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MAFIA RPG - Jobs Open

Nov 16, 2002, 4:04am
This is the wishlist newsgroup, and they are talking about something they would like to see become a reality in ActiveWorlds... I'm not sure, but I would think if they wish to find people willing to help with their project this is probably about the best newsgroup to say so in.


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Rights windows

Dec 2, 2002, 7:06am
A bot could give a console message saying Immigration Officer: Sorry, you are not allowed to enter "(world name)"... and then eject the person, or of they are welcome, the same bot could issue a welcome message.


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3.4 Feature Box

Nov 16, 2002, 3:57am
On my computer, I can move it and I can resize if vertically, but I can't currently resize it horizontally. I'm not sure I would want to be able to, but this is your wish not mine... I'm just stating my observations. :)


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Tourist Access Shown in World Features

Dec 2, 2002, 7:13am
Since the worlds list is being re-worked, now might be a good time for something indicating tourist access to be added.


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Tourist Access Shown in World Features

Dec 6, 2002, 7:58pm
For several reasons, actually, but the two that I think are most important are as follows...

Tourists are often potential future citizens of Active Worlds universes that allow them, and are much more likely to stay long enough to make friends and learn what Active Worlds is all about if they feel welcome. An increase in the raation of worlds that they can enter on their first try to worlds that they get ejected from on their first entry attempt will most likely make them feel more welcome in Active Worlds.

Citizens who want to bring new people into ActiveWorlds are currently discouraged from doing so by the complications involved in having to explain to them that only certain worlds allow tourists, what a tourist is, and the lack of any indication of which worlds a tourist can enter, all at once.

In short, it would make tourists more comfortable and encourage them to stay and eventaully register, and it would make citizens more likely to feel comfortable inviting new people to Active Worlds.


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Tourist Access Shown in World Features

Dec 6, 2002, 8:19pm
Maybe, but I don't think so. If you're going to bother to lock them out of a bunch of worlds in an attempt to make them want to buy a citizenship to gain access to them, it would make sense to let them easily see just how many worlds they are locked out of that citizens are not... and which ones, so that when worlds come up in conversation, they can look on their lest and see that the world exists and weather or not they can enter it.


P.S. Nice to see that E N Z O is reading this newsgroup. :)


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Dec 2, 2002, 7:32am
A screen shot capture feature would also make it easier for people to make web pages showing off their work, which would be good advertisement potential for Active Worlds, and therefore well worth their time to add... in my opinion.


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ToolTipText on lists

Dec 4, 2002, 3:23am
This has been asked for in the past... and although I'm sure to some people that makes it a dead topic, I would still like to see it also. By the way, in case anyone is wondering... yes I do have trouble with the concept of time as most people percieve it, and yes I am also aware of the fact that I am once again replying to a post that is more than 3 weeks old, and a topic that is much older than that. That statement out of the way, if anyone feels like wasting their time lecturing me further about it, feel free to do so, but it will be a waste of your time as I'm almost caught up now, and will never share the viewpoint that some arbitrary amount of time having gone by makes something obsolete. A good idea doesn't stop being a good idea just because someone decided it was "old" this one is still a good idea.


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ToolTipText on lists

Dec 8, 2002, 6:04am
Because I don't have a development system set up, and I'm not even sure what development environment or what language the Active Worlds development team is working in these days, and besides that I'm sure they are more up to date on their development system than I am... so I do what I can to help, and me trying to write the code for them would probably be a waste of my time as well as theirs... especially since I have no access to the code it would go into. :)


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ability to interact with objects

Dec 2, 2002, 9:15am
I like that one, but how about an addition to it. Perhaps a choice of sequence by name or number, where any sequence of characters that does not evaluate to a number of an existing sequence would be checked as a name, and if a sequence by that name exists it would be used.

bump seq sit; activate seq fall

Yes, there is the question of weather or not you're avatar would be facing the right way to sit on the object, and also weather or not the avatar's sit sequence (if it even had one) would work well with that object, but my experiences so far tell me that most people would learn to use such capabilities in ways that look reaslistic because it simply feels more natural to do so.

Perhaps if a .seq extension is added, the name used could even be assumed to represent a sequence file rather than a sequence button name.


