480f7d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yeah but, you get really sick of it after awhile as it seems the same old
> tired lines are thrown around time and time again. Like seeing reruns of
> TV Program over and over again. I'm still bamboozled as to why after a
> heated debate that humans degenerate and resort to name calling and
> insults to get their point across. I'm also still curious as to why the
> Newsgroups seems to be alight in flames more often than normal Usenet
> newsgroups. I will agree with you that it is funny... but only initially
> and after that it begins to get tired.
Apr 9, 2003, 3:42am
Not your fault Ryan......Brock....be careful how you word things LOL....Ryan
had every right to post this in the community section because he wanted the
"community" to know. Sometimes things that you think shouldnt be posted in
risk that it will almost definitely cause a fight.
[View Quote]"ryan" <ryan_jacob at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3e93413f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Oops, didn't mean to cause all this controversy. Maybe I ought to post in
> worldbuilders next time :) Not that there is going to be a next time..I'm
> not changing my citname again.
> I was gonna post in community, but feeling like I would get some jeering
> there, I decided to post here. Oops. :)
> Ryan
> "brock" <Brock at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3e9332a5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> monk
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Apr 15, 2003, 5:06am
HUH? Racist? uh....this is mild compared to what went on in the newsgroups
months ago....this happens everyday.....we're used to it....if you don't
agree with some of the posts.......Don't read em! LOL.... The people who run
the newsgroups have a lot more important things to do instead of babysitting
the newsgroups and deleting every little thing that ppl find offensive.
I've said this over and over hundreds of times.
[View Quote]"ubermonkey" <henry at wcalliance.com> wrote in message
news:3e9b9f17$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Bah, please don't post while under the influence of decrepit social
> mechanisms and a severe lack of creativity.
> Thanks.
> "kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:Xns935AAAD67F859kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
Apr 15, 2003, 9:30pm
I didnt say that they were a race.....notice at the top how I said "HUH?"
"Racist"? This indicates that I didnt understand how he thought that to be
racist. ;)
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3e9c375d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "elyk" <kfoerst at sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:3e9ba17c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You mean between the Gor's and normal citizens? I didn't know they were a
> --Bowen--
Apr 20, 2003, 6:50am
If only AW would concentrate on some of their decision-making skills the way
they concentrate on G-rated GZ's....we might be somewhere LOL
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3ea23660 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Lavishh: chicken breasts isnt profane
> MR KEBO: hi Leighsa
> tonycat o: anyone seen my Karren tonight?
> Bowen: it's quite G rated
> Anru: hi Leighsa
> MR KEBO: you stop too Bowen
> tonycat o: hello Leighsa
> Bowen: breasts is also G rated depending on the term
> Leighsa: hi MrKebo
> Lavishh: too much
> MR KEBO: trhats it
> Leighsa: hi tony
> Bobabri2: *covers ears*
> Bowen: as long as it's not entrenching into sexual discussion
> Leighsa: hi anru
> "Horaz": hi
> Bowen: hey, I'm simply pointing out the rules
> "CLover": *covers eyes*
> Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awgate
> Don't agree and put what the guidelines mean into words while at the gate,
> forbidden... follow up telegrams:
> Telegram from MR KEBO, sent just now:
> what ever...report me and stop me from being a GK ,,, OH Big DEAL ,,
> Horrrrawwwwwwwwwwww Go for it Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
> Telegram from MR KEBO, sent just now:
> OK what Every MAN ... Do What U think U should Like I really give A FLYING
> I dont GAVE A BULLS ASS . OK ?? GOOD ??? HAPPY ?? GREAT !!!!
> I just love the dogmatic ideals of a GK. They're so professional, as
well. I'll
> forgo reporting until, maybe... if I feel it's necessary and I see how
other people
> feel and think about this.
> --Bowen--
Apr 20, 2003, 6:54am
Then again, if that person were flooding the screen with "Shutup Shutup
Shutup Shutup Shutup Shutup Shutup," then that is a means for eject....but
for just saying "shut up" once or so is an absurd reason to eject a person
and a good way for AW to loose a future citizen ;)
[View Quote]"goddess innie" <ami at chazdesigns.com> wrote in message
news:3ea23ca5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Okay, someone got booted for saying shut up! This is out of control!
> of the GK's are my friends. But abusing the power to boot is too much for
> me, and most of the others. YOu can not boot for saying shut up! Nor can
> you boot for saying shitake mushroom (even if I mispelled it, on
> GK's should not boot for such things, nor should they call people idiots.
> They should however, remind people to use their mute buttons, teach
> how to use the controls, etc.
> Something really has to be done! I am watching the gate get worse and
> "bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
> news:3ea23660 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> that's
> Yaaaaaaaaaa
> :LEAP....
