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Feb 6, 2003, 11:01pm
There are lots of people "not arguing" in many places. By the way, I'm not arguing with you about it... just stating a fact that is in conflict with your statement. I didn't make the fact true... it already was. :)


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Feb 7, 2003, 6:27pm
The newsgroups aren't "for fighting" but unfortunately there are some people who use them as if that was their sole intended purpose. What you need to realize is that we have very few such people here, and those are the people least likely to be chased off by a post typed in all caps calling people names and telling everybody to shut up.

Also, you cross posted that message to places where the fighting wasn't even happening. I don't know about the other newsgroups, because I haven't had time for them lately (and the more fighting goes on in them the less time good people will make for them) but I know there was no fighting going on in the wishlist newsgroup.

Now, if you're going to cross-post to this thread at all anymore, "PLEASE" state which newsgroup you will be looking for replies in, so that people can eliminate the rest of the newsgroups when replying to you. I'll be in Wishlist if you want to reply to me.


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Feb 8, 2003, 8:37am
Really? You say I had it comming to me? Then tell me what I did to deserve it, please.


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Feb 9, 2003, 10:01am
Okay. Not a problem.... and I agree it is something that needed to be addressed. As a matter of fact, it was already planned for AW 3.5, which is why AW 3.4 hasn't been released yet. We're now beta testing what "would have been" AW 3.4 as AW 3.4 so in the long run it simply means all the fighting accomplished nothing except to waste a lot of people's time and cause the people waiting for a release upgrade to Active Worlds to have to wait much longer.

Sorry if I seemed to have taken that personally. I mainly wanted to point out that the way it was worded could easily be taken as an accusation against vaguely identified people... which was exactly how that whole mess got going in the first place. Gotta word stuff like that carefully. :)


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Feb 10, 2003, 9:12am
Well, although I'm not the "whole" exec team I still got a lot of personal attacks durring that little war that went on, from people who didn't even know me at all and from people who thought they knew me well and couldn't understand why I would have done the things it sounded like I was being accused of.

I'm sure you can understand that with this in mind I'm not about to let a statement that makes it "sound like" something was done wrong by the committee that I happen to be a member of just pass by without asking for clarification.

Nothing against you, or against anyone, of course.


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Re; Tw is a hacker (dont knwo iuf first post worked)

Mar 9, 2003, 3:13am
In my opinion, it doesn't belong in any newsgroup. If it's a personal matter, then it should be delt with privately, and if it's a legal matter, then it should be treated as such. But... that is just my opinion.


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Can we skate?

Oct 31, 2003, 3:01am
I have suggested a command for exactly this purpose... to allow momentum to be added to an avatar's movement without forcing a specific destination location or producing a warp or teleport sound... but unfortunately, I think the suggestion and most of those I made with it went pretty much unnoticed.


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Can we skate?

Nov 1, 2003, 3:24pm
Sure, I could do that. I'll look up some of the old suggestions I've made that haven't been used yet, and re-post a few of them to the Wishlist newsgroup if I think they would still work well as additions or enhancements to the current version of Active Worlds, since it seems all old wishes have been deleted.

It will take me a while to find them, and decide which ones are still important, but in the mean time, here is a quote from one of them...

Accelerate command.
Example: bump Accelerate +2S -1E
This command would have an effect similar to "walking" or "flying" in which a small acceleration would be added to your movement with no associated sound effects. Mainly useful with the adone speudotrigger or any type of timer to produce effects such as a wind tunnel with a strong updraft, or with the bump trigger for situations where you may be in contact with an object for an extended period of time, like conveyor belts, escalators, or water that carries you downstream. In this example, the avatar would be accellerated in a South by SouthEast direction.


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Can we skate?

Nov 1, 2003, 5:05pm
Nope. Alpha World (AW) is running on a version 3.4 world server.


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Can we skate?

Nov 1, 2003, 6:20pm
Sorry.. forgot about the automatic inclusion of quoted text.


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Something's not right!