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Console Message Right

Dec 2, 2002, 11:29am
Yes, there are several privileges curreently only available to people with CareTaker status that it would be nice to allow the world owner or caretaker to give out to citizen numbers that are not on the caretaker list. I have noticed that often world owners are forced to choose between giving someone full caretaker status so that their bot can work right in order to facilitate some service for an event and not having the services of the person running the bot. This kind of choice should not have to be made.

Among the privileges that should be allowed non-caretaker assignemnt are: Console Messages, Terrain Editing, Sky settings, Lighting settings, and Object Refresh. Some of these privileges may then be given out to people who are creating new objects for the world, helping run events, and so on, without having to give them full Caretaker status or the ability change other people's privilege settings.


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Dec 2, 2002, 11:39am
Perhaps a simple solution would be to either allow a certain character sequence in the Description field to signify that the text is not intended to pop-up, such as /*commented text*/ or a command to hide or show Description field such as: Create popup off; Activate popup on


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telegram history

Dec 2, 2002, 11:47am
As I'm going through this huge list of posts, struggling to get caught up to the present, I have seen a lot... and I'm not sure who it was that said it, but somewhere along the way there was a nice suggestion that I thing should be a good compromise between a full out-going telegram history and the way it is now. The suggestion was to have AW store locally just the last telegram you sent to each person, so that if they reply days later you can right click and choose "show last sent telegram" to see what they may be replying to. I liked that idea.

As for the idea of a full outgoing telegram history function, it's on the Feature Vote page. Feel free to vote for it if you like, or for what ever is on the list that would would most like to see added. Enough people vote, and we might just see one of them implemented and taken off the list. :)


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Contact Events

Dec 2, 2002, 11:49am
It used to be possible, back when bots logged in using citizenship passwords, from before the time of privilege passwords.


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Gawd Struth!

Nov 16, 2002, 11:31am
It's me. I'm trying to catch up. :)


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Flight Mode

Nov 25, 2002, 2:21am
Yes... I've always wanted to make a world where gravity is a function of your current orientation.... in other words, if you stand on your head, you fall up. (away from the ground) Hehe. Would be cool to be able to build upside down houses on the other side of the terrain and actually use them just like the ones on the "top side" are used. :) Adding the ability to rotate avatars in any direction, and the ability to turn on a mode where the avatar would fly "forward" or "backward" or "up" or "down" constantly, would make this possible... and many other things which simply can't be done as it is now.


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RUVAT / Coordinate Geometry

Nov 25, 2002, 2:15am
You could get a similar result by using both my proposed "orbit" command (if they add it), and the current move command, although yes it would be nice to see some sort of function or variable support.


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Create Examine Wish

Nov 25, 2002, 2:03am
Yep. Good idea. A similar aproach would be to use a letter to signify which axis. For example, the example you gave...
create examine 0 0 1
would instead become...
create examine z

That was is part of a suggestion I made just over a month before you posted this one.... so as you can see, I would like something like that added as well. The proposed syntax as it would be written in the help file is...
examine [x] [y] [z] [reset OR noreset] [wait=wait] [time=time] [shared=flag]

The extra parameters are for setting weather the object is left the way you rotated it (noreset) or returned to it's original position when released (reset) which would be the default, how long to hold the position you left it in before returning to normal (wait=) and how long to take rotating back to it's original position once the wait period is over (time=) which of course wouldn't happen if the "noreset" parameter was used... and one more optional parameter that, if supported, could be used to have the position you've rotated it to sent to other people's AW browsers. You may wonder why there is a "noreset" option whensomeone could just set the wait= at a really high number, so I'll tell you my reasoning behind that. If noreset is not used, the object would snap instantly to it's original position if re-clicked, so that you would always be starting from the same orientation. The noreset option would hold the object the way you left it after you let go, so that if you click and drag again it would pick up where you left off. This would allow things like doors that you actually drag open, and drag closed. By the way... this brings up something I hadn't thought of at that time. An aditional parameter could be added to set the maximum rotation angle (rotation positive or negative from 0) or a pair of parameters to set the range of rotation angles allowed, so that a door could be set up in such a way that the person opening it can't rotate it through the wall.

If you want to see the entire post that I included that idea in take a look at:
news:3dae1534 at
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 7:41 PM
Command enhancements

:) I hope you like my variation on the same theme. :)


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World Server Feature

Nov 19, 2002, 6:20am
Limitless anything is much more easily said than done, but as for having the sun rise and set, I've talked with both Shamus and Grimm about it and made suggestions. They didn't say directly weather something of that nature would or would not be added any time soon, but since it would be pretty simple to add at this point, I'm expecting we'll probably see it by AW 3.5 or sooner.

