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Nov 6, 2002, 8:41pm
I think that you should keep an eye on the newsgroups as you stated, but not
to the point to where you have ppl telling you what THEY want deleted. If we
did it that way, then anyone could come up to you and tell you "Delete this!
I find it offensive!" When, in reality, maybe that post wasn't meant to
offend. Maybe it was an important post that someone just took the wrong way.
Besides, I think you (E N Z O) have the smarts to determine what is wrong or
right in the newsgroups. If you have people doing it for you, then things
will get deleted that may be important to those who posted it. In other
words, be cautious, but not TOO cautious. Occasional "I disagrees" are fine
I think, if they are courteous and respectful about it. Honestly, I think
they are putting you to too much work than needs to be done. You are a busy
person, you shouldnt have to hold peoples hands. Otherwise, this is a great
idea ;o)
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Nov 6, 2002, 11:52pm
Thats just the point......people take things WAY too seriously. E N Z O
shouldnt have to watch over us as if he were babysitting. Isn't it enough
that he has done all that he has done so far? I mean look at how AW has
developed. Now just because 2 or 3 people made a post complaining to E N Z O
that they are offended, I'm guessing they expect E N Z O to drop everything
and come rushing to hold hands and monitor the newsgroups so nobody is hurt.
C'mon, we are mostly adults here....we don't need chaperones. Yes, I do
think that AWI can keep an eye on the newsgroups but not to where we can't
say "I disagree" without it being deleted. As long as the disagreement is
respectful and not rude, then I dont see a problem with it. This isn't
"Blues Clues" on CD-Rom ;o)
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Nov 7, 2002, 12:38am
When a world wins an award. It encourages people to go see that world.
People WANT to view the world that achieved that award. If you enter an
adult world into the nominations, and it wins, then people are going to want
to view that world. This includes children too. They can't tell the worlds
content by the name. People aren't just exposed to "the name."
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Nov 7, 2002, 12:56am
Weren't the CY Awards perfectly fine with everybody last year and the years
before? Why not just make the rules like they were last year before all of
this crap happened....everyone seemed to be happy with that. NO new rules.
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Nov 7, 2002, 9:30pm
Exactly! Well put Daphne.
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Nov 7, 2002, 9:38pm
What Daphne is saying is that they shouldn't promote that kind of adult
content. After the CY Awards, I visited the adult world that won the award
and found some very inappropriate pictures of a woman sitting on a guys lap,
naked and having sex. This shouldnt be displayed as some of AW's "best". Do
you ever watch the news reports about the types of websites that are online
now? You don't see them promoting that. I believe the news described those
types of pictures as "filth." Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the
world was filth....but some of their content is. The CY Awards are a
"Community" thing. People of all ages make up the community, including
children. If we promote that kind of content, then it will bring more of a
negative impression to people about ActiveWorlds.
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Nov 7, 2002, 10:58pm
With all due respect. I think now you are just trying to pick out events to
direct attention to them instead of on CY. Citbingo doesn't really promote
anything.....its a game world. CY is a little different. ;o)
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Nov 8, 2002, 12:38am
No, it wasn't in GorVernA, as I do not visit that world anymore (previous
post) and no I am not trying to start up trouble. Do you actually read these
posts? I was responding in agreement to someone. Why not, you say?! Adult
content=adults only. The CY's are a "community" event. Community means
content that is allright for everyone INCLUDING children to view. The
content I saw was NOT for children to view. Therfore, it shouldnt have been
promoted. Its like advertising "Playboy" on the Family channel....it doesn't
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Nov 8, 2002, 2:03am
The whole time I have been working for CitBingo, I have never seen anyone
talk like that there. Besides, there is a host there almost all night who
watches.....I doubt that ever happened.
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Nov 8, 2002, 2:08am
If it was a conversation, then I'm sure one of the hosts would have taken
care of it. If someone came into CYAwards and was talking like that, then
I'm sure one of the members of CY would bring it to their attention that it
is not allowed. On the other hand, if you are promoting adult content, it is
much different, because it is the committee who is promoting the content.
Conversations are a little bit uncontrolable unless someone is monitoring,
which Citbingo does.
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Nov 8, 2002, 2:10am
I think two seperate CY Awards would solve this problem for everyone
actually, so I agree on that. If we could have one CY Award for "family"
("G"-"PG") and one for Adults ("R"-"X") then it just might solve the
problems ...*G* ;o)
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A non-inflammatory post for you.