> well. I'll
> other people
Apr 21, 2003, 3:20am
I know ....and they are going to loose a lot of customers that way too
and/or future citizens....but AWI probably won't put a stop to it b/c
basically they don't really care on the citizens' opinions....which I think
that if they would have taken our opinions on some matters then they might
be getting more customers plus no one would bash them as much as they
do.....but thats just me ;)
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3ea2e35f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "elyk" <kfoerst at sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:3ea25150$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> They're ejecting on things that are G as well. "Breast" is G rated. It's
> the synonym for the pectoral muscles, and the proper word for describing
such. As
> long as you're not using it in sexual debates it's fine, which no one was.
(I don't
> take my explaining why it's not sexual in nature to be encroaching into
that either)
> --Bowen--
Apr 23, 2003, 1:29am
*standing ovation*
[View Quote]"wing" <wing at transedge.com> wrote in message
news:3ea5e582 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yeah, it's a problem. I do regret not staying longer, I just don't have
> patience for that kind of idiocy any more today.
> [Worthless chitter-chatter left in to prove a point]
> [Customs Aide]: Welcome, Wing. For the Conduct Guidelines please say World
> Rules or see http://www.activeworlds.com/community/conduct.asp
> TheRaven: oh?
> IggyTheAlleyCat: newblood click 7 times on your forward errow and then
> on the right one
> TheRaven: from who?
> "Spindle": :P
> Lady Barbara: Pizza=food of the Gods!
> Vera: brb
> "workingmom14": ha ha :) i just didnt know if this was worth the memory if
> you cant have the options without paying...
> "Spindle": soz, just trying to make..
> "Spindle": conversation :(
> TheRaven: worth the memory?
> TheRaven: s'ok, Spindle. :)
> Wing: Arrr crap.
> KAH: it's a shame it got so expensive
> "Spindle": oh yeh, you hate tousists
> Lady Barbara: Wing--please watch what you say
> "Spindle": oops.*tourists :D
> "workingmom14": isnt the sims even cheaper?
> "Sheriff Legion": Would pizza in pizza restaurant in Little Italy tends to
> have better tastes than ordinary restaurants' pizza?
> KAH: No offence, but c'mon, I don't anyone is gonna take offence from that
> word :-P
> Lady Barbara: I would hate to throw a book at you and bonk you on the head
> TheRaven: LOL
> Wing: LB: I think killing 2 $150 motherboards merits the use of a word
> isn't one of the "dirty 7"
> TheRaven: I'd pay to see that
> Lady Barbara: Remember there are people of all ages here
> "goten": hi
> Lady Barbara: so please watch what you say
> "Sheriff Legion": And "dirty 7" would be what? ;)
> "Spindle": remember ther are ppl of all ages here
> KAH: I think you GKs should revise the rules a bit
> Wing: Show me a 5 year old that doesn't know the word "crap" and I'll show
> you a 5 year old that hasn't used the Internet
> IggyTheAlleyCat: Lady dear there are no bad words there are only bad
> Lady Barbara: Yikes! I do feel for you Wing!
> Lady Barbara: And there's such a thing
> KAH: determine what wording and behaviour that really is unacceptable
> Lady Barbara: as not arguing
> Lady Barbara: with a GK
> "Spindle": Thomas Crapper invented the first WC..
> "gurl101": brb
> Lord of the Pies: im back again, though i forgot to say that i was going
> "Jonny Bravo": what is there to do for fun?
> Wing: *rolls eyes and fades into the sunset*
> "Spindle": so what came first?
> Immigration Officer: Welcome to Alphaworld! :) - The largest building
> in Cyberspace
> On further evaluation of the Customs Aide's link, it turned up the
> guidelines:
> -Please do not insult other tourists or citizens by use of inflammatory or
> offensive statements or images. We ask that you refrain from expressions
> bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity. Please do not harass other users,
> including verbal abuse or personal attacks.
> -Please do not engage in racial, religious, ethnic, or sexual slurs, lewd
> comments, or generally disruptive behaviour in public areas.
> -Public meeting areas are not appropriate spaces for cyber-sexual
> sexual orientation discussions or activity.
> -The use of all caps is considered shouting, please refrain from using
> unless you are intending to shout. Please refrain from flooding
> posting of repetitive text)as this can be annoying to users.
> -Activeworlds Inc. or its associates reserve the right to enforce
> with these guidelines, which may include temporary ejection from the
> Now a thorough picking apart of Rule #1:
> "profanity" is defined as
> "Abusive, vulgar, or irreverent language."
> http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=profanity
> I wasn't abusing anybody (Except perhaps myself), and it wasn't irrelevant
> as it's a general chat area, so what does "Vulgar" mean?