I figure if the initial position of the directional light source is converted to a vector and used as an initial orientation, then orbit around any one axis should be enough to achieve an infinite number of possible angles for rising and setting, so one rotation speed should be enough. Of course, much more complex orbits could be achieved using separate speeds for each axis.


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World Server Feature

Nov 22, 2002, 11:20pm
okay.. how about this for a way around packet lenght problems... if the field is more than 255 characters long, treat it internally as more than one field. Split it up... send the packets for each "virtual field" and splice them together on the other end. Of course there is probably a much better way, but without looking at the source code I'm sire this one would at least work. :)


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World Server Feature

Nov 24, 2002, 5:27pm
Well... I did say there was probably a better way. Hehe. Since I don't know what better ways there are I had to work within what I did know.

Thanks for the input. :)


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darkness command

Nov 22, 2002, 11:11pm
It was really cool when it did work. I still have a build in Alpha World with negative brightness on it... and lots of light sources. One of the builds I made with the future in mind. I used to have a huge fleet of ships in Mars world that flew patterns around each other, which I built with 30 meters visibility and a postage stamp sized 3D window at about 1 frame per minute. I finally deleted it because it was too close to my Mars building supplies index, and the future wasn't getting here fast enough. :)


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<no subject>

Nov 22, 2002, 11:06pm
Hmmm... transwarp speed warps... wouldn't that be the teleport command? :)


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<no subject>

Nov 24, 2002, 6:04am
Yep.. the same ideas are thought up over and over. Usually, there are slight variations and that's enough to help the ideas evolve. When an idea is new to someone, they tend to see it in a more unique way than the people who think of it as an old worn out idea, and often they can add some new insight into those old ideas that the people who thought they had seen it all before would never have thought of. This, in my opinion, is the way the world "should" work in general. We all do what we can to make life better for each other, and we all benefit from the results of the cooperative effort. :)


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Newsgroups and Auth Rights

Nov 22, 2002, 11:04pm
So do I... or at least to edit them if nobody has already posted a reply.


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Newsgroups and Auth Rights

Nov 23, 2002, 7:59pm
How exactly did you go about deleting it, and in what program?


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Newsgroups and Auth Rights

Nov 24, 2002, 2:22am
Well, Outlook Express says right in it's help files that you can't delete a post from the news server with it... but if you know of a way that it can, please tell me. Documentation isn't always right. :)


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Ancient Wishes

Nov 23, 2002, 8:23pm
Quite a few of my suggestions for Active Worlds have ended up getting as features over the years, so I'm guessing that it either means I did a real good job of sending in suggestions were well thought out, or I'm not the only one who sent them in... or both. :) Sometimes Roland would join me in AW and try to convince me that some suggestion I had made couldn't be done, but I guess that was just his way of getting information about how best to aproach them because those ones almost always ended up getting used shortly after.

I hope a lot of the suggestions that I was told would be added some day are still on the to-do list, because I don't want to re-submit a bunch of them "just in case" they may have gotten lost... but some of the suggestions I sent in were so long ago that I'm pretty sure they are lost by now, and some of them I sent to people other than the development team because I simply didn't know any better... so here are a few of the ones that I sent to Shamus back in March of 1997 which haven't gotten used yet:

(Keep in mind that I wrote many of these after only 1 day in Active Worlds and all of them within my first two weeks so if they look half-baked, that's why. Look toward the bottom of the list for the commands that I think would still be really nice to see added. Any of these look familliar Shamus?)