Oct 31, 2003, 2:42am
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you leave your avatar sit in one place and not move, there is little for AW to do, so it will tend to download a bit extra of the surrounding scene as a preperation, rather than waiting until you're moving and then having to try to keep up when it could have prepared in advance.


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Something's not right!

Nov 1, 2003, 6:39pm
Active Worlds was designed to handle huge worlds with sparse contents and simple objects. It was not designed to handle worlds crammed full of complex objects. As a result, if your world is too full of objects or the objects are too complex, you can pretty much expect problems. That's so much a bug as a failure to handle something beyond what the program was intended to be able to handle in the first place. To compensate, try setting your world's entry point to the closest thing you can find to a clearing. Allowing people to enter the world in a place where very little is built should minimize the problem.


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Something's not right!

Nov 1, 2003, 6:47pm
The Active Worlds cache was not designed to be treated as a set of separate cache components. Doing a partial cache delete or partial cache restore can lead to further problems, and cause the program to crash more often or to run incorrectly. You could even end up dammaging the contents of your world by editing builds from a corrupted cache that AW doesn't realize has been corrupted.

If you want to backup your cache, it is always best to backup the whole thing. Perhaps some day this will change, but as far as I know it was designed this way and is likely to stay this way. A zipped copy of your cache folder makes a good backup. Be sure to close Active Worlds before backing up your cache, and before restoring your cache from the backup.


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Something's not right!

Nov 1, 2003, 10:46pm
Those folders are for ActiveWorlds to be able to find what it needs, and to keep parts of the cache from overwriting each other. There is too much interdependancy between components to consider them separate.

As for dammaging your world by running your browser with a corrupted cache, it shouldn't happen as long as you don't try to edit any builds. If you try to build while running the browser with a corrupted cache, you run the risk of corrupting the world's contents, since what you build is saved to the world database.


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Something's not right!

Nov 4, 2003, 12:46am
Actually, RenderWare does have portal support, if I'm not mistaken. I'm not sure why it's not implemented in Active Worlds. I suppose it just hasn't gotten to the top of the priorities list yet.


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Something's not right!

Nov 4, 2003, 12:53am
As I stated earlier, the Active Worlds cache was not designed to be backed up or restored in pieces. It's your computer, so you decide, but there have been many times that people have come to me with problems that were caused by deleting or restoring part of their cache rather than the whole thing. Usually, those problems can be corrected by simply deleting the entire cache. In a few cases, there was permanent loss and the effected world had to be restored from backup to resolve the issue. Personally, I figure better safe than sorry.


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Something's not right!

Nov 7, 2003, 5:33am
I have.. but I looked into it, and found that those implementations are not part of RenderWare... even though they are in software that uses RenderWare. I knew portals weren't supported directly last time I had looked at RenderWare in detail, but that was a while back, and I thought that had changed. I guess not.


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(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Apr 3, 2003, 5:23pm
Actually, the enhancements I have suggested for the move and rotate commands would cover almost all of those possibilities exactly as I have outlined them, and I'm pretty sure they would be much easier to implement. The only thing you've mentioned which my proposed enhancements wouldn't cover is the idea of being able to see the object's current shared position even if you entered the world out of visibility range and had not moved into visibility range of where the object was originally placed. A small modification could cover that possibility as well, by periodically updating a temporary object entry in the world object database, as outlined in my earlier suggestion for temporary objects. Also, the enhancements I have suggested would allow a choice between shared or unique experience with the same command, and using the same types of objects, rather than having to force a person to use one or the other.

One small correction to your example of how the move command currently works. If the move command moves an object out of visibility range, you still see the object and the command attached to it is still in effect. It's only if you move out of visibility range of the object's origin that the object is removed from the scene. I have also outlined suggestions to improve this situation.


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(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Apr 3, 2003, 9:49pm
With the suggestions I've given for enhancing the commands, neither of the two choices you mentioned would be needed. On the other hand, if either of them were to be added it would make sense to me not to choose one or the other but rather to choose implement scripting, and then give both builders and SDK developers access to it.