> "Crudely indecent. " is the only fitting definition that a search yielded
> http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=vulgar
> Now, what about indecent? "Offensive to public moral values; immodest."
> http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=indecent
> I have NEVER in my life heard anyone chastised for saying "crap." I have,
> however, heard school teachers, clergy, and politicians use it publicly.
> Now for rule #2:
> Now - I can see where "shit" could potentially become "generally
> disruptive", but "crap"? It's only a disruption if somthing is disrupted,
> and nothing was. In fact, the GK's "intervention" became decidedly incited
> FAR more of a riot than my initial comment did.
> Rule #3 and 4 obviously do not apply.
> Also upon examination of the same URL from Customs Aide that I referred to
> earlier...
> Please submit any complaints or queries regarding these rules to
> info at activeworlds.com.
> I do believe this is where the complaints SHOULD be going instead of to
> nntp://news.activeworlds.com/general.discussion/ - CC'ing this there (To
> whoever reads this at AWI, connect to your news server, go to
> general.discussion and read the whole thread entitled "agreeing with the
> GK's is bad" started by Bowen.
> -
> Wing
> Citizen 305004
> World: WingCorp (Currently down due to extensive hardware failures)
> "bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
> news:3ea23660 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> <snip>
Apr 23, 2003, 1:38am
I remember a while back when there was a GK on duty and another tourist was
being sexually harrassed, yet the GK was doing nothing about it....he/she
was constantly AFK which I feel that a GK on duty should not have to
constantly do unless it is in means of using the bathroom. When you are on
duty, you must watch for EVERYTHING.....and what this specific person was
doing was VERY noticable to me and several other citizens online that day.
As a Co-leader for the AWNewbie WK's.....we also enforce that our WK's be
strict and that they are at GZ at all times....yet we lighten the rules a
bit......a slip up here and there isn't a definite means for ejection and
NONE of our WK's verbally harrass citizens or tourists as one of the GK's
was said to do by calling someone an "idiot." I agree with Bowen and the
rest on here as they DO have a point. The GK system needs to be improved
just a bit.
kfoerst at sbcglobal.net
[View Quote]"truetome2" <TrueToMe2 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3ea597f6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok so now here we are on the General discussion and this forum seems
> have a little different voice about GK's. I want to say one thing
> first...... Not All Ejections from gate are made by the GK on duty, many
> made by CA and Flooding is one of the biggest reasons CA ejects, so if the
> Shut up guy repeated it several times then CA booted him not the GK.
> As for situations with certain GK's like I have read here, again I ask
> you please do not hold all GK's responsible for their actions. You have
> named 2 or 3 maybe 4 GK's in here but there are around 75 or so GK's and
> are not all "trigger happy". Rossyboy you brought up that WK's must submit
> an ejection log, well guess what?.... So do GK's and as a TL, I turn in a
> report every month on every shift any of my GK's perform to the ETL's.
> are reviewed and if one of my GK's has performed an eject that is not
> warranted then I am informed and must take action against that GK. Whether
> it be in the form of Suspension or termination that is decided by the
> and the GK Liaison (Mountain Myst). Now I can understand your frustrations
> for being ejected for unfounded reasons, but may I suggest something here?
> The only way to help fix problems is to offer solutions, not fuel the
> problem. I would suggest that if you have a complaint on a GK, that you
> submit it to the ETL's gatekeepers at activeworlds.com I promise you they
> correct the problem.
> Most GK's only eject when they have no other choice, but I agree with you
> that some feel they may eject if they are having a bad day or just don't
> feel like dealing with someone who has a different opinion....That is not
> right and is cause for disciplinary action against the GK in question. As
> GK we are required to keep chat logs and turn in shift reports with
> ejections and reason for ejection. So if you have a complaint then turn it
> in, you might help in cleaning up those who are not upholding the GK
> guidelines.
> I will apologize to anyone who has been wrongly ejected and I say if
> have been ejected because of a silly reason like the miss spelling of a
> then sometimes it might help to try and explain to the GK on duty it was a
> mistake. We have GK's from all over the world and in the case of Shittake
> Mushrooms, someone who has never heard the word spelled right or wrong
> just catch part of it and see it as Non G rated. It is not easy reading
> every line of chat and keeping up with several different conversations. CA
> is there to filter out curse words and GK's are there to catch the ones
> misspell curse words trying to get around CA... You all know they do it!!!
> Anyhow I won't sit here and try to say all GK's are perfect but I will say
> we are not all bad, so please read your code of conduct and world rules
> give the GK's a break, if you have a complaint take it where it belongs.
> gatekeepers at activeworlds.com
> --
> Sincerely,
> TL-TrueToMe2
> AW-Gatekeepers Team TruBluXers
> Please reply to TrueToMe2 at my.activeworlds.com
> --
> Team TrueToMe2 "motto" If someone is going down the wrong road,
> he doesn't need motivation to speed him up.