Avatar Customization flyout menu to let the user select clothing color variations and/or skin tone for a personalized version of the selected avatar.
Teleport Duplicate of Object. (Pretty self explanatory. Should have an "Are you sure..." prompt.)
Full Object Inventory. (List all objects owned by user on an item by item basis.)
Teleport to Object's Location. (Choose object form a list of the N/S by E/W coordinates in which the specified owner has one ore more objects. Also usefull for finding lost Objects to delete them.)
An "Automatically silde out of contact with other objects when moved" check box, in the Object Properties dialog box, that would be checked by default. When checked, moving an object into contact with another object would cause it to align it's bounding box to the bounding box of the other object. If moved a full click (1/2 meter, at present) into another object, the object being moved would be moved to the first point in that same direction where it is no longer inside of another object. When this can not be accomplished reasonably, the object would only slide to a point where it is no longer in contact with any object belonging to another citizen, and a message would explain what happened. This feature would allow objects to be aligned to each other with a single click and would automatically prevent overlap when in use. It should have an easy to use keyboard shortcut for turning it on and off.
A "Follow object" checkbox, in the Object Properties dialog, that would cause your avatar avatar to be kept in the same position relative to the object(s) you are moving. This would allow a way to easily carry an object any distance without losing track of it.
A "Bring selected ojbects with" checkbox in the Teleport dialog (for teleporting your avatar) which would be availible if you have any objects selected when you go to teleport, and when checked, would cause the objects to be moved with your avatar to the destination even if teleporting to another world. This option would be off by default.
Vision enhancements for use while building, such as being able to select Wireframe mode or a hybrid with normal visibility for closer objects and wireframe mode for more distant objects.
Drop-boxes displaying the commands that are supported by an object, or the objects, sounds, textures, etc. that are available to select from. (or that are already cached.)

Here are some of the commands and command enhancement that would still like to see added:

Command abreviations, where the shortest alphanumeric sequence that distinguishes a command from other commands would be all that is necessary when followed by a special abreviation delimiter such as the period character.
For example, "animate me flame 1 1 0" could be written as "ani. me flame 1 1 0" or as "anim. me flame 1 1 0" and "teleport 0N 1E" could be written as someting like "t. 0N 1E"
The abreviations would work on commands and triggers. The triggers would be abreviated as follows...
a. = activate
ad. = adone
b. = bump
c. = create
Since triggers and commands can easily be identified by their position, it would be possible to assign the same abreviation to both a trigger and a command. For example, instead of needing to type "ani." as an abreviation for "animate" you could simply use "a." instead, which is the same as the abreviation for the "activate" trigger.
Whenever support for new commands gets added, they would not be assigned any abreviation that is already valid for an existing command, and when new triggers are added they would never be assigned an abreviation that is already valid for an existing trigger.

"Mutate" command.
Example: create Mutate 1 seed plant tree bigtree time=10
This example would change the object to seed.rwx after 10 seconds, plant.rwx after 20 seconds, tree.rwx after 30 seconds, and bigtree.rwx after 40 seconds. The numeric parameter would tell how many times to go through the cycle. Using the number 0 there would cause it to loop indefinately.
Alternate example: activate Mutate 1 chair time=60 name=object1, Mutate 100 onlight offlight time=1 name=object2
This alternate example would cause object1 to change into a chair.rwx object after 60 seconds, and would cause object2 to change back and forth for 200 seconds between being onlight.rwx and offlight.rwx at a rate of one change per second.
An mdone trigger could also be added to allow the mutate command's completion to start other commands.

Mixed Relative, and Absolute Warps/Teleports.
Example: bump Teleport 30N 40W +1.2A +180
This example would teleport the avatar that bumped the object to coordinates 30 North by 40 West at an altitude 12 meters higher than the starting point, and facing the opposite direction.
Alternate example: activate Teleport 3139N 106E +0; bump Warp +0 +0 2.5A +180
This alternate example would teleport a person who clicked the object to coordinates 3139 North by 106 East, at ground level without changing the direction it's facing, and would send a person who bumps into the object to an altitude of 25 meters and turn them around to face the opposite direction without changing their north-south or east-west position.

Scale command.
Example: create Scale 2 1 .5 time=50
This example would scale the object to twice it's normal width, exactly it's normal height, and half it's normal depth, over a period of 50 seconds. If the "time=" parameter is left off, the object would be scaled instantly.

Accelerate command.
Example: bump Accelerate +2S -1E
This command would have an effect similar to "walking" or "flying" in which a small acceleration would be added to your movement with no associated sound effects. Mainly useful with the adone speudotrigger or any type of timer to produce effects such as a wind tunnel with a strong updraft, or with the bump trigger for situations where you may be in contact with an object for an extended period of time, like conveyor belts, escalators, or water that carries you downstream. In this example, the avatar would be accellerated in a South by SouthEast direction.