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(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Apr 4, 2003, 1:27am
The way KF was recommending (through SDK commands) would not add anything at all for builders directly in any world, but would instead allow bot designers to produce bots which would control such things. Technically, that could be done now with a bot, but would require a more complex bot program than if special SDK enhancements were made. Of course, those SDK enhancements would also require programming to add, so one way or another it's a lot of programming. In short, the answer is no... adding such commands to the SDK would add nothing to public building worlds for builders to take advantage of, and they would not directly add anything to private worlds either, nor would they add anything even indirectly to any worlds at all unless someone wrote a bot to indirectly add functionality and that particular world's caretaker allowed someone to run that bot in that world, and the additional functionality would only be available while the bot is running.

Of course, if the same functionality were to be added in commands designed to work from inside of an object's Action line, many existing bots could take advantage of them without having to modify the bot at all, and newer bots could still be written specifically to take advantage of the new functionality.


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(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Apr 4, 2003, 11:26pm
Exactly. That's why I recommended something that would benefit everyone who can build, whether they use a bot to do their building or not.


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Cys seem to be moving forward again...

Oct 16, 2002, 6:05am
I did make use of the top 5 stuff, but I had to use that information in a diminished capacity. For details, read

As for votes that were previously made before the changes, the number of them was extremely small compared to the number of votes that have been made since then... and there is still time for more votes to come in.

Also, if you already voted before the changes there is no requirement that you re-vote, since those votes were inserted into the database. If you do choose to vote again, that's okay. Just vote using the same citizen number as before. Only your most recent vote in each category will be counted.

If anyone's wondering why I jumped in to help, it's because some very influential people were working hard to destroy the Cy Awards over not getting their own way, and that's just not right. Thanks to everyone who has been supportive, including most of the people who at one time were helping to sabotage the Cy Awards but have turned their actions around.

There are still many things that can be improved, but we have tried to keep the changes to a minimum, doing only what was necessary to make the Cy Awards as fair and as representative of the spirit of the Cy Awards as we possibly could under the circumstances with what we had to work with.

The Cy Awards is intended to honor all people who contribute to the community of Active Worlds and the greater community of cyberspace, but puting a spotlight on a few people. Which people that spotlight shine on is not as important as our recognition of the fact that it shines for all of us. That's what the voting is all about, and I appreciate so many people taking the time to cast your votes... that's why the extra effort was made to assure that every valid vote would count.


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Thanks for comming to the ball

Oct 15, 2002, 3:30am
Hi. I was asked to post a thank-you note on behalf of the Cy Awards teams.

Thanks to all who attended the Cy Awards Nominees' Ball, and also to all who played a part in puting it together, getting it to run smoothly, bringing people to the party, and making guests feel welcome. Thank you all, for making the Cy Awards Nominees' Ball a big success! :)

There's still time to vote, so if you hevented voted in every category that you wanted to, or if you would like to change your vote in any category, don't forget to do that before voting closes.

There's also a party comming up in AWTeen world on the Saturday the 19th, and the official Cy Awards Ceremony a week after that.

Check the calendar for the specific dates and times of this year's Cy Awards events.

Cy Awards Honorary Team / Cy Awards Executive Committee

on behalf of the Cy Awards Executive Committee and all the Cy Awards teams.

Shame on the Cy Core/Committee...

Nov 2, 2002, 8:38am
I'm already there. Looks like you are too, if not on the way.


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Shame on the Cy Core/Committee...

Nov 2, 2002, 8:39am
I worded that wrong. I meant "or at least on the way"


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Shame on the Cy Core/Committee...

Nov 2, 2002, 8:42am
Reminds me of when my older sister, who was living in Illinois at the time, stopped on a Michigan highway to take a photograph of a sign that said "Do not pass when opposing traffic is present" so she could show it to people back home and let them get a good laugh out of it. :)


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Shame on the Cy Core/Committee...