> What he needs is education to turn him around
> "princess kiki" <kristymlee at ev1.net> wrote in message
> news:3ea58ff3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> strict
Apr 24, 2003, 8:57pm
Hey wait a minute......they DID have a second world for that!!! What was it
called............oh yea......AW! But they made the mistake of making that
non-usable to tourists. Well.....live and learn. \;P
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3ea8602a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> No no no...WildAW was for people that want to be wild...lol
> This would be for people that want to congregate in a general area and
> new folks and deal with the folks that need Netiquette lessons on their
> own:)
> "goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:3EA85B98.6010909 at utn.cjb.net...
> the
> some
> suggestions to
> holidays
> the
> the
> Bit
> can't
> Cy
Apr 25, 2003, 1:37am
*G* You have a good idea there Bit ;o)
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3ea86fe2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> AW gz doesn't have things to play with there...lol
> We need a place that's like irl where people would have things to do while
> chatting...but not major things....just atmospheric stuff:)
> "elyk" <kfoerst at sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:3ea86bd0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> it
> that
> cits
> get
> less
> without
> to
> Thanks
> event
> some
Apr 30, 2003, 8:08pm
Yes....we put up with all the troublemakers and help out in ActiveWorlds to
make it a better place. I do other things besides teach and all that doesn't
get me ANYTHING......but I still do it because I enjoy it.. So before you go
and criticize and bash every teacher, WK , GK , and PK.....perhaps you
should try it a bit? Btw.....which is spelled W H I C H
[View Quote]"brock" <Brock at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3eaf33ea$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It's not all for nothing Carl
> They deserve it, they put up with the annoying n00b tourists, so we don't
> have to, i mean sure a few of them slip through the cracks every once in a
> while, but i commend them for what they do, sure sometimes they get out of
> line, but they are only human........
> --
> Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
> "carlbanks" <CarLBanks at insight.rr.com> wrote in message
> news:3eaf25c4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
Apr 30, 2003, 10:48pm
That is something that we are given as a type of reward for helping
out......I have also helped with things and events that didnt offer that
type of stuff is what I'm saying and I still helped with them despite that.
You came and posted as if we are all a bunch of snobby people who are all in
it for the cit extensions. That is not the case....a post just got settled
for the GK's and PK's and it was finally over until someone brings up
another topic to have everyone fight and argue at each other. This is how it
has been for years 77. Why are you arguing and making all of us out to be a
bunch of "power-hungry" citizens?
[View Quote]"77" <n0zoa at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3eb05051$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> you are wrong you do get something and that is the 25% off and the cit
> extensions. and me as a citizen have to put up with the same people you do
> and i have helped newbies and get them started on the basic building
> techniques without the perks that you have. You being nitpicky as to
> complain about someones typo i dont know weather that is a good trait for
> teacher to have is it?
> "elyk" <kfoerst at sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:3eb04974$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
> doesn't
> go
> don't
> a
> of
> and
Apr 30, 2003, 10:51pm
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3EB06543.2010503 at utn.cjb.net...
> *smacks forehead* You don't listen too well, do ya, chief? Here, I'll
> break it down for you:
> Person A likes to help people and decides to become a
> Person A contacts said organization to join
> Person A goes through application process
> Person A gets accepted and becomes a member of said organization
> Person A continues being a member for about a year
> Person A learns that there are bonuses to being a GK/PK/WK/Teacher/etc,
> such as cit extensions, discounts etc.
> This news makes Person A happy, which gives Person A extra incentive to
> continue being a model GK/PK/WK/Teacher/etc.
> Now, no where in that process is Person A notified of the perks
> associated with their job when they signed up. They learn of these perks
> later on. In fact, I'm willing to bet the average non-GK/PK/Wk didn't
> even know these perks existed until you mentioned them.
> You'll also note that Person A's original motivation for signing up was
> to *help people*, which is true for the vast majority of GK/PK/WK/etcs.
> While it's expected that there will be one or two bad apples in the
> bunch, they are eventually weeded out.
> Now, for the love of COB, you naysayers really need to get a hobby or
> something. There are no conspiracies or oppression here, so let's not
> try to create any, ok?
> 77 wrote:
what it
( I
> --
> Goober King
> Searching for trouble that doesn't exist
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
May 1, 2003, 2:56am
If we emailed Roland, we might still stand a shot *G*
[View Quote]"bro" <bro at geneband.net> wrote in message
news:3eb07dcb at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> If you have noticed these changes from 3.3 to 3.4 please let AW
> support know thanks. What is happening
> here?http://www.geneband.net/awver/awbugs.html
May 3, 2003, 4:37am
Yet AGAIN....bad decision making.......almost record breaking!!!!