Nov 6, 2002, 11:33pm
I just got out of school.....I don't need to come home to English class *G*
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A non-inflammatory post for you.

Nov 6, 2002, 11:54pm
Oddly, I just noticed that in a previous post. LOL!
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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 6, 2002, 11:41pm
I never hated or criticized your worlds Bruce. I think they were great for
the community. Many people seemed to really like your world. Well, just
brush all those ignorant criticisms off your shoulder. You did a great thing
for AW despite what anyone thinks. *G* Good luck to you! :o))

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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 7, 2002, 10:55pm
Give some of them the benefit of the doubt. Think about how you were when
you first came to AW. Some tourists don't know that the Customs Aide is a
bot....and I didnt really care for your last post either....but you are
entitled to your opinion....just next time, keep ones like that to yourself.
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This is Getting Ridiculous...

Nov 8, 2002, 8:11pm
Like I said before....E N Z O shouldnt have to hold our hands. Geez
ppl...think about it. E N Z O has a lot of work to do. He can't jump at
everyone's request. Who thought up the brilliant idea to have E N Z O delete
every single gram that is offensive in this newsgroup....honestly, if you
don't like it, don't read it from now on....simple solution.
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This is Getting Ridiculous...

Nov 8, 2002, 8:14pm
He shouldnt have to worry about them at all.
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Dinner and a Show

Nov 9, 2002, 7:25am
*sigh* I'm not surprised, really...
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Stop it now.

Nov 13, 2002, 9:36pm
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Nov 15, 2002, 11:05am
Bye Linn. Best of Luck! We will miss you.
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Nov 15, 2002, 11:09am
Exactly....email a complaint. Don't just leave because someone is being a
jerk to you. Block her grams and mute her on sight. Just ignore her. If you
give her the satisfaction of leaving then she will have gotten what she
wants. Don't give in to her so easily. Be strong ;o) I have known you for a
while....I support you and believe you. Don't leave. *hugs*
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Nov 16, 2002, 6:00am
Actually....I was just informed of some info......do what you have to do.
heh. I'm not taking sides now.
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Nov 16, 2002, 6:01am
Yes, E N Z O, delete this stuff.....its useless jibberish. ;o)
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Customs Aide Bot

Nov 20, 2002, 12:33am
Perhaps if the bot gave a warning for each word like that that is
said....that way, you wouldnt get ejected, but you would also know to watch
your language in that world.
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An Early Christmas Gift To AW.

Dec 18, 2002, 2:45am
Seriously....Goob's right....if you are only going to bash ppl....then don't
even bother posting. What anarkissed said wasn't rude at all. Think before
you post.
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Jan 1, 2003, 2:17am

Public Apology

Jan 19, 2003, 4:22am
I dont even think that this should have even got so far as to be posted
here!! Seriously you all WAKE UP! Quit posting your quarrels in the NG's.
They make me and hundreds of others sick! Who cares what you all said to
each other! It doesnt have to be brought here. As for Syntax and Chris
Cat.....GROW UP!!! Quit trying to start trouble with ppl whom you know are
going to cave in and get upset!!!!
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Public Apology

Jan 20, 2003, 4:45am
Like I said before......E N Z O shouldnt have to play babysitter in
here.....considering that he does enough work for AW as it is.
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get a new dummy

Feb 5, 2003, 12:09am
The more UP TO DATE topics are posted further down......just in case you two
didnt see ;o) *smirk*
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Jan 31, 2003, 7:22pm
Happy Birthday Flagg!!!!!!
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