Here is a list of the previous command examples in the proposed abreviated form:

c. Mu. 0 seed plant tree bigtree time=10
a. Mu. 1 chair time=60 name=object1, Mu. 100 onlight offlight time=1 name=object2
b. Tel. 30N 40W +1.2A +180
a. Tel. 3139N 106E +0; b. W. +0 +0 2.5A +180
c. Sc. 2 1 .5 time=50
b. Ac. +2S -1E

Thanks for your patience. I know that's a lot... but at least it's shorter than the original list. :)

Of course, these are all ancient suggestions. Personally, my favorites aren't in this list... but I still like these too. Especially the scale command, although that accellerate command would most likely be more trouble to add then it would be worth. I think the simplest command to add would be a tint command, since all that would be is a color command that doesn't clear the textures off on the object before changing it's color. :)
Oddly enough, I suggested a tint command to Roland not long after the time when I came up with these, and it took some doing to convince him to add the color command, which ironically had a bug in it initially that made it act like a tint command on masked objects.

If you really like one of these, please mention it through the "suggestion box" link at


Ancient Wishes

Nov 24, 2002, 4:28am
Okay... I'll try to reply to this in the order I found it...

[View Quote] TZ

> While nifty and handy this would also be open to far too much abuse. Even
> by accident objects would land in all kinds of stupid places and could be
> damned hard to track down if they're small or the object code is typo'd into
> a triangle lost in a hill or something. No thanks! Rather there should be
> a command allowed for "create seed object" or something and it tosses out a
> standardized object like sign1 wherever you happen to point or stand or
> something.

I agree with you. Not one of my better ideas... but I had been in AW only a day. :)
Also, keepin mind that Alpha World was much more "empty" back then, and there were no bots to place "seed" objects with.


> This would rapidly clog the bandwidth on a large build, that's a LOT of
> information to ship out to a user. Far better to get the propdump if you
> can and get it out of that. What use would this be anyway?

Well, actually what I had originally intended was for it to be a list of the objects you own which you actually have cached... but I worded it poorly. It was meant to eventually be much more interactive than a propdump though... allowing a person to perform operations on the objects in the list, such as deleting them, teleporting to them, easy selection of multiple objects, setting the display to filter out objects that fit a certain description, or showing only objects made within a specific range of dates, etc. I was trying to think ahead, so I saw this as a feature that could lead later to other enhancements. Again, keep in mind that this was written the day after the day I first looked at Active Worlds. The reason I included it here is so that people can see what some of my really old ideas were... and again, I agree... not one of my better ideas... not by a long shot. :)


> would require the one above to implement.

Yep. :)


> As a builder this would quickly get me royally ticked. I want the thing to
> go where i send it, I can turn on snap to grid, perhaps just have it
> defaulted off, like snap to grid, it could "snap to neighbor obj." but it
> still would only work in worlds that have a world registry as otherwise the
> browser doesn't actually know the boundaries of the objects.
Not true. Roland said the same thing when I suggested the Ctrl-Insert method of duplication, and I pointed out at that time, as I am pointing out now, that the default functionality can be used whenever the size of an object can not yet be determined but since it is the browser that does all the collision detection, it knows more about the shape of an object than just what the registry says, as soon as the object finishes downloading. As for it frustrating you, I don't see why it should since this is a feature you would have to turn on to use. If you didn't bother to turn it on, it wouldn't effect anything. Also, it's functionality wuold be slightly different than that of a "snap to neighbot object" in two ways going by the definition of the Snap to Objects idea that I sent in long after this one, and in at least one way even by a simpler definition. First, this would work based on actual colision detection, whereas Snap to Objects would be more easily implimented to go by proximity of vertices in one object to the vertices in another object. Second, when active, this function would cause an object duplicated in the middle of a crowded area to be automatically moved as far as necessary to get it out of the "stuff" around it. Again, I was thinking in terms of what we had to work with at that time, and back then a way for a newbie to place their first object so easily would have been a plus. Also note that in combination with the "Follow object" seggestion that I made right after this one, it would be easy to simultaneously find open ground and place an object there. Again... not something I would recommend implementing "as is" at this stage, but it's food for thought anyway... from the mind of someone who had a fresh unique view of AW at the time of writing it. :)


> That would be useful, but tricky to setup as the movement of the object you
> are shifting seems to be calculated more in relation to your position than
> to the world's position? Not sure.

Nope... the object's position is a set of coordinates in relation to ground zero. This one would be a sinch to add. The only down side I can think of to it is that it may move your aratar into an object, which could be a problem in worlds that don't allow pass-thru. Of course pass-thru was "always" allowed back then, so this was not a consideration.