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3eb2a890 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Okay I have no idea who did this but someone really really REALLY lost the
> plot BIG TIME with this welcome message. Its ridiculous, no offence to
> whoever did it but its absolutely stupidity.
> Are you trying to loose the majority of the customer base? You have no way
> of even checking if someone has permission, this does nothing but makes
> everyone run, Im trying my best to develop AWTeen, idiotic messages like
> this completely wreck my efforts.
> Will someone please find whoever wrote this, tie them to a chair and learn
> what an initial disclaimer is for and WHAT IN GODS NAME IS GOOD FOR
> Immigration Officer: Welcome to Active Worlds. Most of the content in
> Worlds is user generated and may not be suitable for person's under the
> of 18, parent's permission MUST be obtained before visiting Active Worlds.
> We welcome you to the AWGateway : )
> FIX IT!!!
> - Mark
> Why am I surrounded by fools? Yes no doubt this phrase was possibly put up
> by a good friend in AWC, sorry if it is you will just have to take the
> this time :(
May 3, 2003, 4:40am
In fear that the children might stumble into the CY-Award winning, yet
pervertely disturbing DS Worlds.....*rolls eyes*
[View Quote]"ryan" <ryan_jacob at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3eb2ebf0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> From the 3.4 registration window:
> "To begin your free Active Worlds trial, please fill out all the fields in
> this window and press OK. At the end of your one week free trial, and
> month after that, your credit card will automatically be charged $6.95
> you cancel your subscription. To avoid being charged you MUST cancel your
> subscription at www.activeworlds.com before the one week trial period is
> over. If you do not have a credit card please see
> www.activeworlds.com/subscribe. Some content in Active Worlds may not be
> suitable for children under the age of 18. If you are a minor, your
> parent(s) or guardian(s) must complete the registration process, in which
> case they will assume full responsibility for all obligations under this
> Agreement. By clicking the "OK" button and providing us with a credit card
> number, you represent that you are an adult and are either accepting this
> Agreement on behalf of yourself or your child. Parents or guardians are
> encouraged to set an appropriate browser rating by clicking on "Options",
> "Settings" and "General". This rating system in NO WAY guarantees that
> minors will not be subjected to inappropriate content. Parents or
> must use their discretion in deciding whether or not to permit their
> children the use of this program.Your credit card information is encrypted
> before transmission."
> What in the universe prompted this? Why is ActiveWorlds, Inc. posting
> warnings all over the place in the form of signs, immigration officer
> messages, and registration dialogs? Stay tuned, story at 10.
> Ryan
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3eb2a890 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Active
> age
> flack
May 3, 2003, 6:00am
[View Quote]"bowen" <linkn64s at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3eb3655f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> elyk wrote:
> I fear all that defiles my mind with the scourge of perverse actions.
> --
> --Bowen--
May 5, 2003, 2:42am
I certainly hope so ;o)
[View Quote]"rossyboy" <rossyboy at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:Xns93718F40C4A0DRo1124 at
> Didn't they just change the rules so that any winning content has to be G
> rated or something?
> "elyk" <kfoerst at sbcglobal.net> wrote this
> (news:3eb36444$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com) in general.discussion on 03
> May 2003:
Jun 9, 2003, 3:55am
I'm sorry.....how did this whole post go from a "T-Shirt request," to
European currency and shootings?! *boggle* This happens when ppl really
need information from the newsgroups...they never get the info they
requested b/c the subject is always changed to something ridiculous. This
is like an A.D.D (Attention Deficit Disorder) newsgroup....no one can stay
on topic LOLOL.
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:Xns93948AA60907Ekahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "stecloud" <stecloud at fsmail.net> wrote in news:3ee255d6
> at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> Europe is a continent... I assume you mean the EU (European Union). In
> which case I'd agree with you if I was british, the EU is a bunch of crap
> and I'm glad Norway ain't part of it :-D
Jun 9, 2003, 5:37am
[View Quote]"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3ee42302$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> elyk wrote:
> Have you never been to USENET? Going off-topic is as common as trolls.
> Unless you're in a moderated newsgroup or a newsgroup run by NAZI
> regulars. *cough* c.l.c++ *cough*
> --
> --Bowen--
Jun 12, 2003, 3:48am
They need more people to keep it going...don't want AW to fade away do you?
[View Quote]"ryan" <ryan at nowhere.com> wrote in message
news:3ee7ed82 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> If it were listed that would result in a large amount of new visitors
> coming. I wouldn't like that - I like AW's smaller community.
> Ryan
> "bastillion" <bastillion at charter.net> wrote in message
> news:3ee7d92e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> got
> listing
> even
> covering
Jul 13, 2003, 6:39am
Matt doesn't hack.....he gets others to do it for him and he hides behind a
proxy. AWI has been on to him for a while now. As long as you keep your
ppw's safe and make sure NO one gives them out to anyone, you will be fine.