Nov 3, 2002, 4:32pm
Oh, it's there for a good reason. The other side of the highway in those areas is posted "Keep right except to pass" and has the right of way in a shared passing lane that can be used by traffic going in either direction, so if you're on the side where the sign says "Don not pass when opposing traffic is present" it means you shouldn't pass if you see any cars comming at all even if they are not using that lane, because they have the right of way to use it if they choose to pass someone. Of course, someone living in Chicago wouldn't have much of an opportunity to see a stretch of road that long with "no cars comming" so the concept of havint to post such a sign was understandably something she found quite amusing.


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Tourist on Alpha Prime

Nov 2, 2002, 2:16pm
I know the feeling. I used to bring people to AW all the time. Now I pretty much feel that I can't. I don't want to invite my friends to someplace where they will feel unwelcome. There isn't even a way for tourists to see what worlds they can enter. It's like trial and error... which may be fine for an experienced AW user, but not for a person checking it out for the first time. I also think that at a minimum, Alpha World should alow tourists. I personally would recommend that much stronger measures than that also be taken to make tourists feel welcome. Even a person doesn't become a citizen, if you make them feel welcome enough to stay they will bring friends who may become citizens. We need to make AW a friendly, inviting place to be or some day it will just fail to bring in enough people to keep it around.


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AWteen Maturity

Oct 31, 2002, 11:36pm
I hate to say this, but the idea of AWTeen lumps people into categories to start with. I agree with you though, and as a matter of fact was about to say the same thing before I saw your reply. Age doesn't determine maturity. It only tells how long you've had to work on it. Obviously, some people put more effort into it than others. I think it's nice that AWTeen world exists because sometimes people want to find others that they have something in common with and due mostly to the nature of the schooling system and the legal system, people in their teen years share a lot of very similar experiences. It also is a nice place to be able to go if you want to be relatively sure of avoiding "adult content" since it is unmistakable that such content doesn't belong there. I've had a lot of children tell me that one of the things they like about me is that I treat them like an adult. Not only teens but much younger children also. Personally I don't treat children as adults or adults as children or children as children for that matter, unless I see it as necessary at the time. I treat people as people. For example, I sometimes end up having to explain to a young child just why their parents have so much control over their lives and I usually find that the parents didn't really know why either... which is why they hadn't explained it to their kids. The end result tends to be a better understanding on both sides, and less resentment. Personally, I think it's a shame that so many things have to be tied to a specific chronological age, but it's the system we have and in spite of all it's inperfections it's not really all that bad. The trick is to realize that just because there are those rare times when we have to treat someone according to their age, the rest of the time we can treat them according to who they are as an individual.


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AWteen Maturity

Nov 1, 2002, 12:44pm
Actually, although I could be mistaken, I really think for the most part it's not a stereotype that's "put" on people who spend a lot of time in AWTeen, but rather one that is transferred to them because it already existed. A friends of mine ended up having to change his name a long time back because people stereotyped him as beeing gay based on the name he used. Well, he is and he's not ashamed of it either, but he got tired of gay men he didn't even know hitting on him and gay haters that knew nothing about heim except for the name he was going by sending him threats and insults. There will be prejudice against AWTeen and it's frequenters because there is prejudice against age and the name implies an age group. Stereotypes generally don't come out of thin air, and any tendancy people have to fit a stereotype only encourages prejudice, to those people who feel that all teens are immature or that all men are perverts or that all people with darker skin than their own are criminals or that all people in ANY group have some shared attribute that you assume they have because they're in the group rather than needing to see before placing them in the group, I urge you to please try to see past your prejudices and realize that judging a person by a label may be quick but it's usually not very accurate. Unfortunately, I doubt that message will reach many of the people it really needs to because if someone doesn't have the patience it takes to get to know a person, they probably will have a hard time finding the patience to read this whole message and actually think it through, so you may wonder why I bothered to write it. Well if a single hate crime can be avoided because one person learned, or one person who was judging people's maturity by age can learn to recognize that it's not hat simple, then that's enough to have been worth the time and effort I put into this message.


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