> Oh so potentially abuseable, and furthermore, a nuisance when dealing with
> assorted OPs. It's a sad thing that there are people who's favorite hobby
> is getting reactions out of other people and who will happily go for the
> negative reaction. They really do ruin the game for everyone. Still we
> have to try and 2nd guess these brats and not give them new tools.

The object data would come with. The object model would have to be supplied by the world's object path... and if unavailable, it would display as the little black unknown.rwx triangle. If the world had a registry which did not support that object, the results would be the same as any other time you tried to place an object by that name in that particular world.


> Ooohhh, we will all have to buy newer faster computers for sure now!

I'm guessing that was sarcasm? I never was any good at that.
My "maximum" visibility at that time was 30 meters, at 1 frame per second if I was really lucky and in a nearly empty area. Wireframe mode would have been VERY nice to have, because I would not have had to build "virtually blindfolded" anymore. Want to see what I built without being able to see any more than the closest half a dozen or less objects? Take a look near 3139N 106E in Alpha World. Maybe then you'll see why I thought at that time it would be nice to have support for wireframe rentering.... and that was only my first project. The worst one was the fleet of ships I built in Mars world that flew patterns around each other. I built the whole thing "litterally" without being able to see what I was doing at all. I had an object selected, my 3D window shrunk down as small as it would go, my settings optomized, and a frame rate of about 1 frame every minute. I would count the keystrokes out carefully so as not to overfill my keyboard buffer, doing everything via keyboard, and then walk away and do something else while my computer spent the next hour or two catching up with me. Yes, this idea is out-dated... but it wasn't at the time it was written... and it would probably be very easy to add now, and would still allow us to more easily see certain types of details while building than we can with only one viewing option. What I would rather see at this time is a wide angle lense effect... but then many of us probably WOULD have to buy faster computers.


> Now THAT seems like a workable idea, although again it would increase computation and bandwidth requirements.

Thank you. :)

Small increase in computation, and only while actually using the feature. No increase in bandwidth usage or requirements if the list of cached files was used to produce the list of available files... which to me seems the only really sensable way, since you can always enter them the old fashioned way.


> Hmmm, it'd be more like it's got all new commands, only shorter, but then
> you have to leave in backwards compatibility to old builds so you just have
> twice the computation required.
Not really. A small enhancement to the parsing routine could allow the current command lookup to suffice, but even if it was done as if they were aliases to the old commands and triggers, it would still only be a small increase in the amount of computing necessary to look up the commands. Very small, sompared to the rest of the parsing task... and no additional computation beyond that. Of course, the gains of this particular feature enhancement may or may not out-weigh the work involved in adding it, but it would shorten a lot of Action lines, and allow the same command line length to hold more useable information.


> Anyway, Enough trashing your ideas as that isn't my intention, I just want
> to point out that when designing AW they have to consider three things
> first: user abuse, bandwidth optimization and keeping the computer
> requirements as low as possible. nobody on a 486 is going to try to do AW
> but neither do you want to exclude everyone with less than a pIII power
> computer. You make more money if you are more accessible. So when
> designing and adding and stuff you have to weigh those factors against the
> degree of gain that said feature will add. In addition, how much work is it
> to add that feature? The programmer's are doubtless paid hourly or by
> piecemeal, not standardized salary and even if they were, or were a partner
> in the profits, they'd still be thinking "gee, do I really want to sit and
> put in the time it takes for THAT feature?" So even though it might be a
> really cool idea, these are reasons why it might not be implemented.

I know what you mean. Roland and HamFon both made use of a lot of my ideas, and told me that they kept them in a separate place for just those reasons... because I tend to think from multiple perspectives including the perspective of the builder, the programmer, the world designer, the universe administrator, and even the people who's bottom line is how much profit potential it has. These were some of the "first" ideas I sent in, so of course they are not as well put together as most of the ones I have submitted since then, but I know some of them and some parts of others could still prove useful, if for nothing more than a historical perspective... although History is my worst subject so I won't get too far into that. :)


Stuff (read!)

Nov 24, 2002, 2:29am
I'm guessing that by "grip" you mean to set the object's current location and orientation as the new starting point. I can see one other possible meaning there that has to do with moving the object with your mouse but that one looks less likely. Anyway, both of these functions plus the mask paramater for the color command were included in my post entitled "Command enhancements" on October 16th, 2002.
news:3dae1534 at
Check it out if you want. :) At least now you know you're not the only one wanting those additions, huh?


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