He likes to try to con ppl into giving ppws to him either by telling them a
false story or falsly impersonating someone that actually has that ppw and
saying that he lost it. Nothing to be worried about. AWI is on to him ;)
kfoerst at sbcglobal.net
[View Quote]"katerine" <removethisailleurs at ailleurs3d.com> wrote in message
news:Xns93B744B1EE2A0Catherine at
> Usually I don't post any chat in public but I feel it's necessary this
> for a serious security issue that concerns everyone.
> By serious, I mean serious ! The contents of this world got wiped out
> totally.
> The concerned people actually didn't know that I am working at night and
> fortunately I completely forgot to disconnect my bot from Gala world. I
> realized it just before to shut down my computer.
> Gala is not my world, his owner, JermeL, citnumber 327600, "gave me the
> keys" while he is in vacation.
> I would have liked to offer that good friend something else than this log
> for is birthday !
> The world was reset with a completely unknown backup not related to it.
> Worlds right were reset as well.
> Everything in the world distroyed.
> I precise that no privilege passwords were given, I am the only one to
> Gala's owner passwords.
> Anyway as they say in this chat log, they don't even need it.
> Maybe some of you can identify these people with their connection
> session/IP, so I put them as well.
> For the rest, this doesn't need further comments, I can only hope for all
> of us that AW will do something asap.
> ---------------------
> (french time zone)
> Sun 07/13/03 04:34:24 Gala -1 IDENTIFIED
> '[Timmay]' 0 327600
> Sun 07/13/03 04:29:54 Gala -1 ENTER 21332
> 2F2D5B09
> Sun 07/13/03 04:29:54 Gala -1 IDENTIFIED
> '"Nora"' 0 0
> Sun 07/13/03 04:29:53 Gala -1 ENTER 20981
> 8648E83
> Sun 07/13/03 04:29:53 Gala -1 IDENTIFIED
> '"STA Knight"' 0 0
> Sun 07/13/03 04:29:30 -1 CONNECTED
> Sun 07/13/03 04:29:30 -1 TUNNEL CONNECT
> Sun 07/13/03 04:29:31 -1 CHANNEL OPEN
> channel=2
> Sun 07/13/03 04:29:31 -1 CHANNEL
> 2 (33 bytes)
> Sun 07/13/03 04:29:31 Gala -1 IDENTIFIED
> '"DOOMED"' 0 0
> Sun 07/13/03 04:30:16 -1 CHANNEL OPEN
> channel=3
> Sun 07/13/03 04:30:16 -1 CHANNEL
> 3 (33 bytes)
> Sun 07/13/03 04:30:16 Gala 0 TERRAIN QUERY
> 0 3320 [0]
> Sun 07/13/03 04:30:16 Gala -1 IDENTIFIED
> '"Johnny"' 0 0
> Sun 07/13/03 04:32:04 -1 CONNECTED
> Sun 07/13/03 04:32:04 Gala -1 ENTER 21322
> 2D6ECAE6
> Sun 07/13/03 04:32:05 Gala -1 IDENTIFIED
> '"EmporerZ"' 0 0
> ---------------------------
> (vrt time)
> 00:05:20 VRT: Universe build 39, world build 56
> 00:05:20 VRT: Global Mode accepted
> 00:05:20 VRT: GaLa - www.gala-3d.net - 0.000n 0.000w 0.00a
> 266.0° -
> 00:20:12 VRT: [Timmay] enters s# 21289 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
> 00:21:46 VRT: [Timmay] exits s# 21289 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
> 00:22:20 VRT: [Timmay] enters s# 21312 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
> 00:22:40 VRT: OldHand exits s# 20025 #351150 at 30.0n 30.0e 0.5a 21
> 00:22:50 VRT: [Timmay] exits s# 21312 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
> 00:23:08 VRT: [Timmay] enters s# 21325 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
> 00:24:42 VRT: M A T T A C K - Yes, you were owned by M a t t. To prevent
> future attacks on other worlds E-Mail Bill at Activeworlds.Com so he can try
> to stop it but never will be able to!!
> 00:26:04 VRT: [Timmay] exits s# 21325 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
> 00:29:07 VRT: "DOOMED" enters s# 21369 at 5.2n 0.7e 1.2a 185
> 00:29:29 VRT: "STA Knight" enters s# 20981 at 12.1s 13.8e 115.9a 330
> 00:29:30 VRT: "Nora" enters s# 21332 at 10.5s 12.2e 115.5a 75
> "STA Knight": where are we
> 00:29:53 VRT: "Johnny" enters s# 21258 at 5.2n 0.7e 0.0a 185
> "DOOMED": lol
> "Johnny": I c
> "DOOMED": Too funny
> "Johnny": I just love what you did with the place
> "Johnny": It feels so ..... opened
> "DOOMED": rofl
> "Johnny": What do you think Nora ?
> "Johnny": Like the remodeling job ?
> "Nora": cool
> 00:31:40 VRT: "EmporerZ" enters s# 21322 at 0.3n 0.0w 0.0a 0
> "EmporerZ": /aide
> "Johnny": Yep
> "EmporerZ": how do i win?
> "Nora": *scoot*
> 00:32:08 VRT: "STA Knight" exits s# 20981 at 7.4n 1.0e -350.0a 352
> "Johnny": Get us a ppw
> 00:32:18 VRT: "Shadow Creature" enters s# 21431 at 5.2n 0.7e 0.0a 185
> "Johnny": You win this world
> "Shadow Creature": hi
> "Nora": what the
> "EmporerZ": where are u ppl?
> "Nora": oh hi
> "Johnny": hi Shadow
> 00:32:49 VRT: "STA Knight" enters s# 20981 at 5.2n 0.7e 1.2a 185
> "DOOMED": This is just tooo good
> "STA Knight": hi sry got booted
> "Johnny": Matt did a great job
> "STA Knight": what about that free stuff
> 00:33:09 VRT: "oh well" enters s# 21444 at 0.6n 0.6e 0.3a 134
> "Johnny": STA
> "Nora": yea
> "Johnny": To get free stuff you must get a ppw
> "Johnny": Return here with it and tell us the Citizen Name and Number
> "Nora": ppw???????
> "STA Knight": ppw?
> "Johnny": Then you get this world all to yourself !!!
> "Johnny": just ask around
> "Johnny": youll find out fast
> "STA Knight": tell us please
> "Shadow Creature": what about citizenships?
> "Nora": what is a Ppww?
> 00:34:05 VRT: [Timmay] enters s# 21451 #327600 at 0.0n 0.0w 0.0a 0
> "Johnny": Like i said
> "oh well": timmay !
> "Johnny": Ask around
> "EmporerZ": no one is going to tell us
> "Johnny": go to AWGate for example
> 00:34:23 VRT: "STA Knight" exits s# 20981 at 0.8s 3.8w 0.2a 140
> "Shadow Creature": it's a scam
> "Johnny": Thats why ya gotta be sneaky
> "Johnny": I know how to do it
> "EmporerZ": http://ownp.us/aw/
> "Johnny": Matt does to , obviously
> "EmporerZ": go there fo aw help
> "EmporerZ": i need ideas
> "EmporerZ": how?
> 00:35:06 VRT: "Shadow Creature" exits s# 21431 at 4.1n 9.3e 0.0a 208
> "EmporerZ": cause then i can use bot
> "EmporerZ": s
> "Johnny": Hey if you cant figure it out thats your problem
> "Johnny": I know how to do it
> "Johnny": Matt knows how to do it
> "EmporerZ": can u tell us one if ur so good?
> "EmporerZ": or r u lying?
> "Johnny": now its time for you younger kids to learn
> "Johnny": Umm
> "Johnny": This world should speak for itself there EmporerZ
> "Johnny": How do you think matts doing this ??
> "Johnny": a ppw
> 00:36:03 VRT: "oh well" exits s# 21444 at 2.6n 1.8w 0.0a 109
> "EmporerZ": who's?
> "Johnny": anyone
> 00:36:37 VRT: "STA Knight" enters s# 20981 at 5.2n 0.7e 1.2a 185
> "Nora": Are you testing us like Gueni Pigs?!?!?
> 00:36:43 VRT: "oh well" enters s# 21444 at 5.2n 0.7e 0.0a 185
> "STA Knight": its a fraud
> "Johnny": What is ?
> "EmporerZ": u r
> "STA Knight": ppw
> "EmporerZ": just tell us one then
> "STA Knight": you need to be a cit to get a ppw
> "Johnny": a ppw is fraud ?
> "Johnny": Not to get one
> "STA Knight": tourists cant get one
> "Johnny": To use and have on though
> "Johnny": you do
> "Johnny": You can get them off people as a tourist
> "STA Knight": i asked someone they said no
> "EmporerZ": how>
> "STA Knight": i went to aw gate
> "EmporerZ": they all say #^$#^ off
> "Johnny": They wont just give you it
> "Johnny": Kids kids
> "EmporerZ": i have been on 4 2 yrs
> "EmporerZ": i know
> "EmporerZ": my tricks dont work
> "EmporerZ": if u want us getting ppw's for you, then tell us how
> "EmporerZ": duh
> 00:38:33 VRT: M A T T A C K - Yes, you were owned by M a t t. To prevent
> future attacks on other worlds E-Mail Bill at Activeworlds.Com so he can try
> to stop it but never will be able to!! Thank you Strike Rapier and
> Panther1403 for providing the ppw for this attack. ;-)
> "oh well": omg
> "oh well": strike rapier is a hacker
> "Nora": UR USING US
> "EmporerZ": notice the 0 response
> "EmporerZ": if u tell me how, i will get some for u
> "oh well": he deleted AWRPG also !
> "Johnny": I just splained it to ya Emporer
> "Johnny": Oh well your a genious
> 00:39:43 VRT: "STA Knight" exits s# 20981 at 2.6n 0.6w 0.0a 215
> "EmporerZ": no, u said not to just ask them
> "Johnny": Lets all give it up for oh well
> "EmporerZ": that not explainning
> "Johnny": I just whispered to you
> "EmporerZ": no u didnt
> 00:40:07 VRT: [Timmay] = ip
> "EmporerZ": i hear nuthin
> 00:40:12 VRT: "DOOMED" exits s# 21369 at 0.0n 1.1w 0.0a 251
> "Johnny": scroll up
> "EmporerZ": no blue text
> "EmporerZ": i did
> "EmporerZ": try again
> "Nora": UR USING US ?
> "Nora": I AM GETTING ANGRY AT JOHN EY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\
> "EmporerZ": lol
> "EmporerZ": im sure it does
> "Nora": what
> "Nora": thats not mw
> "Nora": me*
> "Johnny": .......
> "Johnny": ok
> 00:46:03 VRT: "EmporerZ" exits s# 21322 at 0.3n 0.1w 0.0a 38
> 00:46:03 VRT: "oh weII" enters s# 21575 at 0.3n 0.1w 0.0a 38
> "oh weII": i will fuck you all
> 00:46:12 VRT: "krikri" enters s# 21573 at 5.2n 0.7e 0.8a 185
> "oh well": ?
> "oh weII": and nora's dog
> "oh well": lol
> 00:46:25 VRT: "oh well" exits s# 21444 at 5.2n 0.7e 0.0a 185
> 00:46:26 VRT: "oh no" enters s# 21581 at 5.2n 0.7e 0.0a 185
> "oh no": lol
> "oh weII": j/k i am not laughing
> "oh weII": i am serious
> "oh no": :P
> "oh weII": come here doggy
> "oh no": love ya too man
> "Nora": OK
> "krikri": slt
> 00:46:55 VRT: "oh weII" exits s# 21575 at 1.9n 0.1w 0.0a 284
> *****: **** eject [Timmay]
> 00:47:01 VRT: "Nora" exits s# 21332 at 0.3n 0.1e 0.0a 72
> "oh no": hmm
> "oh no": dumdidum
Jul 29, 2003, 3:41am
Kol......in the words of Alphabit Phalpha "*Thwack!*"
Evolve my friend.
[View Quote]"kol" <Fatsnail65 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3f2603aa at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> umm mp3... your an idiot.. I threaten you cuz you started harasses me and
> saying you made awhack... your n00b... There is rumors that im on matts
> side...
> bull... I've been talking to matt and some others trying to get
> out of them so I can report to aw... people still think that I support
> matt... As I said in Clearing thing up post:
> "I posted in newsgroups awhile ago the scoop with P r D o..... seems
> understood...
> P r D o is not an "illegal" group as some still like to think... P r D o
> a team that goes after aw hackers, cracked universes, and basically...
> anybody or any group that does illegal things..
> on another note... people are giving us a hard time thinking that we're
> n00b and not skillfully to do this... well first off this is the 2nd org
> aw to do this stuff so its not really "n00b".... secondly we've been doing
> this for 4 months now and we haven't got screwed up yet o.o.... hope it
> stays that way =O"
> I dont support that freaking loser that wastes his time harasses people on
> the internet... I'm sure he'll read this and block me on msn now...
> got it through your head now that I said it....
> as for bruce... dont care about you anymore... Paramount and RIAA will
> to talk to your bullcrap mouth... I'm not reporting you because I don't
> to get in your mess...
> and joeman? I dont have a life... neither do you. anybody that uses this
> software has no life.
> Matt told me on msn just now:
> "M a t t says:
> I just love how everyone hates u
> M a t t says:
> I didn't have to do a thing
> M a t t says:
> You try to do good for AW
> M a t t says:
> Then they turn around and bite you in the ass and flame you
> M a t t says:
> Telling you to leave AW"
> I'm not leaving AW mp3... I'm starting a 3d Modeling business and not
> leaving because some kid doesn't like me.. he can cram it up his ass...
> "joeman" <joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
> news:3f25deca$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> noo...
> message
> on
> like
> your
> spying
> that
> should
> cracked